Church Notes Evangelical Prayer meeting at the church Friday, September 2« at 6 30 p m We will be remembering the special prayer requests from our com m unity. A special prayer project involves the evangelistic meetings planned for our fellowship October 10 through 14 Evangelist Gene Moyer from California will be speaking at these meetings Lord’s Day activities begin with Sunday School at 9:45. The worship experience follows at eleven Koffee Koinonia will be observed at noon with a fellow ship dinner on tap for all who care Io join in a time of Christian fellowship Come out and enjoy our growing fellowship of Chris tians in the making The youth will meet in the term room at 6 p.m Sunday for a lesson on how to obtain and maintain u clear conscience The Sunday Classmeeting at seven will look to the Scriptures to better understand the use and abuse of spiritual gifts Monday evening men of the church will travel to Jennings Lodge for an area Evangelical Men Rally Jack Seeley may be contacted for further infor­ mation. Tuesday morning will be Hoot-Owl Breakfast anytime between the hours of 5 and 7:30 a.m. Baptist First Baptist Church of Ver noma welcomes everyone to the following meetings Sunday School 10a.m Morning Worship 11a m Evening Worship 7 p.m Wed Bible Study, Prayer 7p.m Young adults meet at the pastor's home at 1165 F ir in Riverview Saturday nights at 7:30 for Bible study and dis cussion. Revival is finally here! Rev. Jimmie Floyd from Brookwood Baptist Church in Hillsboro will lie preaching here nightly, lie ginning Monday. October 1, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday morning at 11 a.m Everyone is invited to these meetings , iIF' church family is grieved at the passing of our good Deacon. Sunday School teacher. Sunday School Superintendent and good friend. Brother C lar­ ence Oskins Our prayers are with the family. Christian All women are invited to the Women’s Prayer meeting on Tuesdays at the church at 10 a m W eather p e rm ittin g some painting will be done Wednesday evenings with Choir practice at 8 p m , otherwise practice will start at 7 p m The weekly Bible study Thurs day at 8 p.m at the Orv Olson home. Friday night let’s back the Loggers in their game with St Paul There'll be a bus at Keasey’s Saw Shop awaiting any C YF if they wish to attend the "F ifth Quarter" after the ball game Announcements will be made at school and the ball game for the location. October 3 at 6:30 p m will be the monthly potluck with the business meeting following October 7 at the 11 a m worship hour, a special guest, Ron Bergeson, will be speaking. Ron attended Pepperdine Uni versity in Los Angeles and graduated from San Jose Bible College He is currently a t­ tending the University of Ore gon Everyone is extended a welcome to come hear him. Witnesses The relationship with Jehovah God and his son, Jesus Christ will lx- discussed in this week’s public talk entitled “ Living, Not for Self, But to Do God’s W ill,” to be given by James Milton of the Vernonia Congregation of Je­ hovah's Witnesses, 49 Texas Avenue, Vernonia “ Are You Looking Intently Toward the Inheritance” based on the theme scripture Matthew 25:34 will be the subject for discussion in the Watchtower Bible Study, immediately fol­ lowing the talk All interested persons are welcome to attend For more information concerning Jeho vah's Witnesses, please contact Kent Battrick, 429-8333 Bible Those persons looking for an active, friendly church that stands for the Word of God are extended a warm welcome to attend the following services: Sunday School 9:45a.m. Morning Worship 11 a m Evening Service 7 p.m Fam ily Night iWed » 7:30p.m. A bus is run every Sunday morning for those needing a ride Cassie Livingstone Featured In Magazine Featured in the magazine The Christian, Mrs Cassie D. L i­ vingstone. a resident of Colorado Springs. Colorado was inter­ viewed on her life as an ordained minister in the Christian Church Mrs Livingston, and her hus­ band, W A Livingston are for­ mer residents of Vernonia, hav­ ing held a joint pastorate at the First Christian Church during the late 30's and early 40’s. Following their ten years in Vernonia, they moved to Hood River. “ People’s joys were my joys, and their sorrows were my sorrows,” said the 92-year-old retired minister “ I could be entertained by rich and poor alike and feel at ease.” M rs. Livingstone attended Charles City College in Iowa, and was ordained a minister at Concord, Illinois in 1905, retiring in 1950. EMERGENCY SERVICE PHONES VERNONIA AMBULANCE Dtol 4294811 (H m aacwcr, 429-M81 or 428-5141) 8 S ÿ •î $ ÿ • g J 8 8 VERNONIA FIRE DEPARTMENT F i n Alarma Oaly - PhoM 429-3131 VERNONIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Dial 429-8141 