Demonia Eagle GujntV I Fair CSWC Appoints New Director ______ BOWLING H”9e Sucass FOR SALE-R'l Eelale »OMER'S LEAGPE Sfl/S CARC Rep UMtUBaDS FOR SALE-General SERVICES 2 CLARINETS . . . 1 wood. $85. 1 metal $65.00. 2 girls Spvder bikes. 20 inch wheels, excellent condition, $25.00 each Call 42»- 6701 « THURSDAY, ! ! VERNONIA AREA I I W ANTED • • Two or three bed room home on small well drained acreage B u y « willing to make minor improvements to home if it is basically sound This will be a cash transaction for the right property. Call. W. L. "W ES” BROWN Realtors Rt. 1, Box 133, Scappoose Phone 543-6579 SEPT 27, 1878 Monday Night League Speaking before the Colum bia Association for R etarded C h il­ Septem ber 24 W dren and parents of the han Quinn Insurance 15 dicapped. M rs. Sarolta Naby. West Oregon I Consultant for the Education Vernonia Drug 5 P ro g ram for the M en tally Re FOR SALE 50 Honda Trail Bike. Tim bem ook 4 larded, defined “ behavior mo $125; Walking Cat. $50; 15 ft. d ifica tio n '' as getting rid of the Travel Trailer, smk, stove and High T eam gam e and series, refrigerator. $400: John Deere Vernonia Drug. 828 and 2387; unacceptable behavior pattern and reshaping to structured tractor, model B, $350: Disc H ar­ high individual gam e and series, train ing . row, $75; Spring tooth harrow . M ickey Johnson. 185 and 483 The basic principals of behav­ $30: Gelding. Morgan and Ap- Splits picked up Vi Aldrich, 5 - (Formerly Stan's Auto Repair» ior m odification includes cues, FOR SALE. Newly remodeled 3 palousu, $100 (with tack $150); 8 10; F lo Huff. 2 - 7 - 10; Enid bedroom home with washer and 40-in. elec range. $40; double box P arro w , 5 - 7, Shirley W ilkerson, response and the use of a rein d ry « , electric stove, trash burn­ spring and mattress, $30 Phone forcer Cue is a verbal com m and 4 - 5. er. and electric heat. Phone 429 429-0681_____________________39tl or hand motion, “ come h e re ,’’ 5782 _______________________ 381 lc "s it dow n ." Response is child FOR "a job well done feeling" Tuesday Afternoon League coming to teacher or sitting dean carpets with Blue Lustre. down. The rein fo rcer is either Rent electric shampoo« $1.00 W social praise, i.e. a sm ile, hug. Brunsman Hardware_______ 39tlc M itche's Witches 13 pat, or good boy, good g irl 39t3c 7 Daves ARCO p rim a ry rein fo rcer is food, can­ FOR SALE: Rediner (tangerine GRI 7 M ario's VERNONIA SANITARY dy, raisin, tre a t, etc G eneraliz color»; 2 albums (Hank Williams Rose Motel 5 953 Bridge St., Vernonia SERVICE Records»; 35 lb. bow. good target ed rein fo rcer consists of gold High team gam e. M ario 's 828; practice: cornet and case, good Phone 4296203 stars, tokens, money or some Phone 4298711 or 4296254 high team series. Mitches W it­ school instrument; girls (new’ 30tfc type of recreational tre at for the B IL L HORN, BROKER ches. 2286; high individual imitation fur coat (green1 sue older child such as bowling, skat­ SALESMAN: gam e, betty H all and Judy 12; air compresor; boat and 4 SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and de­ ing, etc reinforcem ent should be Deri Roberts— 129389» Bates. 163; high individual safety vests. Call 429-7321. geared to child's m ental age livery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 Sue Filter—4297014 series, Hose D unaw ay, 453. J9tl R ew ard should follow im m e ­ p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair. D St., FOREST GROVE BRANCH — d iately a f t « behavior wished Vernonia, 429-3301. 31tfc B EEF for sale. Phone 4297795. A r lie S a tte r le e . M g r — P h . 357-2321 strengthened Thursday Afternoon League 39t3c CARC President Angie Noelle SEE H.S. HA NEL at 1302 State DeWALT D ELU XE Power Shop chaired th<* Septem ber General W L St. to buy two very clean houses Septem ber 20 Saw with a new top. Phone 429- M eeting which followed the an ­ Can buv either one. 37t3 Bob’s Union 8 4 2075 _______________________ 39tfc nual pot luck and speaker's Vernonia Eagles 8 4 report CARC m em bers voted to The Chicks 5 7 PU R EB R ED Malamute puppies, Blown-in Insulation accept the a c tiv ity board’s re ­ Chevy V8 s 3 9 $50. Two males and two females. Rockwool Batting comm endation to hire a secre­ Phone 728-3912, Clatskanie. ta ry for the