U n iv e r s ity o f Oregon E ugene, Oregon 97^03 Fenner A rt Instructor A t Schools Demon i a Sagte VOLUME 51, NUMBER 40 VERNONIA, OREGON 87064 — 10c Per Copy _______ THURSDAY, OCT Sewer Completion, Problems Topic At City Council Meeting CHARLES FENNER Vernonia school students, from the fifth through high school are enjoying instruction in art this year under the tutoring of Charles Penner, who comes from Palatine, a suburb of Chicago, Illinois Married and the father of a boy and g irl, Fenner took his BA degree at Western Illinois in 19«« and followed that with a masters in art education in 1972 at North Illinois University where he also did Dost graduate work in audio visual education Fenner, who has been teaching for five years, finds the Vernonia schools good “ They want to offer good education to their children here and they do,” he said quietly. "K ids are kids everywhere," he added with a smile. “ We all want them to have the best.” Fenner’s wife, Susan, has joined the world of education by assisting with the 3-year-old pre-schoolers. Although coming all the way from Illinois, the Fenners are not completely isolated from their fam ily as Fenner has a brother living in Everett, Wash­ ington where he is serving with the US Marine Corp as a recruiter NewFrench Instructor Likes Music The Vernonia City Council heard more on the East Ver­ nonia Sewer District when they met in regular session Monday night, October 1 with Mayor Sherman Fisher presiding and councilmen Banta, Tomlin, M il­ ler and Atkins in attendance. Also present were attorney Allan Coon and city recorder Wm. Nelson. Business from the floor began with Pat Fennell again request­ ing information on what should be put on the sign at the city dump followed by Mrs Ralph Keasey who requested that the scout cabin be winterized and have garbage pickup each week It was moved and seconded that the Stadeli Pump and Construction Co. install auto mation of the water plant and reservoir controls in the amount of $15,444 32 The motion passed unanimously. Jim Fuiten then took the floor to request that tile be laid at the cemetery for drainage so that more land could be developed Albert Schalock again asked that he he allowed to hookup to the new sewer or possibly on a neighbor’s line but the council decided to table the matter until the next meeting Engineer M ike Thompson read a letter on request of the contractor for a time extension on the completion of the sewer and reasons why it was believed tim e should be extended The engineer recommended that the contractor work until the job was completed if in a reasonable length of tim e since labor and materials had been an adverse factor and the council voted to give the extension Jim Davies sent a letter requesting a concrete wall be extended on the east side of the Rock Creek swimming pool. M iller is to talk with Davies on the matter. A letter was also received from Mark W Parker, claims manager for Hartford Insurance Co. advising the council that their lia b ility policy has lim its of $100.000 on a claim of $2, (MM),(MM) which had been filed in behalf of an accident victim and that they, the council, could retain counsel at their own expense to further protect their interest One other letter was read from the Department of Commerce stating information on a one percent surcharge on building permits which was included in Senate B ill 73. Under unfinished Business, attorney Allan Coon said that he is starting proceedings on an­ nexation of the Thomas Hall property. M iller then moved with Atkins seconding to present the zoning ordinance as prepared by the planning commission at a public hearing Thursday, October 4 The motion carried A resolution was read on policy for changing payday and draw for city employees to the 3rd and 18th respectively. On a voice vote the motion failed with M iller, yes, Banta, Tomlin and Atkins, no, and Mayor Fisher abstaining. It was voted to schedule work sessions in the future to develop a personnel policy manual and to obtain assistance of the Per­ sonnel Institute with the city recorder to w rite requesting a meeting if possible Police Chief Jack Cunningham reported on the Washington County Radio Network which would enable the Vernonia emergency vehicle to reach any hospital, etc in Washington County by radio He also requested overtime pay for Officers Ray Lamping and Lee Akers Following a lengthy discussion concerning salaried employees and the pros and cons of overtime pay versus the use of reserve officers, a voice vote was called with the motion carried three to two. Voting was as follows Banta, yes, Tomlin, yes, M iller, no, Fisher, yes. Following paying of bills, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Vernonia Suffers Electrical Outage Vernonia suffered a power failure Tuesday night when a line carrying current from the Warren substation burned in half N orm ally Vernonia is fed from the Tim ber substation but at present Bonneville has that station out of service so the Warren substation has been carrying the burden for the entire area. At 8:50 p.m. the load proved too much and the resulting overload caused the line to burn at a weak spot where it had been damaged four months earlier when a tree brushed against it. Although service was not re­ stored until 3 a m. Wednesday morning, repairs were made in less than an hour and a half The main problem in serving the line was in locating the break JV Harriers Cinch First Place Trophy The Cross Country team made a g