L ib r a r / J J r t v e r r f i t y o f Oregon ¿ u s e n t- < •fez on 9 7 Í ¿ C 3 Demonia Eagle VOLUME 49, NUMBER 33 VERNONIA. OREGON 97084 — 10c Per Copy THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. 1971 Council Marks Time The regular meeting of the City Council of Vernonia was called to -id er bv Mayor Fisher Monday evening, August 18 at 8 p.m. Coun- cilmen Tomlin, Keasev and Banta uere in attenance. Councilman Ro­ berts was absent. City recorder William Nelson also was in a t­ tendance. The majority of the issues to be brought before the council were cither tabled or turned over to committee. Only two issues were brought to a conclusion. ACEL DALLAS LOLLEY After the reading and approval cf the previous meeting’s min­ utes, business from the floor was taken up. Sam Potter representing property owners along the south portion of Weed avenue complain­ ed of a drainage problem. Potter stated that the ditch on the west side of Weed is not adequate to carry the water during the rainy spells and that the water ran Acel D. “Ace” Lolley, 71-year- Call ana was currently serving on across the roadway and through Ins and neighboring yards. The old former pilice officer and Po­ his own elected term in office. city maintenance crew is to in­ lice Chief in Vernonia for twenty - Mr. Lolley worked on radios seven years before his retirement from the early years of crystal vestigate the problem. who had currently been serv­ sets into working on television. He Albert Tandy then asked the and the city as Justice of the was also a ham radio operator council for permission to fence ing Peace, died very suddenly early and worked and eniaved this hob­ along a ditch that runs adjacent Sunday morning, while visiting at by to a great extent. lie also did to his property to protect his cat­ the heme of his sister in Weiser considerable gun smithing as a tle. The city granted him permis­ Idaho sion. -i! bby. Mr. Lolley was a longtime Funeral services were held at member of the First Christian Tandy also asked some ques­ tions of the city council regarding the Fuiten Mortuary Chanel, Ver­ i hurch in Vernonia and he and the building code and was given nonia, Wednesday, August 18 at Mrs Lolley were honored here two the information he requested. He 2 p.m. with the Rev. E.V. Gro­ years ago when they celebrated further stated that the roadway to gan, pastor of the St. John’s their Golden Wedding anniversary Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Iva the water plant was being washed Christian Church officiating. Mrs. away by the river. The citv said William Kretschmer was soloist Lolley, Vernonia; three daughters. Mrs. Ted (Marjorie) Bellingham, utey would contact the state "to see with Mrs. Llovd Thomas, organist if the state could be of some help. Concluding rites and vault inter­ Astoria: Mrs Dm (Kathleen» Tif Later in the meeting Larry Bair ment were at the Vernonia Me­ fn?y and Mrs. Bu | (B arbara) Wei- also broueht up some business morial Cemetery wilh I.arry Ber- gand. both of Vernonia and eight from the floor. He requested that nardi, Warren Aldrich Earl Ray, grandchildren. Another daughter, he be allowed to erect a double Claude Sahw, Ered Roediger and Darrah, (receded him in death iii her childhood. unit mobile home on a solid foun­ Roy Wilburn serving as nail hear Also surviving are five sisters dation. The home was to be placed ers. ■Mrs. Hollie (Sylvia) Verlev, Tie- near his place of business on Rose Mr. Lol'ev was born at Weiser Ave. Bair said he felt that this Idaho April ?0, 1900 and spent all ton, Washington; Mrs. Ethel Gro­ particular type of unit would be of his early life and received his ver. Ontario. Oregon: Mrs. Don classed as a “ modular or pre­ education there He was united in (Relia) Williamson, Vale; Mrs. Beulah Figueroa San .!• so, Cali­ fabricated home’’ rather than a marriage to Iva Atteberv at Wei mobile home. The overall dimen­ ser on March 1, 1919 and they fornia: and Mrs. Bert (Violet) Ho­ sions would be 24 feet bv 68 feet lived their early married years vey, We'ser. Idaho. Bair further stated that the home there and then moved to Lime, met all of the requirements of the Oregon for two years before com­ state building, plumbing and elec­ ing to Vernonia in 1925. He owned trical codes. Bair told the council several businesses including a bi­ Until further notice the princi­ that the unit would be out on the cycle shop, service station and a county tax rolls rather than licen­ TV and radio shop. Mr. Lolley pal source of information as to sed as most mobile homes are The worked for the Crawford Ford the implementation of the Presi council said that they would seek Motcr Co. in Vernonia fcr ten dent’s order providing for the ilization of prices rents and legal advice from the city attor­ years and then went into the police wages, will be the office of the ney before making a decision. department where he spent twenty- Emergency Preparedness in Seat- There were no committee re­ seven years before retiring in tle. The ph.ine number is 206- ports made at the time the mayor April 1965. After the death of Os- 442-4552. called for them. ear Weed he was appointed Justice As more centers are oocned tin Under the communications por­ of the Peace by Governor Mc­ locations will be published. tion of the meeting, a letter was read from city attorney Vagt re­ garding the salary for a building inspector. The city of St. Helens pays their building insoector $125 per month. Under unfinished business the first item taken up was the salary of the building inspector for Ver­ nonia. Keasey moved and Banta Longtime Public Servant Passes \ ERNONIA GRANGE display depicted “An Ore­ gon Farm Year,” with a complete roundup of farm produce to be harvested within Columbia County during a 12-month span. The Vernonians earned second place for their efforts. School Marks Opening of 71-72 Activities Schools of Vernonia School Dis­ trict 47J will open August 30 this year for the 1971-72 school year. Prior to the opening date new teachers will meet August 25 with the administrative staff. August 2S and 27, the total staff will meet lor an in-service and preparation for the opening of school. . J i v e new teachers are joining the staff of the schools this year At Vernonia High School, Leith Hawks will teach chemistry and the physical sciences and be as­ sistant football coach, Doug Wil­ son and Michael Taylor will be working in the industrial arts and