Clatskanie A ctivity F R E E ESTIM ATES High team series and gam e. ___________________________39t3c Center. The cost of her salary Bob's Union ¿145 and 834 High during the first six months to be I AM interested in buying your individual series and gam e, Jan ST. HELENS old furniture (oak. cherry or wal­ shared w ith the Division of B ern ardi, 434, E velyn Holce, lOtfc nut*. Oid iceboxes, chests, old V o c a t io n a l R e h a b i l it a t io n 166 SALES - RENTALS children’s toys, dishes, crocks, M em bers also voted to accept Splits picked up: Claudia Ob- HO M E LOCKSMITH SERVICE Listings Needed old cans, pictures, stoves, hand board's recom m endation to sub lack 2 - 7, Irene M inger 5 - 6; Lost keys replaced, combinations 786 Bridge St. — Phone 4298211 pumps, almost anything old. lease the house on Columbia Betty Holsey 5 - 7 ; DeDe Webb 2 - changed, master systems, etc. Fishhawk Branch - Birkenfeld Write: B. K ., Rt. 1, Box 21&M, Blvd. to be used as tem porary 7; Jan B ernardi 5 - 6 . Kathleen Also new locks on hand. Dave _ _ _ _ _ Phone 755-2280________ Banks. Oregon 97106 38t3c quarters for the St. Helens Gwm 3 -1 0 ; Eleanor Thompson 3 Zam arripa, 1091 First Ave., Ph. A c tiv ity Center - 10; Carol Baker 4 - 7 - 6 - 1 0 ; 4297474. 44tfc SADDLE HORSE, Pmto Mare M arg e Coalman reported the Betty Fuquay 5 - 6 Approximately 12 years old Very County F a ir at Kleger P a rk a gentle, good for children. Phone TH E C IT Y of Vernonia will ac­ huge success Plans are already 429-7231____________________38t2c cept applications for Librarian underway to m ake it an annual until October 12, 1973. Library event. A portion of the money K IN G APPLES, tomatoes, corn. hrs are from 1:00 p m . to 5:00 Septem ber 21 w ill be donated to CARC and a Lloyd Whitcomb, 1 block west of W p.m Monday through Friday. Vernonia M ilk the Brown Derby in Banks Ph. percentage is ea rm ark ed for the 4 New Homes Built To Your State qualifications are return re­ S am ’s Food Store 324-2494 evenings and weekends. building fund for the Low er 3 Specifications sume to the City Hall, Vernonia, K im m el's Apparel 38t3c Colum bia A ctivity Center. New Construction - Additions - Re- 1 Oregon The City reserves the F is h e r’s E lectric P re s id e n t N o lle ap p o in te d modelng - Roofing . Foundations 0 CORN FOR SALE, 60c a dozen. right to reject any or all appli­ M rs Roseline M allo ry to serve High team gam e and series — F R E E ESTIM ATES — A. F. Schalock, 1313 E . Cherry, cations. as C A R C ’s U .G .N Representa went to Sam's Food Store with 4293582_____________________ 38t2 Wm E. Nelson tive. 515 and 1444 pins City R ecord« M rs Donna Thorp was elect«?d Individual high gam e and FOR SALE : Large bundles of 38t2c 42tfc to serve as ch airm an of the series went to P h illip Bartles cedar kindlings for fireplaces and nom inating co m m ittee: serving stoves $1 each. Call Darrell with 158 and 431 pins PUB LIC HEA R IN G Gwinn at 4296472 or Greg P a r k « w ith her are M rs La M an- A public hearing will be held at Splits picked up w ere the 5 - 10 at 4295245 Also a used trum- Meadows and M rs Rosie 7:30 pan. Thursday. October 4, by K a rla H all, and fhe 3-10 by pet 429-6472.________________ 37t3c 1973 to discuss proposed final Rorv Dunaway. Goodwin draft of Zoning Ordinance pre­ M rs Dena Nelson, director of HODAKA 100, just rebuilt. Many pared by the Piacning Commis- the fa c ia l D rop -In C e n t« , spon new parts $3007” Phone 4296522 sion and Columbia County Or- sored by the County m ental _____________________________ ganization of Governments and health departm ent, was intro ­ reviewed by the City Council. duced and explained a little FOR SALE: Smith Coronet por­ All interested Citizens are asked about the newly organized pro­ table typew rit«. Like new $25. to attend. Place of meeting will Trucking, Excavating, Bulldozing. g ram . M rs Nelson needs help in Phone 755-2440 a f t « 7 p.m. even­ B 1 R K E N F E L D - M r and M rs be the City Hall, Vernonia, Ore­ Backhoe ings. M arty Hanson, Mist, Ore. fund raising and publicity She Francis Larson w ere in S ilv « to n gon. 37t3c suggested perhaps a guild might Tuesday and Wednesday of last Wm. E Nelson Sand • Gravel - Rock be form ed for this purpose week to visit relatives They