Lkriioni.i fag k Son Honored 4 THURSDAY. OCT II. 1973 With Dinner SAWDUST a H M a o s o M M M O B o a a a o o a c l.ast Thursday, the Bachelor Cooking Class made applesauce and apple cakes to be eaten at the Lion’s Club benefit VMS's illustrious typing tea­ cher. Gary Geist, was stung by a bee last Wednesday The unfor­ tunate insect died soon after wards Betty Steele, sophomore and 1973 graduate Earl Abercrom­ bie are engaged to be married VHS has acquired a new student; her name is Betty Miller and she is a junior from Hillsboro Mrs Louise Walker Public Health Nurse comes to V er­ nonia along with all of the County Service Officers every Wednesdav Gordon Crowston has been substituting as the milk machine by passing out milk during the noon hour, because the milk machine is broken The senior candy bars arrived over the weekend for sale by the class of *74 Due to the high cost of chocolate, cream and almonds the company has raised the price from 50 cents to 60 cents instead of cutting the size of the bars Ken Enneberg's coil wire mysteriously disappeared from his Jeep last Monday Both cross country meet and volleyball game with Catlin Ga­ ble Monday, was cancelled by Catlin Gable because they didn't have enough cross country members J o u rn a lis m Class D ebates " B a n a n a " “ Have you ever wondered how­ to spell the word banana” The Journalism class got into an uproar Tuesday afternoon with hall of the class on one side and half on the other side Even the second-vear Journalism student a “Senior” was on the wrong side “Can you imagine” ’ After much debate. Mrs Hearing got down a dictionary looked up the word and showed it to the 'Senijp.’J who replied “ I t ’s wrong' ” The dictionary didn’t give a second spelling either so the student didn’t even have a chance since the be­ ginning» Next, as if that wasn't enough, the “Senior” started a discus­ sion on another word and by the same procedure he lost again Mrs Hearing and this particular student spent approximately fif­ teen minutes on two words' At the end of the day. at least the students learned how to spell “ banana' and that there is only one approved way to spell “all right "Now all Mrs Hearing has to do is convince the student, which is. by the sound of things, going to be a little more than a teaching job'. Good O ld H a llo w e e n J u s t Is n 't T h e S a m e “ What does Halloween mean to you’’ “ When questioned, se­ veral high school students said it means “time to break out your rotten eggs, tomatoes, and fire­ crackers to throw on Halloween night.” The grade school stu­ dents said it was “ time to trick- or-treat “ The adults said “it is a time when you are interrupted every five minutes by a kid who wants candy, or going with the kids so that the big ones don’t scare them to death.” It used to be when a kid did something on Halloween nothing happened But with the way repair prices are today the kid might not only pay for it but may end up in jail too A lot of the blame should go to those parents who brag about what they did as kids They are actually influenc­ ing their kids to do the same or similar things The police try to keep order but there just aren't enough of them to do it. Loggers Log October 18 - 6 p.m JV Foot­ ball - VHS at Warrenton 5 p.m. GAA Volleyball - W ar­ renton at VHS October 19 - 8 p.m Varsity Football VHS at Warrenton October 20 -Open Date October 21 - American Educa lion Week (October 21-27.) October 22 - 4 p.m JV Foot­ ball - VHS at Concordia October 23 Open Date October 24 - 4 p.m Cross Country League Meet at Pier Park One of the least known facts in modern American agriculture is that farmers for years have sought their profits through in­ creased production and efficien­ cy rather than in higher prices Mr and Mrs John Steele had a family dinner for their respec­ tive families in honor of Doug Steele, home on leave from Texas Present were John's children Mr and Mrs Doug Steele and Cindy of Austin. Texas. M r and Mrs Deno Steele. Bridget and Little Deno of Portland M r and Mrs Larry Holsey of Aloha Betty Jo Steele and her fiance Earl Abercrombie and Grandma Mary Steele all of Vernonia Rosa s children M r and Mrs Dave Pierce and Lisa of Clat­ skanie Mr and Mrs Roy Pierce. Kevin and Ryan. Long­ view Washington. Frank Pierce and friend Sharon Spickleman Kerry. Jeff and Tracey of Clat­ skanie Richard and Calvin Pierce of the home Callers later in the day were Mr and Mrs Frank Steele and Frankie T h u rs d a y L a s t D a y F o r R e g is tra tio n Thursday, October 18 is the last day to register for the trip to OMSI. planned by the Vernonia Swim Club for Saturday, Oc­ tober 20 Cost is SI and those planning to attend must register by calling 4296872 L e s ta G a rn e r A tte n d s G ra n d T e m p le M e e t Mrs Lesta Gamer represc-nt