UJflflTssflDS For Sale—General SERVICES F O R S A LE: Wood lathe for Excellent condition Call 428-3415. SERVICES OLD-TIME COUNTRY A EASTERN MUSIC LESSONS Autoharp. Fralling Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin. Write to Kbn A John Cunnlck, P.O. Box 194, Keasey S t.. Vernonia. 8SU Students Told 'Register Now* Are vou thinking about starting college in the fall? Or transferring from one college to another7 If you are, do it now. There isn't much time left. Some 9,979 openings still remain in Oregon colleges and universities for late-deciding freshmen and 11th hour transfer students, according to a May survey conducted by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). IO S O m e O M M M e e 8 8 8 8 8 M Board of Commissioners (Unapproved Minutas I m oM om eaaM om m om t Missionary to Speak Sunday MIST—Guest speaker at Mist- Birkenfeld Community Church at Birkenfeld Sunday morning w ill be Miss Susan Sieserlinger of Coium bia, South America Miss Sieser linger is home on missionary leave. Mrs Jane Hansen w ill be hostess for the Mist Helping Circle Thurs­ day for Mrs Joe Lonnquist who is unable to entertain them this month Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen accompanied her folks, the Howard Thompsons of Clatskanie to Spo kane, Wn. Thursday for the wed­ ding, of Bruce Thompson, a grand­ son of the Thompsons. Enroute to Spokane, they stayed this side Thursday evening and nearly roast­ ed in the loo degree heat. It was 104 at Spokane Friday. They returned via the Washington side and visited the Maryhill Museum. Mr. and Mrs Donald Sundland visited his folks, the Charles Sund lands, four days and, while here, made side trips to the beach Tues day and to Longview Wednesday. Dinner was enjoyed out both times They took the old Clatskanie road on Conyers Creek and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. The Columbia County Board of Commissioners met in scheduled session June 20 with Chairman Fred F O R SALE: Lady Kenmore used Eoshaug presiding, Commissioners ^D hh w aahar for sale. Has cutting Minkoff and Ahlborn, and secretary board top. Is 4 years old. 985. Also, Gloria Salvey (deputy clerk) pre­ kitchen range with a double oven sent. 910 Call 429-6472_____________ 26t3c Commissioner Minkoff moved and Commissioner Ahlborn second­ F O R SALE: 15 ft. Bell T rad er. I960 REG ISTERED LAND According to the WICHE study, ed the minutes of the following Furnace. L ike new. sleeps six SURVEYOR application deadlines for the fall meetings be approved: Board of $1,000 cash Phone 429-5302 2612 14th A St. Helena Sts., St. Helens semester range from May 8 to Oc­ Commissioners meeting of June 13; »7-06» 5484817 tober 6 at 25 Oregon higher edu­ Public hearing on Meadowview HO NDA M IN I B IK E in fa ir condition 25 tfc cation institutions. for 9150. Also, 15 inch by 10 Inch Service District SDL-1 budget; Also Export Commercial used tires and wheels In fa ir con­ College officials point out, how­ Public hearing on Columbia County TRACTOR (CUSTOM) Construction and dition for 9150. C all 420-8894 or see ever, that vacancies are open only 1973-74 budget Motion carried. at garage sale on 1881 N. M ist D rive to students who meet the individual Remodeling ROTO-TTIXING Miscellaneous claims were ap­ on June 28, 20 or 3 0 , _________25tl college’s requirements And if a proved GRASS AND HAY MOWING INQUIRE— student has already applied to a Roadmaster Keith Thompson met Phone 418-7281 G A R A G E SALE at 1881 N . M ist college or university and has been with the board to discuss various D riv e on June 28, 29, and 30. Hours 2413 turned down, he should not reapply road department matters. He intro­ arc: Thursday 10 a m . to 7 p.m ., at that college. duced Ted K Morgan, whom he F riday from 12 noon to 7 p.m. and JOHN DeLAITTRE An exception to the more formal plans to hire as Engineering Tech­ Saturday 10 a m. to 7 p.m . Miscel­ Plasterer . Drywall Taper admissions requirements would be nician II, effective July 1, at a 786 Bridge Si. laneous clothes, beddings, dishes, Brocade and Texturing