Visitors Entertained Throughout August Visitor-, at the home of Mrs Blanche King during the past month were Mrs A H Bradt »Margaret Epperlv > and her two daughters. Elizabeth and De borah. also a friend Duane Barnes All of Tulsa. Oklahoma Mrs Bradt is the niece of Mrs Blanche King While in Oregon the> visited with other relatives in Corvallis and Philomath and spent several days on the coast They left for home on Friday the 10th and arrived home in Tulsa Saturday evening the llth at 11 45 pm On the 17th of August Mr and Mrs Robert Randall came from Tillamook Then on Saturday the 18th Mr and Mrs George King from Lewiston. Idaho were here and spent the day Mr and Mrs Robert Reed from Vernonia joined the group for dinner Mr and Mrs George went on to Portland and met with the Ro­ bertson family for a fam ily get together THURSDAY, APIAK/ -t,o Rainier 15 miles io Mist Qqkl?Qn(X / a Can f& i r¿ 'es beer ’'Island (WILKERSON R t U burg — , C o l u m b ia CITY ST. HELENS, <0 VERNONIA M ?«ha r ne. Businessmen... Take an Insurance Inventory! to fSrtland FOR THOSE planning an attending the formal dedication of Camp WUkersoo, the to the site. It to hoped that all those who participated above map give* I t ’s smart to take inventory o f your insurance needs peri­ odically . . . to find out just What you have . . . and what you may need. We’ll be glad to review your present pro­ gram. It w ill cost you nothing, and we may be able to improve your protection, and save you money, too! Call us today for details. BILL J. HORN Vernonia Insurance Exchange Phone 429-6203 953 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon Rrprrtenrinf Martie rd Accident and Indemnity Company Member The Hertford Insurance Group Hartford 15. Conn. The beaming Fair, an op­ portunity for children and adults to "learn by doing,” w ill be held on Sunday. September 9 at Port­ land's Lair H ill Park from 10 a m. till dusk The fa ir is being sponsored by the M e tro p ilita n Area 4-C Council, in cooperation with the Oregon Arts Commission and U.S National Bank There w ill be no charge for admission, participation or parking accord ing to Riki Brown, 4-C Learning F air Coordinator Children are usually associa ted with the learning process, according to Ms Brown, but the Learning Fair w ill be an oppor­ tunity for adults to re-open the door to learning by doing new things Activities w ill include numerous well-known entertain­ ers for children as well as learn-by-doing” a c tiv itie s in science, art, music, theater and dance Scheduled events include: Oadar and Pacific Poraat Grawe—W7-2161 4 M S I . Wataoo Williams Toy Theater puppet show “ The Magic E gg"; Grover and Joe, ventriloquist; Clifton Trio; Family Circus; Kay Lee Playbox Players; Steve Law­ rence Percussion Group; Scot­ tish Highland dancers and pip- pers; Park Bureau dance thea­ te r; Balkan fo lk dancing; STATO Films “ Jenny Is A Good Thing” , “ A Young Child Is” ; Puppet show - Non Violent Training Collective; Betty Ab­ bott. Swiss yodeling and Ger­ man folk songs; Stanley Sher­ man, mime a rtist; Dr. Essiet African Drums, and the Albina Arts Center Dancers. Many of the participatory activities are being prepared by 4-C children and community A special gathering was held at the home of Crown -Zeller- bach's Division Manager. Frank Deckabach, for Dave and Dot Knowlton and Mack and Sally Brown, Wednesday, August 27. Dave Knowlton has been transferred to the Seaside di­ vision after serving the E.P Stamm Managed Forest for 17 years. At the Seaside Division, Dave w ill serve as the Industrial Relations Supervisor Some of his varied duties while he was stationed in Vernonia included . 1........... BETTER » AT LO W C O S T ! For Everything and Anything ta Build With . . . See KUIPER LUMBER COMPANY On U S . Highway 30 South of Scappoose “Free Delivery“ groups. 4-C children, parents and teachers are preparing a giant tree loom, water geyser, junk sculpture, bathtub story- time, impromptu theater, visual perception and optical illusion, blueprint making, wood sculp­ ture. clay play and pot building, geodesic dome, hand glider, bubble-blowing, arm and face painting, decoupage, group col­ lage and group mural. Additional community a ctivit­ ies include; Creation of paper mache' dragon by PMSC Child Development D iv.; stitchery collage by Lee Owan Stone Pre­ school; chess challenge by A r­ thur Dake; do-it-yourself video­ tape by OMSI; recycling games with Sam Camgemi; singalong Knowltons, Browns Honored By Farewell Party August 29 F1" f 1 We Have County Approved V T V aluminum culvert Scappoose. Oregon in the rebuilding of Camp Wilkerson will attend the ceremonies, Sunday, Septem­ ber S. Learning Fair Scheduled For Sun., Sept. 9 Mb and BaaaHna Hiltoboro—648-Ziei - 6. 