Demonia £agU $ THURSDAY. AUGUST 9*1973 «MMMMMWM0MWMS Surprise Shower Police Report EDITORIAL Held 1er Judy Budge f o r M o n th Sum m er Ree. Girl Scout Round-Up Here Tour o f CZ To Be A ug. 15 SEL-MOR. INC. Walermaster to Visit A surprise baby shower was There wen- 32 citations and 12 Clayton J Gardner, statp A rather interesting editorial held for Judy Budge and daugh­ The 1973 Oregon Senior Girl warnings issued during the Water in aster, is in room am Scout Round-Up. sponsored by appeared July 25 in the Long ter Jennifer, at the home of Columbia County CourthojZ’ month of Jul> according to the view Daily News Interesting Helen Hall. July 18. Co-Hostess the Columbia River Girl Scout the third Wednesday of ¡ S report handed in at the August 6 because it pertained to both OFFICIAL NEW SPAPER Council, has been enjoying a month from 10 a m. until 3 p T was Genie Maxer council meeting under the aig Columbia County officials - the week-long encampment at near­ Vernonia. Oregon Judy's mother-in-law. May nature of Chief of Police Jack to answer any questions per Board of Commissioners; Dis by Camp Wilkerson Entered as second class mail Budge, and sister-in-law, Mary Cunningham taining to water rights trict Attorney. County Clerk, and Horn, came from Ixingview to Arriving August 5. they have matter August 4, 1922. under the V B R ’s topped the list with 12 A special event in the Summer His next visit will be on Aug«| Budget Committee - and to the help surprise Judy Local guests toured the Trojan nuclear plant act of March 3, 1979. citations and 4 warnings; fol­ Recreation Program will be a 15 quality of news coverage in the included Claudine East. De- near Rainier, taken a logging lowed by parking violations field trip tour of the Crown Published weekly on Thursday area in regard to publishing the loras Webb. Pat Jones, Betty operations tour in the Vernonia There were 4 citations issued for Zellerbach tree farming oper­ at 721 Madison Ave.. Vernonia. minutes of the Board of Com­ Coulter, Sharon Krieger. Betty area and visited a stained glass stop signs and 2 warnings; 4 ation in the Vernonia Nehalem Columbia County, Oregon 97064 missioners which includes those Schm idlin, Ramona S hirley, factory in Scappoose violations of vehicle laws, i Valley area on Wednesday, Au­ and paid at the Vernonia Post of the Budget Committee The group will also be involved Donna Matteson. Louise Smej- liquor violation; 2 for defective Office as second class matter gust 15, of next week, for high According to the article, it in traditional camping activities kal, Theresa Jones and daughter equipment with 5 warnings is­ school and grade school stu wasn’t “ quite cricket” for sev­ Gretchen, Geneva Shaw and including hiking, backpacking, Subscriptions sued; and 1 excessive noise. dents. eral reasons among them the daughter Kathy. nature explorations und water $3.00 Per Year - In the Nehalem Under other violations of muni­ Transportation will be pro fact that the minutes reflected Valley activities along with arts and cipal ordinances was 1, a vicious vided by school bus, and reser­ unfavorable on two county iNoaaoMONMeaMsamiK $4.00 Per Yaar Elsewhere craft projects in batiking. mac dog allowed to run loose. vations must be made in ad­ officials. DA. Robert Lucas and rame. and the secrets of making Six misdeainenors were re­ vance Those planning to make County Clerk, Roy Nelson that corn husk dolls corded with 2 cleared; i bur the tour, or their parents, should the pair didn't have an oppor­ OFFICE HOURS Visitors day will be Thursday, glary; 1 unfounded complaint of contact Pat Goodman at the Mon.. Tues., Wed.. F ri.—6 a jn . tunity to answer charges that August 9 from 1 to 9 p.m with a assault; 1 attempted arson, Scout Cabin during afternoons or to C p.m. they were not doing their jobs; chuckwagon dinner to be served cleared; 4 forgeries, cleared; 3 June Wilson at 429-7731 no later and according to one source, and at 6 p.m. A charge of $1 is made Thurs A Sat.