UlflflTSflDS » i'.iixB» PUBLIC NOTICE itiv i.r i 1.1 n Ted Kulju in Emanuel Hosp. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR M IHT-Last Wednesday, M rs COLUM BIA COUNTY Tom Ford, M rs Jean Scerhutt of In the M atter of the Estate of Portland, and M rs M a rie R ich ­ LAW RENCE H SARGENT, . RED UCE safe and (aat with Go- ardson of Roseburg visited M rs Dec e nacd FOR SAVINGS on loons contact N E W S * VIEWS Jane Hansen F rid a y, M rs Han • B ow Tablet* A E-Vap No. 4382 your local Credit Union ■ 783 Notice To Interested Persons Bridge Street. 1 0 :» a m. to 5 : » » p flti" Vernonia D n < _______ sen was in Clatskanie to attend Hy John Knowlton NO TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N the funeral of M rs. M a ry Laine Despite popular opinion, bin- P-m. - Tuesday* through Friday ; FO R SALE: 1 8 » . 2So Honda. that the undersigned has been go ba ngo-bongo is not the m ating The Bob Roesers, Astoria, vis­ Closed Saturday, Sunday and • M ake offer Also 6 barstool* that appointed personal retresentative ited at the Hansen home Sunday Monday. Or call 4294245 during call of the African Queen. It is a of the above estate. All persons very complicated and tim e con­ non-office hours. enroute home from Portland need to bo re-upholstered, » ” having claim against the estate suming point system designed to where they had visited Ted Kulju lTtfc * adjustable Phone 41 9 -5 » or are required to present th j same give golfers of all abilities a at Em anuel Hospital. M rs. Roe- ; .__________ w i c within four months from this d a » ser and M rs. Kulju were at chance to win one of the prizes A TRACTOR (CUSTOM) * BOAT for as at the office of VanNatta & Peter­ golfer is aw arded a point when W arm Springs vacationing when R O TO -TILU N G sen, Grgy Building, St. Helens, U ’. % M r K ulju was adm itted for his golf bail is the first on the ___ motor. grass and hay mowing Oregon. both for SUS. em ergency surgery. He is re ­ green, when his golf bail is Dated and first published July covering and the possibility of _____ SOUc closest to the pin and when his is ►-7281 36. 1971 going home the first of the week the first ball in the hole. 290 i K E E P your carpet* beautiful deo Also Expert Commercial Date of final publication August Connie Kyser and Vickie Ser- On July 17, 20 members of the K w - s • s s 9. 1973, by, two of Vernonia’s Jamboree Vernonia M en ’s Golf Association Construction and Lorraine Strong princesses, have been busy the played bingo-bango bongo and ■ electric * - » 5 » ^ $1. Bruna- Remodeling Personal Representative last few weeks appearing with Dan Fletcher and G ary Lizzo man Hardware. ______ sotic REGISTERED LAND 963 East Alabama the other princesses at C lat­ wound up in a tie for sirst place. SURVEYOR INQUIRE— Vernonia, Oregon 97064 M O VIN G SALE: a ft wtfa skanie, St. Helens and R ainier They each totalled nine points. 14 O R SALE: 6 year oid Welsh 429-5023. 29tlc acts. class of 1953, Vernonia High both halves locked up in the Sincerely m are and used medium sized School. Last Sunday, the fa m ily A m erican League. The playoffs C. J. & Essie Nance light brown saddle $49.96. Call was at Blue Lake P a rk , in w ill be held Aug. 9 a t the _______ and Bus Nance_________ --------TL Portland, for a reunion of the Vernonia Golf Club. UN D ER N EW M AN AG EM ENT— K a rr fam ily . Among those a t­ Blowe-ia Insulation In last Thursday’s league play, TO A LL m y dear friends, thank Clean rooms available at the V er­ tending w ere M rs. Claude Kyser, Rockwool L yle Chase