Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 12, 1973, Image 1

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U n iv e r s ity o f fre g o n
Eugene, Oregon ”
vmtwMbrrA n n w r n u
Wages Highlight Meeting, Increases Granted
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w as a fa
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m eetino
T h a r p has
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It was
been a
when the Columbia County Bud­
bridge inspection done since
get Committee reconvened at
1943, and with the completion of
the request of the Board of Com
this inspection, there might have
missioners following receipt of
to be some bridge replacement,
additional OAC funds, ana the
as well as a number of repairs,
necessity for considering the
with bridges on school bus
proposed salary increases re­
routes, taking firs t priority.
0 0 NOT
sulting from union negotiations.
After a discussion regarding
DUMP U lllt |
Present were members of the
union bargaining for all emplo­
Board of Commissioners, budget
yees, regardless of the fact that
committee members, secretary
only a very small percentage of
Gloria Salvey (deputy clerk),
the employees were union mem­
Circuit Judge Don Kalberer ana
bers, the meeting “ livened up.”
D istrict Attorney Robert Lucas
Judge Kalberer felt the cur­
The meeting was opened by
rent salarv received bv com­
missioners was insufficient with
Commission Chairman Fred
Foshaug, who stated that there
the comment that it should be
had been a tentative allocation of
based upon the position rather
the additional
than the office-holder.
amounting to $151,000, with $51,-
District Attorney, Robert Lu­
000 assigned to the General Fund
cas stated he would like the
and the balance—$100,000—to
budget committee to set reason­
the Road Fund.
able salaries for the commis­
Foshaug also said that a ten­ sioners, since the positions were,
tative agreement had been
in essence, full-tim e, and felt the
reached with the union, with a
salary should range in the
$35 across-the-board monthly in­ $18,000-$20,000 bracket, with the
’n t .
crease, which amounted to 5 >4 comment that, if the budget
percent. There is also a built-in
committee felt the positions to be
step increase of approximately
only part-time, salaries should
3'4 percent, which made an
be adjusted accordingly.
overall increase of roughly nine
E.T. Johnson stated that when­
percent with an additional $1,000 ever a candidate ran for office,
of life insurance coverage.
he was fu lly aware of the salary
P rior to turning the meeting
involved and that the candidate
over to M.B. Morton of the
would run for office more to be in"
budget committee, Foshaug ad-
public affairs than for the money
vis«! those present that the
involved. He said he was against
board had requested the com­
the suggestion made by Lucas
mittee to make a decision re­
and felt that if such salary
garding salary increases for
increases were granted, the
elected officials.
members of both the committee
Director °* DEQ b 8hown alM>ve
Following a discussion as to
and board would be subjected to
with Columbia County Commissioner Jay Ahlborn
whether the commissioners’ po­
considerable criticism .
environmental topics while on a County wide tour last M o n d ^
sitions were full- or part-time
It was the opinion of Judge
employment, with the conclusion
Kalberer that a small salary
that with the ever increasing
would serve to entice candidates
meetings, etc., it was definitely
unqualified for the position while
full-tim e, the commissioners
a larger salary would tend to
then commented that the addi­
attract more desirable candi­
tional $100.000 allocation to the
dates for office, adding that it
Road Fund was due to the
was worth considerably more
present bridge inspection
than what is paid considering it
should be a full-tim e position,
with Commissioner Ahlborn sta­
Plans are moving into high
ting that if all the duties required
The Jamboree A rt Exhibit
gear for the 17th annual Ver­
were fu lfille d , it would certainly committee of the Society of Arts
nonia Friendship Jamboree slat­
be full-time.
and Crafts met last week to
ed for the weekend of July 27-29.
After Lucas stated that the make plans for its tenth annual
Already scheduled for the
board could override the budget
a rt exhibit. Meeting with the
event are. the A rt Show which
committee’s recommenaations, committee were representatives
opens Friday evening at 6 p.m.
although he felt it wouldn’t be a of Portland Community College.
at the Masonic Temple, showing
good idea, things began to
Ms. Jacquie Crist, Community
a rt and craft displays with dem­
heat-up as Morton questioned
Service Director, and B ill F ilter,
onstrations by both local and
The Columbia County Grand
other departments, as to whe­ County Community Education
PCC-sponsored craftsmen. Be­
Jury made its semi-annual tour
ther those elective positions
Coordinator, of the college, met
sides these demonstrations,
of ja il facilities in the county in
should be considered full-time.
at the home of society president
there w ill also be an oil painting
A pril, and their findings, as re­
Commenting on meetings held
Mrs. Claude Gibson with com­ demonstration both Saturday
ported to Circuit Court Judge
last year, wherein the budget
mittee members, Mrs. L.L.
and Sunday.
Donald Kalberer, noted the fol­ c o m m i t t e e
recommenda­ Wells, Mrs. W illiam Heath and
Saturday morning w ill find
lowing :
tions were that neither the
Mrs. Wilbur Wilson, committee
crowds gathering for the annual
“ On A pril 25, 1973, the Grand
county clerk nor the district
parade with the Jr. Parade set
Jury of Columbia County in­
attorney were entitled to a.
