Oernonla Eagle UUflflT=flDS FOR SÀLE-Gtneral SERVICES BRACE yourself tor a thrill the flrat time you um Blue Lustre to dean rug*. Rent electric »1 Brunsman Hard ____________________ 42tlc GOOD CHRISTMAS gift for the hunter English Springer Spaniel, • mo. old. Trained to retrieve and sat birds Paper* available. »so D Street__________ <30 D IN IN G TABLE and chair. Hot point refrigerator, portable color­ ed T.V.. gLaaa fiahtog floats, .32 Winchester rifle. NO Riverside Drive._____________________ eitac F R E E PUPPIES — H dalmation Pebble O eek Rd., Box 30. Free puppies pay for a d _______ 4113c OLDER M O DEL tent trailer, »250 Camper refrigerator. Op­ en 12V or AC house cur- »50. Also 2 Shetland. Welch potty». »25 each. Phone <30-3651. __________________________ QJ Bill Horn Realty «•»•o«* CaU Collect 397-1670 ST. HELENS Norman Hillibery, Builder New Construction - Additions • Re- modelng - Roofing - Foundations — FREE ESTIMATES — 429-8942 963 Bridge S t. Vernonia 42tfc B IL L HORN, BROKER SALESMAN: BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 Deri Roberts—429-3804 Sue Filter—429-7014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Sstterlee, M gr —Ph 357-2321 The Place To Call For A ll Tour Rock Need«! tsfwüül Tracking. Excavating, Backkoe REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ■ RENTALS Gravel • Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia for —Immediate Delivery— 16tfc 786 Bridga S t - Phone 4294211 Fiahhawk Branch - Birkenfeld _________ Phone 7»-aB 0________ FOR S ALE-Autos 1973 Kingswuod Wagon, automa­ tic tr a u ., P. Steering, P. B ra k « , Factory Air. Roof Carrier, loaded with extras. 8,000 actual m i l « .........»4486 1972 Kingswood Wagon — Factory Air, Steering. Auto Trans , Roof C a r r 1 e r. Beautiful Bronze color, 13,000 actual 1971 Che” 4-Dr. — P . Steering Auto. Trans.. White »1495 1973 Cbevelle 4-Dr. Sedan — P. Steering. Auto. Trane. »2995 1987 Chev. f t Ton, V 4 - 3 Spd Only .................................. »895 1966 Chev. t t Ton, V « .........»750 1970 Chev. % Ton 6-Cyl....... »I486 1962 Dodge to Ton 8-CyL. . . . 8350 1867 VW Fast Back. 42,000 actual m il« .............................. »996 1968 VW - Sun Roof. AM FM Radio ................................ »795 DAVIES CHEVROLET 493 Bridge S t FOR SAVINGS on loan* contact your local Credit Union - 783 Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Or call 4294245 during non-office hours. 17tfc SEPTIC TANK PU M PIN G Licensed . PHONE 387-3172 I f no answer call 387-3381. Colombia County Septic Tank Service IStfc HELP WANTED CARPENTER to re-model and build farm buildings Write Eu­ gene Evers at Rt. 2, Bax 232, Forest Grove, Ore._________ 42t3c WORK WANTED E X P E R IE N C E D window wash- ing. wall cleaning, domestic bus- iness. Weekends only. Phone 4292802 42t3 NOTICE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FO R SALE: 1972 Chevy Cheyenne 4x4 to ton pickup. Automatic, power steering, power brakes, and custom interior, »3300. Ph. 4294773____________________ 42t3 I W ILL NOT be roepomfcle for any work done by previous opera­ tor of Stan's Auto Repair. Rus­ sell Wenzlick, Bud's Auto Repair. __________________________ 39t4c 1904 PLYM OUTH Station Wagon. Good ooodition MOO. Phone 429 4lt2c CLASSIFIED BATES FOR SALE - 1947 Chev. 4 Dr. Sedan with vacuum shift, com­ pletely overhauled. Needs body and upholstery work done Call 429-3061 anytime except Wednes­ day. 40tfc FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM downstairs apart- Electric heat - »90 in Ver- References required. Call «244472 41t3 E CREAM. Drag. 40t4 COBE8E NATURAL VITA M IN E, to Drag. charge »1.49 1er eoo. Words over mum 4 cento each. Three insertions for the price of two. NO information « dessH M s wlU be given out until after paper to mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notice*: »1.88 for up to 13 U n «. Add! • cento DISPLAY claaelfied ere » 1 .