O ct nonia Eagle September Hunting Calendar Parkside 30 4 THURSDAY, SEPT SO. _1973 Sduvic Island Date Changed David B Trask has been named regional engineer for the Pacific Northwest Region of the U.S Forest Service, succeeding W.W. Gano, who retired last January. Trask. 39. has been special assistant to Forest Service Chief John R McGuire the past vear Regional "Forester Theodore A Schlapfer pointed out that Trask previously served in the Pacific Northwest, 1961-62 on the Umpqua National Forest and 1962-64 on the Gifford Pmchot National Forest Trask later served in the Eastern Region headquarters at Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, before going to Washington. D C., in 1966 as staff engineer in charge of transpor­ tation planning Trask began his Forest Ser­ vice career in 1956 on the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire From 1958 to 1961 he served on the Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS ' possession; Blue and ruffed H d S £ l6 C tlO R grouse September 1 througl The annual meeting for the September 30. Open area hunting seasons which are or election of officers und board eastern Oregon. Bag lim it - w ill be under way in September members of the Parkside 30 3 per day, 6 in possession. Hunters are requested to check Corporation was held at the Sage grouse - September 8 the regulations for details such County Courthouse on Wednes and 9, Open area that portion as bag lim its, tag or permit day, September 5, 1973. of state lying south of U.S requirements, and other per The following board members 26 and east of U.S. Highway 97, tinent information were reconfirmed or elected; Oregon Highway 31. and U.S Black Bear (hunting license re ­ Class of “ 74". Mrs Fay Tarbell, Highway 395 south of Valley quired) August 1 through De­ Royal Johnston, Mrs Pansey Falls, Bag lim it - 2 per day, cember 31. Steward. Mrs Helen Weigandt, 2 in possession; Silver gray Deer (hunting license deer tag M E McMichael; class of "72” , squirrel September 1 through and permit required) High W illia m Borjesson, Norm an September 30, Open area - Cascade Buck Season Septem ..... tnuivr. Marion Andress. Earl Hood River and Wasco coun­ ber 15 through September Bennett, and Mrs Doris Holmes ties and Southwest Area. Bag 23 Open area restricted Class of ” 76'’ . Mrs Lois Oliver, lim it - 5 per day, 5 in pos portion of west side of high Mrs Doris Wallin. Mrs I-or Cascades Jackson A g ri­ session. Silver gray squirrel - raine Borjesson. James Smith entire year. Open area north cultural Area - August 11 and Philip Walrod through October 5. and No­ west Area, Bag lim it - no The following officers for the lim it. vember 5 through December 2. corporation were elected for two Josephine Agricultural Area year teams President, Philip August 11 through October 5 Walrod; Vice-President, Mrs and November 12 through Fay Tarbell; Secretary, Mrs December 2. Doris W allin; Treasurer, Mrs Bighorn Sheep (hunting license Judge James A Mason of St. James Smith and bighorn sheep tag re-, Helens has recently completed The Parkside 30 Corporation is quired) September 15 through an intensive two-week course for involved in the planning and September 21 judges of the nation's special financing for the construction of Archery (hunting license and courts at the National College of a housing complex for retired appropriate big game tags the State Judiciary persons in Columbia County. required) Canyon Creek - The National College. Special The meetings of the Parkside August 25 through Oc­ Court Division, located on the 30 ( orporation are held every tober 18; Crane Moun­ Reno campus of the University second Tuesday of the month at tain - August 25 through of Nevada, is the educational 7:30 p m September 30; Eastern Ore­ arm of the Judicial Administra The October meeting w ill be gon Management Units - tion Division of the American held at the home of Mrs Lois August 25 through September Bar Association Oliver. Route 1, Box 526. War 30 (see open units); Govern Judge Mason participated in ren, Oregon The general public ment Island - August 25 an in-depth study of crim inal is invited through September 30; Hart law. sentencing, civil law. com­ Mountain August 25 through munity relations, ju ry and evi September 30; Sauvie Island - dence Also featured was an on August 25 through September location dialogue with drug re­ 30; T illa m o o k A ir Base - sidence house members The State Highway Division August 25 through September announced that effective Oc­ 30. Western Oregon Manage­ tober 5 it w ill begin charging for FOR AI)S THAT PAY ment Units - August 25 through overwidth vehicles using the TRY THE EAGLE! September 30, and November State Highway System. 