Supplement to Washington County Nows Timos — McMinnville News-Register — Vernonia Eagle — Clatskanie C h ief ^TE GEF1ERAL T E L E P H O Î1 E C O m R A flV O F T H E O O R T H U IE S T , IO C . Dear Friend I t ' s not often th a t the president o f a company gets to ta lk to customers about th e ir need fo r q u a lity service and the challenges o f providing th a t service . I appreciate th is o p p o rtu n ity. At General Telephone Company o f the Northwest, our goal is to provide the fin e s t communications service possible to each and every one o f you. We have come a long way in achieving th is goal. But there is always more to be done. The success of th is e f f o r t depends on the c a lib e r o f the employees in your area, working to provide the s e rv ic e — the in s t a lle r who con­ nects your telephone, the operator who processes your telephone c a ll, the engineer who works on b u ild in g s or equipment to meet new service demands. . . ju s t the kind o f people featured in th is newspaper supple­ ment. Don't h e s ita te to c a ll on D is t r ic t Manager Lyle Cagley or any of our employees i f you have problems or suggestions about your telephone service . The d i s t r ic t manager, the in s t a lle r , the opera tor, the bu si­ ness o ffic e re p re senta tive, in fa c t, each and every employee works to serve you. And how they serve you determines how the Company serves you. I am con fiden t th a t the General Telephone employees in the Forest Grove D is t r ic t are top c a lib e r people, dedicated to providing you w ith the best in communications. A ccordingly, I support them and w i l l continue to support them with the manpower and f a c i l i t i e s to insure th a t they can give you the best in to ta l communications. A lfre d J. Barran S B GEI1ERAL TELEPH O nE Good things are happening in the Forest Grove District. Good things for our economy, health care, recreation and communications. We are proud that General Telephone Company is playing a part. This is the general theme we have attempted to present in this newspaper supplement. Showing you the projects now underway and those planned to insure you good communications and to show you some of the dedicated people working daily toward that goal. Since the area is not standing still, local companies like General Telephone, providing services, cannot stand still either. We have long range plans which call for an investment of $4,678,000 in the next five years for a New Service Center Building in Cornelius, Building and Central Dial Offices in Vernonia and Banks, DDD Equipment at McMinnville, and various major cable additions. In the past year alone telephones in the district have grown at about 4% percent. We expect this growth rate to continue. By the end of 1972 we plan to have 30 percent of our cabling underground. The 161 employes in the Forest Grove District know that this kind of effort is the only way to provide you with the service you need. We plan to continue. I »