—6 a.m . to 12 than noon Monday. August 13 to criminal mischief, cleared; two I quote from the Longview for this event. Closing cere­ Phone 429-3372 bicycle thefts recovered; with sign up for transportation reser editorial: “a portion of the monies will include un Indian vations. There is no charge. property valued at $160 recov minutes is inaccurate, Lucas potlach ceremony and a floating ered. The tour will begin with or says.” I f a fire or similar peril seri­ campfire. There were also four cases of ientation at the Crown Zeller It was a pleasure and a privilege Following this portion of the ously damaged your bust- Director for the Round-Up is Oregon harassment and I of criminal bach Pittsburg office, and then We recently did enjoy article there were several more ness, it could be a knockout Mr.s John Alverez of Lake Newspaper go to the sorting yard, which is trespass with the department blow . . . even if your prop, paragraphs which would indi­ To serve as Grand Marshal Oswego assisted by Mrs. Bob Publishers unique in this field. The tour investigating 27 miscellaneous erty insurance is adequate! For every man, woman, girl cate that the party writing the Clarke, Beaverton. Mrs. Teresa will then proceed to the logging complaints Association and boy D urin g the rebuilding pe­ article felt the commissioners Hopkins of Vernonia is also Three traffic accidents were operation at Mist, with stops at riod, you’d be out of business were “out to get” the two named participating in the 1973 Round various sites on the way The investigated. 15 business houses • • . without business income. In the streets of Old Vernonia officials. UP. found open 1 missing person tour is conducted by Crown Yet certain unavoidable bus­ At their annual Jamboree Fine as far as it goes, but located; and 34 vacation home personnel. iness expenses would con­ Jamboree weekend visitors at The town was full of people. evidently the writer of said checks. tinue. This financial drain The bus will leave the Scout the Ralph Borton home were Mr. They had a jubilee. article either did not have access could bankrupt you unless Cabin promptly at 12:45 p.m., so Public service calls totaled 26' and Mrs. Bill Borton of Lincoln to the sames minutes other you have Business Interrup- ambulance calls. 3; with assists City. They spent Friday and participants should plan on be We enjoyed your smiling faces. papers received, or neglected to tion Insurance . . . protec­ to other departments. 13; and 4 ing there at 12:30 p.m Time of Saturday then left after the Your friendly waves and calls read them correctly. tio n fo r y o u r business animal complaints. arrival back at the Scout Cabin parade They were going to the As we passed there before you Fact The Spotlight has a l­ The l^e-Smith reunion held at income. Cali us about it. Six reserve officers donated will be around 4:15 p.m to 4:30 Borton picnic at Philomouth on In the friendliest town of all ways published the minutes of Bryant Park Sunday, August 5, p.m. Sunday 210 non-paid hours, while the the Board of Commissioners un­ in Albany, was attended by police car. no 130 logged 4,130 Fave Davis visited her sister The tour is an unusual oppor­ We give you all a “ thank you," less only seven times this past many Vernonia residents Oscar miles and the truck, 120 with a Mrs Leora Henderson and fam ­ tunity for grade and high school It was nice of you to ask year - they were not available for Smith married William Lee’s total mileage for the month of ily. in Tacoma, staying a week students to see the actual oper Us to be your honored ones publication due to unforseen cir­ sister and visa-versa so there July, 4,250 while getting acquainted with ating of a tree farm and logging It was a pleasant task. cumstances were muny double cousins at the her new great-niece, Rachel industry Residents of Vernonia Fact: Robert Lucas, present picnic. The oldest on the l,ee side Lavonne Honnen. She also vis­ and vicinity are used to seeing V e rn o n ia In su ran ce This town that we call home district attorney of Columbia of the family was Murill Sein, ited with M r and Mrs. Calvin loaded log trucks, rolling down Is a pleasant place to be County was in attendance at the field, about 70 years, and Clif­ Exchange the highway, but few have had Davis, of Tigard while away. The community is a good one budget committee meeting at ford Smith. 64. for the Smith the chance to see what took place Essie Nance recently returned That’s plain for all to see which time said charges were side Phone 429-6203 home after visiting with her to raise those trees, fell and load stated. Those going from Vernonia Jim Bergerson, son of Mr. and them onto the trucks. This sister, Mrs Harry (Tiny) An­ 953 Bridge S treet To the city of Vernonia Fact: M r Lucas did not deny were M r and Mrs Ron Mc­ Mrs Jack Bergerson. returned derson of Tacoma While there, opportunity is made to the young these charges but instead jum ­ A salute to you, we give. Vernonia, Oregon Donald, M r and Mrs Len to Camp Humpherv in Korea, people of the Vernonia area to the ladies visited their