Demonia Eagle VHS Library Adds 4 THURSDAY. OCT. 11, 1973 MeOMMOOMOMOOOMa SAWDUST Several New Books Several books have been ad ded to the Vernonia High School Library Some are for class use. some for leisure reading, and MMWeBeQOOQiOaeQiOOikHMHeOe some for research The following books are for Mrs Bolmeier substituted for Melvin Nice's biology classes Gary Curtis. Thursday and F ri "A Field Guide to Mammals," day, who fractured his ankle by Burt. "Tobacco and Your while rescuing a football from H e a lth " by Diehl; "A Field his roof The ankle is now in a Guide to the Insects of Am cast e rica." "North ot Mexico." by Borror "The Territorial lm Two girls from VHS have been pairative,” by Ardrey. "The w earing engagement rings Fishes." by Ommannev; “ The Dana Andrus, a Sophomore has Evolution.” by Moore "The received hers from a former Fossil Book,” by Fenton; "The graduate of VHS. Walt Floeter Ecyclopedia of Biological Sci­ Carol Evans, a Senior received ence.” by Gray; “ The Golden hers from Terry Ellis also a Age of Am erican A n th ro ­ former graduate of VHS pology," by Meade Electric Power Generation; The bus.taking the VHS stu­ Comparative Risks and Benefits dents to see the OSU-USC game w as sent to the library by Oregon was cancelled because not State enough students had the money For reading pleasure these to go were added "The Performing Arts in Am erica,” Reische. 5th Q u a rte r’s attendance "The Businesses of Sports,” boomed last Friday night when Lineberry. "Jonathon Livings approximately 60 VHS students ton Seagull,” Bach; "Julie of the showed up at the Nice's home W olfs," Jean George; "Hey, Preacher Coming Through" and Gary Curtis' second period "Purple Violet Squish." both by history class had the attendance David Wilkerson; "The Biblical of a cold white cat named Flood" and the “ Ice Epoch," by Snowball last Friday. Donald Wesley Patten The last three books were donated to the The Drivers Perm it test was high school library by Orvin held at VHS last Tuesday morn Olson of Vernonia ing, October 9 Melvin Nice was fortunate to get a deer this year but unfor­ tunately the neighbors dogs ate it before he got a chance to Twelve Boys Enjoy Cooking and Eating Bachelor cooking is a class at VHS taught by Mrs Mildred Mathison and consists of 12 boys in grades 11 and 12 who wish to expand or develop their un derstanding of cooking and eat­ ing So far the boys have attempted such things as vegetables, cob­ blers. biscuits and muffins They have just finished a special assignm ent; m aking coffee cakes just for the faculty Of the faculty. Gordon Crow- ston seems to enjoy their cooking the most It never fails that just when the food gets done he shows up Crowston seems to be just looking, but he always ends up with something to eat Mrs Mathison brought up an interesting fact. She stated that exactly one-fourth of the class has red hair Well-Known Junior Is Flying Daredevil One of the most intelligent, debonair students at VHS has taken to the air. Stan Munro has been taking flying lessons at Hillsboro since the summer About twice a month he takes off to the airport in his beautiful, powerful, automobile, a Toyota So far the flying ace has made several cross-country flights to Longview . McMinnville, and the most exciting cruise was over Vernonia Stan says Vernonia makes a nice clearing in the sticks So far. Stan has gone through three flight instructors One of his instructors always carried a Bible when he flew with Stan This really built up Stan’s self- confidence The solo flight w ill be in about two months For those who have plenty of nerve and plan to take a trip, re­ member to, “ fly Stan” JV Loggers Tied On Knappa Field Monday October 1, the Ver­ nonia JV football team traveled to the Knappa Loggers home fie ld The undefeated Vernonia JV ’s were driven to an 8 to 8 tie by the tough Knappa defense Both teams were equally strong as three quarters of the game went by with no first downs for either team Vernonia finally scored when Bob Brooks ran in for a touch­ down Two extra points were made with a pass to Ed Buckner evening the score to 8 - 8 Knappa scored on a pass and made two points after the touchdown Vernonia had other chances to score but was marred by fum bles and incomplete intercep tions VHS Volleyball Wins Twice In Same Week The Vernonia G irls' Varsity Volleyball Team beat St M ary’s last Tuesday by a score of 15 - 11 and 15 - 4 The high scorers for the first game were Michelle Borst and Connie Kvser with four points High scorer for second game was Carol Evans with eight points The JV's played two practice games On