and Joedy “ Big R ed” you so very much for all your nonia Hotel. Also trailer space. the Bill Kyser fam ily , the Bryon thoughtfulness and kind deeds O liva shot 38’s to pace the field FREE ESTIMATES ___________________________29t2c Hawkins fa m ily of Boring, M r. during and after m y stay in the for low gross. Big Red and M el Can Collect 397-1670 and M rs. Bud Robbins, and hospital. With so many good FOR R EN T: Deluxe 3 bedroom, G regory tied for low net with ST. HELENS friends it just makes me that Robin, of Port O rford, Wash­ 2 baths apartment. Carpets, 32’s. Ken Gregory got the second Buy. Sell or Trade ington; Glen and Leslie H a w ­ much more thankful I live in Ver. drapes, colored appliances, patio, shot K P on the second hole and Highway 47 nonia. kins of Tillam ook, the Clarence built-in utility room. Vernonia the long putt went to Bill HOME locksmith service Sincerely, Kysers, M rs Sharon M cM a rty Star Rh. B ox Court Apartments. Phone 429- Edw ards Sr. I* et keys re pi ne* d, cecnbiuaUoes Sally Harrison and son of Clatskanie. The Jim 8211 or 644-6539. 4_________ 26tfc Tonight is the T w i-L ig h t’s 18 master system s, etc. ____________________________ 30tl Christopherson (Judy Kyser) hole medal play Trophy cham p­ locks ea hand. Dave fam ily of Vancouver joined ionship night. And on Aug. 1 at T H E F A M IL Y of Maynard C. 1891 F h st Ave., Ph. fa m ily members. Bow m an’s near M t. Hood is the •‘□ lip s ” Schneider, Vernonia, 429-7474. 44tfc R ain ier Open. wishes to express their deep ap­ SUM M ER E M P L O Y M E N T: 24tfc Don’t forget the biggest Jam ­ Young couple to do odd jobs sing­ preciation of the many kindnesses T H IS L A N D FLOWERS, weddings, fun- ly or together. Experienced in boree tournament ever is sched­ shown them during their recent Is Your Land jW a l design*, plant*. Also flowers painting, lawn care, etc. Reason, uled for this coming Sunday. bereavement. Especially to Rev. K E E P IT C L E A N •Ay wire Artificial flowers and able. Call 429-3161 after 4:30 O ver $90 in gift certificates and Cloice Drake Dilley; Robert Lu­ gift* C H ALET FLOW ER SHOP other prizes w ill be awarded. cas and Columbia County Staff. 28t3 Pm -______________ ______ Phone 429-5733 or 4298W1. MARR & STAFFORD The 18-hole m atch w ill be scored Louise Powers Aay Type Built to ___________________________ lltfc under the Callaw ay Handicap aotic MEAT CO. Accidents in the home dur­ system and the entry fee is $2.50 Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. New -BUNDLES of old newspapers for Additions > Re- 357-7281 Parting fires, 10 cent*. Ver­ ing 1972 killed an estimated plus greens fees. To sign up for . F one of the rem aining tee off Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, nonia Eagle, 721 Madison Ave. 27,000 Americans, according tim es or for any other infor­ — FREE ESTIMATES — LOST: Reward for whereabouts and Caring tic m ation, contact the Vernonia of tiny black female Mexican to the National Safety Council, Cattle received Sunday & Monday Golf Club. Chihuahua dog with white streak and injured an estimated 4.2 until noon; hogs received Tuesday down her chest and lighter grey million. and Wednesday until noon. 42tfc brown shadings below her ears. S E A T B E L T S S A V E L IV E S Meat for sale, any quantity. Falls accounted for more Missing from our farm on Tim ­ — Call for Appointment — USE T H E M ! ber-Vernonia Rd. since June 22. than one-third of all accidental Come through Banks, take Tilla­ Call 429-7675. 