Ocrnonia E agle I 6 Church Notes T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 16. 1973 MARY ANNE CLARK Local Woman Ecuador-Bound YOU MAY HAVE A SMALL FORTUNE Your jew elry, furs, cameras, sports equipment and other portable valuables are often worth much m ore than you realize. A n d because you are often on the go w ith these possessions, they are especially vulnerable to damage or loss. There are several ways to p ro ­ tect all these valuables w ith in s u ra n c e . W e w o u ld be pleased to help you select the one policy that's best for you BILL J. HORN Vernonia Insurance Exchange Phone 429-6203 953 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon J. Hartferd Accident and Indemnity Company Member The Hertford Insurance Group Hertford 15. Conn. OMS International announces the appointment of Mary Anne Clark to serve as a missionary to Ecuador, South America Miss Clark, a medical secre­ tary. w ill serve at a medical clinic in Saraguro. Ecuador She is a life-long Vernonia resident and member of the Evangelical Church The local church is sponsoring the project in keep­ ing with a goal of sending at least one member of the fellowship a year to the mission field as a short-term missionary. A special missions day w ill be observed Sunday. August 19, when Rev Carl Rucker of OMS International w ill be a guest speaker at church services Also present w ill be Dr Vernon Hall who served for two years as the resident physician at the clinic where Mary Anne w ill serve. Oms International is an inter­ denominational faith mission serving w orld wide Present plans are for Miss Clark to leave the United States for Ecuador November 1, 1973. She is the daughter of Mrs. Lois Clark of Vernonia T H E N O R T H W E S T E R N E R S , a musical group fro m Kirkland, Washington will be featured at tho Assembly of God Church In Vernonia F rid ay. Visitors Enjoy Tomblad Home BIRKEN FELD • Mr and Mrs. Paul Hedlund of Glide, spent several days at the Tomblad home last week On Wednesday Walt and Paul visited at the Nordstrom home, and also v i­ sited James Cahill Paul had not seen James since 1921 On Wednesday the three ladies. Mrs Tomblad. Agda Rognan and Mrs Hedlund attended m is­ sionary at the home of Mrs Jane Hausen and on Thursday the three of them attended con­ ference at Cannon Beach, then went to Seaside for the rest of the day While the women were gone Walt and Paul visited at the A1 Aoderbacks and Earl Tiedeman homes On Friday Walt and Paul went to Clatskanie The Hud lunds left Saturday morning for Cherry Grove to visit at the Paul Tornblad and James Person homes Pat Cohill is now cooking a shift a Humps restaurant in Clatskanie Mrs Lena Hornor, and Phil Myers of Portland spent Sat­ ► x » x e x e x e x e x e x » x e x e x e x s urday night at the Howard Johnson home Also coming FOREST GROVE Friday was Mrs Johnson's bro COMMUNITY ther Mr Lee Lalli of Portland He spent the week end with them Howard took him to Astoria and showed him places of interest. Admitting List Mrs Francis Nordstrom her August 2 - Fred Koch. Herry daughter Mrs Fred Larson and three children took in the zoo on Culbertson Thursday of last week August 3 - Elm er McCrone Mrs Lloyd Beach was a August 6 - Dale Roberts Clatskanie business caller on August 7 - Fred Koch last Friday, on Saturday the August 10 - .Linda I. Justice Beach’s visited at Morton, and August 11 Elton A E lliott Randle, Washington On Tuesday evening of last week M r and Mrs Buddy Larson and Duane of Seaside were dinner guests at the home of his folks the Francis Larson’s, then later M r and Mrs Herbert NEHALEM Rodgers and Douglas, and Mr and Mrs Fred Larson. Dennis VALLEY and Randy came and all wished Francis a happy birthday. CHAPTER Mr. and Mrs Perry Elsemore Meets a t West Oregon E lectric of Anderson, California spent Bldg., third Thursday of each several days visiting at the Everett Johnston home, also Mr month, 7:30 p.m . and Mrs Russell Berg of For­ Robert K. King, President Ralph Bergerson. Sec’y. 3-74 tuna, California were visitors. M r and Mrs Lloyd Beach accompanied by Mrs Art Bell­ VERNONIA CHAMBER ingham were in Longview on OF COMMERCE Tuesday of last week HOSPITAL Keprttenrtng LODGE A N D CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA JAYCEES Meete the 2nd * Tneaday J.C. Hall—Old 7 :» of 4th every M1U Market P .M . Bob Carson, President Bill Him ter. Secretary 3-73 PYTHIAN SISTERS V E R N O N IA TEM PLE NO. «1 Meetings: I.O .O .F . HaU Second and Fourth Weskiesdays of each month a t 8 pan. Leona Haverland, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 3-74 AT.