Thursday of the same week the team played Jewell The JV team won both games The first game score was 15 - 18. and the second game score was 15 - 2 The Varsity team went on to do the same by winning the first game with a score of 15 - 4 and the second game score was 15 8 So far the Varsity has five wins and one loss. JV has two wins, two losses MMosoaoMneoMMWK Student Council Minutes - - - Workshop Held For Volleyball Teams Pictures Taken Of VHS Underclassmen A meeting for all student drivers and their passengers was held Thursday, at 3:20 in room 4 Principal Arthur Parrow read the rules which stated, all stu dents who drive to school must have their car registered and their passengers must have written permission to ride to or from school with any student A question was brought up about giving someone a ride to or from school when walking in the rain or snow Parrow said this would be all right as long as the parents knew were in Portland last Sunday tc visit the Jim Wilson's Dinner guests at the Carl Malone residence last Sunday were Mrs Malones sister-in-law and husband. Sgt and Mrs Johr Perry, and George Grophe Longview, Washington Mrs May M ills was a Sunday afternoon caller at the Charles Sundland home Mist Helping Circle met ai Mrs Casper Serby’s on Septem bar 27 Plans for the annua bazaar, to be held on Novembci 10, were made The next m eetini w ill be at Mrs Bud Hemeon s oi October 25 4 Mr and Mrs Marvin Shilling ton. Goble, visited the Casper Serby's last weekend MIST - The Douglas Barr's returned home u week ago from a trip to Carson City, Nevada, und Sacram ento, C a lifo rn ia They reported having a little Nf. trouble getting gasoline on their Pictures were taken from 9 to way home, but had a nice trip 11 a m for underclassmen only. otherwise Seniors have a separate day for Mrs L a rry Gar lock and Gary their pictures to be taken; were in Cannon Beach last October 16 weekend visiting her parents, Prices for the pictures were $3, the Ed Simmon's $4 and $5 for the economy, Ray and Kay Grimsbo were standard, and deluxe puckages home over the weekend visiting respectively. their father. Howard Grimsbo The photographer said that Ray goes to Oregon State and she thought the pictures would Kay goes to Bryman's School in be returned in approximately Portland three weeks Mr and Mrs R Schroeder from Marshland. Mrs Ken Jus tice, from Creswell, and Mrs Earl Tiedman from Jewell v isi­ ted Mrs Jane Hansen last weekend Mr and Mrs George C olum bia County Pomona Salmi and grandchildren of Grange w ill meet on Saturday. Clatskanie visited Mrs Hansen November 2 at 10 a m for their last Sunday The Ted Kulyu's, of regular meeting at Marshland Portland, were out visiting Mrs Grange. The regular election of Hansen, last weekend, to do officers w ill be held at this some hunting Mrs Norman meeting All Grange members Hansen and Mrs Steve Hanson are urged to attend The Past Master's Club of took Mrs Hansen and Mrs Columbia C o u n t y Pomona Murphy to Seaside last Thursday Grange w ill meet at Clatskanie evening, Mrs Ford, Portland, Grange on Wednesday, October and Mrs Roser, Astoria at 17 at 8 p.m Past masters of all tended the party held for Mrs the granges in the county and Hansen in Seaside Mr and Mrs Bud Hemeon their spouses are urged to come Thursday October 4, a photo grapher from Yeager Studio came to take school pictures for personal orders and the Memo- Mrs Arrant, the girls's PE teacher held a volleyball work shop in the VHS gvm, Saturday October 6 Invitations were sent to se veral schools, Catlin Gable. Pacific University, and Astoria as well as local members The volleyball workshop was from to a.m to 3 p.m The student council meeting was called to order October 3 by ITesident Steve Johnston The flag salute was led by Dewey Conroy, followed by the reading of the minutes Language Club petitioned to have a bake sale during the Thursday noon hour, this pe­ titioned passed Steve brought up the fact that Concordia High School was going to hold a Northwest League meeting October 9 He Monday, October 15 Tomato and Ken Enneberg w ill repre soup, tuna sand., crackers, sent Vernonia cheese slices, peaches, m ilk IFE elections w ill be held next Wednesday A rth u r P a rro w , p rin c ip a l, Tuesday, October 16 - Spanish rice, corn. Jello, cinnamon brought up the dance incident rolls, m ilk Iasi weekend From now on all future contracts with bands must be made perfectly clear Wednesday, October 17 Corn dogs, pickles, potato chips, that the bands w ill conform to all fru it, m ilk school rules The meeting was then ad Thursday, October 18 Mashed journed potatoes, hamburger gravy, Respectfully submitted, rolls, tossed salad, m ilk Sandy Tupper. Secretary Friday, October 19 - Toasted cheese sand., green beans, Geese are the oldest of domes pears, cookies, m ilk ticated fowl School Menu Pomona Grange Will Neel November 2 Swim Club Schedules Trip to ONSI Sat. The Swim Club plans a trio to OMSI Saturday, October 20 The cost w ill be $1 with transpor­ tation furnished All those wish­ ing to attend are to meet at Anderson Park at 8:30 a m. Children must have permis­ sion slips and sign-up with Sue Cainee. 