29t3c deaths in the home, the Coun­ mook road I K m l., take first left- Coal is used in m aking plas­ hand rand. iff« cil said. tics. FOR SALE-General SERVICES SERVICES NEW HOMES By KAMMEYER BOB SWAHET Quinn Realty O c m o n ia E a g le THURSDAY, JU LY 28, 1973 Trophy, Ribbons Won By Boy at Co. Fair B IH K E N F E I.D -T h e Bob Du Puis fam ily attended the county fa ir. Bill is a happy boy as he cam e home with two trophys and several blue ribbons M rs W alt Tornblad and Mrs Rognan were in Astoria last F rid a y They visited at the home of M rs Bob Hanberg The Bob Hanbergs spent the weekend at the Tornblad home Mrs H a rry Peterson and her granddaughter, Christie Fowler, both of Idaho, are visiting at the Roy Stuve home, M rs Peterson is Roy’s sister Sunday, they all visited at the Hay Salmi home at Warrenton. J.J. Lonnquist of M ill City and Jim Prem bley of Scio spent the weekend at the Joe Ixinnquist home. M r. and M rs A1 Marconi of Portland visited a t the Howard Johnson home Sunday. They also enjoyed dinner there. The M a r­ coni’s also have a mobile home at Evergreen Acres. FOR SALE-Antos AUTO PARTS WANTED Installation Available WESTERH AUTO CABO of THAMES ARCTIC IHSDLATIHG CO. FOR RENT A lla i Jiukshop Antiques 19 Phone 324-3644 Buxton, Oregon WORK WANTED SîT Norman Hillsbery, Builder LOST and FOUND 429-8942 FOB SALE-R1 Eilat* BAIR Logging Co 429-7485 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE The Place To Call For AU Your Rock Needsl 788 Bridge SL — Phone 4298211 Fishhawk Branch - Birkenfeld Phone 756-2280 Gravel - Rock I In Vernonia far Bill Horn ^Btohy <£> — Immediate DeUvery— ____ 16tfc BRUCE BERNDT B IL L BORN, BROKER Excavating Service Dari Roberts—429-3804 Sue F ilter—429-7104 Sew er System* Installed FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Artie Satteriee, M gr —Ph. 357-2321 SEPTIC TANK P U M P IN G CLASSIFIED BATES PHONE 287-3172 If no answer call 187-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service m in im u m SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and de­ livery. Open 8 : » a jn to 5:30 p m . Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 4293301. VERNONIA SANITARY SER VIC E Phone 4298711 or 429-8254 SOtfc ¿ . t it la at w t af OR DISPLAY BE ACCEPTED TUESDAY E X - N E X T W E E K ’S NOTICE — —— — — — — FO R V D information, Birth Con­ trol 8nd Pregnancy counseling call »7-328* collect between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p m _________3Qt4c GONE ON voeaHwi Richard llt f c B L IN D HELP WASTED HELP W ANTED: Combination full time. at Lew’s. Apply sotac 5 USED MOBILE HOMES. TRAVEL TRAILERS & TRUC1 CAMPERS 1—1971 Hillcrest 52x12 all trie. Two bedrooms. Ve Clean ....................... 1—1963 New Moon 10x50 two bedroom with 8 ’ roll-out.| ............. ............. $3,1 1—Columbia 8x30 1 bedroom.! Only .................... .. 1—Supreme 8x30 ........... 1—Sportcraft 14' Travel T rail-! er. Priced a t..................$3501 1—1973 Spartan Trailer. 25’ Travel! Like New $44951 1—1971 94 ton Ford sport-cus-l tom pickup. E xtra g a s, tank. Low m ileage with! Chinook 8* camper . . . $39951 1—Chris Craft 22’ cabin boat! with 100 hp m o to r... $16951 Twelve Mouthy W arranty on all New Units. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mobile home A travel trailer supplies, accessories, awn­ ings, skirting and insurance. Open 7 days per week. TROJAN HONES Phone 556-1531 Located on Hwy. 30 to St. Helens 2% mi. S.E. of Rai­ nier, next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 30. Owned and Operated by Steve A Lotos Gaskill