&A.M. * J Bt Vernonia Lodge No. 184 meets at Maaonic Temple. Stated n m Z r T ^ M e h 'm M th A. F. A A. M. a t 8:80 p.m. Jim Norwod, W.M. Walter E Linn, Sec'y 1-74 IWA Local Meeting on 1st Monday of each mouth. A.F.L. - C.I.O. Board of Directors report to m em ­ bers quarterly. Board meets the second Monday, 8:00 p .m at West Oregon E lectric office. Visitors invited. T. F . Tomlin, President Mrs Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. Evangelist To Appear Here 7-73 Evangelist Dick Donaldson, who recently conducted a cam­ MT. HEART REBEKAH paign here, w ill be the featured speaker at the Vacation Bible LODGE NO. 243 School graduation services to be Meeto 2nd A 4th Thursday even­ held at the Seventh-day Adven ings of each month In the 1 ,0 .0 J . tist Church, Thursday. August HaU. 16, at 7 p.m Irm a Chance. Noble Grand All parents and interested Evelyn Heath. Sec’y._________3-74 persons are especially invited to attend the progrm and see what Vernonia Lodge No. 246 the children have done in the Bible School. An exceptionally fine selection of crafts have been made by the children and these w ill be on First and Third Tuesday display I.O.O.F. 3-14 7:80 p.m. 4-74 E M E R G E N C Y S E R V IC E 8 p.m . Lloyd Quinn, Noble Grand Harry Culbertson, Sec’y. 1-74 Nellie Cox Entertains Seattle Visitor M usical Group W ill Appear a t Church Aug. 17 The Northwesterners, a mu­ sical group from Kirkland, Washington, w ill be featured in concert at the Assembly of God Church in Vernonia on Friday, August 17 at 7:30 The group is traveling as part of the annual ‘‘Christ in Con­ cert” series sponsored by North­ west College of the Assemblies of God, located in Kirkland, Wash ington This year, the series is being presented in seven of the Western states by twenty young people who are members of the student body at Northwest Col­ lege. These young people are touring the West in five distinct m usical groups from June through late August. The sponsoring college offers a two-year liberal arts program and a four-year and five-year m inisterial training program Its forty-five acre campus is the educationsl center for nearly 525 students Dale Lidström of Aitkin, M in­ nesota was form erly with the Kinsmen Quartet, a group that traveled for P.R. in the summer of 1965 He and his wife Rita spend several years overseas in Okinawa, as missionaries and school teachers. Dale has been playing the trombone for 15 years, has sung with choral groups and choirs since Jr. High through college, and traveled with P.R. quartets three years. He is interested in electronics, travel and sports Dale's wife, Rita is the ac­ companist for the Northwest­ erners She was born in Dayton, Ohio and attended high school in Wapato Her musical back ground in playing the piano is mostly self-taught and she en­ joys interior decorating, sewing, designing clothes, and w riting While living in the Far East, Rita taught in an experimental department of English Tonsina (Perkins) Brown is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio She was an active C.A in high school and has a very good musical background. In January of 1973, Toni married a fine fellow, the newest member in the quartet Her hobbies include reading, sewing, cooking, crea tive arts, handcraft, badmitton, and playing the piano. Future plans? - not known Paul Brown was bom in Pend­ leton, Oregon He is the husband of Toni Paul loves to sing and play the piano Special interests include weight lifting and col­ lecting tropical fish. He would also like to go into full-tim e gospel music - singing and traveling UP AND AT ’EM Life has its ups and downs - and no one loses unless they let the downs become permanent. Prayer service at the church each Friday evening at 6 30 Requests for prayer may be telephoned to 429-5575. Next Lord s Day w ill be a special missions day at our church Guests. Rev Carl Ruck er and