ed Vernonia Temple Pythian Sis­ ters at the annual Grand Temple session held at the Cosmopolitan hotel in Portland October 7.8 and 9 She served on the registration committee, and also on the committee for greetings to the Knights The convention was the annual business session and election of state officers Mary Mcllvaineof Yamhill was named as grand chief for the coming year Social events of the convention included a tea Sunday afternoon to honor Grand Temple and Grand Lodge officers, a banquet and entertainm ent Monday evening, and various group din­ ners Sunday evening Mrs Garner, who is a past grand chief of the order, a t­ tended the dinner for that group Breakfast Tuesday morning was a "Fun for Funds' event in the Top of the Cosmo restaurant A r m y L is ts B e n e fits Today's Army now has a two year enlistment program with a guaranteed choice of training in 125 jobs or choice of travel both in the United States and Over­ seas. and a new starting pay of $326 10 For more information call collect 423-3090 Longview, Wa Senior Citizen News — Several of our Senior Citizens received checks from RSVP for meals and milage to and from the renter It helps also en­ courage those who spend many hours at the center Lots of papers came in over the weekend Thanks to the people who are kind enough to bring them by They keep paper rollers busy to supply our cus­ tomers A load of clothes came in Many nice clothes for ladies and men All colors and sizes come in and browse The Country Store at Rainier could use volunteer helpers Your help would be appreciated Thanksgiving is not far off I believe our dinner this year will come on Friday. November 16 - any of you Senior Citizens who find it impossible to come to the center, please call 429-3912 and we shall put you on our list for a delivered hot dinner Our car is available to pick up Senior Citizens who would rather come in and have dinner at the center on that date Social potluck will be Friday October 19 at 12:30 p.m Ail Senior Citizens welcome D IA M O N D . S T A N D A R D 4O Z ALU M IN U M FOIL A U PURPOSE V o lle y b a ll T e a m s A r e L o o k in g Good The girls volleyball team played Seaside on the home court and both the JX and Varsity teams did very well The Varsity team won with a total of 2-1 and the girl with the most points was Sandy Tupper with 11. The JV team also took a victory in a 2-1 game The high point went to Rena Cunningham with 14 points Later on m the week the team traveled to Knappa with a JV victory and a Varsity loss The JV team took their game with 2-0 Stephanie Gwin had seven points which was the high for the night The Varsity didn’t have as good of luck as the JY did but they put out a good game The score was 1-2 Vicky Gilland had the high point with 11 for the Varsity team The girls are now in second place in their league M e e tin g s H e ld T o D iscuss H o m e co m in g Class meetings were held Monday, October 8. for the purpose of talking about the upcoming Homecoming activi­ ties. with most of the discussion centered around the signs skits, and hall decorations Committee chairmen gave progress reports to their respet tive classes The reports were then opened for discussion. Homecoming Week begins Monday October 18 and ends October 26 when VHS takes on the Knappa Loggers A victory dance will hopefully be held after the game IN S T A N T « ) 4 8 PPCOZNc W ü O f F A M IL Y 100% F L O R ID A MEAT PIES 2 4 79* oi 1 6 -0 2 S T A Y FREE M I N I P A D S SUCH X STUFFINC M IX «> SANITARY NAPKINS 98* 3D» S U N S H IN E ,’4" GRAVY TRAIN KRISPY CRACKERS 2 5 IB 2 IB BOX U S CHOC? •O K lfS U .J OOCl POT ROAST SWISS STEAK „ 98* GROUND BEEF . 8 9 WIENERS STEW BEEF SLICED B A C O N . ! P IZ Z A S U-S CMOCI JB < Ç W W O2 f WMTTr^ IHlH REOviA« p ia ; CHUCK STEAK , 8 8 PUREX K LE E N E X D E S IG N E R ; a , a « , t Idi as , - i NALLEYS znjM t cam oa 79 FROZEH POUND CAKE WHIPPED TOPPING swamso . meatloaf 39 uwaaurv FROZEN DINNERS BLEACH 2 - « 98' , O1 G iant JUG NAISE rolls FROZ. DINNERS M O RTO N r CMQBN • TÜRKE* • SALISBURY FROZEH WAFFLES The Language Club put on a bake sale last Thursday October 11, that brought them out of the hole The sale was held during the activity period and lunch The total take was $10.80 The money taken in boosted the clubs' treasury to the staggering total of thirty-six cents The French class was going to have a party seventh period that same day, but the solicitors sold the food that was to have been eaten by the class M A G I C PRE W A S H STAIN REMOVER LB. CUT 25 oi W h e n T e a c h e r's Gone B a k e S a le Success P R IM E C H O IC E BEEF POT ROAST «•5 SWT*» :. 