1 XmNM OGOOONW OOQM OI UJfllìlWflDS FOR SALE-General RUNNING GARAGE sale one more weekend at 2331 Mist Drive. Open the 12th and 13th from 10-S. Two new families participating and new selection of items: 1 yr old 3 speed bike, harely ridden; baby furniture; vehicle gas tank and men's clothing 41tlc fcOR SALE: Quaker oil circulat­ ing heater Good condition, $50 Ed Tipton, Rose Ave. N. 41t3c DINING TABLE and chair, Hot point refrigerator, portable color­ ed T.V., glass ftslisig floats. 32 Winchester rifle. 890 Riverside Drive. 41t3c ELECTRIC RANGE 39". Clean and in good working order. $40. Phone 429 3063 after 5 p_m. 41tlc FREE PUPPIES — W dalmation. Pebble Creek Rd., Box 20. Free puppies pay for ad ._______ 41t3c OLDER MODEL tent trailer, $250 Camper refrigerator Op­ erates on 12V or AC liouse cur­ rent, $50. Also 2 Shetland, Welch ponys, $25 each Phone 429-3651. 41t3c IT’S inexpensive to clean rugs and upholstery with Blue Lustre Rent elect, sliampooer $1. Bruns- man Hardware.____________ 41tlc FOR SALE — Cement Blocks Phone 429-5782 ____________ 41tlc FRIGIDAIRE freezer-refrigerator $150; Frigidaire 30” stove, $125; Sears 30” stove, $125; portable dishwasher. $75; 4-drawer It. mapk- end table, $20. Singer up­ right vacuum. $50; bed, mattress and headlxiard, $60; walnut-grain­ ed formica matching end tables, $30; lg. matching lamps. $20; carpet cable table, $20; formica top breakfast table, 4 chairs, $40 All in excellent condition Phone 429-8044____________ 4ltlc CONSOLE SPINET PIANO. Like new, assume low mo. pyts. Also ORGAN with Automatic Rhythm. Phone collect 363-5707 or write Credit Mgr., 388 Commercial NE, Salem, OR 97306 _________ 40t2c FOR SALE: Antique sewing ma­ chine, Pat. 1882. First class con­ dition with all attachments Must be seen to appreciate. Call 429- 3051 anytime except Wednesday Make oifer.________________ 40tfc BUD S AUTO SERVICE OPENING OCT. 1 339 A Street (Formerly Stan's Auto Repair) Open 8-5 Mon. - Sat. Closed Sundays WORK GUARANTEED 429-5221 - 429-2871 39t3c VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE Phone 429-8711 or 429-6254 ______________ 30tfc SHOE REPAIRS, pick-14) and livery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 429-3301. Sltfc ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Blown-in Insulation Rockwool Batting FREE ESTIMATES Call Collect 397-1670 ST. HELENS lOtfc HOME LOCKSMITH SERVICE Lost keys replaced, combinations changed, master systems, etc. Also new locks on hand. Dave Zamarripa, 1091 First Ave., Ph. 429-7474. 44tfc Norman Hillsbery, Builder New Homes Built To Your Specifications New Construction - Additions - Re- modclng - Roofing . Foundations — FREE ESTIMATES — 429-8942 42tfc BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 BEEF for sale. Phone 429-7795. __________________________ 39t3c DeWALT DELUXE Power Shop Radial Arm Saw with a new top. Phone 429-2075_____________ 39tfc PUREBRED Malamute puppies, $50 Two males and two females Phone 728-3912, Clatskanie. ____________ aat3c CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun- *aral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLOWER SHOP. Phone 429-5733 or 429-6301. __________________________ 13tfc BUNDLES of old newspapers for starting fires, 10 cents. Ver­ nonia Eagle, 721 Madison Ave. ____________________________ tie FOR SALE-R’l Edale FOR LEASE—Bob's Union Sta­ tion in Vernonia, 998 Bridge St. Will lease to responsible party For further information contact Boti Thompson at the station or call 429 3731______________ 41tlc 3-BEDROOM newly remodeled home Washer, dryer, electric stove, trash burner. Ph. 429-5782. 41tlc Bill Hom Realty rn The Place To Call For All Your Rock Needs! Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing, Backhoe Sand • Gravel - Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia for —Immediate Delivery— Deri Roberts—429-3804 Sue Filter—429-7014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Satterlee, Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 w _____ THE CITY OF VERNONIA will accept bids for (1) one explosion proof smoke ejector, until Nov. 5, 1973, 8:00 p.m. Specifications are available at the City Hall, Vernonia, Oregon. The city re­ serves the right to reject any or all bids. Wm. E. Nelson City Recorder 41t2e NOTICE Regular meeting of School Dis­ trict 47J, Board of Directors, second Thursday of each month, 8:00 p.m., School District Office, 475 Bridge Sheet.__________ 41Dc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge $1.00 for 25 words or less. Words over mini­ mum 4 cents each. Three Insertions for the price of two. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Addi­ tional lines, 8 cents each. DISPLAY classified are $1.00 per column inch. THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial 1‘esponsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub­ lished In its columns, but In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographi­ cal mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER NOON TUESDAY EX­ CEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $2.00. No informa­ tion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as paid matter: Rate: 10 cents per type line. Commission Meets FOR SAVINGS on loans contact your local Credit Union - 783 Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. Closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Or call 429-8245 during non-office hours. ________________________17tic The next regular business meeting of the Oregon State Game Commission will be held on Tuesday, October 16, at 10 a.m. in Game Commission head­ quarters, 1634 SW Alder, Port­ land. The meeting is open to the public. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Licensed • Bonded and Insured PHONE 397-S172 If no answer call 397-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service Read the Ads It Pays ! THURSDAY, WOMEN S LEAGUE Tuesday Night League W L 11 9 11 9 9 11 9 11 High team series. Cut & Curl, 2346; high team gam e, Standard Oil, 816 High individual series, Nita Rowe, 475; high individual gam e, Isabel Anderegg, 194 Splits picked up Tempie Nance, 7 8; Eleanor Thompson, 5 - 10, Kim Kooser 5 -10. Thursday Afternoon League L 7 8 10 15 Vernonia Eagles 2324 and 822 High in dividu al se rie s and gam e, Pat Larson. 444; Betty Holsey, 164 Splits picked up: Jan Bernardi 4 - 5; Mary Cota 2 - 7. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 357-7281 FAYE SWORD will be 4-H Community Coordinator in the Vernonia area and will be contacting boys and girls eligible to become 4-H club members through the schools. Monday N ight League October 8 W L Quinn Insurance 19 5 W®st Oregon 12 12 Vernonia Drug 11 13 Timbernook 6 18 High team gam e and series, Vernonia D r ”, 893 and 2479; high individual gam e, Betty Fuquay, 193; high individual series, Carol Barker, 459. Splits picked up: Frankie Bowers and Betty Fuquay 2 - 7. Tuesday Afternoon League Octooer 9 W L Mario’s 14 10 Mitches' Witches 14 10 Rose Motel 13 11 D ave’s ARCO 7 17 High team series 2559 and high team gam e 896, Mario’s; high individuai gam e, Jo Beamish, 182; high individual series, Betty Hall, 478 Splits picked up: Pat Good­ man, 2 -7 ; Carla Bodenhamer, 2 - 7; Myra Baska, 3 - 10; Yvonne Reahman, 3 - 10; Carol Bo- dehamer, 3-10; Selma Wil­ liam s, 2-3-10; Betty Meuller, 3-10; and Helen Wright, 5-6. Tuesday Night I .eague October 9 W L 15 9 Standard Oil 134 104 Bill Horn Pills 104 134 9 15 Cut & Curl High team series