the increasingly popular open door salary of $900 per month. Commis­ tools, some furniture and appliances. Acoustic Ceilings admissions policy. Last year, 19 sioner Ahlborn moved and Com­ Phone 429-8211 e tc _________________________26tl Plaster Patching western colleges reported open ad­ missioner Minkoff seconded to ap­ 26tfc V e n a n te T A K E soil aw ay the Blue Lustre Phone 429-8852 missions policies This year the prove the hiring of Morgan. Motion ^ 2 0 tfc way from carpets and upholstery number quadrupled Eighty-one in­ carried. Rent electric shampooer 91. Bruns- stitutions said they have either no Thompson presented the approv­ Lucker should be replaced on the m an Hardw are. 26tle ed traffic safety grant application Surface Mining Committee, and W A N T E D : Person interested in part lim it or open door admissions for the fall. In other words, these to the board, and advised the sta rt­ Phil Minor should be replaced on F O R S A L E : 1 wheel tra ile r, 925. tim e work Might work into full ing date had been changed to June the Vehicle Review Committee. See at 875 Madison Avenue. 26tl Tires - Batteries - Shocks - Brakes tim e. Should be artistically inclined schools have space for a great many students. Approval of appointment of Sally 13, 1973 in order to get started by Gen. and Starters - Mufflers • Water and not afraid of rustic working P IA N O . Console Spinet Piano As­ The WICHE study, which can­ July 1. Nelsen as deputy county treasurer Pumps - Fuel Pumps — In Stock conditions. Contact Tender Touch vassed 447 undergraduate institu­ sume low mo. payts. To be sold As a part of the traffic safety was signed. in this area Also ORGAN with For Most Popular Makes. tions throughout the 13 western grant, Commissioner Ahlborn mov­ Clerk Roy Nelson met with the Decor at 429-8064_____________ 26tlc Automatic Rhythm. Phone collect states, reports that approximately ed and Commissioner Minkoff se­ board to discuss the number of dog B A B Y S IT T IN G wanted n ear P itts ­ 206-CH3-9270 or write Adjustor, 612 130.000 vacancies are still available conded an agreement to furnish licenses and tags to be ordered for burg. Phene 4297822.__________25t3c for entering freshmen and transfer S.W. 152nd, Seattle, Wn., 98166 consulting services for tra ffic en­ 1974. After discussion, it was con­ ARNOLD A M A R Y ’S VERNONIA ________________________26t2c students. A total of 256 western gineering services and safety plan cluded he should order 6,000. He W A N T E D TO B U Y : Antique clocks institutions responded to the survey be signed with CH2M-HH1 at a cost also discussed the license books, U -P IC K M A R S H A L L Strawberries. and watches. Contact Sherman Fish­ with 206 reporting vacancies for of not to exceed $46,750 Motion and it was concluded he should IStfc Lots of berries, second picking - 3K e r at Fisher s E lectric. 24t3c come-lately applicants. obtain quotations on four-part carried. miles up Strasseli Road off Sunset Details on vacancies in colleges Thompson also presented the books. highway. See M rs. George McLeod F O R SAVING S on Loans contact and universities throughout the 13 contract, bond and certificate of Commissioner Ahlborn moved your Local Credit Union - 783 Bridge 324-9583. Virgil Allen’s field. western states are available fro m : insurance for St. Helens Paving and Commissioner M inkoff Second­ 25t2c Street. 11 a.m . to 5 p.m . - Tuesday College Vacancy Survey, WICHE, Company for the Viewcrest Sub­ ed the following be reappointed: through F rid a y ; 11 a.m . to 1 p.m . The regular council meeting of June FO R SALE: W ell broke Pulamino division S t r e e t Improvements. Marlene Gift, Jack Manges, Bar­ Saturday. Closed - Sunday and 18, 1973, w ill be continued next F r i­ P.O. Drawer P, Boulder, Colorado m are with registered h alf Arab colt 80302. Commissioner Ahlborn moved and bara Bunn and Jack Blair, Camp Monday. Or call 429-8245 during day, June 29, 1973, at 8:00 p.m . and halter broke Palom ino yearling WICHE is a public agency which Commissioner Minkoff seconded Wilkerson Advisory Committee; non-office hours. 