Demonia Eagk McEntire Rites 2 THURSDAY, AVGUST 30 1973 Read Thursday SELMOR INC.. Publisher* Harold E McEntire. vener­ able Vernonia High School math teacher tor forty years before retirement died Thursday Au­ gust 23 at a Portland conval ascent home following an illness of the past eighteen months His death was attributed to bone cancer Funeral services were held at the Evangelical Church in Ver­ nonia Monday . August 27 at 1 30 p m Concluding rites and in­ terment were at the Vernonia Memorial cemetery with ar­ rangements irt care of the Fuiten Mortuary Mr McEntire was a native Oregonian and was born at Prairie City. Oregon on Sep­ tember 19. 1906 His grand­ parents had come across the plains to Oregon and first settled at Forest Grove and then later moved to Prairie City He re ceived all of his early education at Prairie City and then attended and graduated from Pacific Uni­ versity in 1929 In 1929 he started teaching at the Vernonia High school and continued in that capacity until his retirement in 1969 He had until his retirement been a member of the Vernonia Lions Club and of the IOOF Lodge No 246 a: Vernonia and a member of the Methodist Church He was an avid outdoorsman and loved camping and fishing He was married to Anna Watson at Oregon City in 1938. who survives at the family home at +42 A Street in Vernonia Also surviving is a daughter Mrs Art Patricia Lamping and three grandchildren Scott. Wendy and Mark Lamping all of Vernonia and a sister Mrs Elmer Mar- jorie Williams erf West Slope The Rev Jack Carlson pastor erf the Evangelical Church of Vernonia conducted the ser­ vices with Mrs William Kret­ schmer soloist and Mrs Lloyd Thomas organist Serving as pall bearers w ere Darrold Proehi Jim Johns. Bob Glaw son. Ber. Bnckel Bill Horn and Warren Aldnch B. RHOADES Erfiwr MELVIN SCHWAB. Compositor OFFICIAL NEWSP APER Vem— i» Oregon Entered as second class mail m atter August 4 1322, under the act of March. J. 1«79 Published weekly or. Thursday at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia Columtua County Jrecor. 97064 and paid at the Vernonia Post Office as second class matter. Subscriptions JS Oc Per Year — In the Nehaierr. Valley M Of Per Year Elsewhere OFFICE HOURS M m Tars Wed.. F n - i a.m U < p jn . Thors. A Sat —8 a m to 12 noon Phone 429-3572 x<»:»x»x«x»x»x»x»x»x«» Oregon Newsoaper Publishers Î Association Body Discovered By Sheriff Officers A body identified as Ijtreru-e W illiam Brosnan 49 of Willow Grove Washington was dis­ covered by Columbia County Sheriff officers Sunday after­ noon Brosnan. who was last seen Wednesday evening was found face down in a slough between State Bar Island and Cnms Is­ land Witnesses stated that his boat had beer, seen tr. the vicinity Thursday and Friday Officers are presently inves­ tigating the matter Married Vets Get Loan Break The Veterans Administration has initiated new measures making it easier for married veterans to qualify for guar­ anteed home loans. according to Henry G Helmstetter. acting director of VA s regional office in Portland JO Y THEATER FrU Sal. Aug. 31 Segî. 1 BLOOD FROM THE MOMMY'S TOMB :ox»x»x»x»x»xox«x«x»> Modern Phone Convenience Now 'Accepted Way Of Life' = Police Charge Local Resident Held in Washington County jail in lieu of $50.000 bail is Ralph E King. 28 of Vernonia King is charged with conspiracy to com­ mit murder According to reports King endeavored to hire a man to kill a Hillsboro resident who had testified against him in front of a Grand Jury The man King tried to hire w as an uneiercover man for the police department in­ formation revealed KNOWLEDGE LOCAL STATION man far the General Tele- pbuor company. Greg Part, checks circuits to see that they are operating property. Port a County Takes Second At Fair The Columbia County Exhibits won second place at the state fair Natal Grange put in the display as they won first place in the county fair last year The theme this year at the state fair is "Elast meets West " The Columbia County exhibit used the foreign exchange stu­ dents as their link between east and west The background was a collage of east -west pictures with a map of the east on one side and the west on the other In front was blue crushed velvet representing the ocean with sand and moss for the continents In the ocean was three blocks the foreground block was a dark skinned doll with Talk Together on the front, the second was a light skinned doll with Walk Together The background doll represented Betsy Ross with an American flag A log divided the back­ ground and the water on it was We Shall Have Peace On the left side were dolls from the East with red streamers from the doll to the map in the background and on the right the dolls from the West with white streamers On the left side of the collage was a sign which had Columbia County on it. on the right was the sign with the story of the exchange students Those who went down to Salem on Thursday to set up the display were Mr and Mrs Heory An- deregg Lawton Waddell Ruth Steers. Ronda and Tammy Smith and Nancy Reynolds AARP Enjoys OMSI Program Seated on low wooden benches ringing a large room with an open fire in the center of the dirt floor to provide