« per column inch TH E EAGLE ria l responsl PERSONAL COBE8E V IT A M IN the No. 1 OMy »1J8. M IN IM U M ¡yrw REDUCE SAFE and fato Tafetoto and B*Vap ” Wa- Vornoato Drag. 41X2 for In ada pub- bot in to at fault will reprint that part of an adv. to which ike typographi­ cal mistake occur*. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. W IIJ. BE ACCEPTED A F T E R NOON TUESDAY E X ­ CEPT FOR N E X T W EEK’S PAPER. B U N D ADS with answer* to ba handled by Tbe Eagle: mum charge «2.89. Ne ‘ tton given relative to POETRY accepted ealj n a tter: Rato: 1« < ___________ October 11, 1973 W L Bob’s Union 14 10 The Chicks 11 13 Vernonia Eagles 12 12 Chevy V 8 ’s S 15 High team series and game Chevy V 8’s, 2501 and 890 High individual series and gam e; Pat Larson 498 and 177. Splits picked u p : Debbie P a rry 2 - 7 ; DeDe Webb 4 - 5; Pat Larson 2 - 7 ; Evelyn Holce 5 - 6 ; Betty Fuquay 5 - 6, 7 - 8, 9 - 10. TUESDAY AFTERNO O N LEAGUE New Homes Built To Your Hpsrtflrstlsns G RI WOMEN'S LEAGUE THURSDAY AFTERNOON ESTIMATES B U N D IE S of old newspapers for starting fires. 10 cents Ver­ nonia Eagle. 721 Madison Ave. ____________________________ tie 3-BEDROOM newly remodeled home Washer, dryer, electric stove, trash burner. Ph. <20-5782 < ltlc BOWLING October 16 W L Rose Motel 17 11 M itch e’s Witches 13 15 M a rio ’s 14 14 D a ve’s ARCO 10 18 High team gam e, 861 and high team series, 2499, Rose M otel; high individual gam e, 194 and series 482 Rose Dunaway. S p lits p icked u p : V e lm a Smith, 6-7; M a ry Cota, 5-10; Betty H all, 4-5; Jean Borton, 5-6-10; Selma W illiam s, 3-10; L il Scroggins, 3-10; Carla Boden- ham er, 2-7,2-7, MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE October 15 W L 20 Quinn Insurance 8 15 West Oregon 13 12 Vernonia Drug 16 • Tim bem ook 19 High team gam e and series, Tim bem ook 862 and 2457; high individual gam e, M ickey John­ son, 166; high individual series. Nancy Devine, 448 Splits picked u p : Sally W right 3 - 10 twice; Helen W right 5 - 6 ; Enid Parrow 2 - 10; Phyllis Woods 2 - 7 - 8; M ickey Johnson 5 -10; Carol B arker 5 - 7 - 9 and 4 - 5; Nancy Devine 3 - 10 T U E S D A Y N IG H T L E A G U E October 16 W L Bill Hom 16 to llt o Standard Oil 16 U Pills 13Vi 14H Cut 4 Curl 10 18 High team series, Pills, 2433; high team gam e, Cut & Curl, 831; high individual series and game, Vera Cole, 483 and 177. Splits picked up: N ita Rowe, 2-7; Eleanor Thompson. 5-9-10; Isabel Anderegg, 3-10; Sharron K rieger, 2-4-5-10; Betty L am p ­ ping, 2-7; Joyce Johnson, 3-10; Freda Pederson, 4-5 and 2-7; Trudy M agoff, 5-10. unU/n t v « « MLuT 5 LEAGUE October 11,1973 w L M ik e ’s 13 11 Alpine 13 11 Funsters 11 13 L e w ’s 11 13 High team series, Mikes, 2784; high individual series, Ted Bo denham er, 564; high individual gam e, Ted Bodenhamer, 206 Splits picked up: Ed Balia, 3 - 10; Ron Bodenhamer, 3 -10; Ted Bodenhamer, 3 - 10; Dan F le t­ cher, 3 - 10 and 5 - 7. W E D N E S D A Y N IG H T October 14, 1973 W L Vernonia M ilk 19 s Vernonia Sentry 11 13 Vernonia Drug • 15 Mist Shake & Ridge • 15 High team series, Vernonia M ilk , 2703; high individual series, Dick Johnson, 521, high individual gam e, Bill Sm ejkal, 189 Splits picked up: Jack Wend- iing, 3 - 1 0 and 2 - 7; Bill Sm ejkal, 4 - 5 - 7 ; E lro y M inor, 3 - 10 an Greg Port, 5 - 10. Studded Tires Legal The