17tfc » tic filly. Greg Ellis, 429-5866 ' 25t3c helps the 13 western states work the contract be signed Motion car­ Robert Vagt, Civil Service Com­ N O T IC E O F B ID S together to increase educational mission; Vern G riffin, Park Com­ ried. FOP. SALE: 1969 Honda 300. Sealed bids w ill be received by opportunities for western youth, to The following purchase orders mission; Kenneth Erickson, Vector condition Phone 429-5582 Adm inistrative School District 47 improve programs of universities were presented by Thompson, and Control Board; A.J. Ahlborn. Pub­ Joint, Columbia County, Vernonia, and colleges, to expand the supply approved: 2079-Pet Matiaco, rock, lic Welfare Board. Motion carried. Oregon, at the School D istrict Of­ of specialized manpower, and to in­ A letter of appreciation was $1,581.50 ; 2078-Feenaughty, hopto fice, 475 Bridge Street, Vernonia, Blown-ln Inaulation form the public of higher education repair, $631.10; 2077 - Feenaughty, received from the Tri-County Coun­ Oregon, until 8:00 p.m . H iu rsday, needs. Rockwool Batting gradeall rent, $5,500 ; 2060-Com- cil of Senior Citizens for allowing July 12, 1973, for carpeting the halls F R E E ESTIMATES mercial Enterprises, adapt base use of courthouse space. of Washington Grade School and Commissioner Minkoff moved Buy. Sell or Trade station for remote control, $250; Call Collect 397-1670 w ill then and there be opened and and Commissioner Ahlborn second­ 2059-General Electric, remote con­ Highway 47 publicly read aloud. Bids received ST, HELENS trols with hand remote, remote ed to approve the annual distri­ Star Ri.. Box 19 lOtfc a fte r the tim e fixed fo r opening w ill control with mike, $540 ; 2071- bution report of 1972-73 land sales. not be considered. Northwest Pump & Equipment, Motion carried. Plans, specifications, and contract POOR M A N ’S An agreement between the City of Tolhem commercial pump, $1,210.- documents m ay be obtained fro m BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs Appliance Repair 80; 2070-McMillian Electronics, Clatskanie and the State of Oregon the clerk, Darrold Proehl, at the Lawrence Johnston and fam ily took Fast - Professional - Low Rates was approved by the board, for the blue print machine. $755.90. School D istrict office, 475 Bridge in the Pee Wee Rodeo at Cullaby — 91 00 Off w ith this Adv. — 24 tfc Thompson stated that although city of Clatskanie to receive allo­ Street, Vernonia, Oregon 97064. Lake Saturday. Their boys. Calvin, Phene 4298685 three pickups had been ordered cation of BOR funding for park No proposals w ill be considered Scott and Dean all participated. Mr 12tfc from state surplus, only one had improvements. unless accompanied by certified F O R SALE: Sears Frostless re frig ­ and Mrs. Everett Johnston also After discussion the board agreed been received, and he was going to check, cashiers check, or bid bonds erator freezer with automatic ice attended. it would not hold a meeting on July (w ith authorized surety company as HOME LOCKSMITH SERVICE check on the third one. m aker. 15.2 cubic feet. Gold. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jarrett and Thompson reported the bridge 18, so the members could attend a Sears classic double oven 30” elec­ Lost keys replaced, combinations mtrety) m ade payable to the District her brother, Douglas Rodgers, were tric range. Gold. Like new - 9 months changed, master systems, etc. Also in an amount of not less than 5% inspection has been completed, and lores! service dedication ceremony dinner guests at the home of their old Hot ii for $600 429-6161 25(3 new locks on hand. Dave Zamarripa, of the bid. Surety bond w ill be re ­ he w ill be discussing the results at the Tillamook burn site. grandparents, the Francis Larson's Request for information concern­ quired in accordance With terms 1091 First Ave., Ph. 428-7474. with the foremen and inspectors on Saturday evening. FO R SALE: 250 tons of oats and of contract documents. ing Tax Lot 273-15, county-owned _____________________________ 44tfc