tVmonia £agie Arthur Lucore 3 THURSDAY, JU LY 19. 1W$ SEL-MOR, INC.. Pubtuken T O P IC S OF T H E T O W N Services Read LARRY GARNER. Edtter M E L V IN SCHWAB. Campeettor B. RHOADES. TTS Funeral services for Arthur Lynn Lucore. 59 resident of Vernonia since 1959 were held Thursday, July 1 3 0 p m at O FFIC IA L NEWSPAPER the Vernonia M em orial Cem e­ V e n M ta . Oregon tery The Rev Dan Billings, pastor of the Assembly of God Entered as second class mail Church, officiated Fuiten M o rt­ matter August 4, 1932. under the uary Chapel was entrusted with act of March 3. 1879 the arrangem ents Published weekly on Thursday A rthur Lynn Lucore was bom at 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia September 24. 1913 at Colville. Columbia County. Oregon 970W Washington, the son of Archie and paid at the Vernonia Post and Lottie Singer Lucore He Office as second class matter moved with his fam ily as a young boy to Tygh Valley Ore­ gon He was raised in that area $3.00 Per Year — In the Nehalem Valley and attended schools in Maupin After his schooling he went to $4 00 Per Year Elsewhere work for the railruad In 1930 he xam eeM ooM eM eoM K »: moved to Portland and worked OFFICE HOURS for the Libby's cannery M ob .. Toes., Wed., F ri.—8 a.m. M r Lucore was united in m a r­ to ( pan. riag e to Helen Hiersche June 29. 1940. in Portland After their Thurs. A Sat— 8 a.m. to 12 noon m a rria g e he went to work as a Phone 429-3375 truck d rive r He had worked for M M O aM O anM M O M M M M m x Sherm an-Clay. Allied Van Lines and Holman T ran sfer He was M FM B 0I forced to re tire twelve years ago Oregon gr due to a back injury M r Lucore Newspaper fg was a m em ber of the Team sters Publishers Union Local No. 162. Portland Association ■ Since coming to Vernonia in m eM M M M M O M M M O R 1959 the fam ily had lived at 1158 Columbia For the past two years he has been under doctor 's care for coronary a rtery disease M r Lucore died Monday eve­ ning. July 9. at Providence Hos­ pital in Portland He is survived by his wife of V ern o n ia; two sons and WMMMMaeeMMamMMMX Helen, three daughters. M ichael L and T e rri Lynn Lucore. both of V e r­ D ear Editor nonia. James A Lucore and I would like to order a six Linda H Lucore. both of P o rt­ month subscription to the Eagle land. and M rs Robert (K aren ) Also, would you send the date Heisterm an of Vernonia and program for the Vernonia Two grandchildren. Heidi and celebration” I believe it is called Bobbie Ann Heisterm an of V e r­ "Friendship D ays." 1 am in te r­ nonia; a brother and three sis­ ested in attempting to get to­ ters, M ilton Lucore of C athla­ gether as many old Camp Eigh m et. W ash.. Lovetta Severtson, ter's or the caboose school kids and Rae Smith, of Washington, as I can, and 1 reallv hope i t ’s not D C., and M rs. E ve re tt < B illie > too late to try to locate them 1 Smith of Kent. Washington, also plan to run a notice in our M ed ­ survive. ford M ail Tribune to see if any of HI S The People Speak. . . J u ly 20-21 FROGS Ray M illa n d mmmmmmmmmxxxmkmmkmxxx IfB it ’» CA HOMI IMPROVIMKNT TIM I ROMEX JA day to publicize July 57-5*. Campground Fees Due H ike ior 7 4 Season Lists Available For 'Big One* West Oregon Granted Loan WIRING 12-2 — 25 0 -F l. RoU L im ited S u p p ly . . . R edu ced T o________ t I699 Softball Team Invites Ladies Ladies and girls of the com ­ m unity interested in p a rtic ip a t­ ing in the women's softball program are offered a good chance for exercise and re crea­ tion. "Join us at the high school field Monday and Wednesday nights at 7:30 p.m ,” invites Darlene P arro w . who adds that “ you don’t need to be a good athlete, just have a little desire and a m it.” F or more inform ation call D arlene Parrow at 429-8134 The women's softball team is w illing to play anyone in a game of slow pitch softball anywhere, anytim e, says'Miss P arro w , who m ay be called at 429-8134 for m ore inform ation and / o r sche­ duling a game Q fT E B IO B LATEX $2.99 $3.59 C all A n y tim e Fam mamón 429-7461 V ernonia, Ore." J Dirt, water and acid accumulate in your motor oil. It s inevitable. But it needn't ♦ shorten the life of your engine. Drain yourj crankcase regularly and use Chevron* Motor Oils. Their» letergent-action keeps harmful contaminants in * suspension, and prevents them from clogging critical ! moving parts. . ■ » 1 ■ ■ h ■ h h ■ CHEVRON Corne +o th e MODERN P O H » I Buenos Aires has lifted some restrictions on beef, afte r two years of beefless weeks, but restaurants are still prohibited from serving it on certain days Add years i to your 1 engines Special Motor Oil Guniti The C.J. Nance's received word