Oregon State Highway D i­ vision. through F B Klaboe, ad ­ m inistrator of highways and State highway engineer, has announced that studded tires w ill once again be legal in Oregon. Under a state law , they w ill be legal, in Oregon from November 1 through April 30. THIS LAND Is Your I .and K E E P IT C L E A N 1», 1973 5 MARR 8c STAFFORD MEAT CO. VERN O N IA’S VARSITY »h aa u they Ml to league la DEQ To Be Restructured O'Scannlain Announces Environm ental Quality D irec­ tor D iarm u id O ’Scannlain an­ nounced a re s tru c tu rin g designed to bring D E Q decisions closer to the community re ­ cently. The proposed plan w ill be presented to the Environm ental Q uality Commission for appro­ val at its October 22 meeting. F ive Regional Offices w ill handle perm it recommendations and plan review at the regional level - “ where the problems a re ,” O ’Scannlain explained. The new organization com­ pletes restructuring started in August when form ation of the Northwest Region was announ­ ced. The Northwest Region, under Adm inistrator E . J. Weathersbee w ill cover State Adm inistrative Districts one through three, extending as fa r south as Salem. The regional office w ill be in Portland, on premises previous­ ly occupied by Colum bia-W il­ lam ette A ir Pollution Authority. The M id-W illam ette Region of D E Q . located in Eugene, w ill cover A dm inistrative Districts four and five (Linn, Benton, Lincoln and Lane counties) and w ill be under the administration of Verner Adkison who w ill also continue as D irecto r of the Lane Regional A ir Pollution Auth­ ority under an agreem ent ap­ proved in principle by L R A P A ’s Board of Directors O ’Scannlain noted that Adkison’s dual role would mean greatly strength­ ened cooperation between D E Q and tig; Regional A ir P rogram D E Q and L R A P A staffs w ill meet soon to work out details for approval at L R A P A ’s next Board meeting. Other regions w ill be the Southwest located in Roseburg and comprising Adm inistrative Districts six through eight, from Roseburg South ; the Central Region, headquartered in Bend, Districts nine through eleven; and the Eastern Region, head­ quartered in Pendleton, D is­ tricts twelve through fourteen. “ E v e n tu a lly ,” O 'S c an n la in Interest On Funds Hiked Excellent investment results en ab led S tan d ard In s u ran ce Company to announce an in­ crease F rid a y , September 28, in the rate of interest paid on policyowners funds Scappoose - St. Helens re ­ presentative Robert K. Nelson, learned that effective October 1, policy proceeds left w ith the company w ill earn 6*4 percent interest, up from 6 percent. Dividends left to accumulate at interest and prem ium deposit account funds w ill draw 5to percent up from 5to percent The increases apply to existing funds as well as those deposited after October 1. The new interest rates w ill be among the highest paid by any m ajo r U.S. life insurance com ­ pany. “ These rates are espe­ cially significant since there are no restrictions on withdrawal rights,” Nelson noted Nelson further stated, “ Stan­ dard has traditionally been an industry leader in investment yield In 1972, Standard’s net yield on invested assets was 6.28 percent, while the industry av ­ erage was 5.69 percent Standard has assets of over »230 m illion, invested heavily in mortgage loans and real estate throughout the West. Nelson’s office is located at Norwood & Associates. 