Lloyd Beaches Are Prineville Visitors BIKKEN FELD Mr and Mrs Uovd Reach and Mrs M an B(X)ne recently drove to Print* ville to do some visiting Mr and Mrs Francis Larson were in Tualatin on Wednesdav of last week at the Gene Larson home On last Friday Walt Tornblad Demonia Eagk 6 THURSDAY. SEPT IS. 1973 took Ben Holboke to Forest Grove to get some peaches Mr and Mrs Mike Tiedeman visited at the Francis Hirson home Sunday evening Saturday morning a group of men. E T Johnston. Micky Hop kins. Everett Johnston. George Richardson and Art Bellingham went to the Fishhawk Cemetery and repaired the damage from vandalism which went on there several weeks ago LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA JAYCEES Meets the 2nd A Tneaday every of J.C. H alf-O ld Mill 7 : » P.M. Bob Carson. President Bill Hunter. Secretary 4th Market 3-74 PYTHIAN SISTERS VERNONIA TEMPLE NO. Cl Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 pan. Leona Haver land, M.E.C. Cora Lange. Secretary 3-74 AT.&A.M. u X üâ 'V ' Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F . 4 A .M . meets at Masonic Temple. Stated communications on fir« Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. Jim Norwod, W'.M. Walter E. Linn. Sec'y. 1-74 IWA Local NEHALEM VALLEY CHAPTER Meets at Wesl Oregon Electric Bldg., third Thursday of each month. 7:30 p.m. Joe L. Dailey. President Ralph Bergerson. Sec'y. VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to mem hers quarterly. Board meets the second Monday. 8:00 p.m. at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. T F. Tomlin. President Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Sec’y. 7-73 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd ft 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month in the I.O.O.F. Hall. Irma Chance Noble Grand Evelyn Heath. Sec’y. 3-74 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 I.O.O.F. 3-14 Meeting on 1st Monday of each month A F X . — C.I.O. 3-74 7:30 p.m. First and Third Tuesday 8 p.m. Lloyd Quinn. Noble Grand Harry Culbertson. Sec’y. 1-74 ____________________________ 4-74 Order of Eastern Star AMERICAN LEGION Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. VERNONIA POST 11» Wilbur E. Wilson. Commander Harry Culbertson. Adjutant Nehalem Chapter 153, O.E.S. Regular com­ munication the 3rd Wed. each month at Ma­ sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and bro­ thers welcome. Edna Linn. W'.M Irma Fisher, Sec’y. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Reatha Horn. President Gertrude Schalock. Sec'y. 1-74 1-74 Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I EVANGELICAL CHURCH KITCHEN 429-2941 Eves. - 8 p.m. 429-6245 2-74 Meets 4th Monday- each month at the IOOF hall. 12 Noon VERNONIA LIONS Noble Dunlap. Commander Rev. H. L. Russell. Adjutant CLUB AUXILIARY Meets 4th Monday, I.O.O.F. Hall Cora Lange, President Faye Davis, Secretary 8-73 MEETS AT PINE CONE SUMMER RECESS Darroid Proehl, President Ted Forbes. Secretary 3-74 DuPuis* Visit In Longview Evangelical There w ill be a prayer service at the church building Friday evening at 6 30 If you have a prayer request you may tele phone it to 420-5575 Adult Christian Fellowship meeting Saturdav evening at 7 30 You and yours are warmly- invited to join in the Lord's Day activities next Sunday Church School is to be held at 9 45 a m followed by the worship ex­ perience at eleven Singing, fel­ lowship. and a message from the Scriptures "P urity and Matur At five Sunday evening we will gather for the second annual all-Church Planning Conference This is a time when we bring into sharp focus the direction and projects of our fellowship for the coming year Hoot Owl Breakfast Tuesday- morning anytime between 5 and 7:30 a m AU men of the com­ munity welcomed Wednesday at 12:30 noon the monthly meeting of Evangelical Women w ill be held at the church Ladies of the community- are invited to attend Midweek service is held each Wednesday at 7 p.m Prayer and Bible Study are the feature of this weekly meeting Christian