Problems COG Meet Again CLEAN rugs, like new. so easy to do with Blue Lustre Rent elec­ tric shampooer $1. Brunsman Hardware 43tlc General auto renairing done, parts and service. 1363 Knott St.. V er­ nonia. 42X291 anytime______ 43t3c FOR SALE Six year crib, with spring and mattress in good condi­ tion Also stroller. Call 429-5045. 43U FOR SALE: Westinghouse Frost less refrigerator and freezer. Also large broiler Call 429-8591 ___________________ 43t3c TWO nice Vi grown tam e kittens to give aw ay. Inez Powell, 1290 Grove St.. Riverview._____ 43tlc NEW C R A FT CLASSES starting Tues.. Oct. 31. at 1 p.m. Christ­ mas Ornaments. D e c o r a t i o n s Ideas, and Gift Items. You won't want to miss any of these classes. Christmas is just around the cor ner. Inquire ‘‘Sew Sim ple” Shop. 429-7441.________________ 43tlc FOR SALE: Electric Range, clean good condition Reasonable. 429 ww _________ 43t2c BUNDLES of old new spapers’ for starting fires, 10 cents. Vernonia Eagle. 721 Madison Ave______ tfc CUT FLOW ERS, weddings, funeral designs, plants. Also flowers by- wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLOW ER SHOP. Phone 429-5733__________________ }3tfc FOR SA LE: Sofa, new condition, B&W Magnavox console TV, 23” screen 429-3825,___________ 42t2f FOR SALE: 6-year baby crib. Ex cellent condition. Also car bed. 429- 6411._________________ 42t3c FOR SALE: 2-14” Chevrolet wheels and stud tires, excellent condition Call after 5:30 429-8044._____ 41t3c For Sale—Real Estale Two houses on a 2-acre tract near golf course Good well Phone 429 6811. ____________ 39tfc Do You Want To Sell? Listings Wanted Heino Realty 647-2340 38T10 Q U IN N ^ 5 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE SALES - RENTALS Listings Needed 786 Bridge St. — Phone 429-8211 Reeher Realty Company Phone 429-6203 SILL HORN, BKK , Vernonia Br. SALESMEN Bill Harkson, evenings, 429-”974 Sharon Gaston Want to Sell? - Come See Us! — LISTINGS NEEDED — For Sale— Cars, Trucks 1956 V-6 Chevrolet: 1966 250 Hon­ da, new transmission. M ake offer. Dave Brunsman. 429-5202 or 429 5651.____________________ 42t3c WANTED WANTED: Planner-Coordinator for Columbia County Community Co­ ordinated Child Care P rogram (4- C>. Knowledge of chiid develop­ ment programming, child care f a ­ cilities and community organiza­ tion as necessary. Columbia Coun­ ty resident preferred. Experience in child care program s preferred Position open October 16. Salary OEO guidelines. Call Community Action • 543-7125 for applications. Applications close Nov. 6, 1972. 43t2c COOK W ANTED: Monday thru Friday, 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. S taley’s Cafe. Call 324-7491________ 42t3c WANTED: N aval uniforms for Sea Scout Explorer Ship No. 649. Ph. 429-3211.__________________41t3c Wanted To Buy: Dishes and mis­ cellaneous Call Ginger Trussed at 324-9474._________________ 41t3c WANTED: Man or woman, subs­ titute for Oregonian Rte. Ph. 429- 3825 41tfc WANTED TO B U Y : Scrap metals, copper, brass, aluminum, rad ia­ tors, lead and junk batteries. Will auction anytim e or place. Marty Hanson. 755-2440__________ 8t45c WANTED To Buy: Copper, brass, junk batteries. Also wanted: mbc. items. At Treasures and Trash, across from Laundromat. 30tfc LOST AND FOUND TO WHOM IT M AY CONCERN: A big thank you for retruning my purse. I am so happy to get my ring back. 43tlc IN THE U N ITED STATES DIS­ TR ICT COURT FOR THE DIS TRICT O F OREGON Norman Hillsbery, Builder Any Type •‘A-Frame” Built to Your Specifications New Coitatructioi) - Additions - Re­ modeling - Roofing ■ Foundations —FREE ESTIMATES— 429-8942 42tfc BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 The Place To Call For All Your Rock Needs! Trucking. Excavating, Bulldozing. Backhoe Sand . Gravel - Rock Stockpiled In Vernonia for — Immediate Delivery — 16tfc D AVE ZAM ARRIPA'S Home Lock- smithing Service will not be open until further notice. 40tfc MOBILE HOME SER VICE • all phases of electrical, plumbing, carpentry, metal work. etc. Ph 429-8151.________ _________ 40t6c Andesle' Kennels All Breed Dog Grooming. Bathing- Trimming - Clipping. SMALL BREED DOG BOARDING Reasonable Rater- Puppies for Sale R. D. & ANNE STEVENS For Appointment call 429-7625 or 429-7632. 