L ib ra ry U n iv e r s ity o f Oregon Eugene, O opon r.^ (> Z Z“ * « — ■ y ; . ? Monday. September 17 the Monday, Vernonia Citv Council met in regular session with Mayor Sherman Fisher presiding and council-members Ed M iller, Lu cille Tomlin, L .E . (Bud) Atkins and David Banta in attendance Following the reading of the u 1 minutes, business from the floor \V FRED FOSHAUG, chairman of Columbia Countv IKwird of Cnsnmisaioner*. receive« congratula- “o o . from brother King. after m a k ln g /b e te - iT one on the fomth hole at Vernonia Golf C o m e . Foahaug has only been golfing for th r e e ----- f1- Foshaug Makes Hole-In-One When Columbia County Com missioner Fred Foshaug arrived home three months ago to dis­ cover his brother, King had left him a gift of golf clubs he decided he’d give the game a whirl Sunday, September 16 the novice golfer reached one of the pinnacles every golfer yearns for a hole-in-one on the fourth hole at the Vernonia Golf Course Foshaug, accompanied by his wife, had gone to Vernonia to spend the afternoon golling with friends Floyd Stehman and Herb Sandström Brother, King, who started him on the short road to golf history completed the four some „ . NUMBER . -------------------------------- V »»N O M A . . „„ CouncilReconsidersBidsOn Water System; Awards Bid for Fire Truck ft« (- OernoniaEaal Citations To The fourth hole at the course is a 135 yard shot, the hole itself bracketed by sandtraps A re­ sident of Deer Island and chair­ man of the Board of Com­ missioners, Foshaug was re ­ warded a big kiss of victory from his wife before continuing the game Court Of Honor Set Boy Scout Troop 201 will hold an Eagle Court of Honor for James Goodman, Thursday September 20 at the IOOF Hall starting at 7:30 p.m. James is the son of M r and Mrs E lm er Goodman All friends and others interested in attending are wel­ VUillV come . Concordia Bluejays Down Blue And Gold By 22-14 Be Issued It was brought out at last Monday’s City Council meeting that the fire department has been having problems getting to fires because of those who follow the fire trucks and park so that the department has trouble reaching the emergency. According to Chief of Police Jack Cunningham, Oregon Re­ vised Statue 483 330 states “No driver of any vehicle other than one on official business shall follow closer than 500 feet of any fire apparatus drive or park within three blocks of a fire in progress.” Cunningham added that citations will be issued for those who are not at a fire in an official capacity, or who other­ wise impede the progress of emergency apparatus. The Concordia B luejays included a fumble deep m their backfield then picking up the ruined the home opener for the fumble and running to the V er­ Vernonia Loggers football team nonia 15. by posting a 22 to 14 win at Greenman Field Friday Rep From there the Javs were tember 14 forced to take all of their downs The loggers were in the game but managed a first and goal at all of the way against the well the five on a fourth down try “ 1 learned to quil, after I was balanced Portland team The From the five the Concordia m arried,” said petite Mrs. Loggers opened the game by eleven moved over for the tying Louise Smejkal as she pointed receiving and picking up two points The PAT try was no good out the friendship quilt given her first and tens before they were and the score was knotted a, 14 in 1941 “ We lived in a rural area forced to punt The punt was a apiece in 1930 and the neighbor ladies good one and backed the Jays to Bu, fate seemed to be against would get together for a quilting their own 12-yard line From the Loggers as a couple of bee and a potluck. We’d have a there the Vernonia defense took questionable calls wen, against stitch and talk,” she laughed over and forced a fourth down the Loggers Most damaging of Mrs Smejkal. who was born in punt from the three The middle these calls was what was a log cabin on her father's of the defense drove in to block termed as an illegal fair catch homestead, jus, ten miles from the kick and Jim Thomson fell on signal that gave the Jays the ball Vernonia, continued, “ I guess the ball in the end zone for a on our 25-yard line The Bluejays those parties were dying out Vernonia six pointer The PAT used a pass and a quarterback even then I know that by the was a picture - perfect pass from sneak for the score and the score time the Second World War quarterback Crowston to his with jus, under two minutes came along, we didn’t have them tight end Craig Ellis remaining in the game was 20 to anymore but I continued to make Then the two teams exchanged 14 in favor of the visitors The my quilts.” the ball with neither team m ak­ Jays then converted for two “ I use to hang the quilting ing any significant plays Near points making the final score frame from the ceiling, then I ing the close of the firs, quarter 22-14 In the last seconds could jus, roll it up to keep it out Concordia used their balance of Vernonia tried to go for the big of the way, and,” she smiled, running and passing to move into gainers bu, were unable to “away from the children when I Logger territory and then Jay connect on any of them was busy with something else ” Krall. the 135-pound speedster, This Friday night at 8 p.m. at Mrs Smejkal, daughter of M r went around the Vernonia right Greenman Field the Loggers and Mrs Gus Schmidlin, is a end for 30 yards and the score will host Salem Academy. This is VHS grad, attended college at The PAT was good and the score a new opponent for the Loggers Monmouth