429-6872 prior to leaving Let litter bug you »♦♦♦< : HUNTER'S SPECIAL - Purchase Your Lions Club and Vernonia Education : Assoc. Bar-B-Q Chickens Oct. 13 at the Medical Center Lot. All Profits Go 1 To the Sight Fund and Stay In Vernonia. The Cost Is $1.75 Per Half. FRESH EGCS RUSHED FRESH TO SENTRY D O Z. Class Pins Offered By Senior Salesmen The Seniors are selling VHS gold plated pins with chain and year guard for $2 each There is one on display in the hall for those who would like to see one Anyone who would like to buy one, please get in touch with a senior assigned to the following classes Seniors check with Sandra Tupper. Mark Hopkins, Nancy Reynolds. Mary Wedker, or Ronda Smith. Juniors may check with San­ dra Tupper. Connie Kyser, Roxyne Oneil. or Renee Reck Sophomores contact Chris Collins, Dan McLean, Vicki Serby. or Connie Kyser Freshmen would check with Carol Evans. Sandi Pope. Nancy Reynolds. Mary Wedker. or Ronda Smith »«**?$ fC # ''*11 Htuseeos COCKE 0K«lWI •>» INSTANT COTKE V A N CAA5P S PORK & BEANS.................... 4-.',S'5 1 GHIRARDELLI FLICKETTES CHO C O LA TE _ BAKING BITS 5 iS J1 O C E A N SPRAY. CRANBERRY M ___ SW ANSDOW N LAYER VEGETAI «V P iU S N U rr A S S o rrec INSTANT BNEAMEAST 7 - Q l MARGAR BLUE «K » SN* BUNG««GPML BUNGERGBP4C W EGGS 3 « i «o? 88 BLUE M TU DOC FOOD CAIGO* WATER CONDITIONER I9 O Z PACKAGES 1 1 6 PACKAGE DETERGENT 79 7 The Pep Assembly last Friday was started by the band playing "The Wall Street Rag" that was followed by the “ Fight Song ' Melvin Nice, Coach, talked a little about the game for that night He also talked about some of the other teams He said that he hopes that they could hold the fumbles down to two. Steve Johnston gave a short talk on the game and said he hoped that they would “ k ill Gaston.” The student body then p artici­ pated in the yell "G ive ’em the a x " and the cheerleaders brought out the lucky bucket Class competition was done with the yell “ It is a ra id ” The sophomores won - IUICE COCKTAIL.................... S 7 9 ' BLACK PEPPER KT- CKOCXI. PANCAKE MIX NAOtXO MJTTRW BeT'EB PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES Pep Assembly Held Before Logger Win C O R O N ET PRINTED POTATO C H IP S .................... ' , " 6 9 ' CHEER GIANT r SIZE SIZE 49 0 2 < ? *< •’ ' - ■ HAMA- 2 oz 79 LOCAL ___ »OUI« EACH HEAD O C EAN SPRAY FRESH FANCY CRISP SPA »FH« CRAN- A PPLES FRESH LOCAL LOCAL DANISH SQUASH Loggers Log _ LOCAL SNOW BALL FROZEN FOODS ORANGE JUICE WEST FAMILY 100% FLORIDA SAVE ON THESE BONUS COUPON VALUES CAULIFLOWER LETTUCE EACH 31 2 29- «"OUT». , AD PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT 11-12 13 VERNONIA SENTRY October 11. 8 p.m - D istrict School Board Meeting The JV's now have a 3 - 0 - 1 record and still remain un­ October 12, 4 p m - JV Foot defeated ball - VHS at Warrenton Statewide Inservice Day (No Classes ) Parrow Reads Rules To Student Drivers Gas Shortage Noted On Trip U KDJL. AUTHORIZED FOOD STAMP STORE MEMBER UNITED GROCERS. INC. 735 JEFFERSON AVE. - VERNONIA, OREGON October 15, Open Date October 16, 9 a m Photos Senior Class October 17. 4 p.m - Cross Country Concordia at VHS DIPPIFI DO, t « K A MOLD *004 PAM i PO u S m KOTÎ5 A»POU> LIQUID COLD HAIR SET GEL io OZ M M M M NAP» IMS > 7 , STAY IR fEM A X I PADS Z-« 88 riTCM KM CUPM PNLS October 18 - 6 p.m - JV Football Warrenton at VHS 5 p.m GAA Volleyball War­ renton at VHS DIXIE (UPS 8 OZ •E G A U N S C E N lE D D E O O O R A N l «EG ‘ 1 69 ARRID EXTRA DRY CEPACOL LIQUID ORAL A N TIS E PTIC *AC UGM PACHO GNOUP«, SANNA c o r n i INSTANT COTKE Many children recover com­ pletely from rheumatic fever with little or no heart damage, the Iowa Heart Association says '00r ' D L N IU P f C lL A N t« »EG ’ 1 2 9 ' I 35 F M S E D R IB c o r n i LCX C AN4H MANU SYNNP j Ill • oz B OZ < P i API DPOP'i M IN I P IG •! 59 TOOTH POLISH REG. ‘ 1 .29 2 3L4OZ SCHICK PLAflNUMPLUS DOUBLE EGE RAZOR BLADES SUP«» POLI CHIP. I I G DENTURE ADHESIVE C U IM CPLM I P tG »5 ANT ACID. MG 79 ALKA SELTZER EFFERDEHT TABLETS OZ 73» HAIL POLISH ’ I 09 lit OI