1570 Co­ lum bia Blvd St Helens. Rt 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 157-7231 SUaghtertag, Catting. Wrapping, and Curing Cattle received Sunday A Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — CaU for Appointment — Come through Banks. take Tilla­ mook road 1H ml., take first left- ltfc righi Pat Ctei, C M a Curl. 41t2c p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair. D St., Vernonia, 4204301. Sltfc CUT FLOWERS, wedding«, fun­ eral designs, plants. Also flowers Artificial flowers and CHALET FLOW ER SHOP. Phone <29-5733 or <304301. ___________________________ 13tfc FOR SALE-R'I Eiialc OCTOBER 0. 1973 The City of Vernonia will accept bids until November 5, 1973, 3:00 p.m. for (4) four complete sets of turnouts for Fire Dept. Spe­ cifications ane available at the City Hall. Vernonia. Oregon The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Wm E. Nelson City Recorder 41t2c TH E C IT Y OF VERNONIA will accent bids for (1) one explosion proof smoke ejector, r, until Nov. 5, 1973, 8:00 p m . Specifications are available at the City Hall, Vernonia, Oregon. The city re­ serves the right to reject any or ail bids Wm. E. Nelson Ciiy Recorder OCT. It is im portant that mothers take children in for a medical checkup at the beginning of the school year, H eart Association declares, and to get them to a physician if any danger signals develop once school is under­ way. PUBLIC NOTICE BUD'S AUTO SERVICE FREE THURSDAY, explained, “ the Regional Office w ill be a sm aller scale D ep art­ ment of Environm ental Q uality, with m axim um opportunity for citizen participation in planning for the region. I t w ill handle routine decisions about pemits and other enforcement actions, recommending them to the Headquarters Office for con­ firm ation. The function of the Headquarters Office w ill be p ri­ m a rily review , policy develop­ ment, and quality control.” Most of the new Portland based positions announced w ill be effective November 1, subject to E n v iro n m e n ta l Q u a lty Commission approval. The R e­ gional offices w ill be phased in with the Northwest Region in operation first and M id-W illa- mette (Eugene) slated for D e­ cem ber 1. Other dates w ill be announced later. Some ad­ ditional elements of the plan, also to be announced at a later date, w ill require legislative approval. STEM Program Successful Oregon’s successful shoplift­ ing cam paign, begun prior to the Christmas shopping season last year, is entering its second phase. L a w re n c e W in th ro p , President of S T E M program announced September 28. STEM (S h o p lifte rs Take E verybo d y’s Money) is taking on an Oregon falvor this year, according to Winthrop, who is regional retail credit m anager for J.C. Penney stores. “ W e’re using Oregon models and directing our attention to the Oregon problems and Oregon law s,” he states. Oregon’s an­ nual loss to shoplifters is about • »25 m illion a year. “ We are trying to prevent this senseless c r im e ,” W in th ro p said, “ not trying to achieve a record in arrests.” According to Winthrop most Oregon shoplifters are a m a ­ teurs, usually girls in their teens, whose motivation is the th rill, or to rip off the es­ tablishment. “ S h o p liftin g is a lo n ely a ffa ir ,” W inthrop said, quoting the theme of this y e a r’s c a m ­ paign “ I t ’s a tragedy to the youngsters who are caught. They usually don’t get ja il sentences, but they are booked for a crim e and are fin g er­ printed and photographed for a permanent record that haunts them in later life ,” he added. Winthrop told members of the Oregon R etail Council meeting at Eugene that the first year of the program had been suc­ cessful. “The decline in arrests for shoplifting, though sm all, in ­ dicates to us that we are getting across to potential thrill