and taught local was knotted at 8 to 8 and not too much is known about schools for several years before the team The Ixiggers must get It appeared as if Vernonia was retiring to raise her own fam ily their running attack going if they going to get right back in the of three Today she is the proud lead as they pulled a pass pitch hope to bring some victories grandmother of ten. " I make home this season. out good for 65 yards to the Con­ quilts for them, too,” she cordia 7 Crowston hi, Holsey laughed “Actually, I ’d rather do with a pass and he in turn the quilting than piecing,” she pitched the ball to his trailing added, eyes twinkling. “ Maybe back Steve Johnston who scam­ because I ’m so close to the pered down the sidelines before finished item .” lieing caught from behind at the In large part, Mrs Smejkal is seven responsible fo r the newest The Loggers could not push it The Stop-Smoking Clinic SU annual event in Vernonia, The over from the seven and turned pervised by Claude Veal and Quilt F a ir, for the vast majority the ball over to the Jays on the sponsored by Portland Commu­ o, quilts, both on exhibit and for. fourteen. The rest of the half saw nity College and the local Com­ sale, were either made com- both teams unable to move the munity Education Council will pletely by her, or quilted under ball and the halftime score stood be held evenings during the week her busy fingers. at eight to eight of September 24 through 28 “ We hope it will become an Early in the second half action The clinic will begin on Mon­ annual event,” Mrs Smejkal Vernonia had a chance to go day, September 24, and meet said. “ Right now we’re trying to ahead but could no, convert On each evening from 7.30 p.m to earn the money to build a new the first series of downs after the 9:30 p.m for five consecutive church because St. Mary's is half the Jays fumbled on a third evenings, through Friday Sep­ literally coming apart. And peo and eight situation and several tember 28 It will offer medical pie seemed to enjoy the quilt fair people had a chance at the and psychological advice to we lield last March so much, we recovery before Crowston finally assist smokers who wish to decided to hold a ten-day one so fell on the ball at the Concordia break the nicotine habit. A that more people would have the 25-yard line But Vernonia world wide acclaimed plan will opportunity to visit with us.” turned the ball right back to the be presented for following day- “ In just four days we’ve had Jays as an errant pass was by-day with recommended die, over 300 people come it to view picked off and exercise carefully planned the quilts and have sold 15.“ The But again the Vernonia de­ to aid the participants to achieve quilts sell for $100 with the fense stopped the visitors attack their objectives The plan has pieced or applicated tops going and the blue and gold got the ball been successfully used by many for $50 “ I've taken some orders in good field position at the 31 of thousands of people, and is for specialty items too,” Mrs the visitors After a two-yard presented by m any com ­ Smejkal remarked, “ including a gam on the ground Crowston hit panies and organizations to its long skirt.” split end Holsey with a 29-yard members for their benefit “ I think the wedding ring TO pass An assist could be The clinic will meet in Room 3 pattern is the most intricate,” given to the Concordia defender at the high school Registration Louise smiled, her small hands who tipped flie ball and might fee is $1. pulling out the folds of the have been guilty of pass in­ exhibit quilt made in shades of terference bu, the sure handed blue “ I t ’s made from so many end plucked it out of the air to small pieces although they all make the score take time ” The PAT try was no good and The Vernonia Study Club will Mrs Smejkal is gratified to the score stood at 14 8 When it meet Thursday, September 20, 8 sec the revival of the creative appeared as though the trigger p m . at the home of Faith urge in women today. “ I t ’s defense had the Jays stopped Reynolds The topic of discus really no, expensive, just time aoce again the Jays came up sion will be the autobiography of consuming but a quilt will last with a play of their own that Moss Hart for years,” she said “ And there was called for with Jack Price speaking first He requested that the council assist him in res­ toration of his property which was damaged by the sewer contractor Mike Thompson, re­ sident engineer, was requested to outline the sections of the contract that had no, been performed, since according to Price only two things had been Police Investigate School Burglary Three arrests and a burglary were the highlights for the Vernonia Police Department during the week of September 10 -17 with one felony arrest made George Augustas Helms was taken into custodv Setpember 17 and '■harged with theft in the first degree and with coercion (intemidation). He was taken to Columbia County jail in St. Helens where bail of $4,500 was set on the two warrants. Other arrests were for driving with suspended license and reckless driving Both cases had bail set at $155. The burglary - 2nd degree - took place at the high school where an IB M typewriter - red in color, serial No 220077 - was taken Also missing were a Sylvania TV -19 - inch black and white, serial No. 73-15726-1; an NCR electric adder, a Bell & Howell tape recorder and se­ veral other items. The depart­ ment is a, present investigating the incident. repaired Thompson is to report at the next meeting of the