Z.«, ALICE’S TIMBERNOOK Good Dancing and Easy Listenin' to the Music of Our Special Jamboree Band VERNONIA HIGH SCHOOL CLASS REUNIONS Class of '58 Class of '68 FRIDAY EVENING 7:00 P.M. SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 P.M. Our N ewly Remodeled Dance Floor Provides Lots of Room for Everyone JAMBOREE HOURS FRIDAY — 11:00 A.M. I» 2:30 A.M............................................................ Muiic — 9:15 P.M. to 2:15 A.M. SATURDAY — 9:00 A.M. Io 2:30 A.M.............................................. Muiic — After Parade Until 2:15 A.M. SUNDAY — 9:00 A.M. to 2:30 A.M............ ............................................... Muiic — 1:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. NO MINORS AFTER 9:00 P K DURING JAMBOREE