The college has planned to
for 10:30 a.m. followed by the
spected the jails of St. Helens,
salary increase considering the
provide craftsmen to demon­ Senior Parade at 11 a m. Pre­
Vernonia, Clatskanie and Rai­
“ large amount of tim e neither
strate various crafts of the
judging of entrants w ill be from
nier. The following is what we
were in their office,” Morton
Northwestern area, as it did last
8:30 until 10 a.m.
found :
took a left jab at the news media,
year, in addition to the society’s
Also scheduled for Saturday
St. Helens - Generally good
as he added that it was the com­ program of demonstrations by are the Quarter Midget races
m ittee’s hope last year, that the
local craftsmen, plus oil painting
with the Monza run to be held at
Vernonia - Facilities not in
feelings of the members of the
demonstrations by Mildred Hub­
1 p.m —finals set for Sunday at
budget committee would be pub­ bard. Mrs. Hubbard has instruc­ noon—the racers piloted by
Clatskrnie - Generally good
lished in the papers so that the
ted the PCC oil painting class in
members \ ) f several quarter
citizens of the county would
Vernonia the past three terms.
midget clubs. Saturday also
Rainier - Unsatisfactory con­
know they felt there was a de­
Other artists and craftsmen
marks the date for the Teen
dition, follow up inspection on
finite lack of supervision in the
scheduled by PCC to appear at Dance to be held at Vernonia
June 29, 1973, found it to be in
two departments.
the exhibit w ill be David Diving-
High School, with music by
satisfactory condition with ade
Lucas came back with the
horse of the “ Speck of E arth” in
"M other’s Freedom.” The affair
quate plumbing and heating.
.a t» » ;
fact that he had received a
Portland, leathercraft; Chris
is sponsored by the VHS Jr.
S E m ilG . Koch, Foreman.”
letter last year, sim ilar to one
Holmes, calligraphy; Linda La- class.
addressed to the clerk, adding
boda, tapestry weaving and
Sunday w ill find many attend­
that he had been extremely
macrame; Dexter Bacon, m et­ ing the Logger’s Breakfast spon­
upset by it and had seriously
alwork jew elry; and a spinner.
sored by the Rebekahs. It w ill be
considered libel action being
A schedule of times of the held at the IOOF Hall and begin
taken at that time.
demonstrations w ill be given at 7 with serving ending at l l
With that, Morton commented
that in such a case, it might
The exhibit is to be held this
There w ill also be a trap shoot
become necessary to utilize out­
year at the Masonic Temple.
at the rifle range across from
side legal counsel and once more
Anderson park, sponsored by the
slapped the press as he stated
Vernonia Hunter Safety Council.
again that he had hoped this
The shoot w ill start at l p.m.
information would have been
publicized last year.
Johnson then stated that this
was the reasoning behind the
formation of the Charter Study
The Red Cross Bloodmobile
Lucas then helpfully suggested
unit w ill be in Vernonia Monday,
that it might be aidful to reduce
July 16, and w ill be stationed at
the county clerk’s salary as a
The Vernonia Friendship Jam ­
the Oddfellows Hall between the
result of frequent absences and
boree Horseshoe Tournament
hours of 3 and 7 p.m.
inattention to supervision of the
w ill be held Saturday, July 14, at
It is hoped the extra hour w ill
office, adding that he felt the
Hawkins Park. Senior Citizens
encourage those who work later
w ill begin pitching at 7 a m.,
(Continued to page 2)
to donate this time. Due to the
followed by A, B, C, and other
summer months much more
blood is being used than ex­ classes at 10.
"We also plan to have some of
pected and this is one way for
our leading state lady pitchers
those who can to help in a big
present ana they w ill pitch
possibly beginning about 1
Several Vernonia people are in
o’clock,” states tourney director
need of having blood they have
Gerald Russell.
used replaced. “ You may give in
A donation of $25 was added to
Howard Peterson of Portland
the Vernonia Ambulance Fund anyone’s name you wish to
w ill be defending Champion as
donate in. I f you are between the
this week by the Forest Grove
he has taken first place the last
ages of 18-65 and in good health,”
two years.
Community Hospital m arking the Red Cross representatives
me hospital's interest in con­ advise.
“ We cordially invite the public
tinuing this much-needed ser­
to come and see some outstand­
Anyone wishing transportation
vice for Vernonia.
ing horseshoe pitching,” Russel
or wanting further information
The fund—started as a memo­
may call 429-3552.
ria l to Mrs Gertrude McCabe—
Anyone interested in pitching
may be added to by any organi­
in the tournament may contact
zation or individuals interested
Gerald Russell for qualification
in helping the city purchase a
preceding the tournament
new ambulance to replace the
Coffee, soft drinks and cookies
older model now in service.
w ill be available
Persons wishing to contribute
“ TV School for Boaters,” a
to the fund may either deposit
course preparing viewers to take
Swimmers to Moot
directly into the special savings
the Coast Guard Auxiliary Cour­
trust account at the Vernonia
City lifeguard Darlene Parrow
tesy Motorboat Examination,
Branch, U S National Bank, or
issued a call to all swimmers
A number of w v beam
just recently occupied or
give donations to committee
Mondays, July 16 to September
and others interested in swim
soon will be ready far __ ___
1 tai the building
members, B ill Horn, Sherman
meets to attend a meeting
17, over KOAP-TV, Channel 10,
"b e e n ” are multiple-family dwelling« and
Fisher, M arvin Kamholz or L a r­ Portland, and KO AC TV, Chan­
Thursday, July 12, 7 p m. at the
a s . well as tbe coaveatioaal fram e bulldi
ry Garner.
nel 7, Corvallis
Scout Cabin at Hawkins Park.
— t« k i
Jamboree A rt Jamboree
show Feature Plans in
To Be Demos High Gear
Grand Jury
Tours Jail
Blood Unit
Visit Set
On July 16
"“**» . ***
Hospital Adds
To Trust Fund
Boat School
on TV
« m n tw r*TW B w rw T«<ii.'
A TOUR o r Vernonia afreet« bold« a surprise far those who
haven't made the round« lately to "See what’, rotae on.” i„
addition to the renovation of buatoes.hou.ea along the mato
street, a spurt of new construction to in evidence In Vernonia.
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