heat and light 41 members of Chapter 499 Am encan Association of Retired Persons, enjoyed a program of Indian lore at Ariel. Washington Saturday night August 25 goes into every prescription at Vernonia Drug The program sponsored by OMSI was presented by Le­ looska. the wood carver and his family Featuring the lore of the Northwest Indians the perfor­ m ance included cerem onial dances in costume a smattering of the ancient religions and superstitions interspersed with Indian humor easily understood and enjoyed by the audience, and displays of clothing made of furs and bark with the materials and tools available at the time The .AARP group left St Helens at 5 p m had dinner at the Kings Table in Longview and drove out to Merwin Dam before taking in the Lelooska per­ formance In order to become o Registered Pharmocist, one must study drugs and their properties for many years ond pass the State Board of Pharmacy examination RHONE 42S-6254. repairman ber area, for all in the Veraonia-Tlm- •xox«>x*x*x»x*x«x*x«x»xox»x*x«x»x»x»x»x»x»x«: T O P IC S O F T H E T O W N * X k « X iX * X « X < iX * X k * X * X * X « X * X iX « X < * X < X * X » X « X * X » X Janice and Teresa Dyer of Bend spent last week at the home of their grandparents Mr and Mrs Robert Sword The girls also visited Mrs Faye Davis during their stay Mr and Mrs. Cart Hoisey and sons have moved into their new home on the corner of East and A Streets The house was recently- occupied by Mr and Mrs Gary Curtus who have moved to Beavertor ST. M A R Y 'S T h rift Shop open first and third F rid a y of every month 5tfc Laura Carmichael and daugh ters Ruth Steers and Grace Berg attended the Victorian Arts Fes­ tival at Astoria Sunday, August 26 They enjoyed a program of dancing, singing on the museum lawn Mrs Carmichael s niece Martha Flemming played the piano accompaniment for se­ veral groups Lora .Albrecht demonstrated tole painting Mrs Albrecht is a former Vernonia resident Mr. and Mrs Earnest Barela and sons drove to Grass Valley. California last week They vi­ sited fnends and relatives and attended a family reunion where they saw part of the family they hadn t seen in thirteen years They had car trouble on the way down and had to leave it for repairs Mr Barela will return later this week to pick it up Mrs C assie Livingston recent­ ly celebrated her 92nd birthday She is the wife of former minister of the Christian Church and resided m Vernonia for 10 years pnor to moving to Hood River She now lives at 1060 Holly Sugar Building Colorado Springs Colorado 80902 M rs Roxanna Brady of turn­ er and Bette Rodgers of Napa California spent Monday at the home of Mrs Blanche Millis Other callers were Mrs Maude Wells. Mrs Ace Lolley. Mrs Cora Lange Mrs Bill Sword and Mrs Grace Peachy M r and M rs William Bok oskie and family camped at Ilwaco Washington the past nine days Most of their time was spent deep-sea fishing - with good success Visitors Wednesday and Thursday at the Harvy Sandons were Mrs Sandons cousins from Eugene Mildred Holman and Arahnell Briakley Callers during the week were Laura Siebert Vollinger and daughter Melody and her sister Ruby Eator. and daughters from Paradise. California Also Lottie Swanson from Portland Nita Ryan and Mr and Mrs Claude Shaw from La Grande Mrs Robert Borders. Sr., is in the Physicians and Surgeons Hospital where she underwent surgery Tuesday Mrs Iva McGilchrist fell Sun day at the home of her daughter. Mrs Harry Emmons She in­ jured her ankles and legs Mr and Mrs M ike Grady drove to Cathlamet. Washington this weekend to get their son Ricky who had spent a week at the home of Mrs Grady s sister and family Mr and Mrs .Arnold Suhrdier M rs M abel G raves spent three days last week visiting her son and wife. Mr and Mrs Tom Graves at Yamhill M rs Naom i M ack was taken to the Holiday Park Hospital in Portland She became very ill and was taken by ambulance on August 18 On the following Thursday she underwent sur g ery. having one kidney and her spleen removed There is no late news of her condition Mr and Mrs Robert D illin of Bonners Ferry. Idaho spent Tuesday through Friday at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Norman Davis While here he did some first-time deep-sea fishing and got two nice salmon M rs Verner Blount spent Tuesday through Saturday in Portland visiting her daughters and their families Mr and Mrs Ed Landsen and their daughter and husband Mr and Mrs Jim Soloday of Massa­ chussetts, and Mr and Mrs Ray Villegas Mrs Ora FOR THE BIG G R A N D O P E N IN G I P MEAT MARKET Al ALPINE FOOD SERVICE In Scappoose NOW SLAUGHTERING WEEKLY Our new modern facilities offer a 100 head a week capacity. So no waiting at ALPINE FOOD SERVICE Custom Slaughtering * Cutting and Wrapping No. Columbia River H wy. Telephone 543-6346 — WATCH FOR OPENING AD — of A lpine’s New Meat Market and Sausage Kitchen Vernonia Insurance Exchange Phone 429-6203 953 B ridge S treet V ernonia, Oregon R rp rtie n rln f Hirtfcid Accident and Indonniti Company Mampar The Haltofd Insu'ince Group Hartford IS. Conn. ...