VERNONIA CITY HALL 429-5291 COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF Emergency: Vernonia Area 429-5141 — B u ia e u : »7-2511 OREGON STATE POLICE < a.m. to 3 a.m. . Beaverton Office - «43-4702 S IJ » , to • a.w . . Dial "O”, aak fer Oak Grove <54-6555 S t Helens office - Phone: W/-*131 Majority Oppose Special Session Says Holmström Original artworks by such masters as Goya, Picasso, Dali and others will be on sale at Expo '74, the 1974 World’s F a ir in Spokane, Washington. Galerie Barbizon, a Houston, Texas firm , will operate a 1,200 square-foot gallery on the 100- acre riverfront Fairgrounds, of­ ferin g o rig inal paintings, lithographs, and sculptures, as well as prints, ranging in price from $6 to $30,000. The gallery will be located in the center of the downtown Spokane World’s Fair, available to us at the present time, we see no reason why we should grant the Governor the e x tra o rd in a ry power he is asking until the time it becomes certain that a crisis does exist At ‘he present time, there is no way to preclude the possibility that if the power crisis situation should dramatically change in the next three months, I am con­ fident the Democratic Majority in the Senate would cooperate with the Governor’s office to solve the problem. The Democratic controlled le­ gislature during the past session foresaw very early this year the possibilities of a power crisis and passed legislation to authorize the public utilities commissioner to allocate power when neces­ sary This law goes into effect January 1, 1974. to Sunday School and church. For more information phone the pastor at 429-3363 Junior Youth Fellowship will be held this Sunday evening at 5:45. Recreation, singing, de­ votion, and refreshments are planned. An adult Bible Study on the book of John is held every Thursday evening at 7:30 in the home of M r and Mrs. Virgil Snook Everyone is invited. A young adult party is planned this coming Saturday night, September 29 at 7 p.m. at the home of Larry and Jan Ber­ nard! A great time is planned! The high schoolers meet every Wednesday evening from 7:30 8:30 for a time of Bible study and planning their ac­ tivities. Senator William H. Holm- strom, ID ) Gearhart, Senate Majority Leader said September 20 that the published reports indicating Governor McCall may call a special mini-session in October to deal with the energy problems is not warranted based on the facts available The public should be made aware of the position of the majority of the members of the Senate Democratic caucus who were polled during the past two days. The overwhelming res­ ponse against the proposed mini-session was based on se­ veral points. Of the 15 members of the Senate Democrats polled, th ir­ teen were against having a mini­ session because there is no apparent im m e d ia te danger which could not wait until the Expo 7 4 Offen Original Artwork $ •j ÿ early January session already projected by McCall Further objections aired by the members was the law which states that bills vetoed at the last session by the Governor must be resolved during the special session. Also the appointments made by Go­ vernor McCall must also be considered at this proposed ses­ sion. This could prolong the session by a considerable time and the mini-session would be­ come a costly and time con­ suming one. The voluntary curtailment called for by Governor McCall is apparently working and i n d i . Based on the mformation there will not be an energy crisis between now and the session the Governor will call in January. MeooooMaoooaooooaaaai Directory Of Churches THURSDAY, » I « » » » : * » » » » » » - VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Adam« A Maple Kenneth Woetea, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 a m. - Sunday School 11:00 a m. - Morning worship ser­ vice 5:45 p.m. - Junior Youth Fellow­ ship 7:00 p.m. - Evening worship ser­ vice Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study and Pray­ er If you have a spiritual need or question, call Pastor Wooten at 429 3363 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS VERNONIA BRANCH 850 Madison Avenue Branch Pres. - Henry T. Hodson 1st Coun. . Claude E. Gibson 2nd Cornu. - Elm er C. Schrader Hard Clerk - Robert E. McNair Meeting Schedule Priesthood - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:15 a.m. Sacrament Mtg. - 11:30 am . Relief Scty. - Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. M I.A. - Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Jefferson and Maple Rev. Dan BUllngs, Pastor 9:45 a.m. - Sunday school. Classes for all ages 11:00 a.m. - Morning worship 7:00 p.m. . Evangelistic service 7:30 p m. - Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study (Need a ride? Call 