You'll be sure to find many bargains at the fall CWF rummage sale being held today at the Legion Hall, this will continue tomorrow also Doors open at 9:30 a m., closes at 4 p.m. You’re invited to come browse around At 8 p.m tonight w ill be the weekly Bible study at the Orv Olson home Tuesday at 10 a m the women's prayer meeting meets in the fellowship hall at the church On Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m is choir practice The Sunday School Picnic is this Sunday at 1:30 p.m at Hawkins Park (City Park Ice cream and beverages w ill be furnished, but be sure to bring your own table service In the event of "Showers." it w ill be held in the Scout Cabin The day's activities w ill conclude with a fellowship service fol­ lowing the picnic at the park Coming event: Skating party. September 22. for the Jr High and CYF Eagle Want Ads Get Results TF run T m T n HARDWARE and ELECTRIC B IKKE N FE LD Mr and Mrs Boh DuPuis and B ill, were in Longview Sunday where they enjoyed a dinner and also sight seeing. M rs George R ichardson's nephew and two of his friends from Downey . California, drove over to visit them Wednesday evening They had been on vacation at Vancouver. B C. They left for home on Friday Visitors at the Nordstrom home on Sunday were M r and Mrs Walt Tornblad and M r and Mrs Sam Baker of Scappoose Mr and Mrs Lloyd Beach and Mrs Art Bellingham were in Clatskanie Tuesday of last week On Sunday afternoon the Joe l.onnquists attended an open house reception at the home of the new pastor. Rev Conrad Zipperiam of Faith Lutheran Church in Clatskanie Monday evening dinner guests at the DuPuis home were Mr and Mrs Jerol Moran The dinner was in honor of B ill's 17th birthday. George Richardson went to Astoria after his uncle. Clarence VanDerjack and he spent Sa turdav and Sunday here with them He plans to stay over here for some time vet before re­ turning to Australia Mr and Mrs E T Johnston were in Portland Sunday visiting at the Lloyd Johnston home F IN E Those persons looking for an The public talk to be given a t ) active, friendly church that the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's stands for the Word of God are Witnesses Sunday September 16 extended a sincere welcome to w ill be a discussion of the attend the following services subject. "The Flood of Noah’s Sunday School 9 45 a m Day has Meaning for Us.” In his Morning Worship 11 a m talk, the speaker, Salvatore Evening Service 7 p.m. Scotto. w ill refer to the sim i­ F am ily Night (Wed > 7:30p.m larities in world systems exis A bus is run every Sunday ting before that destruction and morning for those needing a ride in our day, as was pointed out by to Sunday School and church Jesus Christ and the apostle For more information phone the Peter at Matthew 24:38 and 2 pastor at 429-3363 Peter 3:1-9. An adult Bible Study on the This hour-long talk w ill begin book of John is held every at 10 a.m Sunday and w ill be Thursday evening at 7:30 in the directly followed by a discussion home of Mr. and Mrs Virgil of the subject "Appreciating The Snook Everyone is invited Salvation of Our God" based on The High Schooler's meet an article of the same title taken every Wednesday evening from 7:30-8 30 for Bible study and planning outside activities Upcoming E v e n t: D w ight Kinman. hospital chaplain, and Mrs Kinman w ill be with us September 22 and 23 (Saturday and Sunday) for special Pro­ phetic meetings NEW ! NEW! a m ia ELECTRICHISEL REV. and Mrs. L. O. Triple« will conduct a “Kid's Krusade” at the Assembly of God Church, September 16-21, 1 2 -C U P A U T O M A T IC GLASS PERCOLATOR Church Slates Kids Crusade Rev and Mrs L O. Triplett of Salem. Oregon w ill conduct a city-w ide "K id ’s Krusade" at the Assembly of God Church. 