Monday of the sudden death of their daughter-in-law, Mrs Bus (Betty) Nance G rave side services w ill be conducted in Bend at 10 a.m Saturday, July 21. with an 11 a m . m em orial service to follow 446 Third A v e. — C ap iial H illsid e Divison for M ay, despite re p o rt­ ed gasoline shortages in the state. Chest W Ott, Adm inistrator o the M otor Vehicles Division says the M ay gallonage figure represented an increase o slightly more than four percen over A pril this year and an increase of slightly less than four percent over the same month a year ago. ■WII ■ C.J. and Essie Nance spent Father's Day in Bend visiting their granddaughter and fam ily. M r. and M rs Robert (Sheryl) Maddox and Jeffrey T heir other granddaughter. V icki, and hus band. Curtis H itt, and their daughters, Kelli and Teresa, were there also, as were the senior Nance's son and wife. Bus and Betty W hile at Bend, the Nance’s received word that E s­ sie’s brother. Roy H atley, had fallen and broken his hip She visited him at the Tacoma Veterans Hospital, and reports that he is doing well. Field Welding — 7 Days-A-Week Tax on nearly 106 m illion gallons of gasoline was collected by the Oregon Motor Vehicles Although more gasoline was sold in M ay than in any other M ay in the state's history, Ot says the agency's reports re ceived from motor vehicle fue dealers reflected a change from a year ago M ajo r dealers, such as ARCO Exxon. Mobil. Shell. Standard Texaco and Union, reported in creases in gallons taxed, but a few independents showed sharp decreases when compared with M ay last year One independent, for exam ple paid 80 percent less tax this M ay than last M ay when gallonage dropped from 1.7 m illion gallons to 350,000 Another reported a drop of 75 percent when g a l­ lonage dropped from slightly more than two m illion to less than 500,000. » « tobo » uira ■* L? T CHEVRON CHEVRON Custom _ Motor Oil A 40 ■ Supreme Motor Oil RALPH'S CHEVRON Chevron . Phone 429-6691 W h ite P e r G*L "M O D E L H O M E S ©PEN P a ste ls P e r GaL V IN Y L A C R Y L IC OB itum puflK S U P E R -F L E X E X T E R IO R E X T E R IO R B u rk e's F in e st O n ly — G a l Je” ’V X * * S t .< EAST VERNONIA »ewer project progresses *» pipe-laying crew adds footage to collector system on Knott Street. The recent dry weather ha» been a boon to the contractor who b hurrying 0 * pwject through to completion so hook-up» may he made by homeowner» prior to winter rstas setting in. SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF E-Z PAINTR BRUSHES - ROLLERS - PANS - ETC. *T or E v e r y th in g a n d A n y th in g T o B u ild W ith ' KUIPER LUMBER CO. An eight acre park near the heart of Beaverton offering the living pleasures you've always wanted at price» the average family can afford. • • • • • • • • U S . H ig h w a y 30 S o u th o f S cap p oose Mb «nd w -M titn Hillsboro—**-»-2161 543-6916 8.W. Wa Cedar aad Pacific Forest Gravo—887-5181 Retained beauty o f natural tree» and stream The silence and safety o f no through traffic Trails for walking, pigging, cycling Your own recreation center A swimming pool lor added enjoyment Grounds and outside building maintenance provided Private patios, courtyards, garages plus carport, Common walls soundproofed and one hour fireproofed Come, admire your next home Select from six different two and three bedroom floor plans, complete with fireplace,, range refriaerai,., and disport. Priced from $29,000 to $37,100. As .„tie X ? financing available and no closing cost». H IM A D EV ELO PM ENT OF TH E L IN C O LN COMPANY PHONE 643 3314 F ri $ NORM'S WELDING AND REPAIR Gasoline Tax Told by OMVD S P E C IA L S K L E E N -K O T E Wednesday. M r. and Mr» Ralph Borton left Vernonia and drove down the coast through Tillam ook to Lincoln City to the home of M r Borton's parents, M r and M rs Bill Borton The two couples then continued to Siltcoos Lake and on to the Sea Lion Caves, stopping at many other lakes to check boating facilities Saturday. Ralph and his w ife drove to Florence across to Eugene then up through Mt Hood to Estacada where they spent the night at the home of M r and M rs O rval Clausen Sunday, they had breakfast at the S a fa ri. then enjoyed the wide variety of stuffed anim als for which the restaurant is noted They returned home late Sunday afternoon. Thu«. \ b itin g at the W illard Haver- land home is M rs H averlan ds sons and fam ily. M r and Mrs Fred Brown. Cheri, Carl and Bill They arrived July 7 and will be here till about the 28th Fred grew up in Vernonia and is now living in Bakersfield. California Brown took M r Haverland to visit the logging work in the woods F rid a y, the fam ilies en joyed a trip to Cannon Beach Sunday, they all dined at the W illard (Jug) H averland home to celebrate baby V a la rie ’s bap tism. M r. and Mr». Ken Goodman and children. Rory Dunaway and P hillip Bartles drove to Camp Clark south of Tillamook to visit the Goodman's son. James, who is working there for the summer 1973 SALE: G arner residence ( Hyw . 