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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1971)
OEO Planning Grant Told By Oregon Housing Corp. Committee Set For Float Aid Jamboree Court (Continued from page 1.) Mothers Day Picnic Enjoyed Rundles Plan io Move; Grandson Is Welcomed ians need “person to person con tact and guidance’’ with “adults RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. Bill and kids working together on pro Receipt of a $25,000, six-month ing task forces, and the support The Vernonia Chamber of Com jects”. Rundle plan to move to their new This statement bears out RIVERVIEW—A family picnic planning grant from the Office of and interest of local and district merce met in regular seesion home at Canby Thursday, today. Economic Opportunity was an governmental officials Monday evening, May 10. During her belief that the best feature of was held at the home of Mr. and Their daughter Jeri will stay with the town is the Jaycettes and Jay- Mrs. Ed Roediger Sundav. Attend nounced May 3 by Vern L. Weiss, Although the OHDC desires to the course of the meeting a com cees for all of the projects that ing were Mrs. Trilla Anderson: the Wayne Welch family until executive director of the Oregon work in all parts of the state, mittee was established to assist in they have carried out She thinks Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson, and school is out. Housing Development Corporation Weiss cautioned that there are on the pooling of talent for building more people should be involved in Mr. and Mrs. Chet Anderson of The Rundles are rejoicing over The grant will allow the organiza ly two field personnel available floats for the Jamboree parade. these projects, with everyone Tillamook; Mr. and Mrs. Dick In the arrival of a new grandson. J a tion to carry out a pilot program for the pilot period, so that the Ken Sutherlin presented the plan working together. gram and four children of Oswego; son Andrew was born April 30 to of technical assistance to Oregon number of projects that can be to the Chamber for their consi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster and Mr. and Mrs. George Cole (Tricia) communities who have not been undertaken at present are limit deration Anyone who would like SHIRLEY POTTER has been in at Saint Charles, Missouri. TTie able to develop housing for low ed. Which projects will be under to work on a float or has ideas volved in 4-H work and GAA. Be two children of Cornelius; and Mr. Coles have an older son. and moderate income families on taken^ will be determined by the for themes for the floats may con ing only a junior she still has an and Mrs. Dave Roediger of Dun Mrs. Powell B. Loggan of Long dee. their own. tact one of the committee mem other year to spend at her favorite OlfDC board of directors, which Sunday dinner guests at the view spent Mother’s Dav with her The Oregon Housing Develop is composed of representatives of bers. Also any business that needs area of study, English. Shirley parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Nic ment Corporation (OHDC) is a Community A c t i o n Programs help in building a float or ideas states that she is always interest home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buck hols. non profit membership corporation throughout Oregon. for a float may also contact this ed in new and different things. ner were: Mrs. Ora George, Mrs. Mother’s Day visitors at the Dora Lees, Everett Rundell, and organized under the auspices of She feels there is a need to involve Communities or organizations in committee. home of Mrs. Maude Wells were Moore, all of Portland. the Oregon Community Action As terested in securing technical as It is hoped that more interest a wider range of people in the Palmer Mrs. Charles Jackson of Seaside her son, Lester anf family, and sociation. and funded since Sep sistance should write to The Ore can be spurred in the local pa community projects and that too tember, 1970 by a mobilization of gon Housing Develonment Corpor rade, If several businesses feel often it is the same people who spent Mother’s Day with her son Mrs. Martha Botkin and two sons and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don of Portland; and Enoch Freel of resources grant from OEO. are involved in everything. ation, 840 Jefferson St. N. E., they would like to put in a float Willamina. Jackson. At least 135,000 Oregon families Salem, Oregon 97303 or call at but cannot afford the time or the “Cleaning up the town is of Mr. and Mrs. John Peachey of Mrs. Ray Cameron was taken live in sub-standard bousing, and 362-2433. expense, this committee would get prime importance to the commu to the Forest Grove Community Portland visited at the Carson about half of those families live During the pilot period, the these businesses together so that nity”, states Shirley. She lists hospital last Monday and moved to Strong and Grace Peachev homes in non metropolitan areas, said OHDC is also soliciting member perhaps seveal places could go in “size and location” as the best the St. Vincent hosoital in Port Sunday. Weiss. Further, only about 20 per ships. Members in the Corporation on one float. features of Vernonia and would land on Thursday. Tests were tak cent of the publicly assisted hous will lie entitled to a housing news like to