l i - / y .fi CHE rs« ? S M A IL « f l S H C At ■»J** O 1? W. wZ Jt* -*-''zP' X , X ^ I)e«n Larson and Doug Kunke arc initialling «00 pair» nf underground cable for additional service to Cor- neliui. New look versus old is for manhole to replace telephone pole. Underground cable also will be used in moving line* going to Scoggin Valley. X V * - .j ¿ Underground beautiful W > :. Z General Telephone provides a “ hot line" to hospitals to provide 24-hour surveillance on patients in coronarv care units Through direct telephonic communication with a base hospital, a secondary unit carries the same oscilloscope picture monitored in another hospital. Whenever a change occurs on _ picture from another hospital, base hospital nurses notify that hospital by picking up the telephone and pressing a button that sets off a danger signal heard at the transmitting hospital. Units are increasing in popularity for many hospitals which cannot afford expensive coronary care units, but need skills of specialists. Unit provides this service through General Telephone wires. Similar unit will be provided in new section of Tuality Communitv Hospital. By the year 2000. ladies may be carrying phones in their purses and picture telephones will be as common as today's desk phone According to Lyle Cagley, district manager of General Telephone Company for the Nor­ thwest, Inc., the telephone system is un­ dergoing a change from mechanical to elec­ tronic He said all telephone facilities will be un­ derground by 2000 and telephone service will be ultra high-frequency Cagley predicted the bulk of repair service now is mechanical, but electronic equipment w ill elim inate many present service procedures By the year 2000 a world-wide satellite should reduce world-calling rates Newspaper service will be modernized with improvement of telephone lines carrying latest press information. Medical science will use telephone equip­ ment for lifesaving measures as well as teaching devices. In McMinnville the telephone is used for an electrocardiogram (E K G ) printout from a remote location to the hospital Similar equipment is scheduled to be installed in the new addition of Tuality County Hospital In fact, the telephone won’t look much like what we know as today’s telephone By then it will be an extremely complex electronic piece of equipment which will be more in demand than it is today. The telephone has come a long ways since Alexander Graham Bell invented it in 1876 while working with deaf children M r Watson, come here, I want you,” were Bell s first words And they carried more significance than he ever would realize Jerry Nagel and Carol Berry complete wiring to provide service for another General Telephone customer. Nagel is verifying that wiring is correct 'H - '» * e-’ W* ■MS tracing equipment to check ' calls Pegs are med to keep line open so telephone employes can trace source of call. General Telephone has high record of success for I locating originating point of call and having calls General Telephone always keeps the customer in mind, even to designing telephones to blend with home decor. Terri I Eldien checks features of chest-type phone and French phone, which are premium in­ struments available at modest cost.