47. near S. city lim its). 2mi Ruby Norniand. M r. and Mr». A1 Alford and daughters. Ruby and Tylee, drove to Packwood. Washington. Sunday where they met M r and M rs Gene Richards and children and M urrel Hel land. Ellensburg, Washington The group picnicked and visited at LaW'isWis campgrounds M r Helland returned to Vernonia with the Alfords while Ruby Alford went to Ellinsburg with the Richards 0K B VI'RNON'IA F R IE N D S H IP Jamboree Court members put on their best smiles as they par­ ticipated hi St. Helens Port-O-Ftm parade Satur. YARD S al.. July I* . 2«. 21 - im mm i to 6 p.m. ST M A R Y 'S Thrift Shop open first and third Friday of every month 5tf. ‘ -a A t Y on r H om e Im p rovem en t H ead q u arters K u ip er L u m b er Co. (Hew Code) P A IlfT -U P 7 Summer Recreation Calendar of Event» THEATER F r i . S a l. t, The State Transportation Com ­ P rem iu m lists and entry forms missioner has proposed an in­ are now available for all d i­ crease in state parks cam p­ visions of the Oregon State F a ir, ground fees effective with the August 25-September 3. accord 1974 camping season. mg to State F a ir M anager Ro­ As approved by the com ­ bert L. Stevens mission. campground fees in The lists are available by w r it­ Oregon’s state parks w ill be in­ ing State F a ir Entry Office, creased from Si to $1.25 for un­ Salem. Oregon 97310 Stevens improved tent sites, from $2 to $2.50 for improved campsites suggested prompt action, since Horse Show entries close Wed­ and from $3 to $4 for fully- nesday. July 18. and all other di­ equipped tra ile r sites. The proposed fee increase is visions close Wednesdav. August 1. expected to raise about $335.000 annually and will offset a chronic P rem iu m lists are available for the following divisions. A g ri­ deficit in the state parks opera­ tion and maintenance budget culture-Horticulture including The deficit for the 1972-73 fiscal bees and honey and countv year was $388 000 feature exhib its. All Oregon A rt The new campground fee sche and Crafts Show; F lo ric u ltu re ; dule w ill also bring Oregon's Home Economics; All Am erica Horse Show: Livestock; In te r­ camping fees in line with com ­ parable fees in state parks in national Photo Salon: Poultry. Pigeons, Rabbits and Cavies 1 Washington and California Entrants in 4-H receive their m aterials through their county agents and F F A members re ­ Special Events ceive inform ation through high Monday . July 23 school agriculture instructors Flycasting Clinic - 1 p.m . - Meet Stevens issued a special in­ at high school football field vitation to entrants in Home E c ­ Sen M ark Hatfield called onomics. pointing out the d ivi­ Thursday, July 12. to report that W eekly Events; sion includes competition in West Oregon E lectric Co-op. w ill All at Scout Cabin) table decorating, clothing and receive a $210.000 loan from the Monday through F rid a y - 1-5 textiles, and foods. Prem ium s R ural Electrification Adm inis­ p.m - Open recreation include valuable merchandise tration Tuesday: prizes donated by industry, in He noted, as did a spokesman 1-3 p.m . - Children's Oil painting addition to the cash prem ium s for West Oregon, that the loan is 6 p.m - Horseshoe pitching Also noted is a new aw ard this to help finance 16 miles of dis­ 7 p.m . - Archery tribution lines to serve an addi­ year, "Queen of Home Econom­ ics” , open to both junior and sen tional 250 consumers, and to help Note: Jam boree week changes: finance system improvements ior exhibitors The aw ard is No open recreation on F rid a y based on total points won in both H atfield noted that the boi - No craft class Foods and Clothing and Textiles row er proposes to obtain sup­ divisions with the w inner to re ­ plem ental financing from the ceive a sewing machine National Rural U tilities Co-op Finance Corporation “ East Meets West” is the Larry Kelly of Banks is p re ­ theme of this y e a r’s fa ir with T h e P la c e sident of the board of directors, new and exciting international T o S ta rt 1», and Guy Thomas the m anager of exhibits and features already the Vernonia-base utility. confirm ed. Stevens emphasized us are in this area other than myself I am wondering if Bud Atkins and M rs Sandon are still in or near Vernonia Please let me hear from you G ratefully, M rs W ayne Robertson