Thursday. He also plans to submit Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson of vetch hay. Phone 429-7551, 24t3 The school district reserves the the weight lim its on bridges on property, was received from C.E. rig ht to reject any or all bids and Silverton visited relatives here Hubbard. After discussion, it was U -P IC K S T R A W B E R R IE S - Watch Hermo Road to PGE Thursday of last week; the Francis to w aive inform alities. concluded that a letter be written for signs on Sunset H iw ay at M an ­ Thompson discussed the St. Hel­ Larsons, Everett Johnston and the N o bidder m ay w ithdraw his bid ning. 24t3c ens Chamber of Commerce meeting Hubbard advising that he could Nordstroms. a fter the hour set for the opening on Tuesday which he and Com­ submit an offer to purchase this Mrs Lloyd Beach visited last thereof or before aw ard of the con­ FO R S A LE: Leonard automatic missioner Eoshaug attended, re­ property if he desired. Thursday at the nursing home at tract, unless said aw ard is delayed washer. Call 429-3171. 24t3 Commissioner Minkoff moved Any Type "A-Fram e” Built to garding the railroad crossing at Scappoose. for a period exceeding 3o days. Year Specifications Deer Island Road at Highway 30. He and Commissioner Ahlborn second­ C U T F L O W E R S , weddings, fu n e ra l Mr. and Mrs Art Bellingham D arrold R. Proehl, Clerk ed to approve a claim for livestock New Construction - Additions - Re­ designs, plants. Also flow ers by Adm inistrative School Dist. 47J visited Sunday evening at the indicated the railroad representa­ owned by Ronald R. Olsen which modeling - Roofing - Foundations tives were to forward information w ire. A r tific ia l flow ers and gifts. Columbia County Shalmon Libel home. had been killed by dogs, for a total C H A L E T F L O W E R S H O P . Phone —FR E E ESTIMATES— 475 Bridge Street Mr. and Mrs. Walt Tornblad were to the county as to who made o ri­ sum of $150 and the matter be ginal application for the crossing to Vernonia, Oregon 97064 429-5733 or 4296301.____________ IStfc in Astoria Monday of last week, and referred to the district attorney for Publish: June 21, 1973 were dinner guests at the Bob determine whose responsibility collection of the indemnity pay­ B U N D L E S of old new spapers fo r maintenance would be. June 28, 1973 Hanberg home. 42tfc s ta rtin g fire s , 10 cents. Verno nia Thompson then reported he had ment. Motion carried. Mr and Mrs Russell Berg of Eagle, 721 Madison Ave._______ tfc issued a waterline permit to Warren Fortuna, California are in the Read (he Ads—It pays! valley visiting relatives. They are Water Association on the Oester spending a week at the home of Road, and indicated there might be F O R R E N T : Deluxe 3 bedroom, 2 some complaints about this. baths apartm ent. Carpets, drapes, Mrs Arby M ills Thompson reported a slid? area MARR & STAFFORD colored appliances, patio, built-in Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnston u tility room. Vernonia Court Apart­ visited at the Francis Larson home on the Flora Road near Mist needs MEAT CO. repair this summer He also ad­ ments. Phone 4298211 or 644-6529. Sunday evening. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. ________________________________» t f c Mrs. Earl Bleakney and children vised a logger is in the process of «77-7291 The Place To Call For AU and her mother, Mrs Willard making preparations to use the Slaughtering, Cuttings Wrapping, road for a landing for log loading. Benson, all of Silverton, visited the Your Rock Needs! 853 Bridge 8 („ Vernonia and Coring Phone 4296203 Everett Johnston and Francis After discussion, it was agreed to Cattle reecived Sunday and Monday Tracking, Excavating, Nordstrom homes last Wednesday, check with the District Attorney on until noon; hogs received Tuesday B IL L HORN, BROKER H E L P W A N T E D : M an o r woman while on their way to the beach. On what the county could do to prevent and Wednesday until noon. janitor to w ork for M ik e ’s T avern SALESMAN: their return trip, they called at the this. 2 tt hours a day, 5 days a week. M eat for sale, any quantity. D e ri Roberts—429-3804 Gravel • Rock Commissioner Ahlborn advised Francis Larson home. Stop to a t M ike's T avern. 