1 Bank debits for the eight reporting banks including Col­ umbia county were up in August 1973. compared to August 1972, the University of Oregon Bureau of Business and Economic Re search has reported Debits for August 1973, totaled $26.183,000 For July 1973, the total was $24,953,000 and for August 1972, the total was $23.913.000 U .S .D .A . C H O IC E BLADE APPLE PIES PORK CHOW MEIH C lub Out of H o le ; JUICE 6 S1 '□fWOkiiOl’K. TUR KEY Yell leader tryouts for the 7th and 8th grades were held Mon day, October 15, at 1 p.m with the 6th and 7th and 8th grade students picking the winners Each girl gave her yell alone, then with the crowd There were nine girls trying for the 8th grade Chosen were Marilee Heath. Donnell McLean. Kathy Hartzell. Mary Etheridge and Stella Marxer For the 7th grade. 12 girls tried out with Diane Olson. Chris East, Lori Wilson. Janet Eide and Marcie Keasey representing their class STEAK SAUCE U N C L E B E N 'S S T U F 49* 4 02 FROZEN PIZZAS BEEF. C H IC K E N 2* 3¿83‘ G irls Chosen F o r W GS Y e ll L e a d e rs I n C o lu m b ia C o u n ty DRY D O G F O O D MASH BROWH POTATOES 4 Juanita Steele and John Steele, both of Vernonia, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Betty Joyce, to Earl Abercrombie The bride-elect is u sophomore at Vernonia High School Her fiance, son of Mrs Gladys Sharar, is a Class of '73 VHS graduate December 2 has been set as the wedding date A pink and blue shower was held Wednesday evening for Mrs Larry Holsey at the home of Miss Melanie Elbert on O A Hill The gifts were opened and ad m ired and refreshm ents served after which they played several games Attending were the two anti cipating grandmothers. Mrs Buck Holsey and Mrs Juanita Steele, and great-grandmother Mrs Mary Steele Others were Debbie Richards. Mary Ma honey. Alma Greathouse. Betty Jo Steele, and Mrs Doug Steele of Salem, the guest of honor and the hostess Frozen Food Sale OTt BARGAINS W EST F e te d A t S h o w e r A u g . B a n k D e b its U p E n g a g e m e n t R e v e a le d G R O U N D « I 12 BLACK PEPPER 3-LB E n jo y e d B y P y th ia n s The October birthday party for the Pythian Sisters was held at the Murel Folken home Monday afternoon with 15 ladies a t­ tending. Those with October birthdays, Murel and Lesta Garner, were the hostesses A funny game was played before refreshments of apple crisp and coffee were served Those attending were Faye Davis, Cora Lange. Reatha Horn. Lucille Hickman. Mathil de Bergerson, Mary Brown, Maude Wells. Irm a Chance. Isa bel Barr. Dorothy Sandon Reta Lamping. Pat Goodman and Rose Miller S te e le -A b e rc ro m b ie S C H IL L IN G S MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE SW ANSON I IB M r s . L a r r y H o ls e y BETTY JOYCE STEELE 2 IB GREEN BEANS 5 4 -O Z A id e s T e a c h Class October 11, Mrs Chris Hen dryx left her third and fourth period reading classes to the mercy of the two aides for those periods These aides are Jodi Robert­ son for third period and Candy Brunsman for fourth period They each used the Controlled Reader which consists of going over vocabulary words and gi­ ving out a test The aides thought it was a good experience and hopefully learned something along with the students 99- S T O K E L Y S H E IU E SMC N SPAN CLEANER 1 0 -0 2 IN S T Y IM AN COFFEE 17 » 25 Oct. B ir th d a y P a r t y D ILL, H O M E STYLE, K O S H E R STEINFELD'S PICKLES >oz (CGC PACKAGE O»l • JO< .oz 79' FROZEH FISH STICKS 1. SW T C U K E C H IP S 4 S W IS S M IS S . M I X INSTANT COCOA o? G R E E N G IA N T K R A F T . FR E S H ORANGE JUICE VEGETABLES FLAV-R-P a C • peas « C O R N « SQUASH » M . A e c /e o c íA A ie s • CHOPPfL » LEAF SPtNACH SPINACH XP J J l l ■ ■ 10 I® 02 I POTATOES YOU C A N M i TH i P t l C U A R i LO W . SO YOU CAN R1ALLY STOCK YOUR FRITZ 1» AT T IIM IN O O U S S A V IN G S I M 1 J W U W H IN IT CORMS TO S A V IN G S AN O M R V K I. M N TR Y IR1ATS YOU RIGHT W E S T E R N F A M IL Y CLOVER HONEY ¿99 k LIQUID AJAX . 65' wW «W X CLE A N E R ifiYiViTn 02 U.S. N O . 2 RUSSETT FROM HERMISTON 2 0 -LB BAG ■ 9& Ÿ Wie -.tip LOCAI CARROTS Kuaous — APPUS................... 7 LOCAL MURRA» FHSM ORRIN SQUASH CALIFORNIA BROCCOLI N D 4 OOUHN (BOX 11 4P) A- lbs ’ 1 - — .... J 9 ‘ U6J3JL. A U T H O R IZ E D FOOD STAM P STORE M EMBER P o r m il T e s i G iven U N IT E D 735 JEFFEHSOR AVE - GROCERS. IN C VERRORIA, OREGOR T o H ig h Schoolers Merle Graham, from Port­ land. came here Tuesday Oc­ tober 9 to give the D river’s Permit test Graham, a former Vernonia policeman, said that if 30 or more people from the town or school want to take their permit test that he would come out again, also if any adults that would like to take their driver's license test that he would give that too Nineteen out of 35 failed the test IRTRODUCIRG . . . IRTRODUCIRG . . . V E R N W A IT E RUSS INCE Your Now Moot Dopt. Managor Your Now Produce Dopt. Manager See Vera for AU Y«tr Meal Reeds! H um Alwayj H u Garden Fresh Produce! ■MW