12 through December 2 (see open units); W illiam Finley National W ildlife Refuge - August 25 through September 30 pland Birds and Small Game nunting license re q u ire d ' Mourning dove -September 1 through September 30; Open area - entire state; Bag lim it - 10 per day. 20 in possession; Band-tailed pigeon Septem ber 1 through September 30. Open area-entire state. Bag lim it - 8 per day. 8 in areas and dates for th< var,0JS Because of a delay in getting the upland bird and waterflow regulations synopsis from the printer, the Game Gommision has given duck hunters an additional nine days to apply for October shooting permits on the east-side units of Sauvie Island Game Management Area The new deadline is 5 p m Sep tember 24 instead of September 15 as originally announced The deadlines for the other months w ill remain as originally set It was planned to have ap­ plication blanks for the Sauvie Island shooting and the 1973 bird regulations to all license agen cies by early September How ever, the delay of over a week in getting the regulations from the printer made this impossible Applications for reservations for shooting days in October must be in the Portland office of the Game Commission, P.O. Box 3503. Portland. Oregon 9?208, by 5 p.m on the new deadline date. September 24 The drawing w ill be held at 10 a m on September 27 U.S. Forest Service Names David Trask following calendar lists * .... Nason Completes Two-Week Course October 5 Set For Overwidlh Charge Driving Habits To Undergo Change Oct. 5 Says OMVD Drivers w ill not need to change their driving habits very much when new tra ffic laws take effect October 5. but they w ill have to learn a few new ones, according to the Oregon Motor Vehicles Division One of the new laws is known as the “ open bottle“ law Sim ilar laws have been in effect in many states for years and many Oregonians may be surprised to learn that Oregon has jus, adopted the law The open bottle law makes it illegal to drink any alcoholic liquor or to have an open bottle containing uny alcoholic liquor in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle on an Oregon highway. The law exempts pu blicly owned transit vehicles, common carriers used p rim arily to carry passengers for hire, or the living quarters of a camper or motor home The Division says you can still carry empties from home to store in the passenger com­ partment of your car or you can carry full bottles or containers in the car just as long as they have not been opent*d Another new law deals with bicycles but also needs to be understood by drivers of other types of vehicles I, slightly changes lighting requirements for bicycles ridden at night and adds a number of new pro­ visions. including a requirement that bikes have a brake to enable a rider to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement It becomes illegal, not just city to city and was difficult to enforce or understand This law took effect on passage Emergency vehicles Drivers of other vehicles must yield right-of-way and stop when an unsale, to carry more people on emergency vehicle gives either a bike than it was designE*d to an audible or visual signal The carry Riders must ride upon or old law required an audible astride a permanent and regular signal from the emergency ve­ seat hicle. Bicyclists are not to carry Vehicle loads It w ill be legal anything that prevents keeping to have a load extend beyond the at least one hand on the handle front of a vehicle or a com­ bars and having full control at bination of vehicles by four feet, all times. It becomes a "no-no" an increase of one foot over the to hitch a ride from some other previous law vehicle. Stop lights Stop lights must Under the new law bicycles be red in color The old law must ki*ep to the right, except on permitted stop lights to he red or one way streets, and us«’ due amber care when passing a standing or Passengers It is against the moving vehicle They must also law to tow a mobile home or ride single file in areas where travel trailer with a passenger the designated sp«*ed exceeds 25 inside the towed unit The pre miles per hour and, in other vious law referred to “ house locations, they are to ride not tra ile r," a definition that no more than two abreast If a longer appears in the state’s motor vehicle laws bicycle lane is available ad jacent to the road, bicycles are Another traffic law change to use the bicycle lane had an emergency clause and The new law also draws the took effect this summer, but line on drivers of motor vehicles some people may still not know trying to use bicycle lanes or about it. I, relates to lane use by paths It specifically prohibits campers, vehicles towing tra i­ motor vehicles from driving or lers and all vehicles of 6,«00 parking on a bicycle path. It pounds gross weight or more I, permits a driver who may be requires thiwe vehicle« to stay