1973 3 Total nationwide holdings of U.S. Savings Bonds and Free­ dom Shares rose to the record- high level of more than $60 billion in July - representing almost 23 percent of the publicly held portion of the national debt At the same time, holdings throughout the state were es­ timated to be approximately $500 m illion of the $60 billion. Columbia County contributed $40,646 of the July totals which brought year to date sales to $334,634 for the county. Savings Bonds Chairman for the state, Thomas S. Prideaux, Executive Vice President and Assistant to the President, Uni­ ted States National Bank of Oregon, praised achievement as "great news for the Bond Pro­ gram and for our people all over Oregon. They know that, when they buy and hold onto their Savings Bonds, they are building a wealth of lasting security for themselves. So they buy through Payroll Savings, or at the bank. "In these days of perplexing price problems,” he added, "when we need to make every dollar count, it is so good to know that there remains no better, no easier, no safer, no surer way to save than through the regular purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds "And there is,” he continued, “ no stronger back-up to my contention than the more than $60 billion outstanding, in the hands of millions of satisfied Americans everywhere.” SCAPPO OSJ. ’Sunseifc Vrw/if. 4i SEPT. Bond Totals At Record High First Meeting Set For Extension Unit Timber Route Home Exten­ sion Unit w ill have their first meeting of the year Tuesday September 11 at 1 p.m It w ill be a "coffee and cookie get ac­ quainted meeting” . For further information call Zola Christensen, at 429-7604 O c rn o n ia F a q k to fòùniei* Phone 543 6916 his work with Safety Personnel, Industrial Relations. Controller and Office Manager Dave and Dot Knowlton plan to live in the Gearhart area near Seaside. Chuck Gebhardt w ill assume the duties of Dave starting around the 15th of this month. Dot has resigned as Justice of the Peace She was appointed to the JP post then won election Her successor w ill be named by Governor Tom McCall. Mack Brown has been trans­ ferred to the Wauna M ill at Westport as the Log and Chip Buyer after serving the Ver­ nonia Division for about six years Some of the duties as sumed by Mack while here were the Timber Appraiser out of the Portland office, Reforestation Forester, Contract Supervisor, and Assistant Division Forest Engineer Mack started his new duties with Crown Zellerbach August 15 of this year The Browns are living in the Astoria area Preston Sparks from Port Angeles has assumed the duties of Mack Brown The guests that gathered to bid farewell to the Knowlton's and the Brown’s were Mr. and Mrs Edison Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs Dave Banta, Mr and Mrs Todd Bowerman, Mr. and Mrs Reggie Bruce, Mr and Mrs Bob Cadwallader, Mr and Mrs L arry Corbridge, Mr. and Mrs Dick Courter, Mr and Mrs Frank Floeter, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grady. M r and Mrs Laroy Hepler, Mrs and Mrs Roy Jones, Mr and Mrs Karabinus, Mrs Irene Meyer, Mr and Mrs. Bill Nelson. Mr arid Mrs Jim Riser, Mr and Mrs John Saari, Mr Ed Sherman, Mr. and Mrs Ed S'ovik, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wilkerson Punch, coffee and fresh peach cake were served by Mary Deckebach. A spetial gift was presented to Frank Deckabach by Dave Knowlton "As soon as it can be determined what the object is it w ill be put to a worthy use. says Frank Swim Club Slates Fund Raising Drive Swim and Recreation Club w ill start a fund raising drive in efforts to earn money for im ­ provement of Vernonia’s rec­ reational facilities. At the beginning of the week - Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­ day evenings, between 7 and 8 p.m. the club members w ill go through the community selling and buying eggs This original fund raising campaign involves purchasing one egg from a household for 5 cents then with David Brown and Rusty Oelheim; batik by Roberta Mossman; children’s poetry by Gerald White; stained glass by Ed Carpenter; dulcimer lis t­ ening by Peggy Blashfield; In­ dian teepee, Barbara Pittman earrings by Black Studies, PSU; inflatable dome by Neighbor hood House; hatmaking by Kathleen Auch; macramè’ and inde loom weaving by Scott M isar; time tunnel and puzzles by Junior Museum; and reading corner by Women’s Bookstore. selling the egg to another household for an open price. This way the community has a return for their assistance and the club also gains. "Please help us when the kids come to your door,” asks members. All proceeds w ill go directly to im provem ent of V e rno nia ’s swimming pool, development of recreational facilities for all ages, and provision for recrea­ tional activities for everyone throughout the year. Plymouth v3 CHRYSLER Larsen's Inc. MOTORS CORnXVtnON 440 N. Nehalem CLATSKANIE. ORE. Your Local Rep. ART LAMPING PH. 429-5671 22t6c N O T IC E Dr. Hobart will be out of the office from August 31 to September 10. Every day, some innocent person bounces a check. XL It can happen to ihe best o f us. Just an innocent mistake in your checkbook, and suddenly, you're overdrawn. But U.S. Bank has a way to make sure it doesn’t happen to you. It's called A.C.T.. Automatic Cash Transfer, Once you are approved for it, we'll cover any check you write (up to your approved credit lim it, of course). Best of all, A.C.T. costs nothing to apply for, and there is no charge at all until you use it. Just visit any branch o f U.S Bank and talk to our I ady on the Red Carpet. She'll make your hanking a very personal thing.