council. Albert Schalock appeared to request hookup to the sewer and Merle Cline then asked about the time limit on hookup to the sewer in the East Vernonia Sewer District. He was informed that a letter would be sent to all the matter with the engineer and pany, did no, feel the city was report at the next meeting. liable to damages Hartford is Jack Whiteley then took the the city's liability carrier. floor and asked that the council An invitation from the Ver­ reconsider the bidding of August nonia Boy Scout Troop No. 201 29 which were rejected at the was issued, inviting the council September 5 meeting and the to attend Eagle Court of Honor council then voted to find out if ceremonies for James Goodman Matthews, the original low bid­ Thursday, September 20 at the der, would still honor his original IOOF Hall. property owners in the area as to bid. Motion was carried with the requirements four yeas, 1 nay vote, by M iller. Under unfinished business Resident engineer M ike Whiteley stated he would con­ Thompson then informed the tact Mathews and that if the con­ Mayor Fisher recommended Ralph Bergerson and Retha council that the property assess­ tractor would renew his bid, ment for Wilkerson would be would the council accept it and Hom for reappointment to the reassessed since a portion had award him the contract but Cemetary Board with the motion carried. been sold to the Ecklands. David since Mathews had been advised Banta said he would check into that all bids were rejected, he It was also moved and sec­ could refuse to abide by the onded to install a wing to protect original bid erosion on the east side of the Mrs Pat Goodman then in­ swimming pool at Rock Creek. Mike Thompson was requested formed the council of sewer problems on Pebble Creek Road to complete the list of damages on the property of Dan Kam- to property in the East Vernonia The first general meeting of meyer. The council recommen­ Sewer District by October l the County Task Force of the ded that Dr. Hobart, Public 1973. Clackamas, Columbia, and Wa­ Health Officer, be contacted. shington Counties’ Agency on Communications were then The bid for a new fire truck read; the first a letter from the Aging was held in the Court­ was awarded to Western States State Engineer stating that cor­ F ire Apparatus Co. house on Thursday, September in the rected applications are now in amount of $37,292.65 with no dis­ satisfactory form for approval The Task Force, composed of senting votes. for the issuance of a permit for members of the different senior It was voted to hold a public the dam at Rock Creek. citizens groups and represen­ hearing on the proposed zoning A letter was then read from tatives of the various social ordinance October 4 and October the Robert E. Meyer Engineers agencies in the county, was 18 Advertisement of the hear­ to North American Contractors formed to investigate the status ings will be found on the class­ which urged them to increase of elderly persons in the county, ified page of the Eagle. their work force in order to meet to survey the resources and It was moved and seconded to the September 30, 1973 deadline services available to our elderly, advertise for a librarian to for completion of the sewer to draw up short and inter­ replace Olivia Brickel who han­ project. mediate range proposals for the ded in a letter of resignation Also read was a letter from expansion and improvement of September 5, effective Decem­ Hartford Insurance Company in these services and to assist the ber 20, 1973. answer to a letter from a county coordinator for the Following the payment of bills, Portland attorney, Shulte, on a CCWAA in preparing a com­ the meeting adjourned at 10:45 demand loss stemming from a prehensive service plan for the p.m. The next meeting of the one-car accident in December elderly to be submitted to gov­ council will be at the city hall, of 1972, informing the council ernmental agencies and private October 1 at 8 p.m. that they (the insurance com­ foundations for funding. Seniors Meet Held Sept 6 A - J Quilting Art Learned At 'Stitch and Talk' Visits Clinic Begins are so many ways to make one,” she added pointing out the different styles; those with em- broderied tops, the old-fashion patchwork; the appliqued; and those that have been hand-tied instead of quilted. The tiny woman, looking as if she had stepped from a picture of yesterday, in her sky blue blouse of high ruffled neck, and long sleeves, her skirt sweeping the floor, is credited with having made over 250 quilts with those she has quilted for others bring­ ing *he total somewhere in the neighborhood of 385, no, a small figure when the hours of labor are considered. Mrs Smejkal s quilts and those of others, including several heirlooms, can be viewed at the Vernonia Grange Hall from 10 a m. to 5 p.m anytime until Sunday evening, September 23, when the ten-day quilt fair will close for the season. Cookies and coffee are served free,with a $1 donation asked a, the door For those who ap­ preciate the creative needlework of yesterday, the quilt fair offers an abundance of enjoyment. f t 5 > Ueh»., QUILT FAIR draws many visitors to view the Several of the quilts to be viewed, are heirlooms creative needlework on exhibit and for sale. and all are lovely. September 24 1 ft % t ? Study Club To Meet LOVISE SMEJKAI. shows one of the many quilts she has made **— *——' the years. The one ea view is being exhibited at the Vernonia Quilt Fab- at the Vernonia Grange Hall until Sun­ day evening when the fair clooes it« second 2