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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1971)
THE TIMBERLINE ( OMPILED BY THE VERNONIA HIGH SCHOOL JOURNALISM CLASS 'Final Steps' Face Seniors Nomination of Student Body Officers M ade Loggers' Log Thursday, May 13 District School Board Meeting - 8 p.m. Friday, May 14 Student Body Assembly for cam paign speeches - 10:55 a.m. Election during noon Boys Track - Vernonia and Clats kanie at Seaside - 3:30 p.m. Saturday, May 15 GAA Track Meet (State) at Spring- field, Oregon Language Club Dinner - 5-7 p.m. Language Club Playnight - 7-9 p.m. Monday, May 17 State Golf Championshin at Glen- doveer in Portland PTA - 8 p.m. at WGS Tuesday, May 18 State Golf Championshio Freshmen Parent Night" - 7-9 p.m Wednesday, May 19 Spring Sports Awards Assembly Friday, May 21 Senior Basketball Game - girls vs boys ’ Campaign soeeches and student body elections to be held tomor row. May 14, will climax a week of furious campaigning bv the candidates for student body offi cers for the 1971-72 school year. Final nominations were made at a student body meeting held May 6. The nominees were all in formed of their nominations and their records were checked to see if they all took at least five aca demic subjects and maintained a three average. The nominations stand as fol lows: President: Chris Hicks, Dave Par- row. Reese Sturdevant, Craig Bergerson. Vice-president: Bob Borders, Craig Ellis, and Coleen Webb. Second Vice-President: Walter Fioe- ter. Ole Bergerson, Mark Busch, and Marty Koch. . Secretary: Debbie Price and Jack ie Odam. Treasurer: Jan Johnston, Sandi Stockwell, and Mary Anne Steele. Student Manager: Rick Davis and Kip Brady. Bov AFS representative: Dewey Conroy, Dick Brunsman, and Larry Hanson. Girl AFS repres-ntative: Carol Nelson. Debbie Banta, and Kay Grimsbo. The offices of president, vice- president, secretary, and treasur er are reserved for members of next year’s senior class. Only members of the junior class next year can serve as student man ager or second vice-president. Stu dents from the sophomore, junior or senior classes can fill the office of AFS representative. While in office, officers who re ceive a ‘U’ or a four in any class will have one grading period to raise that mark. If the mark is not raised by the end of that per iod. the cfficer will lose office. Any student body officer acting in a manner that might bring dis honor to the student body of Ver nonia high school also will be re moved from office. (The following storv is a news release from the office of High School Relations of the Oregon HELEN HIGGINBOTHAM State System of Higher Education, and is distributed to all high school newspapers.) “With the excitement of gradu ation just around the corner, it is all too easy, to overlook some of the final preparatory steos that often must be made to insure r e a lization of post-high school plans. For those planning to go on to college, there are a series of fina lities that are frequently overlook SHARON ANDRUS ed by anxious graduates. These Helen Higginbotham was born usually take little time and effort, in Vernonia on May 2. 1953, and but if by-passed, can lead to in has lived on a farm on Timber numerable future headaches and Rcute all of her life. can even keep one from gaining MARSHA JENSEN Being a 4-H member for nine entrance into college. years has kept Helen busy and “ Among those steps is making always on the go. During this sure that your high school forwards Three “ra p ” sessions were held time, she has prepared numerous your final transcript to the college last Tuesday, Wednesday, and exhibits and has entered manv 4- or university to which you have Thursday at the Coffeehouse to H contests at county and state applied. Most colleges and univer hear student suggestions concern fairs. Last year she was chosen sities in Oregon must have that ing the school government. to be a counselor at Columbia final transcript as final verifica Sharon Christine An'lrus was Chris Hicks and Charlene Ander- County’s annual 4-H summer tion of an applicant’s successful September 26, 1952 in Port son were in charge of arranging camp. graduation and as insurance that born land. Sh ■ is now an attractive four the sessions. The first night the Helen enjoys animals, the out he has done so with grades which foot, eleven inch, brown-eyed bru main topic of discussion was the doors, and all types of music. qualify him for admission. who can he found in the past function of the student coun In high school, Helen has been “Now is also the time to secure nette. halls during school hours. cil. Other items on the agenda a member of the FTA, Foreign dormitory reservations to the VHS Her father is a logger and her were the psossibilitv of a student Language Club, and National Ho school to which application for admissions has been made. One mother is a housewife. The rest snack bar, coed P.E., two hour nor Society. the family consists of six bro blocks for some classes, and af Last fall Helen took a test and can make a dormitory reservation of thers and one sister. With a fami ter-school a c t i v i t i e s sponsor was without final verification of ad ly chosen to be the Future ed through the school. of that size, Snaro.n believes that mittance to the college. A reser Homemaker of Tomorrow at VHS. The second night a new form of people shouldn’t pick on other peo vation does not mean, however, pie. She states that heme economics student government—a direct de is one of her main interests. that you have been admitted to col mocracy—was discussed. Some of Sharon’s first home was in Pitts She plans to pursue a career in lege In most cases, final notice the people thought that the main home ec by attending the Univer of admissions cannot be made un burg, Oregon. She then lived in governing body of the school til your final transcript is sent in. such olaces as Montana and Wis should be the student body it sity of Puget Sound in Tacoma. But when it was time to “ For those who have been consin. attend the first grade. Sharon and self. A chairman and a recorder caught in a tizzy of senioritis and her would be elected to preside over family moved to Vernonia. have not made application to any the meeting. Sharon's hobbies are horseback school or wish to a only to another, JIM PROEHL A direct democracy would give hunting, fishing and swim it is not too late to do so to any riding, the students direct representation. ming. She also enjoys being alone of the four-year public colleges at times. The students would have to rep and universities or to any of the resent themselves, and would not At VHS Sharon has been in GAA community colleges in Oregon. have an elected representative to for four years. She was on the Most of Oregon’s public colleges The student who picks up ab represent them. The reason for this and universities will take applica drill team her freshman year and is that many of the student feel sence slips for 6th period Journa » » » » » » » » » » » » . has been on track for two years. tions well into the summer as long a representative represents h i s lism is apt to find some creative as those applying are residents of In the future Sharon would like own ideas more than the ideas of writing on it by Jim Proehl. the state. So, if minds are still to attend college or work with peo the group by whom he is elected. n«t made up, there is still time. ple. Gary Curtis, the VHS history A debate session was held be Also, let your counselor know of tween two of the student body pre teacher, was absent from school your intentions; he may be able sidential candidates. One upheld last week due to illness. Monday, May 17 - Spaghetti, peas, Marsha Jensen and Jim Proehl to help in making final arrange the nresent form of government peanut butter sandwiches, prun were chosen as the honor speak ments. with the addition of more repre Barbra Johnson has been ac es and milk. ers for tI k * Senior Commencement “A courtesy to remember; If sentatives for the students—a cepted at Powers School of Beauty Tuesday, May 18 - Beans and to he held Mtav 23. you are admitted to a college and representatative for everv certain and will attend classes on Tues wieners, baked squash, butter They will sneak alon« with the do not go, let them know of your number of oeople. The other can day and Thursday nights this sum sandwiches, prune spice cake feature speaker Ilazen Bernard, a intentions as soon as possible. didate presented the thought of mer. and milk. former Vernonia llirh School prin Otherwise they will plan for your having a chairman and a recorder Wednesday, May 19 - Sloppy joes, cipal. attendance, and since most schools presiding over the whole student Julie Klein found a four-leaf clo pickles, potato chips, peaches body. Jim and Marsha were chosen are somewhat limited in the num ver while sitting on the high school and milk. from the five honor students who ber of students they can admit, The third night the students dis lawn during noon hour. Thursday, May 20 - Meatballs, will he announced in next week’s you could be responsible for keep cussed ideas for a student lounge corn, butter sandwiches, choco Ti ni berline. ing someone else who really and once again discussed ideas for late cookies and milk. wants to go to that school from a new form of student govern Friday, May 21 - Macaroni and doing so. ment. Students agreed that the cheese, stewed tomatoes, tuna school should have four main offi “A reminder: Summer school in sandwiches, pineapple rings and cers presiding over the student Oregon's public, four-year colleges milk. body. These officers would be the and universities is open to anyone chairman, vice-chairman, a recor regardless of high school grades. der. and a student manager. It serves as a gixxl opportunity Friday, May 7, the National Ho This new form of government nor Society held a meeting to dis to get a head start on a college would have a schedule as follows: cuss the upcoming Freshman-Par Being forced off the road and career and as a good introduction Students would have a chance to ent Invitational Night. SHIRLEY DENNIS held at gunpoint is somethin» that to what is to come.” write dowm criticisms on a sheet There was a discussion on how a person would see on the late cf paper posted in the hallway. the program committee was com Parent Visitation Night for the show or in the newspaper. On Thursday of the week all cri ing along and when the group was incoming freshmen parents, will be However this actually happen ticisms would have to be on the to have a practice for that night. held Tuesday, May 18, starting at ed to two high school students paper. Friday they would be run Money making ideas were then 7 p.m. from Vernonia. Shirley Dennis and off and distributed to the students. discussed and it was decided to Each parent will select four Man Ann (Warn were part of a The next week the students have a Bake Sale at Cliff’s Super classes they wish to visit using 12 student group from Forest would have a chance to discuss market Saturday, May 15. their child s pre-scheduled classes Shirley Dennis was born in Hills them Also, during that same week ('■rove. Gaston, and Vernonia, who This money is to be used to buy as a guide. The parents will then The Vernonia High School chap boro, but has lived in Vernonia a student body meeting would be were to take part in a medic-ex a page in the Memolog and to go to the classes they have select plorer camping trip. The students ter of the Future Teachers of all of her life. called to discuss these complaints. buy NHS pins for the Senior mem ed m the order they select them. Her father is a fram er at Tim were accompanied by Dr. Harvard America met Tuesday, May 4, to This is just a general idea of If the room is full, they will then Isaak, a doctor from the Forest retake pictures for the Memolog ber Structures in Portland and her how the new government may be bers. proceed to their second choice and to hold a business meeting. mother is a housewife. Her large run. Other items discussed were Grove Community Hospital. class and go back later to the class Pictures needed to be retaken family also includes six brothers the scheduling of classes and The incident hapoened this side they missed. of Eugene, their destination, near because the club's membership and three sisters, making a grand smoking on campus. Each classroom session will last the small town of Harrison The has grown from about six to 25 total of 12 in the Dennis family. Several teachers were present on Shirley can he seen most of the viewsonthetopic sdiscusse d.Fue.f ten minutes with three minutes for group was forced off the sidi of since the beginning of the year. passing between classes. The Na the road by a pick-un truck The The club's treasury has increased time with Andrea Bell. It’s been the various nights to give their said they’ve been the best of views on the topics discussed. F u tional Honor Society members will truck then stopped and two men by about $70. An all-girls meeting was held bolding guns jumped out of the As their first order of business, friends since the age of three. ture rap sessions will be held to May 10 in the gym seventh period be in the corridors to assist these At VHS Shirley was in GAA her let students voice their opinions to discuss the dress code for next parents in finding the classes. pick up and approached the win the group finalized its plans for a Refreshments will be served fol dow of their Cabana trailer pick beach trip to Ft. Stevens State freshman and shophomore years. on present day problems. year. lowing the tour of the school. The In her freshman year she was pre up. Park May 22. Bonnie Normand led the discus Home Economics Department will sion with the comment that the A scholarship, sponsored by the sented the “ Outstanding Service Thinking quickly. Dr Isaak step dress code has not as vet been supply the cookies for the occa ped on the gas and took off. leav PTA, will send a VHS FTA chap Award" by the freshman class. sion, and NHS will provide coffee After graduation Shirley plans passed for next year and that a and ter member to a week of seminars ing the gunmen in a cloud of dust punch. group of girls will have to present The group then drove to Harrison on teaching at either the Oregon to attend a nursing program next fall sponsored by the Tuality Hos it at the next school board meet and notified state police. It isn't College of Education or Southern ing. Oregon College to lx? run by the pital. known whetlier or not the gun Youth Conference on Teaching. A committee was chosen to ask men were ever apprehended. Qualifications for the scholar The senior class of 1971 is proud the school board for an extension Shirley’s reaction to the incident to announce that all the boxes of of the present dress code for next was simply, “ We were scared." ships will lx* announced later Polywog candy were sold as of year. Friday, May 7. Being as delicious as they are, The Oregon State Highway Di- the Polywogs were eagerly ixiught ,April 30 received a bonus by shoppers in downtown Ver ‘I™ * A ° m- the Federal Highway Strange things will be the order nonia. Thirty-eight boxes were sold Administration totaling $13,630.86 of the dav Friday evening. May in two days brining in $19 for the At the OASSP Winter Conference 21, when the senior hoys meet the senior class. or its participation in the program As the end of school draws near ri»n«rer w e outdoor advertising held in Eugene, the OASC (Ore challenge of the senior girls to the Selling the candy were Chris El The Seaside Seagulls beat Ver gon Association of Student Coun most “far-out” basketball game lis, Karin Miller, Patty Hahmeyer. Mrs. John Brallier, dis’rict libra th înSi .r°m. Protected areas along nonia, 155 to 180, in the golf match cils) Advisory Committee deter this and S hirk’ Dennis. Appreciation rian. would like to remind the high the Interstate System. year in the VHS <nm at Gearhart May 4. school students that all books are 6 ,if i payment amounts to one- mined that there will be workshops Rules for the game include the from the class is extended to all due to be returned to the librarv Ron Meyer, the Vernonia Medal held at Central Oregon Commu following weird things: 1. Girls those who responded so well. r.° ?ne Percent of the Federal by May 21. ist. »cored 43 Winstanley, was the nity College in Bend, Oregon. Fn, i cost of ,he project will not have to dribble and will Also, the seniors should remem tirst Cowapa League golfer on re The first session will be held he given a 25-point lead. 2. Boys in\ohed. Previously, Oregon had ' under Hie p r£ ber that all fines are to be paid cord to score a hole in one during the week of July It 16. and have to shoot with their left hand before baccalaureate. This will as for ppm'* Î16 ? r°8ram which call Final scores for the matches the second and third workshops 3 Quarters will be 10 minutes sure that books and fines will be were Ben Fields 46. Weston 38. will be held during the following long. 3 advertising siens, in on time and library inventory disniav"10' two weeks Tlie fees for the 1971 Ron Meyer 43. Wiese 38. Ole Ber «r P. x ’ ? r devices within 660 feet Gordon Crow-ston will c**anb M*«» can begin. adis ,ed=e the right-ow-way person 45. Winstanley 36, John Summer Workshop will be $60 per girl's team and Scott Howard will A park named "Chicken Com adjacent to the Interstate Svstem Hicks 46. Burke 43, Don Gibson student. be coach for the hoys Officiating mons“ is being built between the There will be a maximum of 288 will be Jacquilin Maier and Gary high school and Davies Garage by 49. Cole 42 12_S!rtain. Protected areas." The the Program is to pro the students oi VHS. Dick Brunsman 53, Pappino 48, students in the three one-week ses Curtis. sions and each session must be mote safety, convenience, and the Jim Brunsman is in charge of The came will start at 7:30 Dewev ('onro> 48. White 42. Gary filled with one half (48t girls and of ..P0*»1*' travel. p m Admission will be one nickel building the park along with his Huff 48. Smeztk 43. Randy Roberts e in p ^ 7 E -uSimpson- division en 52, Haubner 41, Mark Busch 53, one half (48) boys Because of the and a (oo’hnick The toothoicks. it assistant, George Shaw Students T erllaar 45 The total scores for limited capacity of the workshops, is rumored w i l l g o into "ex* year's have been working on the park Donald Kahler’s Adult Industrial gineer for the Federal Highway “ Gary Curtis Fund” . Curtis is an during their free time on week Welding class is made up of ten ^m inistration in Oregon, in pre- Junior Varsity golfers were Ver students who have attended in pre vious years should not be consid UtenRhi^enCheCk t0 R L’ Por‘CT- avdd fan of the immortal tooth- ends or after school nonia JV 's 201, ami Seaside JV ’s Vernonia men. ered for this year. pick 171. The park is to have a brick *i tha* K eng’.n eer, remark- According to K abkr the claw is As has lieen in past vears, with tV v ates did not comply The lack of a toothpick shouldn’t walkwav which will be lined with schools with 1 000 students will be keen spectators awav. as th»y may hills, tree», and flower». Chickens coming along fine Some of the rirïti™ - Feder,al Highway Admini- allowed two representatives and just bring two nickels instead of will run loe»e in the park to give project» are racks for a truck welding a bucket (scooo for trac s’rations regulations jn this area schools with less than 1,000 stu one This is the chance of a life th» “free” look for animals « 10 Percent pen- tor), and building a u’iiitv trailer dents will be allowed only one time The action should be wiki It is hoped that the park will be The class meets everv Thursdav iocati«n«t,,T r î ? d eral highway al 4 THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1971 representative. locations. In Oregon, this could and the laughs plentiful built by the end of this school ¡.’ear at 7 o’clock at the VHS shop amount to $10 million per year Sharon Andrus Likes W orking 'W ith People' Helen H. Plans Home Economics Field Career Students Hold 'Rap' Sessions Sawdust Jensen, Proehl Commencement Speaker Choice School Menu NHS Plans for Freshmen Night Students Held At 'Gun Point" Fresh-Parents Night Set at High School FTA Chapter's Growth Noted Shirley Dennis Plans Nursing Final Meeting Held To Study Dress Code 'Polywog' Sale Is Successful Seaside Match Draws Golfers Strange Things OASSP Makes Plans to Order of Day Hold Summer Workshop Sign Removal Nets Fed Check Library Book Return Due by May 21 Date VHS Park Given Name Of 'Chicken Commons' Adult Welding Class Enrollment at Ten IV i non ij F.ujk