legally passing on the right to out of the extreme left -hand lane use a bicycle lane only if he can on highways with three lanes in do so safely Drivers of cars are the same direction, except under to yield right-of-way to bicycles in a bicycle lane School zones - Drivers are required to observe the 20 mile per hour speed for school zones whenever children arc present on a school grounds or at a crosswalk Previously, the law required observance of the MOTOR FREIGHT. INC. school zone speed "during cross ing hours” a requirement that varied from school to school or nehnlem valley Phone 429-3462 æ uæ w M i U .S .D .A . C H O IC E , F U ll CUT SWISS STEAK Rent Notice Necessary For Ore. Refund “ Renters should be aware that they too are now eligible to apply for property tax refunds,“ says Charles H. Mack, director o Oregon's Department of Reven ue "F o r the first time renters are included in a tax relief pro­ gram ,’ Mack adds, “ but they must show receipts of money they paid in rent during this calendar year of 1973 when they file applications for refunds after January 1, 1974.” The tax relief program passed during the closing days of the 1973 legislative session, permits renters with an annual income of 440 N. N eh a lem less than $15,000 to claim _ | C L A T SK A N IE , ORE. refund of $50 to $245. depending on their income and the amount of their rent. Homeowners earn­ ing less than $15,000 w ill be e li­ Your Local Rep. gible for $100 to $490 depending on the amount of their taxes and A R T L A M P IN G the amount of their income. P H . 429-5671 “ We are concerned,” said Mack, “ that some renters who 22t6c move during the year may have difficulty providing the required evidence without knowing the need at the time of moving We are alerting them now to one of their responsibilities and requirements.” Renters must attach a copy of a rent certificate to their tax refund application that shows net rent paid during 1973 Land­ lords are required by the new law to provide this form at tenant request The Department of Revenue w ill make this form available to landlords later this summer Mack says. “ If you are moving now, before these new forms are available, or have already moved, you should go back to Once an accident haa hap­ your landlord and request a pened, it’s too late to wonder receipt or statement with the i f your automobile insurance following information l j Land­ f i v e s y o u th e p r o t e c t io n lo rd s name and address; 2) you need. L a n d lo rd 's social se cu rity number; 3) Duration of the B e sure y o u h ave enough rental period during the 1973 c o v e ra g e — a n d th e r i g h t calendar year; 4) The amount of kind! Bring in your policy and the rent; 5) The landlords ta lk it over with us. N o obli­ signature; 6) As the tenant, your gation, of course. name, social security number, and current address The De­ partment of Revenue w ill accept this as a valid rent ce rtifica te." Homeowners and renters claiming a refund must file a claim with the Department of Revenue between January 1, V ernonia Insurance 1974, and April 15, 1974 E xch an ge Mack said, “ In order to better inform the several hundred thousand Oregonians who w ill Phone 429-6203 qualify for these refunds, the 953 Bridge Street Department w ill regularly issue Vernonia, Oregon information through the news media This information w ill Rtprnentlng explain details of the program Hsrtfsrd Accident sntf and responsibilities of the tax­ Indemnity Compeny L Member The H.rtfort payers We are also working on other methods of communicat­ Hertford IS. Conn. ing the message so that as many people as possible w ill file appli cations.” U I CUOCI « O M IM S « O T K » H U N T'S , PEEIED C R O W N M A R IN A RUSHED FRESH TO SENTRY Plymouth JIFF CREAMY O R C R U N C H Y &S!5£i£5t CRISP, CALIFORNIA Larsen's Inc. «AAXW IU MOUSE FIRM GREEN HEADS COFFEE MEAOS FOR n o t 41' LOCALO«».- n o t 49 FROZEN FOODS FROZEN PIZZA TOTINO • CHEESE • HAMBURGER • PEPPERONI • 3 AU SAGE BARTLETT COTTAGE SW ANSON ( C O N O » ' i f RA M 'S C M C * NCA T.V. RINNUS WUCHS (W/OUT PI INSTANT CHOCOLATE MX PCS MAMS Too late to think about CAR INSURANCE! CREAM CHEESE HESTLE'S QUIK CANNED PEARS CLAM CHOWDER mac acmes . J I 'M O( I I ■* tur CRARI JUICE VEGETABLES ’ D O X SEE New ENGLAND I W U I D M D l . O I I I IT) MAXIM COFFEE MUO SOAP PARS I D PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT 2 0 - 2 1 2 2 OSUA A U THORIZED FOOD STAM P STORE r A ll ADVERTISED HEMS SUBJECT TO M EM BER availability of supply U N IT E D 735 JEFFERSON AVE. - GROCERS. IN C . VERNONIA, OREGON BILL J. HORN DENTURE C L E A N IN G TABLETS, REG »I 69 EFFERDENT s 5 I 1 REG 98 VALUE A N T A C ID 3 BAG BOX BROMO-SELTZER ¿ 7 7 HEAVY DU«Y CLEANER FAMILY SUE. * ( C VASELINE IN TE N S IV E CARE, Reg «1 6 9 ‘ I 09