City R ecord« Stockpiled In Vernonia for M rs D ix ie Van Horn from the 38t2c spent the night there, coming L U C K Group requested help in home on Wednesday They also obtaining names and addresses stopped at the Gene Larson’s. 16tfc of known handicapped people in M r and M rs George Richard the county for the purpose of I WISH to thank my friends and son and Joe w ere in Portland m aking this inform ation known neighbors for their many kind­ Saturday. to the fire departm ents through M r. and M rs Jam es Person nesses, cards, flowers anil pray­ out the C«xinty. ers during m y stay in the has- and two children of Cherry M rs M a ry S tro h e c k « , Scap­ Grove, spent Sunday at the DZtuJ. poose high school Spedical Ed 429-7262 - Keasev Rt — Vernonia T om blad home. They attended Ted Hill teacher and advisor to the 25tfc ____________________________ 39tl church with them and also recently organized Youth ARC enjoyed dinner at their home was present w ith three of her W ITH A grateful heart, m ay I FOR SAVINGS on loans contact 24tfc M rs IJovd Beach was a volunteer aides The students. say Thank You for all the pray­ your local Credit Union - 783 Clatskanie c a lle r last F rid a y. Sharon B ig g « . Susan Ing raham , ers. cards, flowers and gifts sent CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun- Bridge Street. 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 M r and M rs E llis H a r p « of and Scappoose high Y A R C P re at the time of our loss. « a l designs, plants. Also (I owcts p.m. - Tuesdays through Friday. California spent a week in the sident B ill Collings attended to by wire. Artificial flowers and M ay God Bless each and every Closed Saturday, Sunday and valley visiting relatives They learn m ore about behavior m o­ one of you. gifts. CHALET FLO W ER SHOP. Monday. Or call 4298245 during left on Tuesday of last week for dification Y A R C m em bership Phone 4295733 or 4296301 Maudaleen M urray non-office hours. their home. requires five hours of orientation 39tl ___________________________ 13tfc 17tfc M r and M rs M a rv in Bloomer before one can become a mem BUNDLES of old newspapers for and children visited Sunday at SEPTIC TANK PU M PIN G ber starting fires, 10 cents Ver­ the home of M rs E m m a Eth Licensed - Bonded and Insured nonia Eagle, 721 Madison Ave. eridge at Vernonia PHONE 397-3172 tfc call 397-2281. M r and M rs Ted Bellingham I l no answer of Astoria visited the A rt B e ll­ Columbia County Septic ingham home on Sunday Tank Service R IV E R V IE W - F rid a y visitors On F rid a y of last week Miss 18tfc Com m unication is rated at the a t the home of M rs Leta Lisa Johnson and friends of FOR R E N T Apartment suitable top of the list of factors con W hitem an w ere her daughter- Seattle, visited at the Tom blad for one or two. Phone 4296033 tributing to m a rita l satisfaction in-law M rs. Joe W hitem an of home Other recent visitors were ____ _39tfc- or dissatisfaction, says Carol A. S tillw ater, Oklahom a and a M r and M rs Don Peppin VS - Happy 30th you old dog. Ashley, Extension home econo­ T R A IL E R SPACE for rent: Adult grandson Doug W hitem an of They live in the fo rm e r Wilcoxen ___ _______________________ 39tic m ist. mobile home space on Timber Corvallis and Cahill house* M r Peppin Com m unication is also an Rt., Box 257, Vernonia Phone M rs Alice M ills and her sister teaches shop at the Jew ell High im p ortan t factor in other fa m ily 644-2024____________________ 32tfc M rs Caroline Brown had v i­ School relationships In m any cases, sitors from North Vancouver FOR RENT: Deluxe 3 bedroom, she says, a generation gap m ight M LNIM UM charge $1.00 tor 25 B C Wednesday through F r i- 1 2 baths apartment. Carpets, be called a com m unication gap words or less. Words over m ini­ day M rs Dina Van Galen and drapes, colored appliances, patio, Focus on Comm unications, an M rs Isa Reid mum 4 cents each. built-in utility room. Vernonia E x te n s io n S e rv ic e p ro g ra m Court Apartments. Phone 429 Three insertions for the price of scheduled for O c to b « 9, w ill 8211 or 644-6529. 