• SCAPPOOSE SAND & GRAVEL CO. PHONE 543 7141 Claude Bowers of Oakgrove have bought the Mike Grady place and moved there last weekend The Mike Grady family moved to the Hertel house on State Street recently Route 2. Box 1 SCAPPOOSE. OREGON WE HAVE COUNTY APPROVED ALUMINUM CULVERT Scouting News The Boy Scout troop 201 will hold a Court of Honor this evening August 30. at 7 p m at the Scout Cabin to present awards to the boys who have earned them over the summer All boys and parents are invited Any boy 11 years or over who is interested in scouts is encour aged to attend BILL J. HORN Sold by Scale Weight o x o x * x * x * :* x « x « x » x o x Nine Sea Scouts the Skipper and his wife, all met Tuesday evening at the scout cabin for a regular meeting and a small going away party for two of their members. Tom Tronson and Bill (Mack Rhoades who are leav­ ing Friday for the Navy A short meeting was held with discussion on the East Wind going into base and learning to march in step The boys play football while refreshm ents w ere being prepared. They then enjoyed pizza donated by Marios, potato chips dip. Ice cream, cookies, and pop Thos* attending besides Tom and Mack were Rory Dunnaway, James and Dawn Goodman, Chris ( ameron. Chong Tassin, Brad Garnder Phillip Bartles, and Skipper and Mrs Ben Goodman One p o licy p rotects dad, mother and the children— even children yet to come along. It's the modem, sensible way for young, growing families to have the life insurance they need. Call us today for full details! ALL PRODUCTS WILL BE George of Stoney and M rs Hartford's Family Life Policy grows with your family ------- ------- Effective Immediately---------------- 1 Point spent one and one half weeks in Portland recently vi­ siting her brother Everett Run- dell and many of her friends Mrs Violet Hungate was an overnight visitor at her home on Wednesday Washington spent the past ten days visiting old-time friends Mr and Mrs Herbert Hamman Mr remain off the hook, then we turn on a "honker" which keeps up a continuous noise until the subscriber hangs the phone back on the hook ” Although Vernonia suffers from a lack of pay phon«*s, improvements are coming in that area also, according to personnel Then barring van­ dalism. one of the company 's number one problems, in all areas, placing a telephone call, even if not a subscriber, will be only a short walk to the con­ venience of talking anywhere in the country ★ Ready Mixed Concrete ★ Concrete Aggregate ★ Crushed Rock ★ Road Gravel M r and M rs Kenneth Woolen and boys spent their 10-day vacation visiting Mrs Wooten's parents Mr and Mrs Woodrow Barfield at Oceanside. Calif­ ornia Among the many attrac­ tions they enjoyed was the world s largest zoo at San Diego Mr Wooten spent some time at the Service Men s Center where he worked for a couple of years while with the Manne Corps 6 -8 » x x x o x iw w y x m w w K W ATCH When Vernonia first installed a telephone line fifty years ago. the phone was the most modern m most areas, with a central operator handling all incoming and outgoing calls, even between neighbors Today, through the miracle of electronics a phone call is no longer an event but an accepted way of life with calls made cross country as a matter of course So spoiled is modern man by the convenience of picking up a receiver that trouble on the line causes irritation and comments about the service "The minute we have any idea th ere's som ething wrong usually when a customer calls in - we try to get to the problem as soon as possible." said Greg Port, local station operator “ Of course." he continued, "we can't always get there within a prescribed time limit because of lack of personnel but we try to give the very best possible service at all times." Greg who handles the serv ice calls for both the Vernonia and Timber area, is also responsible for the local station which houses a multitude of equipment in­ cluding a battery system which enables the phone system to continue even when electric service is curtailed "If you remember," Greg said, "las winter when the electricity went out because of the bad ice conditions the phones continued to be in service Even in a disaster, service is seldom restricted for more than 48 hours; generally less " Each morning the long dis tance lines are checked first to make sure they are functioning properly. then local lines get a scrutiny Those that show they aren’t functioning properly are handled as soon as humanly possible The station operator also keeps an eye out for those who neglect to hang up their phone or who may leave it off the hook to keep from being dis­ turbed by incoming calls "A light comes on." said John Brunson equipment man from Forest Grove who has been checking over the local station and bringing it up to standard - "When someone forgets to put the phon«- receiver back on the hook When that happens.” he continued, "we wait a few minutes then switch the phone off If the phone continues to 10 -1 2 -1 5 -1 8 and 24 Inch ALSO . . . CAST IRON PIPE FOR ALL YOUR SEWER CONSTRUCTION NEEDS 10-F t Lengths A rt. Only______ J»er F t 7 7 C Q% OFF BETTER On All Fittings With Pipe Purchase AT LOW COST! FOB EVERYTHING & ANYTHING TO BUILD WITH . . SEE KUIPER LUMBER COMPANY On U S . Highway 30 South of Scappoose Oregon "Frat Delivery" Phone 543-6916