seekers that shoplifting is a senseless, useless crim e that costs every­ body money and leaves a m ark on the shoplifter for life. R e­ gardless of whether the shop­ lifte r is caught, he or she must always live with the knowledge that he or she has stolen, alone.” Winthrop said. Winthrop said two key ele­ ments in publicizing the pro­ gram last year were the interest and cooperation shown by O re­ gon advertising media through­ out the state and the work accomplished by the D istrib u ­ tive Education Clubs of Am erica (D E Ç A ). D EÇ A chapters from across the state’s school system have offered their assistance again this year, he said EM ERG ENC Y SERVICE PHONES VERNONIA AMBULANCE Dial 4394411 ( If a * answer, 439-5441 or 4394141) O C T O B E R S P E C IA L S Low, Low Prices HEW '73 LAGUNA COUPE V8, P. Steering, Radio, Rear Speaker, Vinyl Roof, P. Brakes Turbo Transmission, Tint­ ed Glass, Belted Tires, Vinyl Interior. OCTOBER SELL-DOWN £ 4 4 AC PRICE OF___________________ L > 3 4 7 3 NEW '73 W-TON 4-WHEEL DRIVE Long Wide Box, Sliding Rear Window, H eavy D uty Stabilizer, 350 V8, Turbo Transmission, Auxiliary Fuel Tank, Power Steering, H-D Radiator, Chrome Grille, 700x15 Wheels and Tires, Custom Mold­ ings Gauges. OCTOBER SELL-DOWN PRICE OF_______________ $4195 HEW '73 BLAZER 4-WHEEL DRIVE Big Gas Tank, Auto. Trans., P. Steering, V8, Radio, 700x15 Tires - On & Off, Gauges, White Top, Tinted Glass, Full Seats — Many Other Extras. OCTOBER SELL-DOWN ¿ J IO A price of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *p44o2 Selection of LUV Pick Ups In Slock. Real Mileage Makers — All At Special Prices! DAVIES CHEVROLET 493 Bridge Street VERNONIA, OREGON Phone 429-5023 Used Mobile Homes, Travel i, and Truck Campers 1— 1965 - 10x50 Mayflower two bedroom. A ll electric. Sliding glass dbors._______ $2995 1— 1960 Buckinham 10x55 three bedrooms, lVfc baths. Nice beach home____________ $2995 1—-1972 Security 22’ Travel Trailer w ith bath tub. Double bed, 6 cubic foot gas/electric refrigerator. Real nice_____________ $2895 1— 1968 Aladdin 15’ Travel Trailer. Like new. A Good buy at only_________________ $1095 1— 1961 Oasis Travel Trailer. Real clean__$595 1— 1964 Skylark 14’_____________________$595 1— Tent Trailer with extra room_________ $395 1— N ew 1973 Forced air frigerator. A real buy Intruder. Complete bathroom. heat. Six cubic gas/electric re­ Tandem wheels, tinted glass. at______________________ $3495 1—1968 Open Road Truck Camper, lOVfc Foot. Self con tain ed _____________________ $1695 1— 1966 - lOVfc-Foot Condestoga Truck Cam iper. Has fu rn a ce____________________ $695 I— 1965 - 10-Foot Truck Camper. G as/electric refrigerator. F u rn ace_______________ $895 1— 1969 Security Truck Camper, 10-Foot. Self contained. O n ly ___________________$1295 1— 1962 i^-Ton Pickup. Chevrolet. 283 V-8. Good O n e .__ :_______________________ $595 Tw elve Month Warranty on all N ew Units. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. VERNONIA F IR E DEPA RTM ENT F ire Alarm* Only - Phene 4394131 Mobil« home and travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings, skirting and Insur­ ance. Open 7 days per week. VERNONIA POLICE D EPA RTM ENT Dial 4394141 VERNONIA C ITY HAUL 4394391 TROJAN HOMES INC. Phone 556-1531 COLUMBIA COUNTY I Emergency: Verneato A n a 4394141 - Bueine«: 387-3311 OREGON STATE POLICE 3 a ju . to 3 a.m. 3 tom. to 3 aan. - D ial “O ", nek tor Oak Grave 1*7-3111 Located on Highway 30 to St. Helens 2Vb mi S.E. of Rainier. N ext to Stop Inn at Rainlor Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 30 Owned and Operated by Steve St Lotus Gaskill