26tfc R IV E R V IE W - M rs Wm two. center on identifying b arrie rs to F a lc o n e r a c c o m p a n ie d M rs com m unications and on ways to NO Information on classifieds R IV E R V IE W - M r and M rs George Smith and M rs Nell rem ove these b arriers. The ses w ill be given out until after Jewell Lloyd brought his mother Thacker to Clatskanie where sion w ill be held a t the M cB ride M rs. N ettie Lloyd home Sa- they spent the day visiting M r paper is mailed. NOTICE School cafeto rium beginning at turday a fte r she had been aw ay and M rs Les G allow ay While Property owners in the R iver­ CARD of Thanks and Notices: 7:30 p.m . six months Sunday visitors at they were gone M rs Grace view area who will be connecting F eatu red speaker w ill be $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Addi­ her home w ere M rs M ildred P arke r of Sacram ento, Califor to the new sew « system are ad­ tional lines, 8 cents each. Roberta F ra s ie r Anderson. E x ­ Hays of Gaston and M rs John nia cam«* to the Falconer home vised that they should contact tension fa m ily life specialist at Kudraa. DISPLAY classified are $1.00 per the Building Inspector before for a visit but was unable to w ait Oregon State U n iversity. During column inch. M r and M rs Henry Cadonau starting to make the connection for the ladies to return. the past 14 years in this position of Astoria visited their aunt and He may be contacted by calling TH E EAG LE assumes no finan­ M r and M rs Calvin Sherman M rs Anderson has worked with uncle M r and M rs Charles 4295291 or 4297355. cial responsibility for errors of Bend spent M onday night at fam ilies throughout Oregon. She Nelson on Sunday John Lentz that may appear in ads pub­ the horn«* of his aunt M rs Grace served on the G overnor’s Com Building Inspector lished In Its columns, but in Peachey m it tees on Children and Youth, cases where this paper is at ________ ___ -*K2c Status of Women, and on the fault will yeprint that part of I W IL L not be responsible for Com m unity Coordinated Child R IV E R V IE W - M r and M rs an adv. in which the typographi­ any debts o th « than my own C are Council. In 1972 she re ­ cal mistake occurs. Austin Cheeks and four children R IV E R V IE W M r and M rs. Cleve M , Loyd. _____ 39t4 ceived the USDA superior ser­ of Kenai Alaska visited his Otto Stowell of Buxton and M rs NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY vice aw a rd for her w ork in parents M r and M rs W illie I W ILL NOT be responsible for Nell Thacker enjoyed Sunday ADV. W ILL BE ACCEPTED fa m ily life. Cheeks over the weekend any work done by previous opera­ dinner at the home of M r and A F T E R NOON TUESDAY E X ­ T h e re is no charge for the M rs M aude Wells attended M rs Wm Falconer tor of Stan's Auto Repair. Rus­ CEPT FOR N E X T W EEK'S Focus on C o m m u n ic a tio n s sell Wenzlick, Bud’s Auto Repair the meeting of the Oregon Re PAPER. session. The program is open to tired E d ucato r’s Association at __._______________________ 39t4c all fam ilies or individuals. B L IN D ADS with answers to be Seaside on Monday and Tues handled by The Eagle: M ini­ REW ARD $100 for conviction day That evening she was a and/or information leading to the mum charge $2.00. No informa­ guest of M rs Anna llaggblom at F O R ADS T H A T P A Y tion given relative to such ads. arrest of person or parties tres­ a dinner meeting of the National T R Y T H E EAGLE! passing, robbing or rustling on PO ETR Y accepted only as paid Federation of Business and P ro ­ my property, a . F . Schalock m a tt« : Rate: 10 cents per fessional W om en’s Club, Seaside Let litte r bug you type line. 37t3c chapter BUD'S AUTO SERVICE OPENING OCT. 1 339 A Street Open 8-5 Mon. - Sat. Closed Sundays WORK GUARANTEED 429-5221 - 429-2871 Bill Horn |*n Really »»«Ito»* ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Q U IN N Call Collect 397-1670 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE PUBLIC NOTICE Norman Hillsbery, Builder JUNIOR LEAGUE The Colum bia Soil and W ater Conservation District Board of Directors met September 19. at the St Helens SCS office Harold M cB ride was appoin­ ted to succeed Je rry Moore as director J e rry Moore was ap pointed assistant director O ACD Annual Convention w ill be held at K a h -N e e T a W arm Springs Indian Reservation No vem ber 7 • 9. 