Dr. Vernon Hall w ill be with us for the Church School hour at 9:45 and the Worship hour at 11 a m A fellowship dinner w ill be held at 12:30 with a missions ra lly at 1:30 There w ill be no class meeting Sunday evening There w ill be no Hoot Owl Breakfast next Tuesday morn­ ing The Wednesday mid-week ser­ vice w ill feature prayer and a study of Phillipians 4, favorite chapter of Carole Carlson You and yours are warmly invited to join in the worship and activities of our growing fellow­ ship of Christians in the making Christian Women’s Prayer Meeting is held every Wednesday morning in the church fellowship hall at 10 a.m. Tonight (Thursday) w ill be the regular choir practice, with Bible study following at the Orv Olson Home Saturday, August 18, Men’s work day at the church; bring sack lunches Pastor Vinyard w ill return to the pulpit Sunday after having been on vacation Monday, August 20 at 7:30 p.m. there’ll be a teacher’s meeting at the Homer Fuller home. Dates to jot down, CWF rum ­ mage sale, September 13 and 14; Bazaar and bake sale, Decem­ ber 7 and 8. PHO N E S V E R N O N IA A M B U LA N C E D ial 429-4611 ( If no 429-5061 or 429-5141) V E R N O N IA F IR E D E P A R T M E N T Evangelical Ridge Riders Plan Overnight Campoul The Vernonia Ridge Riders w ill assemble at Anderson Park. Saturday. August 18 at 4 p m to ride to Rogers Park for a potluck dinner, moonlight ride and over­ night campout Members who are not riding w ill transport food, water and sleeping bags in cars. Sunday morning breakfast w ill be prepared before the return ride to Anderson Park which finishes off the weekend adven­ ture » x e x « x e x e x e x e x e x e x e x e x e x » x e x e x e x e x e x e x e x e x e :£ ; Meeto 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each mouth. V E R N O N IA POST 118 Wilbur E. Wilson, Commander H arry Culbertson, Adjutant AUXILIARY F irs t and T hird Tuesdays Reatha Hom. President Gertrude Schalock, Sec’y. 1-73 Vernonia Barrack* Veterans of World War I Meets 4th each m onth a t (to- IO O F kail, 12 Noon Noble Dunlap, Rev. H. L. RusseU, Adjutant A U X IL IA R Y Moots 4th Mouday, I.O.O.F. HaU Cora Lange, President Faye Davis, Secretary 8-73 MIST - Mrs Agda Rognan, Seattle, is visiting Mrs Nettie Cox. On Monday the ladies ac compamed Mrs M artin Hanson to Portland Mr, and Mrs Ed Simmons, Cannon Beach brought Gary Garlock home last Saturday after a week’s visit with them M r and Mrs Ken Simmons and Edna Linn. W.M daughter, C latskanie, were Irm a Fisher, Sec’y. 1-74 guests, also M r and Mrs Garlock were in Clatskanie Sat­ ALCOHOLICS urday evening and attended Mrs Garlock's 10th Class re­ ANONYMOUS union. Vernonia Friendship Grwq» Clarence Kyser, Clatskanie, visited the Wayne Kyser s a EVANGELICAL CHURCH short time last Sunday He has KITCHEN recently started driving again Thursday Eves. 8 p-m. and is able to get around fairly 429-7591 - 429-6894 well since returning home from 2-74 the Veteran's Hospital, some time back. Mrs Ray Garlock returned VERNONIA home Friday after spending four days in the Portland Adventist LIONS Hospital for medical treatment M r and Mrs Lloyd Garlock CLUB were at Seaside several days last week, guests of Rev and M EETS AT P IN E CONE Mrs Lowell Montgomery and SUM M ER RECESS fam ily. £ £ D ia l 429-5141 V E R N O N IA C IT Y H A U , 429-5291 C O L U M B IA C O U N T Y S H E R IF F >*< fi £ Em ergency: Vernonia Area 429-5141 — Business: 397-2511 O R EG O N S T A T E P O L IC E 8-74 M t li t t e r hug you Many Go To Bachman Family Reunion Sat. MIST - About fifty relatives attended the fam ily reunion of the Bachman girls at the home of Mr and Mrs Herb (Betty Hall) Pollard at Randle. Washington Saturday Mrs Robert Mathews. Mrs. Lloyd Beach, Mrs. Mary Boone, Scappoose and Mrs Don Hall Morton, Washington, are the Rachman sisters Among those going were Mr and Mrs Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs Wilford Holce, Vernonia. Mr and Mrs Howard Jones. Mr. and Mrs Tom Atkins and daughter. Knappa. Mr and Mrs Louie Jones and Children, Clatskanie. Lee Enneberg, Vernonia, ac­ companied Fred and Mark Busch to the coast Sunday morning to go out salmon fish ing, but due to too foggy weather were unable. Instead did some fishing on