28tfc HOME REMODELING - ROOFING Additions and Cement Work Exp. and Reasonable Call: 324-7194 324-3642 40tfc FOR AUTO LOANS contact your Vernonia Federal Credit Union, 761 Jefferson, noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through F riday or call 429-8245 during non-office hours. Mfc For Mobile Homes, Travel Trailers and Motor Homes Call Stove Casklll Located at Trojan Homes, Inc — — Rainier Call 556-1531 35tfc SEPTIC TANK PUMPING licensed - Bonded and Insured PHONE 397-3172 If no answer call 397-2281. Cufumbia County Septic latfc Tank Service For Journal Subscription, call A1 Iman at 429-8311. Address: 1219 E . Elm in Riverview . 38tfc SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and de­ livery. Open 8:3o a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St.. Vernonia. 429-3301. 31tic VERNONIA SAN ITARY SER VICE Phone 429-8711 or 429-6254 30tfC BRUCE BERNDT Excavating Service Sewer Systems Installed Keasey Rt. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 4th day of Oc­ tober. 1972. the above described property was taken into the pos session of the United States M ar­ shal for the District of Oregon, pursuant to a warrant issued by the Clerk of the United States Dis trict Court for the District of Ore gon in the above entitled suit for condemnation and forfeiture, brought under the provisions of 21 U.S.C. 334. wherein it is sought to have the above-entitled proper­ ty condemned and forfeitured for the following reasons: the above entitled article was misbranded when introduced into, while in and while held for sale after shipment in interstate com m erce from New York to Portland. Oregon, within the meaning of said Act, 21 U.S.C. 352 (f) (1) in that its labeling fails to bear adequate directions for use for the purposes for which it is intended, since adquate directions cannot be written for use by la y ­ men of the article for such pur poses, and the article is not e x ­ empt from the requirements of 21 U .S.C 352 (f) (1) under regulation 21 C FR 1.106 (d) since adequate information for use of the article cannot be furnished under which practitioners can use the article safely and for the aforesaid pur poses. All persons claim ing any right, tille, or interest in and to the above-described property are here­ by notified to appear on or before November 27. 1972. to show cause, if any there be, why the sam e should not be decreed aeainst and forfeited to the United States. E V E R E T T R LAN GFORD. United States Marshal; SID N EY I. LE- ZAK. United States Attorney for the District of Oregon; VINITA JO N EAL, Assistant United States Attorney ____________ 43tlc CLASSIFIED RATES NOBILE HONE INSURANCE 429 7262 UNITED STATES OF AMERI­ CA, Plaintiff, v. An article of de vice, consisting of one device, more or less, labeled in part “ Diapulse” Diapulse Model D101 Serial No. 839 117 Volt 50-60 Cycle A C. On ly 5 AM P Diapulse Manufactur ing Corporation of America New York City Manufactured by Rem ington Rand Division Sperry Rand Corporation * • * , Defendant, Civil No 72 819. Vernonia 25tfc VERNONIA HOTEL Rooms - by day or week. Abo, trail­ er or mobile home apace. Mad bon Ave., one block from bank. 19tfc VERNONIA APPLIANCE REPAIR We Repair All Makes of Large Appliances GARY MATTHEWS 429-8144 ________________________ 22tfc CARD OF T H A N K S ~ MY SIN CERE THANKS to all our friends for their help, cards, flo­ w ers and prayers since I have been sick and while I was in the hospital. All was greatly apprecia ted. W.H Bridgers 43tl M IN IM U M char«« $1.00 for 25 words or less. Words over mini­ mum 4 cents each. Three insertions for the price of two. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notices: $1.00 for uo to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8 cents each. DISPLAY classified ere $1.00 per column inch. THE EAGLE assumes no financial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, but in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. W ILL BE ACCEPTED A F ­ TER NOON TUESDAY EXCEPT FOR N E X T W EEK'S PAPER. POETRY accepted only as paid matter: Rate: 10 cents per type line. B LIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge 52.00. No information gi­ ven relative to such ads. GET A GOOD TH IN G GOING. Place a Classified Ad Today! Last Thursday night in St. Helens, a special joint meeting between CCOG representatives and the Met­ ropolitan Sanitary District was held to discuss the county-wide sanitary iwoblems of Columbia County. The proposal as presented by MSD representative Charles Kemper calls for a four-county area Sanitary Au­ thority. The four counties, Clacka mas. Washington, Multnomah and Columbia could establish a working agreement through CRAG and. ac­ cording to Kemper, $325.000 of funds could be obtained to implement such a