26t2c — Call for Appointment — Sue F ilte r—429-7104 Stockpiled In Vernonia for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach were in that he would need a grader at Come through Banks, take Tilla­ FOREST GROVE BRANCH— D M IN IS T R A T IV E D IR E C T O R : Co­ Wilkerson for one day and request­ mook rend I K m l, take first left- Immediate Delivery — A lum Clatskanie one day last week A rlie Satterlee, M g r,—Ph, 357-2321 bia County RSV P P rog ram (F e d . ed this be any day but Monday. hand road. ltfe îetfc era! funded) 97752; Closing D a t e - Thompson agreed to mention this to t v July 6, 1973; Inquire a t P .O . B 141, Hank Lucker. Commissioner Ahl- BRUCE BERNDT St. Helens, ureg«i, Oregon, jyy 397 4000, Council Council <■ L O L. xieiens, I Ti . . 1? ■ 21— borrt also discussed his need for a Q U IN N of senior c itiz e n , inc of coium - dump truck for summer months at b ia County 25t2c Camp Wilkerson, and Thompson MIST—The Mist-Birkenfeld Bible stated he had a five-yard truck School w ill give their program F ri­ available. REAL ESTATE & day evening at 7:30 at the B ir­ Thompson stated he had rented a INSURANCE 25tfc M IN IM U M charge 91.00 for 25 kenfeld Community Church Every­ tractor and trailer to Jim McBride SALES - RENTALS words or loss. Words over mini­ one is welcome. for hauling asphalt for the city of SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Listing* Needed Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Roth of Portland. mum 4 cents each. 786 Bridge St. - Phone 4298211 Throe insertions for the price of Dayton and Rosana Roth. Mexico The board discussed with Thomp­ Fishhawk Branch - Birkenfeld PHONE 987-817« City, visited the Eldon Shetler son the access roads being con­ two. Phone 755-2280 If M answer call 8874881. NO information on classifieds will fam ily Saturday. Blossom is to structed to Pittsburg road, and FO R R E N T : Three bedroom ap a rt­ CoMty^Septlc bo given out until after paper is leave this week for Calgary. A l­ indicated the approaches are too Tank 18tfc m ent 9129.50. berta, Canada ■nailed. steep. They requested he check into F O R SALE: Approxim ately 1 acre Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Garlock at­ the matter. CARD ef Thanks and Notices: $1.88 tim ber inside Vernonia City lim its. SHO E R E P A IR S , pick-up and de­ livery. Open S:8o a m to 8:80 pJn. for up ts 11 lines. Additional tended church services in Portland Ron Reeves met with the board to Beautiful building site. Sunday morning Tandy Shoe R epair, D St., Vernonia. lines, 8 cents each. submit recommendations of the F O R SALE: Ten acres bordering Mrs. Otto I^n e , and Mr and Mrs. Surface Mining Review Committee 4293301. Sltfc DISPLAY classified ere S1.M per Nehalem R iver Near golf course Baker and children of Clatskanie regarding applications for permits. column Inch. and airport. W ill split into two T H I CAGLE assumes no financial visited Mrs Jane Hansen Thurs­ Commissioner Ahlborn moved and VERNONIA SANITARY pieces_______________________ responsibility far errors that may day The Ted Kuljus of Portland Commissioner Minkoff seconded SERVICE Phone 4298711 o r appear in ads published in its were with her mother Thursday surface mining permits be issued to columns, but In cases where this through Saturday. Leonard Eck and Shoreline Rock Products and Wa­ SOtfc paper is at fault will reprint that son of Battle Ground, Wn., visited at ters Concrete Products, Inc. Motion FO R SALE: 1963 R am b ler station pert ef an edv. In which the the Hansen home Saturday The carried. wagon 9150. Phone 4297543. Eck fam ily form erly lived in the typographical mistake occurs. Reeves also indicated a replace­ 26t3c Pop Reynolds place, years ago. Rooma - by day er week. Abe, trail NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ment on the Planning Commission Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kyser