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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1971)
Natal Grange Members At Marshland Meeting Ladies Entertained at Luncheon Wednesday Nordstroms at Silverton Play NATAL - PITTSBURG— N a t a l Grange members who attended Pomona Grange at Marshland in cluded Richard Peterson, Pete Pe- shall, Lawton Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap, and Mrs. Lau ra Carmichael. Sunday dinner guests at the W. R. Wolff home included Mr. and Mrs. Max Wolff and daughter Gretchen, Mr. and Mrs. Max Glien- ke, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haag, all of Portland. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ekhoff were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cook and fami ly of Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cook of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and family attended the drafthorse show at Hillsboro Saturday. BIRKENFELD— Mrs. Chas Ramsey entertained with a lunch eon Wednesday of last week. TYiose enjoying it were: Mesdames, Le- Ann Berg and little daughter. Vic toria; Leslie Wright and little daughter, Shawn; and Arby Mills. Mrs. Ione Downs of Portland spent the weekend with her folks, the G. P. Wanstroms. Sunday, she took them to Seaside where they had a Mother’s Day dinner at the Crab Broiler. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland, accompanied by Mrs. Arby Mills, drove to Cannon Beach Sunday and enjoyed a Mother’s Day din ner there. Mrs. Vick Berg was a recent Clatskanie caller. Mrs. Lloyd Beach visited rela tives in St. Helens last Thursday. BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom spent the week end visiting relatives at Silverton. They attended a play at the Sil verton Hills Community hall Sat urday in which some of their re latives had a part. They enjoyed the play very much. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham and Mr. and Mrs. George Belling ham attended a banquet Saturday evening at the Astoria Country Club. Wendell Wyatt was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jenner, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hanson of McMinnville went fishing over the weekend a t Garibaldi. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fish of St. Helens visited at the John Cahill home last Saturday. Family Potluck Dinner Sunday MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wag ner from Hazel Dell, Washington and a friend from Idaho, Mrs. Oren, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gartock. This was a family pot luck dinner which also included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallace and girls from Hillsboro and Charles’ grandmother, Mrs. Wallace; Mrs. Marge Burness, and Mrs. Connie Walrath and infant daughter from Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garlock and Gary, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Simmons. Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garlock and Gary, accom panied by Ken and Ruth Simmons visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wal lace at Hillsboro. Late Sunday af ternoon they went to Cannon Beach to visit Mr. and Mrs. Simmons and drove on to Astoria to visit Ken and Pam ’s grandmother, Mrs. Myrtle Simmons at Crestview Nur sing Home. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Berg, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Mathews were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel. Sunday, Shalmon Libel visited his mother. Mrs. Clara Libel, at her in/.ne in Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen, and Mrs. Charles Hansen were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ford in Port land. Other guests at the family dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kul- ju of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Roeser and Jane of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cardiff and children from Roseburg, and Mrs. Marie Richardson, mother of Tom Ford. Mother's Day for Mr. and Mrs. Doug Barr was made more plea surable by the receipt of several Ocrnonia Eagle THURSDAY, MAY 13. 1971 5 long distance calls, including one from her daughter in Texas; cards and gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundland and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foster, enjoyed dinner Monday at the home of their granddaughter. Mrs. Marsten in Portland. Tuesday, the Fosters left for their home in Stockton. Sun day the Sundlands, accompanied by Mrs. May Mills, drove to the beach and had dinner in Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bisch, Mark and Marilyn drove to Longview for dinner Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kors- mo of Delena in the afternoon. Superstitions others. are opinions of LEAN MEATY PORK STEAK Shoulder Cut Lb. BONANZA FROZEN STEAKS 48« Beef or Veal Regularly $1.09 BONELESS PORK ROAST 58 In the Oven or on the Rotis. POUND______ BACON BLEACH RICE KRISPIES FIG NEWTONS SALAD OIL FISH STICKS - - BUTTER 1-Lb. 69c Solids JUG MILK Homog. 3.5 00/» Plus Dep. Gal. WC 2% Q7r Plus Dep. Gal. J / V - SWEET JUICY CHOICE NAVEL CANTALOUPE ORANGES Jumbo Size Pound = ^ = ^ = ^ = ^ = ^ = ^ = FOLGER S (QFFEE 3-Lb. Tin I BAKERY-FRESH SPECIALS - A AA *2.29 ^ COTTAGE A A 1°° APPLESAUCE.......8/ H A «* JUMBO PACK ASSTD. (18 Ct.) 75 F KELLOGGS CEREALS TANG INS. (18-oz.—Reg. $1.09) BRKFST. DRINK...... NALLEY'S LUMBERJACK 83 Ö? ■ A A SYRUP 18 °z ........ 3/ SUNSWEET (32-oz.—Reg. 65c) PRUNE JUICE 89* 29* - - 2 FRESH EGGS - FROZEN FOOD FAVORITES 69 -19* 4/99* PIZZA................ Ea. RICH'S (16-uz. Size) COFFEE RICH - — SWANSON'S 1 - STOP Shoppne.1. C e n te r MEAT PIES - : } = ! ¡ ! (16-oz. Cans) TOTINO ASSORTED Vei nom .i s C o m p lete ! 1 53J MEDIUM AA iC $119 ALL GRINDS t 48 39* 55* 39* 49* SUPER MARKET (20-Lb. Bag) f (3-Lb. 8 oz. Pkg.) PANCAKE M IX...... cliffs FERTILIZER ^ Nabisco Brand— 16-OZ. PKG. KRUSTEAZ Bear Claws Regularly 59c Spec. 53c Custard 9-oz. 53c Angel Food Cake Reg. 59c SUNBEAM CONEYS 10's 39c & NEW BUNS 12's—Reg. 41c 3:89« ^ = Kellogg's Brand— 13-OZ. PKG. C.H.B. Brand— 24-OZ. BOTTLE ¿^PRODUCE = PHONE YOUR ORDER IN FOR DELICIOUS FLAVOR-CRISP CHICKEN Western Shore— GALLON JUG — Dairy Specials — 3 63 J Armour Star Pan Size — 12-OZ. PKG. BREADED PRE-COOKED WEBFOOT 6-104 j 18-oz. Pkg. ^ = ^ = ^ ^ = ^ = ^ 4 â J = ! â } = ! â CORONET ASSORTED CINCH LAYER VARIETY i FACIAL TISSUE CAKE MIXES | 200 Ct. Pkgs. Frosting Mix, Too TAf 4 j i : c 5 i , n 0 n 0 1 J9C