program. A lengthy discussion followed as to the merits both pro and con of such an agreement. Some of the points brought out included a state­ ment by Rainier Mayor Charles Van Gorder. that since the closing of their dump, local area people are now dumping anyplace and ev­ erywhere and this is highly unsat­ isfactory. With the closing of dump areas and the implementation of Santosh, all haulers, except Clatskanie are required to use the Santosh fa­ cility. Vernonia councilman Dave Banta noted that Vernonia closed their dump two years ago and since then have voluntarily luiuled to Santosh but, because of the increased rates to dump, the local hauler could be forced to raise his rates to meet the costs. Banta cited the long haul from Vernoniu and the fact that other cities don’t have this problem. It was pointed out to the group that all sites wiU have to be in compliance with state law by July 1, 1973 or strong measures would be taken This is in accord with the state law and would have to be carried out. therefore it might be better to try to work out some kind of a solution at this time. in the past month Tlie only negative comment heard from the haulers was the cost fac­ tor, but another hauler pointed out it is no higher than Portland sites Following the two hour meeting it was voted on and approved that CCOG participate through CRAG Chairman Fries ap|x>lnted St Hel- ens attorney Agnes Petersen to the advisory committee to represent Columbia County’s interests on CCOG. ____________ Demon i a Eagle 6 Meeting chairman Lloyd FYies asked for comments from haulers in the county. There were four pres ent and all spok<> well of the newly improved Santosh Disposal site. One commented on the improvements that have been made at the site THURSDAY, OCT. 26, 1972 r-I nehalem U valley M OTOR F R X IO M T . IN C . Phone 429-3462 ft PERSONAL Have A DRINKING PRO BLEM '’ There is Hope! Call 556-3181 or 429-8481. or write PO Bex 262, Vernonia. ____________ 38tl3 F-3IO in Chevron gasolines turns dirty exhaust into good dean mileage. BOS. OPPORTUNITIES RESPONSIBLE PERSON Wanted to own and operate candy & confection vending route St. Hel ens and surrounding area. Pleasant business. High profit items. Can start parttime. Age or experience not important Requires car and $985 cash investment. For details write & include your phone Route Dept.. 9313 Borden Ave.. Sun V al­ ley. Calif. 91352. 43tl FOR RENT FOR RENT: Apartm ent suitable for one or two. Phone 429-6083 ___________ 41tfc FOR REN T: P'umished 1-bedroom apt. $75. Cleaning Dep $25 Ph. 429-3051. _______ ________ 41 tfc Vacancy - Cherry Tree Apts. All Utilities furnished. $70 and up. Quinn - 429-8211. ______________ 24 tfc F-310 Trademark For Polybutaoa Amine Gasoline Additive RALPH'S CHEVRON i J Phone 429-6691 VERNONIA COURT APARTMENTS Deluxe 1-2-3 Bedroom Units Phone 429-8211 644-6329 ★ 8tfc NOTICE The regular semi-annual meeting of the Mist Cem etery Association will be held at the home of Shal- mon Libel of Mist, Oregon on No­ vem ber 6. 1972 at 8 p.m. Memlicrs ____ 43t2c welcome. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt 2 Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 357-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Cattle received Sunday and Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. - Call for Appointment - Come through Banks, take TUla- mook road I S ml., take first left- hand road. ★ Ready Mixed Concrete ★ Concrete Aggregate * Crushed Rock ★ Road Gravel .Effective Immediately—----------- ALL PRODUCTS WILL BE Sold bv Scale Weight SCAPPOOSE SAND & GRAVEL CO. PHONE 543 7141 Route 2, Box 1 SCAPPOOSE, OREGON Used Mobile Homes ★ Travel Trailers ★ Trucks, Truck Campers '65 Star 10x50. 2 bedrooms, 8 foot $3295 roll out, new carpets '59 8x38 ABC $995 8x35 Sparton - $1595 16 Ft. Kenakill self contained $1395 travel trailer Bold Arrow 25 foot Self contained travel trailer, double bed $3295 19 Ft. Aloha, tandom wheels, sleeps 6, self contained $1895 8!/2-Ft. Terry Truck Camper, Custom Made $750 10 Ft. Air-Flo Truck Camper $650 8-Foot Truck Camper $195 '69 Ford l/a Ton Pick Up low mileage, like new $1895 '68 V-8 International Vi Ton Pick Up with 8' Camper $1795 2 B edroom s One bedroom All of the above units can be bought with low, low down payments and low low monthly in­ stallments. Manufactured to meet both Washington and Oregon construction codes. TROJAN HOMES INC. Located on Highway 30 to St. Helens 2Vi mi. S.E. of Rainier. Next to Stop Inn at Rainier. Phone 556-1531 V