brother, It is a lovely place ped on the bandwagon to con­ Simmons and daughters, Mr last Thursday, after being home learn about the major industry Roy A. Hatley in the Veterans Representing demn the official performance of This town in which we live. and Mrs Ron Smith. Mr and for the past month He will be Hartford Acddsnt and of this community. Hospital at Seattle where he is Roy Nelson.county Clerk Mrs. Bill Cota and children, Mr~. Indamnlfy Company there until the first of December. Several adults may accom­ recovering from a broken hip Fact If a portion of the min­ Lee and Florence Akers. Member TM Hartford Mary Smith. Mrs Ruth Steers, According to Mrs. Nance, doc pany the tour as chaperones utes were inaccurate as M r Inaurence Group Maxine Smejkal and Mildred tors feared that infection would Volunteers may phone 429-7731 G E T A GOOD TH IN G GOING. Lucas supposedly contends then Hartford IS. C owl Calhoon Relatives also came make it necessary to amputate P la c e a C la ssified Ad T oday! why wasn’t it made known to from Eugene. Tillamook. Red­ but they now feel he is “holding I would like to thank all who local news media instead of a mond, Seaside and Albany. his own" and will recover. Mrs. helped make our water Olympics paper across the Columbia River Nance also reported that her a success, among which were in another state where neither son. Bus, with daughter. Mrs voters or taxpayers of Columbia Curtis (Vickie) Hitt, and grand­ County reside ■* Kim m el’s Apparel daughters, Kelli and Teresa Lew’s Place Fact: The purpose of the visited his other daughter and M ario’s Pizzaria discussion as to efficient per­ family, M r and Mrs Robert Brunsman formance was to ascertain whe­ (Sheryl) Maddox and Jeff-Ray, Exxon (W.A. Grosche) ther or not the two parties in in Bend over the weekend. C liff’s (Don Cavanaugh. Gordon question were deserving of a S m ith y ST. M A R Y ’S Thrift Shop open raise in salary and no one can first and third Friday of every VernonfcrYariety deny the fact that both parties month. Sam’s did indeed receive raises accor­ Cut and Curl ding to the minutes Keasy Saw Shop Fact: It is the duty of any Dave’s Arco journalist - whether it be editor, Rachel Robbins HELENS Gym clothes are now available reporter or correspondent - to Mrs. W. Murray establish the accuracy of infor­ at Fabrics ’n Fashions for those ham wishing to purchase these a r­ mation before it is published Bill Willcoxen F a c t. Someone in Longview ticles prior to the beginning of Sunnyside failed to oberve this fact. school. Jim Davies Bob Warburton Chalet Flower Shop Dentists are second only to the Dan Huss jewelry industry in volume users of gold. Lyle Barker Ben Westerburg Vernonia Volunteer F ire De­ ‘ - • - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ - ♦ » I» » » » ; .; .; .- .- .- .- .- partment was called out to ans­ Deri Roberts A.J. Emmons wer two fire calls Wednesday, August 1. Monty Morford Mary Bellingham The first - on Keasey Route - Fri., Sal. Aug. 10-11 came about 4 p.m. burning a small shed and some grass The Special thanks from me to Sue other - which occured in the Cavinee for all her help, to Enid early evening - was at 1129 Birch PajTow (helped with entries and Street in the Riverview area, ribbons) and to Robb Wilson where firemen discovered a (helped with judging.) D p C om p1’ * - davenport burning. Neither fire was serious. Darlene P ar row Automatic, Camper mirrors, B. RHOADES. Editor MELVIN SCHWAB. Compositor The People Speak. . . TOWN TOPICS How to duck ' a knockout blow to your business 1 Families Hold Albany Reunion BILL J. HORN THOSE WHO SEBVE A Colum bia County's Largest Selection o f CARS and TRUCKS in S to c k ...A N D There's M O R E Com ing Gym Togs Available Volunteers Answer Two Fire Calls Wed. JO Y P O N T IA C 0L08M0BHÍ Compare and Save! THEATER Brand N ew 1973 OJVLC 3 / 4 Ten Pick Ups EVEL KNIEVEL D eluxe Interior Vinyl Seats H ry. Duty Battery, 450 Cu. In. Engine, 6.75x16 Retail Price $4090 Drop by . . . Hare a free cup of coffee with Columbia County's newest and friendliest dealer ~ . . Coma in and see STOP IN TODAY See Harr or Russ for the Best Buy in ■ new or used Car or Truck. You'll Ba Glad You Didi Harvey Cave P O N T IA C OLDSMOBILE HELENS MTRS Russ Cave ST. HELENS M O TO RS OFFERS A FULL SERVICE DEPARTM ENT W e re experts in keeping your curs and tracks runnina «nnAthlu W hitewalls, Blackwalls Yon name iti ¿ " E r .^ M U .a B d M o d .1 Wa have it! your car À Hug« Selection oi Dependable Tires in Stock Prices So LO W You w « » '» n J : . »