429-6353) Port Orchard Visit Enjoyed By Family tkmonia £agU ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Father Anthony Gussin Mass is celebrated every week­ day morning at 8:30 in the rec­ B IR K E N F E L D - M r and Mrs. tory. Confessions are heard be­ Francis Nordstrom and Howard fore Mass. Larson drove to Port Orchard on Saturday • Mass at 7 p.m. in the Tuesday of last week to visit church their sister and husband Mr. and1 Sunday - Masses at 8:30 and 10 M rs. J e rry D urham . They ajn . stayed overnight, coming home Confessions - On Saturday from 6 Wednesday. to 6:45 in the church, before Mrs Vick Berg visited a short Mass while at the Francis Larson home last Friday. She was on SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST her way home from Vernonia, 2nd & Nehalem having stayed there Thursday L. L. Huntington, Pastor night Claude Veal, Local Elder On Wednesday of last week 9:3o Sabbath School Mrs Lloyd Beach took Mrs. Art 11:00 Worship Service Bellingham to Seaside and As­ 7:00 P.M. Monday - Dorcas So­ toria and did some visiting. ciety at Veal’s home. Mr. and Mrs E .T. Johnston 7:30 P.M. Wed. - Prayer Meeting visited on Sunday at the home of at Veal’s home. M r and Mrs Bruce Larsen and 7:00 P.M. Mon. - Pathfinders at family at Warren. Scout Cabin. SEPT Chalet Flower Shop EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH BIRKENFELD, OREGON The Rev. C. S. Shulda, Vicar Phone Clatskanie 728-2331 Celebration of the Holy Commu­ nion the Fourth Sunday of each month at 13:00 Noon. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Washington A A Streets Terry E. Lowen, Pastor Pbone 420-3391 Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 7:00 P.M. Evening Worship Wednesday: 7:Oo P.M. Midweek Prayer Service MIST - BIRKENFELD COMMU­ NITY CHURCH Birkenfeld, Oregon Eldon Shetler, Pastor 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a m. - Church Services 7:30 p.m. - Wed. Prayer Meeting 10:30 a.m. - (Winter Months) on 2nd Wed. Women’s Missionary and Work day. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 430 North A Washington Streets Russ Vlnyard, Pastor Phone 429-6522 Sunday - Bible School 9:45 a.m. Homer Fuller, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. (Nursery Provided) Fellowship Hour 6:07 p.m. Wednesday: Choir Practice 7:00 p.m. (1st only- Church Night 6:30 p.m. (2nd A 4th) CWF . 1:30 p.m. Friday: Bible Study - 8:00 p.m. (Call for location of Bible Study) Max Oblacks Enjoy Sunday In Molalla NATAL-PITTSBURG - M r and Mrs. Max Oblack visited Mr. and Mrs. Alben Oblack Sunday at Molalla. Recent visitors of Mrs. Noble Dunlap included Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack, Jepson Lonnquist and Eldon Shetler. Ben's Barber Shop Birkenfeld Lunch & Service Bill Horn Rlty. & Ins. Bob's Union Service Bruce Berndt Excavating Brunsman Hardware & Electric C&C Logging Vernonia Sentry Market C-Z Corp. — E.P. Stamm Farm Archie Dass Logging Dave's Automotive— ARCO Davies Chevrolet Don's Auto Service Mike's Tavern National Public Service Insurance—Dave Brunsman VERNONIA Olympic Forest Products VS. Perry's Basketball Camp ST. PAUL Pine Cone Lloyd Quinn FRIDAY, SEPT. 28 Ralph's Chevron Service 8:00 P.M. GREENMAN FIELD — LOGGER J.V. FOOTBALL — SALEM ACADEMY defender goes high in the air to knock down thia Logger aerial Friday evening on the local field. The visitor« defeated the local eleven 24-28 in the Loggers third gridiron encounter of the 1973 season. Vernonia vs. Kauppa AT KNAPPA Loren Ellis Jr. and Sons Ellson Cedar Products Essie's Antiques F&E Logging / Fisher's Electric Franz Bread—John Judah International Paper Co. Kimmel's Apparel Mist Shake and Ridge Vernonia Clinic Vernonia Drug Vernonia Golf Club Vernonia Milk Farms Gwin Logging Holce Logging Lew's Restaurant Sam's Food Store John Serafin Logging Sew Simple Shop Smejkal Logging Smith & Hull Logging, Inc. Stan's Auto Shop Union Oil Company Weller & Bernardi Vernonia Branch U. S. National Bank Monday, October 1—6 P.M. STEVE JOHNSTON, Logger back, picks up yardage, tw stopped rather abruptly by Salem Academy tackier ’ in Friday nights contest. Join These Vernonia Area Firms, Organiz­ ations & Individuals In Backing the Ver­ nonia Loggers. 1973 7 FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH •57 State Avenue Jack Carlson, Pastor 9:45 a.m. . Sunday School, Paul Weidman, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. - Morning worship. 5:00 p.m. - Youth Fellowship. 7:00 pm. - Evening service. Every Evening 7:00 p.m. - Hour of power, prayer and Bible study. LOGGER FOOTBALL Allied J&H Lumber Co. Alpine Lanes and 27, Vernonia Police Cadets Vernonia Sanitary Service Vernonia Variety Wally's Exxon Service Western Auto West Oregon Electric Co-op.