and high team gam e, Standard Oil, 2400, and 827. High individual series, Pat lu m p in g, 446; high individual gam e, Sharon Krieger, 170. Splits picked up: Nita Rowe, 2 - 7 ,2 - 7, 5 -10; Joyce Johnson, 3 - 10; Barbara DeLaittre 4 • 5; Isabel Andregg, 3 - 7 - 9; Vera Cole 3 - 9 -10, 3 -10; Irene Meyer 5 - 6 ; Tempie Nance 2 - 7. MEN S LEAGUE M en’s Bowl October 4 Lews 1973 5 RIVERVIEW — F r a n c i s Wright cam e home Wednesday after spending a few days in the Forest Grove Hospital with a slight stroke. He is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Durbin Ronk and two children of Tacoma spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. Francis Wright. Mr and Mrs. Max Snook and children of Deer Island spent Friday through Monday at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Virgil Snook The men did some hunting on Saturday and Monday. Sgt Jerry Buckner who is with the Army at Schaufenberg, Ger­ many is spending a 40-day fur­ lough with his parents, Mr and Mrs Ed Buckner. October 2 Standard Oil Bill Horn Pills W 13 12 10 5 11, Hospital Patient Improving At Home MOMOOOQOOOOMOWOOOI October 4 Bob’s Union Vernonia Eagles The Chicks Chevy V8’s OCT 4-H Gets It All Together Several years ago, the phrase, “generation gap ” was bounced around by adults and young people alike. Youths were a c­ cused of not wanting to com m u­ nicate with their elders, while their elders were accused of not wanting to talk to their young­ sters Today, the "generation gap ” has eased and both adults and kids can take som e of the credit. Now, young people and adults are working together to solve mutual problems. This sort of cooperation is well d em o n stra ted through 4-H, which currently is observing 1973 National 4-H Week. October 7 - 13, keynoted with the theme “4-H Gets It All Together.” Across the country, five and a half million boys and girls, ages 9 to 19, a half million volunteer adult leaders and thousands of Extension Service personnel are involved in 4-H. Working to- Funsters 10 10 Alpine 10 10 Mike’s 9 11 High team series, Alpine, 2712; high individual series and gam e, B Fowler, 566, 212. Splits picked up: D. Pederson, 3 - 10; T. Bodenhamer, 2 - 7 - 8 and 3 - 10; G. Dinger, 3 - 10; R. Bodenhamer, 9 - 10; J. Johnson, 3 - 10; J. McDonald, 3 - 10. W ednesday Night I.eague W L October 3 5 15 Vernonia Milk 11 9 Vernonia Sentry 7 13 Vernonia Drug 7 13 Mist Shake & Ridge High team gam e 992, high team series 2791, Vernonia M ilk; high individual gam e 199, and high individual series 535 for Henry Anderegg. Splits picked up: Delmar Mit- chner, 7 - 3 - 6 - 1 0 ; Don Huss, 5 - 10; Claude Bowers, 3 - 10, 6 - 7; Dick Johnson 2-10; Pete Rowe, 5 - 7 - 9; Bill Smejkal, 3 - 10. gether they are putting the 4-H Week theme into action, in many ways helping to make their communities better places in which to live. The tim eliness of their efforts is indicated by the current 4-H em phasis on helping educate communities on ways to econo­ m ically operate vehicles and to conserve electricity during the current energy shortage. Other 4-H groups are helping to ease the food shortage by supporting agricultural produc­ tion and marketing efforts. Also, drug abuse programs, impro­ ving the environment, and com ­ munity development planning are being given a high priority in 4-H programs. Boys and girls, of different backgrounds, philosophies and lifestyles, working together with adults to solve cofnmon pro­ blems - that’s the 4-H picture in 1973. 4-H brings together youths from all racial, economic, social and cultural backgrounds. Rural and city youngsters have an opportunity to interact, com ­ m unicate and share ideas. 