of needed to be made, to replace ADV. W ILL BE ACCEPTED A F­ TE R NOON TUESDAY EXCEPT Oregon City were weekend guests Everett Skeans, and recommended A re ., one block at the home of his folks, the Wayne the appointment of George Cowels iW c FOR N E X T W EEK'S PAPER. Ä ) N E ON vacation Richard Baker. BLIND ADS with answers to be Kysers The Roy Kyser fam ily of of Rainier Commissioner M inkrff lltf c handled by The Eagle: Minimum Elsie were dinner guests Saturday moved and Commissioner Ahlborn HOM E R EM O D ELIN G - ROOFING charge 92.80. No information gi­ evening. seconded Cowels be appointed for Additions and Cement Work Mr and Mrs. Fred Busch, Mark, the unexpired term ending January ven relative to such ads. Exp. am POBTRY accepted only ee paid and Chris Hicks were at Merwin 1, 1976. subject to his acceptance. C all: 384-7184 D R IN K IN G P R O B L E M ? C all A.A. matter: Rate: 10 cents per type Lake Sunday, trying out their new Motion carried. boat They enjoyed waterskiing 17tfc a t 4297501 or 20tS line. Reeves also advised that Henry despite the cool weather. J6tfc BOB SWAREY NEW HOMES W KAMMEYER Quinn Realty WANTED AUTO PARTS When gold was discovered in A l­ aska in 1880 the town of Juneau grew into a municipality in one THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1978 year Oernonia Eagfe FOORTH OF JULY FREE FREE Spare tire and wheal with each new Travel Trailer sold thru July 4 150 gallons of gas with each new motor home sold thru July 4 NEW - 1973 171/a' Prowler Travel Trailer. Self Contained - Road Ready Delivered - Full P r ic e ________ $2595 NEW - 1973 Self Contained 20* Champion Mo­ tor Home - Fully Equipped - Road ( i A A E * Ready - Delivered - Full Price_____ 3 W e install air conditioning on mobile homes and recreational vehicles and w e sell Insurance, awnings, skirting, parts and supplies for both. Mobile home and travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings, skirting and insur­ ance. Open 7 days par week. Installation Available TROJAN HOMES INC. WESTERN AUTO Located on Highway 30 to St. Helens 2 Vfc mi. S.E. of Rainier. Next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Phone 556-1531 Owned and Operated by Steve 8c Lotus Gaskill PUBLIC NOTICE Alla's Junkshop “ Antiques ARCTIC INSULATING COMPANY Rideis Attend Pee Wee Rodeo Phone 324-3644 Buxton, Oregon Norman Hillsbery, Builder 429-8942 For Sale—Real Estate Bill Horn e Really BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 FOR RENT HELP WANTED Mist-Birkenield Bible School Program Friday Excavating Service CLASSIFIED BATES For Sale—Cars, Trucks VERNONIA HOTEL NOTICE PERSONAL USED MOBILE HOMES, TRAVEL TRAILERS AND PICK-UP TRUCKS 1— 1971 Hillcrest two bedroom. A ll electric. Double insulation. Storm windows $4695 1— 1965 Bend Imperial 10x50. Two bedrooms w ith 8' Living room roll-out - ...............$2795 1— 1958 Nashu tw o bedroom___________ $1895 1— 1963 New Moon 10x55 two bedrooms w ith 8' living room roll-out_______________ $3495 1— 8x30 Columbia one bedroom—................ $995 1—8x30 Roadmaster one bedroom_______ $995 1— 1971 Security 16' Travel Trailer. Like new . Now Only _________________________$1295 1— 1971 Shast 13'. Used 5 times..........._ .... $1095 1— 1967 Kit 15'. Gas and electric refrigerator and furnace. Clean________________ $1295 1— 1959 Coast Liner 18'. Self-contained $895 1—Perry 15'____________________________ $295 1—Aloha 1 3 '_________________________ $295 1—MW 15' ____________________________ $295 1— 1968 - 3 /4 Ton Ford pick-up, 4 speed. Camp­ er Special. Good rubber____________ $1695 1—Dune Buggy ________________________ $295 Twelve Month Warranty on all New Units. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mobile home and travel trailer supplies, accessories, awnings, skirting and insur­ ance. Open 7 days par weak. TROJAN HOMES INC. Phone 556-1531 Located on Highway 30 to St. Helens mi. S.E. of Rainier. Next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Also Clatskanie lot on Highway 30 Owned and Operated by Sieve & Lotus Gaskill