660 Jefferson starting Sunday, Sep tember 16 and continuing nightly- through Friday, September 21 at 7 p.m. M r and Mrs T riplett attended Bethany Bible College, (former Glad Tidings' Santa Cruz. Cali­ fornia For over 35 years the Tripletts have ministered across the United States pastonng As­ sembly of God Churches in OriviUe, California Kalamazoo, Michigan, Vinton. Iowa and Gresham. Oregon For the past 17 years Mrs Triplett has been engaged in "K id s Krusades" at youth camps throughout the United States. Canada and Ha waii. The "K id's Krusade" is unique in that each child learns to play a small horn the first night "Black Light. Scene-O-Felt Pic­ tures" with miracle color bril liance are awe inspiring even to the adults Pastor Dan Billings states that treats and prizes w ill be given each evening to the children The public is cordially invited Assembly The Vernonia Assembly of God Church invites the community to join us for the Oregon Gospel Sing Time This w ill be held Saturday night September 15. at 7:30 p.m The program w ill feature Kathy Thompson at the piano plus these groups: Lloyd and Erna Wood, the Smashers, the Pixler Family, the New Love Quartet, and other surprise guests There is no charge for this concert Oregon Gospel Sing Time is produced by Glen Rice of Hillsboro. Oregon Pastor Dan Billings invites all to come for an evening of good gospel music F U R N IT U R E WE DELIVER from the August 1. 1973 issue of The Watchtower All meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses are free and open to all interested persons For more information on meeting sche­ dules. please contact Kent Bat- tnck. 429-8333 Bible Witnesses v'emonia Friendship Group Thursday Church Notes A WOODWORKING TOOL FOR USE WITH YOUR ELECTRIC DRILL FITS DRILL CHUCKS 1» X • EASY TO USE irv 2 SIZES $5.25 Goulds balanced flow, no tank, no •xtraa «hallow wall system Lz X $5.50 Revival time is almost here’ Rev Jimmie Floyd from Brook wood Baptist Church in Hillsboro w ill be preaching here at 7:30 nightly from October 1 to Oc­ tober 6. and Sunday morning October 7 at 11 a m First Baptist Church wel comes everyone to the following services: Sunday-School 10 a m (Bible study for everyone) Morning Worship 11a.m. Evening Worship 7 p.m. Wednesday evening 7 p.m • Bible discussion and prayer) The Young Adult Bible study w ill meet at the pastor's home $127.00 SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF TIMEX WATCHES Priced From $7.95 TO $35.00 C O A S T TO C O A S T S T O R E S i • *. to ta l h a rd w a re SPECIAL LOW PRICES NOW AT VERNONIA REXALL DRUG AQUA NET HAIR SPRA Y s y m p t o m a t ic Reuter oe C O L D S ©• H A V F E V E R MfifiS S I N U S C O N G E S T I O N Every day, some innocent person bounces a check. 13-oz. Size Reg. 77c Now Only ALL 24 Tablets SUNGLASSES DRISTAN 1/2 OFF Reg. $1.49 I 49 Our Low Price ALL I BAND-AID £ and CURAD PASTIC STRIPS AT HOME? A serious illness or injury often requires a long and expensive convalescing period at home. Does your present medical in­ surance protection cover these expenses as well as those ac­ quired in the hospital? I f not, check with us about the la-am i- o u t-o f-h o tp U a l m e d ic al e x ­ pense protection you can have w ith .M ajo r M edical Insurance . . . and at surprisingly low cost I I 100 Tablets ANACIN Reg. $1.67 Our Low, Low Price CLAIROL FINAL NET It can happen to the best of us. Just an innocent mistake in your checkbook, and suddenly, you're overdrawn But U.S. Bank has a way to make sure it doesn't happen to you. It’s called A.C.T., Automatic Cash Transfer. Once you are approved for it, we’ll cover any BILL J. HORN check you write (up (o your approved credit lim it, of course). Best o f all, A.C.T. costs nothing to apply for, and there is no charge at all until you use it. Just visit any branch of U.S Bank and talk to our Lady on the Red Carpel She’ll make your banking a very personal thing VERNONIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE Phone 420-6203 953 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon R tp rn tn rb if MarWtrd AccidaAt sol » W b irlw IK K , l bmtr R kadi A Marti«» IVCwa. ALBERTO HAIR SPRA Y 8-oz. Size $|50 Reg. $2.25 Now Only V E R N O N IA 929 Bridge St. BALSAM CREME RINSE Reg. $1.39 12-oz. Size O nly_____ 88 DRUG COM PANY VERNONIA Phone 429-6254