live here after she finishes Chamber members on the com her education. en but the full extent of her ail ing designed to help low income letter and involvement in the ac Stop and think—we all make our ments is not known. families is being produced in non tivities of the corporation. Mem mittee are: Reeher Realty, Rea- most serious mistakes during times tha Horn; Cut and Curl' Room, Clarence Dyches of Pebble Creek metropolitan areas. The OHDC bership dues will be used to sup Juanita Morford; Sew Simple Shop, road was taken to the Multnomah of prosperity. was formed to help correct that port the activities. Louise Hamnett. County hospital Saturday. H« col imbalance, as well as to assist all Dues are $10 per year for regu lapsed at the home of a neighbor. Residents may contact any of low income families to find (let lar individual memberships; $5 per Every individual molds his own His ailment was diagnosed as a future—whether it is good or bad these people if they wish to work ter housing. year for students, and $1 for low on a float or have a float built or lung infection. is his responsibility. During the next few months, income persons. Sustaining mem join with other businesses in build NATAL - PITTSBURG—Mr. and OHDC will be soliciting requests berships for organizations or per ing a float. Mrs. Noble Dunlap and Mrs. Mild for technical assistance from lo sons who wish to contribute more red Tupper were among those who cal governmental units and agen to the support of OHDC are $25 enjoyed the program put on by cies, as well as from non-govern per year. the young people of the Mist-Bir- mental organizations concerned kenfeld Church Saturday evening with low income housing. at Natal Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Priority will lie given to requests from non metropolitan areas, from Sulo Sanders were guest speakers. I ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Craft of areas with limited expertise of RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. Dan AT THE MILE BRIDGE California and Mrs. Le- their own, and from areas that * Fletcher entertained Sunday for Stockton, nona Hodgdon of Newberg visited 3 show high potential successful f three grandmothers: Mrs. Earl bousing development. Factors in Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack recent Mrs. Richard Fletcher, ly. Î; V The Portland U. S. Army En Baska, volved in the latter would include and Mrs Phyllis Bodenhamer. V Mr. and Mrs. Bud Allbee of already established non-profit spon gineer District has announced pay Others attending were Mr. and $ sors, broad-based community bous ment of settlements totaling $1,- Mrs. Ted Bodenhamer and chil Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. John Bu ♦ $ chanan and family of Centralia. *♦♦ 300 for three cases of alleged oil dren, and Mrs. Charles Sim Mr. and Mrs. Tom Young and s pollution by vessels at Portland onson Mr. and baby of Hillsboro, Mr. Harlxir and Coos Bay. of Banks, Mrs. Don Arm and Mrs. Fred Wilde and girls of family Colonel Paul I). Triem, district Somerset strong and daughter, Kathleen, s West. Earl Baska, De- engineer, said this brings the to lores Dinger, Jerry Dinger, Gene and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Arm J; 3 I strong of Lake Oswego, were here tal of penalty payments collected Baska, and Terri Heath. Sunday visiting Mrs. Ike Dass. by his office to more than $23 - s BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. 600 Mrs. Alice Mills spent the week Mrs. Irving Kalesse. her son, ♦ ♦ since 1969. He said the Corps ♦ George Richardson and Joe spent of Engineers intends to continue end in Portland at the home of Gordon, and grandchild of Port ♦ s Mother’s Day at Seaside with his its strict enforcement her daughter and family, Mr. and ♦ of the Re land visited Mr. and Mrs. Noble mother, Mrs. Elsa Richardson Al $ ♦ Act of 1899. This act makes Mrs. Cleon Woodruff. Sunday, they Dunlan Thursday. so there were Mr. and Mrs. Art it fuse unlawful I and Mrs. Ethel Woodruff enjoyed HELP KEEP OREGON LIVEABLE—CHECK to deposit any refuse Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Curry and Bellingham, who had gone down into any navigable water or its Mother’s Day dinner at the home Jack Howard of Portland spent Saturday and remained overnight. tributary. OUR DETERGENT POLLUTION CHART of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mills in Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mr. and Mrs. Logan of St. Hel Gresham. Howard. Pacific Inland Navigation Com I ens were recent visitors at the pany paid a settlement of $500 for home of Mrs. Arby Mills. Mr. and Mrs. G. [>. Wanstrom alleged discharge of oil by its Barge 538 into the Willamette Ri were in Astoria Tuesday of last ver at Portland Harbor on Janu week. ary 18. sk Mr. anil Mrs. Francis Larson Settlement payments of $5O o and spent Mother’s Day with the Her $300 were collected for alleged Re lu-rt Rodgers family. Ethel Lar fuse Act violations by the motor 9 ^ ï ST son went to church with them, then ships Windford and Vogtland at HOUSE PAINT i after church the Rodgers took the C(x>s Bay. * "* > > ***~> 4 folks to Nahcotta, Washington The motor ship Windford was al •' ,• where all enjoyed a dinner. They leged to have discharged oil into : u-i; lixik a long ride on the beach, then Cixis Bay near the