4-H is strong, and growing in all areas of the fifty states, Puerto Rico and the district of Columbia. Urban 4-H is ex ­ panding, too. In fact, the major cities in the U.S. all have active 4-H programs. Low income and handicapped youngsters are involved in 4-H through flexible programs Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Cattle received Sunday & Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — Call for Appointment — Come through Banks, take Tilla­ mook road 1 4 m i., take first left- hand road. life TAMARACK MOBILE HOMES No. 1 In sales. Yon get a matchless housing 1m tai mull with any of the 12 or 14 foot wflfe TAMARACK. Just com­ pare their values to other mo­ bile homes. Unconditionally guaranteed for 12 months. Two lots to serve you better. Lot No. 1 - Rainier and Lot No. 2 ■ Clatskanie. — Open 7 Days Per Week — Mobile home and travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings, skirting and insurance. TROJAN HOMES Phone 556-1531 Located on Hwy. 30 to S t Helens 2 4 mi. S.E. of Rai­ nier, next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 30. VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Old Courthouse Basement ST. HELENS, OREGON Phone 397-2268 — After Hours 397-1730 Monday - Wednesday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon 18tfc PERSONAL GOBESE VITAMIN E CREAM, the No. 1 all-around skin cream. Only $1.98. Vernonia Drug. 40t4 GOBESE NATURAL VITAMIN E. available in tasty chewables and tablets. Only $3.49. Vernonia Drug. 40t4 REDUCE SAFE and fast with GoBese Tablets and E-Vap "Wa­ ter P ills” . Vernonia Drug. CARD ol THANKS'" REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE SALES • RENTALS Listings Needed 786 Bridge St. — Phone 429-8211 Fishhawk Branch - Birkenfeld _________Phone 755-2280________ FOR SALE-Aulo» 1964 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon. Good condition $400. Phone 429- 7593 ___________________ 41t2c 1971 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 225. Slant 6. Automatic. Good con­ dition. $1775. Phone 429 7311. __________________________ 41tfc FOR SALE - 1947 Chev 4 Dr. Sedan with vacuum shift, com­ pletely overhauled. Needs body and upholstery work done Call 429-3051 anytime except Wednes- ^day. *«fc WANTED trash OCTOBER 9, 1973 The City of Vernonia will accept bids until November 5, 1973, 3:00 p.m. for (4) four complete sets of turnouts for Fire Dept. Spe­ cifications are available at the City Hall, Vernonia. Oregon The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids Wm. E. Nelson City Recorder 41t2c BOWLING 40t2 Q U IN N WANTED: Used Phone 429-5725. PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 8 00 p m ., Thursday, October 18. 1973 to discuss proposed final draft of Zoning Ordinance pre­ pared by the Planning Commis­ sion and Columbia County O’- ganization of Governments and reviewed by the City Council. All interested Citizens are asked to attend. Place of meeting will be the City Hall, Vernonia, Oregon Wm. E. Nelson City Recorder 41tlc __________________________ 16tfc GRI »S3 Bridge St., Vernonia Phone 429-6203 BILL HORN, BROKER SALESMAN: PURLIC NOTICE SERVICES Ocrnonia Eagle burner 41tl OUR HEARTFELT THANKS to all who extended comforting sym­ pathy and help in our recent sorrow. For the beautiful ser­ vice, floral offerings and other kindnesses, we are deeply grate­ ful. Mrs Clarence Oskin Mabie Aldridge Nancy Roe_________ 41tlc FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM downstairs apart­ ment Electric heat - $90 in Ver­ nonia. References required Call 324-9472 _____________ NOTICE I WILL not be responsible for any debts other than my own Cleve M. Loyd. 39t4 I WILL NOT be responsible for any work done by previous opera­ tor of SUn's Auto Repair. Rus­ sell Wenzlick, Bud’s Auto Repair. 39t4c - - S .'’