1973 Richard Arm strong and Hill K«*ssi w ill represent the district B ill Kessi was appointed the register agent for the district Columbia County Flood Plain study was brought up and a letter from the State Conservn tiomst was read The district w ill enter the out standing cooperator contest and the w riteup w ill be sent in to the State Com m ittee J im Collins, a student trainee for Colum bia and Washington counties sent us a sum m ary of his su m m er’s w ork The sum m a ry was review ed by the board The board review ed und ap ­ proved applications for District Cooperators for M a rk G ift, S cappoose; D ic k M a g ru d e r, Clatskanie; Glenn Babb, W ar ra n ; Owne Johnston. W arren ; Portland G eneral E lec tric T ro jan P la n t; l,ee Poe, Clatskanie; Gfiuten A Bruce Beckm an. W urren; Robert Brinster. Scappoos«* Clarence McDonnell, W urren, Janies Gugmo, R a in ier. Joe It Woods. W arren , M iller-G ross group. M cN ulty Andy Pavelek gave the pro gress report showing that the district is well on our way of meeting our unnual goals Con servution work covered since the last meeting was on gravel rem ovul perm its, soil investi gallon for septic tanks with the sanitarian, on ponds and dams, pasture and hay seedings, w « xm 1 lund im p ro v e m e n ts , open drains, tile drains, w ild life tie velopment, stream bank protec tion seedings for erosion control, and com m unity w ater system development. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379. Forest Grove, Ore. 357-7281 Slaughtering. Cutting. Wrapping, uwl Luring Cattle received Sunday & Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday anil Wednesday until luxxi Meat for sale, any quantity. — Call for Appointment — Com«* through Banka, tuhe T illa­ mook road 1H ml., take first left- hand road. life F m o rtu a ry che Capahle advice regarding ‘m u tace, social security, veterans. 8th and Baseline Hillsboro—648-2101 Cedar and Pacific Forest Grove—357-2161 4866 S.W. Watson Beavertœ»—644-1119 741 Madison Street Vernonia— «29-8611 VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Old Courthouse Basement ST. HELENS. OREGON Phone 397-2268 — Alter Hours 397-1730 Monday - Wednesday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon * < 429-8942 BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 T ------ L.H iXiNlR Y 1S1( The Place To Call For All Your Rock Needs! Alla's Junkshop Antiques Buy, Sell or Trade Highway 47 Star Rt., Box 19 Phone 324-3644 Buxton, Oregon In Silverton —Immediate Delivery— CABD ol THANKS Sewer Systems Installed 1—1965 - 10x50 2 bedrooms Mayflower All Electric . $2995 1— 1960 Buckingham 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, new carpet. Nice beach home $2995 1—1965 Star 12x60, 2 bedrooms, raised dining area. A real beauty ....... _.................. $4495 Communication Tops Martial Factor List CLASSIFIED BATES Calif. Visitors Finds Mrs. Falconer Away ,'«.Z 1—1973 - 20' Campion Motor Home. 1800 miles. New condition____ ______ Full Price $6295 MOBILE HOMES PERSONAL L MOTOS HOME Excavating Service FOB BENT NOTICE USED MOBILES HOMES, TRAVEL TRAILERS, MOTOR HOMES, TRUCKS, AND CAMPERS BRUCE BERNDT Visitors From• Oklahoma Here i TRAVEL TRAILERS 1— 1972 Road Ranger 24'. Tub, Self Contained ................... ............. $2895 1—1971 Security 15' Gas/Electric refrigerator and furnace. Like new__________ $1195 1—1968 Aloha 17'. New gas/electric refrigera­ tor and furnace................... ................ $1695 1— 1964 Skylark 14'.............................. $595 1—1961 Oasis 15' ................................ $695 1—1959 Arrowhead 15'........................ 1—Apache Tent Trailer____________ $595 $395 TRUCK CAMPER 1— 1969 Security Truck Camper. Hydraulic jacks, self contained........... .............. .$1295 TRUCK Z—1971 Chevy % ton pickup. New tires. Duel extra tanks. New canopy. All automatic? Real c le a n --------------------------------- $2695 Twelve Month W arranty on all New Units. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mobile home and travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings, skirting and insur­ ance. Open 7 days per week. TROJAN HOMES INC. Phone 556-1531 Located on Highway 30 to St. Helens 2 ^ mi S.E. of Rainier. Next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 30 Owned and Operated by Steve 8c Lotus Gaskill