Central Docks stopped at Fort Columbia and went on December 22. The Vogtland had through the museum. They return ««I lx>en charged with discharging gar ed to the Rodger's home where birth bage and other refuse into the day cake was served in honor of south Coos Bay entrance on Au Lynne’s birthday which was Mon gust 4. day. Also there was Mr. and Mrs. TANK SPRAYER GAL. WHITE Ben Gronnel. Galvanized steel tank and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dul’uis and LATEX HOUSE PAINT pump, funnel top, adjust Bill attended church in Clatskanie 100% acrylic exterior paint able cone spray nozzle, pis Sunday, then went to the home of dries bug and dust free in one tol grip discharge handle, Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Moran and hour. Over 1000 custom colors carrying strap. 3-gal. 12” enjoyed a Mother’s Day dinner. at slightly higher prices. pump. (LR1013-8) Don Larson and Cohen Webb of (GA0560E) Vernonia called on the Francis Members of the AARP Camera Larsons a week ago Monday even Club will be in charge of the pro ing. gram for the regular meeting IN THE SUN OR IN THE SHADE, Tuesday, May 18. of Columbia County Chapter 499, American THE RELAXIN’ IS COOL AND EASY Association of Retired Persons. The session will be held in Shrine Hall, St. Helens, beginning at 1:30 p.m. The program will be under the direction of Camera Club Chair Bank Debits for the eight re man Doris Holmes, and will in porting banks including Columbia clude color slide presentations of County were up in March, 1971, pictures taken by various AARP COOL COMFORT SOAK UP THE SUN members. Views taken on many compared Io March, 1970; the Uni A A lu m in u m folding chair Folding aluminum green of the AARP bus trips will also versity of Oregon Bureau of Busi provides easy relaxation end white chaise lounge ness and Economic Research has lie shown. A short business session for you and your guests. so comfortable you’ll be will follow the viewing after which reported Green and white webbing, dozing in the sun in no Debits for March. 1971. totaled refreshments will be served. w a te rfa ll arm s, tubular Chapter members will have the time at all! Waterfall arms, $21,025,( mo For February, 1971, frame. (FT2511 -2) tubular frame. the total was $15,815,000 anad for opportunity at this meeting to sign up for the third of the chapter’s (FT2512-11 March. 1970. the total was $16 948 1971 bus trips scheduled for June 000 Oregon with 366 hanks reporting 22. This will be in the nature of bad a percentage increase of 19 3 a potluck picnic at Silver Falls « X H X H X H X I percent in March. 1971, as com Slate Park Stops will be made at pared with February, 1971, and a Mt. Angel to visit the Abbey, the 13,0 percent increase in March. new library and Mt. Angel Towers. 1971, as compared with March 1970 Total hank debits for March, 1971, came to $5,371.869,000 For See us for a Large February. 1971. the lotal was $4.- 542.662,000. an,I for March, 1970 Assortment of the total was $4,814,000,00. SUNBEAM PERCOLATOR Gifts for After over two years of mind- Sunbeam electric 12-cup percolator. boggling governmental procedure Gleaming polished aluminum body Mom! Goulds balanced and red tape, the area along Rock with stay cool handle, knob and Creek, from the former boundary 4x8 Plywood In base. Convenient pop-up basket. H THURSDAY, MAY 13. 1971 of the rural fire district to Kea flow no, tank, no (WS0413-6) 15-Inch Med. sey, has been accepted into the Stock Vernonia Rural Fire Protection Insulation extras shallow District. Asstd. Thicknesses Following a March 17 hearing at Foil Face the Washington Countv Courthouse well system. in Hillsboro, the Portland Metro Per nolitan Area Local Government , Jig 52 Gallos Boundary Commission approved Roll .S ilv er Seal the annexation of the Keasev Route M O T O R F R E IG H T . IN C . electric petitioners. WATER Effective as of May 1, the Ver H Z N Z H X H X HEATER nonia department is responding to fire calls at residences to the end WE CARRY A of the Keasey road. Sanders Speak At Youth Meet Army Engineers Collect Pymts. KING'S Grocery - Market Gathering in Honor of Three Grandmothers $ Phone 429-6015 Riverview $ Shop by Phone-Call Your Order lor Delivery BUY QUALITY STANDARD ICE CREAM & DAIRY PRODUCTS HERE Sunday Spent at Home Of Mother in Seaside 41 ST ANNIVERSARY nA SALE Camera Club to Give Program 3 $6 ,27 NOW IN PROGRESS County Banks Note Increases $7.99 $3.99 Happy Mother's Day K easey Area in Fire District Sunbeam $8.97 Ocrnonia Eagle nehalem □ valley $124.00 $6.25 Phone 429-3462 j VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE p - L - i 5 Old Courthouse Basement — St. Helens. Oregon Phone 397-2268 — After Hours 397-1730 Mon., Wed.. T hurs.— 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon SUMMER SCHEDULE Vernonia R esidents- For Outside Appointments —Call Above Numbers COMPLETE LINE OF PIPE FITTINGS We Thread Pipe! BRUNSMAN HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E MOLDED WOOD SEAT Comes in pink, green, tan. blue, yellow, white; polyethylene burré pers. (PE0112-5 thru PE0120-51 VISIT OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT F U R N IT U R E WE DELIVER 17 FT. RE-WEB KIT Polypropylene re-vwb kit in white, green, pumpkin or yellow. With out screws. (FT1101-1 thru FT1104-7) __ LOCATED UPSTAIRS IN OUR STORE!