the Columbia River The Casper Serby home lias been another busy place lately. His father, Joseph Johnson, Plano. Illinois and his sister, and husband, Mr and Mrs Rov Craigmile of Waterman, Illinois arrived Monday for a visit Saturday Mr and Mrs Marvin Shillington of Rainier visited the Serbys. Mr and Mrs. Noble Dunlap visited them one day last week The Serbys were in Clatskanie and visited Mr and Mrs M artin Pumula Mr and Mrs Steve Waring are vacationing at Detroit Lake this week. Jennings Lodge Draws Locals Jennings lxidge. located near Oregon City, was the site of a week’s camp for members of the Vernonia Evangelical Church, recently. Over 4« adults and children attended the camp where they enjoyed hiking, swimming, m in­ iature golf, and other recrea­ tional facilities of the lodge Those who attended found the quiet wooded area enjoyable and most plan to visit there again next year, if possible RED TA G SALE Sale Starts Tomorrow Sunday School 10 a m (Classes fo r everyone) Morning Worship 11 a m Evening Worship 7 p.m Wednesday Evening 7 p.m. (B ib le study and p ra y e r) Your choice All young adults are invited to the Pastor’s home at 1165 F ir (in Riverview) Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. for a study of the book of John Refreshments w ill be provided For help or information call the Pastor, Terry Lowen, at 429-3391 or Mrs Tessie Aldrich at 429-5105 99C -4 Witnesses A L U M IN U M “ Coping With Your Feelings” w ill be the subject for this week’s Bible discourse to be given at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s W it­ nesses Sunday. August 19 at 10 a m The speaker w ill be Donald L Bowen of Vernonia Following the public talk, w ill be a discussion of the subject “ Praise Jehovah with His Peo­ ple” as outlined in an article by the same title in the July 1, 1973 issue of The Watchtower The hour-long discussion w ill center around the theme scripture “ I w ill make melody to my God as long as I am,” found at Psalm 104:33. All interested persons are welcome to attend All meetings are free; no collections w ill be taken. GENERAL ELECTRIC SILICONE SEALANT & ADHESIVE IN 3 COLORS Unlimited uses around tubs, tile, fixtures and windows Will not shrink or leak. Also a great adhesive White. 406-0415: clear, 405-0456: aluminum, 405-0498 ■UHBaaMUMMMUm LATSX HOUSE PASST $6.27 B rita in ’s Department of the Environment is financing the preservation of historic build­ ings 99c Complete Broke Service here 15%-OZ. SUMMER PAINT VALUES A. Registered one-coat white latex house paint dries in 1 hour. Over 1000 custom col ors at slightly higher prices. 532-6202 B 100% acrylic white latex house paint for all types of surfaces. Over 1000 custom col ors at slightly higher prices. 531-6112 C. Spray paint in 40 colors contains a rust inhibitor. Non-toxic when dry. 15%-or. can 579-4003 thru 579-4458 EXTRA SPECIHL 2 .4 9 Goulds balanced flow, no la n k no extras shallow wall system $ 1 2 7 .0 0 DO IT YOURSELF OIL CHANGE KIT Oil change kit. this complete dram pen, oil pouring spout . Our complete brake service restores new car braking performance Come in today for a free brake system safety inspection. Chevron Car Care Service Trs4em*rht "A ll*« " Do-it-yourself with kit. 8-quert poly filter wrench ano 752-5652 Cast Iron and Plastic Pipa In Stock Also Fittings BRUNSMAN HARDWARE and ELECTRICl F IN E Phone 429-6691 PS 4 15 "Alls« W«s»h#ri*rd " Reg. U S Ref. Off . Alle'. Sweely Comaeny >*< V V 3 e e » X » X e X e X e X e X e X e X « X e X *X e X e X e X e X e X e X e X e X e X e X e # Nehalem Chapter 153, O .E.8. Regular com­ munication the 3rd Wed. each mouth at M a ­ sonic Temple. AU visiting sis­ ters and bro­ thers welcome. Darrold Proehl, President Ted Forbes. Secretary >£ £ 8 a .m . to 3 a.m . . Beaverton Office - 643-4702 3 a .m . to 8 a.m . - D ia l “ O” . aak for Oak Grove 854-6555 S t Belem, office - Phone: 297-3131 F irst Baptist Church of Ver nonia invites you to worship and fellowship at the following ser vices: RALPH'S CHEVRON £ V E R N O N IA P O L IC E D E P A R T M E N T Baptist Chevron g F ir e A la rm . Only - Phone 4 2 M I3 1 Order of Eastern Star AMERICAN LEGION ; F U R N IT U R E WE DELIVER i < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :