Ocrnonia Eagle Services Held For Resident T U T IB C n A V ATVM TOHI « a m 2 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, « 1973 SEL-MOR, INC., B. RHO ADES, » » » » Z a lo a c a » :« :» » : (M il V U 3 I, THE EAMILYw n LAWYER X EMERGENCY SERVICE PHONES VERNONIA AMBULANCE Mal 4294811 (B M anew 1) EdUor planting this year so that mi« wait until next early spring With the garden planted, them must be special provisions to store the produce in suffici«« supply to last through the winter Freezing or canning on a larg» scale is now in order The frees» compartment in your refrig». ator won't handle the total need Your labors now begin to take « a special value and there are a number of events missed be­ cause the food needed to ba stored for the winter. We have checked on the pricR of live beef, pork, chickens rabbit, lamb and find the costs run high This is merely breed­ ing stock that is to produce the food we are going to raise our- selves Even after the animal is ac. quired, there is the matter of feeding ihe expectant mothers and finally when the offspring arrives, there is more feeding to grow it io market or slaughter size All the while the breeding stock must be maintained and this takes feed, labor, time and GARDEN GLEANINGS VERNONIA PIRE DEPARTMENT Funeral services for Gertrude A la m s (M r * Phene 42941X1 Electa Hacksma were held Mon­ day, July 30. at 2:00 p.m. at the VERNONIA POUCE DEPARTMENT By W lteur W. Burkhart Vernonia Bible Church with the I f B g p B C ) : 429-5141 Area Bxtonaton Aten* funeral arrangements being en W hen children come to visit, trusted to Fuiten Mortuary Cha­ COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF chances are you feel a sense of pel in Vernonia responsibility for their safety. Emergency: Veraoato Arsa 429-5141 — Before you rush to the open Published weekly on Thursday Mrs Hacksma s pastor, the But suppose a child comes onto spaces and put your savings into at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia. Rev. Kenneth Wooten officiated OREGON STATE POLICE your premises without permis­ a tract of land, be sure of the Columbia County, Oregon 97064 at the serv ices with Mrs Ralph • «-“ • to 1 a.m. . Beavertoi OiHee - 845-4742 sion or, perhaps, when you are soundness of the plan you have. and paid at the Vernonia Poet King serving as the soloist and 6 »-■- to 8 a.m . - Dial “O’*. Oak Greve not even home. Could you be A number of recent inquiries Office as second plana matter Mrs Melvin Nice serving as the 187-2121 held legally liable in case he gets about the carefree life of a farm ­ organist hurt? er and the low coat of producing M-72 Ralph Bergeraon, Sec’y. Ore. Following, starting July 6 he resided until eleven years ago 2-74 ning levels in swim instruction more of this type thing for the through the 15th. was their when he moved to Banks where Each person, regardless of boys and girls. grandson Steve Wintermute of he was selfemployed at the VERNONIA VERNONIA CHAMBER age, will receive 15 minutes of Ben Goodman Seattle, Wash. As house guest, Sunset Shell Station on Highway individual instruction each day parents joined all of them for a OF COMMERCE xoaoaoattwaeKMaMeMc 26 near Manning for two weeks Classes start UONS trout cookout picnic, returning to Surviving is his wife Juanita of Monday. August 6, 5 p.m. All Seattle. After that Mrs. Ann J O Y T H E A T E R Banks classes are held Monday through CLUB Orvwald. nurse friend of Mrs Thursday of each week Thoenes from Bess Kaiser Hos­ MEETS AT PINK CONK Instructors are: Darlene Par- FrL. Sal. Aug. 3-4 pital of Portland visited from the row, Sue Cavinee; Gayle Slaug­ 20th through the 23rd; also Mrs WALT DISNEY’S hter; Lori Cole. T. P. Tomlin, President Thoenes son. Bill Rodden was an Please call for an appoint­ Mr». Evelyn Heath, Sec’y. 7-73 The World s Greatest overnight guest of the 28th on his I fire p revention : Darrold Proehl. President ment, 429-8134 or contact D a r­ being c a re fu l! way to meet friends at Astoria Ted Forbee, Secretary 2-74 lene at the pool between 6:30 Athlete for a salmon fishing outing, also MT. HEART REBEKAH and 5 p.m. before Monday, M r. and Mrs Frank Moon from August 6. LODGE NO. 243 Portland were drop-in guests on A swim club meeting will be Sunday the 29th V en an te Ledge Ne. 124 Moots la d A 44h Iknreday even- held Thursday night, 5 p.m. at A .F .A A .M . smote at togs of each mouth to the LO.O J . the pool Hall. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter August 4, 1922, under the act of March 3, 1ST». Attractive Nuisances T O P IC S O F T H E T O W N The People Speak. . . Orvel Edwards Services Read THRIFTWAY HOSPITAL LODGE Complete Broke Service here M r and Mrs. Levi Vinson drove to Beaverton and Port­ land, spent the day visiting friends, the week of July 15. Also visited in Astoria, then to Knappa to Mrs. Robert Taylor residence had lunch there, spending the afternoon. Last Thursday, Hermon Kunz- ler and Mrs Catherine Rippel drove from Portland to spend the day at the Vinson home. Mrs. Vinson served them a Hawaiian lunch cooked outside on the Korean Kamoda RUM M AG E SALE - Nehalem Social Club Aug 2, 3, It 4 at Masonic Temple. Our complete brake service restores new car braking performance. Come in today for a free brake system safety inspection. Chevron Car Care S erv ice RALPH'S Phone 4296691 as «is "« h ».' »n» a.»ihw«».< a.<. u s. r.i ott. m > m Sianv c«nnw<« Cora Lange received word that Mrs Cassie Livingston has been in the hospital with eye surgery in Canon City, Colorado. She has been moved to Spring Village, 110 West Van Buren, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80907 Mrs. Livingston is a former resident of Vernonia Irma Chance, Noble Grand Evelyn Heath, Sec’y._________ 2-74 Craft Lessons To Be Held at Scout Cabin The series of oil painting lessons for children, instructed by Vicky Smithson under the summer recreation program, has been completed for this sea­ son. Continuing in the same time schedule, Tuesday afternoon, from 1 to 3 p.m., will be craft lessons taught by Pat Goodman. These wifi be in addition to the craft classes already scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Jim Norwod. W.M. Walter E. Line, Sec’y. Vernonia Lodge No. 246 LO.O.F. IWA Local Flret end Third Tueedey 3-14 r-i neholem U valley MOTOR FREIGHT. INC. Phone 4294462 8 p jn . Lloyd Quinn Noble Grand Harry Culbertaon, Sec’y APXu - C.I.O. 1-74 Order of Eastern Ster 7:20 p.m 4-74 Nehalem Chapter t u , O.EJS. Vernonia B arrada Veterans of World War I LOW COST M Wed. m éate at M» M Us «OOP haB. 121 Edna Lten. W.M. Inna Ptahar, Sec y. V. M. I» Metal 2214654 la Portiand l-7< AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Meets 4th Meaday, LOX>^. HaU For Information and Prient Coll Gnry a i Weekend visitor» at the Harry Sandon home were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hannulla. Gunnar John­ son, M r and Mrs Bert Hind­ man, all of Clatskanie Visiting Saturday was Mrs. Gladas Wor­ thington. 1-74 Gora Lange, Présidant P T » P07<9. Secretary Meets and 4lh Tneoda; g-7> VERNONIA PYTHIAN SISTERS PORT U t IM M PLE NO. U WESTERN STRUCTURES 840 S.W. K ing Portland, Ore. si LO.OJt, HaB Beeand Harry A U X IL IA R Y Laona Hevariand, MJC.C. Ocra Lanp», - a t t a s y »7» Gertruds Bdholorir, Sec’y.