vocational education programs. Taylor will also be head wrestling coach. In the elementary schools, Rose­ mary Arterburn will teach kinder­ garten and Sandra Carmienecke will teach fourth grade. School offices will be open be­ ginning on August 23 for all par­ ents desiring registration informa­ tion Formal registration for high school students will be Thursday and Friday, August 26 and 27. Registration for elementary stu­ dents new to the district will be at the Washington School office Friday, August 27. Parents of all kindergarten stu­ dents and any first graders enter­ ing school for the first time are reminded that state laws require these new students to have a health examination and a birth Continued on Page 8 certificate. Forms and application blanks may be obtained at the Washington School office. The school calendar for this year NATAL GRANGE garnered a Special Award at Columbia County lists the following schedule of clas­ Fair with their display built around the theme of “Treasures for ses and holidays: Everyone.” The attractive exhibit featured fresh produce and can- August 30 - School Opens ned goods. September 6 - Labor Day (legal holiday) October 8 - State In-Service day the year will be from 8:40 a.m. (no school» to 12:20 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to October 25 - Veterans Day (legal 3:40 p.m. The day will consist of holiday) seven periods of aoproximately 50 November 25-26 - Thanksgiving day Plans are growing for the new minutes each with four periods in Camp and vacation Wilkerson lodge building— the morning session and three in December 23-31 - Christmas Va­ and so is the structure. County the afternoon. cation Commissioner A.J. Ahlborn re- Textbooks will be furnished to orts March 20-24 - Spring Vacation that two builders have offer the students on a rental basis May 29 • Memorial Day (legal ed their services to aid in framing through the high school book store. holiday) in the main lodge roof The texts and related materials June 1 - School closes The pair of experts volunteer­ Student registration at Vernonia will be distributed to the students High School will be by classes during the first regular meetings ing for the job are Mel Harper for the 1971-72 school year. All of the classes. Text rental, lock of St. Helens and Leonard An Nominations Due high school students, both those owner of the Portia nil and related fees will be derson, new to the school this year and deposits, based construction firm of Frank the same as last year and should West Ore. Dist. 5 those that attended last year, be less than ’(20 at a maximum— lin Anderson, Inc. should report to the high school After a conference the past Sat Thursday, August 26. District on the date and during the time athletics and physical education uray, the men, along with Ahi number five of the West Oregon listed below to complete their re­ Students should be prepared to bom and designer Stuart Johnson pay all fees at the time of re ­ Electric Co-op will meet to nomi­ gistration. gistration on Thursday or Friday Plan a concerted effort the next nate its director for the coming THURSDAY. AUGUST 26 Sen­ so that they will not be delayed two weekends—with hopes that the year. iors, 9 a m. - noon; juniors, 1 - in lodge will be ready for fireplace receiving their textbooks and and George L. Smith is the present 4 p.m roof work by September 1 locker assignments Part of the director and his three-year term FRIDAY, AUGUST 27: Sopho­ Ahlborn reports that Harper and is up. The meeting will take place mores, 9 am . - noon; freshmen, required fees are returned to the Anderson—and some of their key student at the end of the year personnel—will be on hand to guide at the Vernonia Golf Club at 8 1 p.m . * 4. when they return the school books p.m. All students that pre registered and equipment in a satisfactory the chainsaw operators in cutting District number five takes in the last and fitting the rafters. Anderson spring have been mailed class Corey Hill area of Vernonia, ’lum­ schedules and registration infor­ condition. plans to camo out at the wilder ber Route and the town of Tim­ mation. The student's schedule ness site for the pair of weekends. ber Co-op manager Guy Thomas should Football Equipment A real need is felt for workers he discussed with their par­ l chair the m eeting. to aid the builders, and Ahlborn ents before completion of the in­ especially requests that s o m e dividual schedule. For those stu­ Handed Out Monday ‘chainsaw experts” turn out to dents who are new in the area Head football coach Melvin Nice aid in the volunteer project. and for any others that have not announced this week that the first A grand finale for the summer- received the registration informa­ practices Monday, August 23. long project will come with a tion and forms in the mail by two will be in P E clothes and that “real blow out” planned by Ahi- Monday, August 23, forms will be for the coming season bom as soon as the fireplace is available at the high school Of­ equipment will be passed out following the Three regular monthly meetings of fice Hie forms may be picked up in. An ‘Old fashioned roofing par­ the Columbia Willamette Air Pol­ there or will be mailed to you if Monday sessions ty ” is in the planning stages— N ice also reminds the prospec­ lution Authority Board of D irec­ you will call and give your name complete with soup line and what tive players that they must have ever it takes to raise a roof tores w ill be held at 9:30 a m , and mailing address their physical exam inations prior August 20, at the Portland Water With a good turnout the next The first day of classes for the to the first practice Service Building, 1800 S .w 6th new school re a r will be on Mon few weekends, the lodge should be The Monday morning workout completed and ready for use be Avenue day. August 30 School hours for will begin at 8 a m fore the fall rains set in Registration By Classes Start Aug. 26 NOTICE Camp Wilkerson Lodge Growing; End In Sight Monthly CWflPfl Meet August 20 BUILDERS Mel Harper of St. Helens Heft) and Leonard Anderson, former St, Helens resident, confer with Commissioner A. J Ahlborn as to "Where do we go from here?” The Wilkerson Lodge build­ ing is ready for the rafter, to be framed in on center span, and the builders were called in to plan an attack on the job. A num­ ber of volunteer, will be sorely needed the next ronple of week end« to accomplish the chore.