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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1971)
2 THURSDAY, may 13, 1971 tknionia Eagle SEL-.MOR INC., Publishers LARRY G ARNER, Editor M ELVIN SCHWAB, Compositor B. RHOADES, TTS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail mat ter August 4, 1922 at the past office in Vernonia, Oregon 97064 under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $4.00. OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tues.. Wed., FrL—8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Acel D. Lolley Justice of the Peace March 29 - Lea Sylvester Brown, weighmaster c o m p l a i n t , 3400- pound combination overload, mail ed in fine of $34. April 12 - Michael Patrick Mul lins, no vehicle license, fined $5. April 19 - Dale Roberts, OSP comnlaint, driving while under the influence of alcohol, guilty plea, fined $100 (mandatory 9<Pday dri ver’s license suspension). May 7 - Harold Lawrence Boyls. foreign motor vehicle license, OSP fined $5. Thurs. & Sat.—8 a.m. to 12 noon (In case of emergency, call 429-5522.) MEMBER ¡Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association VERNONIA-isms By J.L.S. Please take special note of the letter to the editor from Betty Curl that appears elsewhere on this page. She has done a common dable job in the writing of a thank you letter to the many people who helped with the melodrama. I think that Betty should bo allowed to wear her arm in a cast, for if she gave half the credit where credit was due, she would have to break her arm from patting herself on the back. It you missed the play, you missed a very good production. Though I am in no way a drama critic, I think the parts were all well played. A multitude of talents was uncovered in neighbors of yours and mine. - -O ~- The Little League is striving to make ends meet and they are not just asking for donations but get ting out and working for their own keep. If at all possible, I urge you to take advantage of the “ Poor Boy” meal that the Little League is sponsoring. You will get, I am sure, a delicious meal as a reward for helping the boys. I don’t think that I need to go into the merits of the youngsters baseball programs other than to say that it is very important to the town as a recreational and in structional program for the boys. —O— One of the highlights of the year for Vernonia, of course, is the Jamboree. This year we truly have four outstanding young ladies rep resenting the people of Vernonia. They are a very ambitious group as they have really been out push ing the sale of buttons and spreading the word. In a time when so many of our young people seem to be bent on tearing down the society, it is real ly encouraging to see that each girl stated in her resume that the tilings she Uked about Vernonia was the way the people were cap able of working together and get ting things done. To you girls, you are doing a fine job. I am proud of you for the community and I hop«' you will continue to do this outstanding job. I a in glad that I will not have to be one of the judges. But Which ever one of you is crowned queen will surely have earned it. Good Luck to each of you. JO Y THEATER Fri., Sat. May 14-15 THE OUT OF T0WNERS Jack Lemmon Harold Parker Services Read JUSTICE COURT The People Recorder's C o urt. . . Recorder/Judge W m. E. Nelson Aoril 17 - Ronald Allen Bond, Scappoose, driving on a sidewalk, guilty plea, fined $15, $10 suspend ed. April 24 - John Duval, violation of basic rule (65/35), guilty plea, $50 fine, $20 suspended. May 5 - Michael Weston Shipley, negligent driving, guilty plea, fined $50. May 5 - Albert Engell, disobeyed stop sign, guilty plea, fined $15, $5 suspended. Services Read Here on May 1 Mrs. Irene Smith passed away at her home at Seaside, April 29, 1971, after being in poor health for (be last few years. Funeral services were held at the Christian Church May 1. Rev If. L. Russell, retired minister of the Nazarene Church, officiated. Mrs. W. O. Kretschmer was voca list, with Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, o r ganist Carrie Irene Smith was born Oc tober 24, 1901 at Ellery, Illinois, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Wiles. She came to Vernonia with her family in March, 1917. She was united in m arriaee to Bernard Smith April 12, 1919 at Vernonia. They lived on the Smith homestead for several years, be fore moving to Vernonia where they live«! until Mr. Smith retired. They then moved to Seaside where they had made their home for the past eight years. Surviving are: Her husband, Bernard: a son, Eddie Elmo: five sisters. Mrs. Barkley (May) Cram, Mrs. Milo (Claraibel) Smith, Mrs. Martin (Zola) Christensen, Mrs. Harvey (Ixma) Beaver, and Mrs. Orville (Vineta' Jones. One grand daughter, a great-granddaughter, several nieces and nephews dlso survive. Concluding rites and vault inter ment were at the Pioneer Ceme tery with Cass Bergerson, George Holt. Gus Hult, Herman Beaver, Clyde May, and William B raun as casket bearers. Demonstration Slated For Teenage Horsemen A meeting is planned Saturday, May 15, at 1 p.m. at Anderson Park for the Teenage Saddle Club. Plans are to have a demonstra tion on Western Horsemanship. Those attending are rtxiuested to bring their horses to the session. Mrs. Sharon Sharbonda has been asked to replace Clarence Dvehes as counselor for the group during his hospitalization People arc certainly peculiar. They want the front of the bus. the hack of the church and the middle of the road. Funeral services for Harold O. (Smokey) Parker, 69, lifetime re sident of Vernonia and son of pio neers of the Vernonia community, The Vernonia Eagle were held Tuesday, May 11, at 1 p.m. in the Fuiten Mortuary Cha Dear Mr. Seeley: pel in Vernonia. The Rev. H. L. Writing public letters or thank Russell officiated, with Mrs. Lloyd you's is really not one of my bet Thomas serving as the organist ter talents. 1 find it most difficult and Mrs. William Kretschmer as • o express wi’h words what I feel. the soloist. Perhaps if I just write to you, you Committal services followed with can find the proper words to con interment in the family plot of the vey my feelings for me in the Pioneer Cemetery with Bill Hom, Taper Just knowing where to be- Sam Hearing, Tom Tomlin. E.A. gin with thank you’s and acknow Elliott, Elgus Frank, and Bob Thompson serving as casket bear ledgements is most difficult. So, first of all. I would like a ers. hi" “Thank You” to go to you Harold O. Parker was born June and the newspaper staff for the 7, 1901 in Vernonia. Oregon, the most excellent news coverage and son of George and Annie Solomon cooperation you gave our produc Parker. He attended shcool in Ver tion. You helped to sim ulate *he nonia and had lived here most interest needed to have a good of his life. audience. I am a firm believer in He followed the logging industry advertising to sell a product or a most of his life time, working for show. Clark & Wilson Logging Co.. Kos I should have a “special thank ter Logging Co. and the Oregon you” for Juanita Morford and the American Lumber Co. girls at the Cut and Curl shon for Mr. Parker was an avid sports he'nin" the women cast members man, loving the outdoors, and with their hair styles, and to Ca hunting and fishing. rol Barker for coming down to Mr. Parker died Saturday, May the school to help us. Another “ special thank you” 8, following a short illness, at the should to to the School Board and Forest Grove Community Hospital. Mr. Parker is survived by his Mr. Proehl for permitting us to sons, Harold Parker of San use the school for the many ni"hts tw’o of rehearsal and other facilities Francisco. California and Harry of The Dalles, Oregon. Also needed for a production of this Parker kind. We hope we didn’t add to surviving is his mother, Mrs. An nie Roberts of Vernonia; one bro their many worries. and one sister, Henry (Winks) But how do you ever say thank ther of Coos Bay, Oregon and you to the “ Villian” Director and Parker Fritz (Beulah) Burkhard of seven other members of the cast? Mrs. Thev worked for six weeks, four Alaska; and nine grandchildren. to six nights a week, three to four hours a night. Money cannot buy such devotion and energy. Mere words are inadequate. I just hope the memories and the fun times, TH U R S D A Y , M A Y 13 outweigh the tired eyes and feet Surplus Foods - County Road Shop - 10 a.m .-3 p.m. (N-Z) and the frayed nerves. Without Ward Nelson at the pi Rebekahs - IOOF Hall - 8 p.m. ano and Dory Hicks and Carol Os Boy Scouts - City Park Cabin - 7 p.m. trander’s scenery it would have been half a play. They all gave School Board Meeting - District Office - 8 p.m. completely of their time and ta lents without thought of themsel S A TU R D A Y, M A Y 15 Summer Baseball Benefit - Poor ves. Boy Dinner - Fire Hall - There must he public acknow 11:30 a.m .-6 p.m. ledgement of the other sixtv-five people, perhaps more I don’t know M O N D A Y, M A Y 17 about, who worked in varied jobs Lions Club - Ladies Night - Vernonia Golf Club - 6:30 p.m. and for varied lengths of time, that made our production an out Parent-Frosh Visitation - VHS - 7 p.m. standing success. In the ten vears I have been involved in commu City Council - City Hall - 8 p.m. nity affairs NEVER!! have I had T U E S D A Y , M A Y 18 so much cooperation. My Commit Oddfellows Lodge - IOOF Hall - 8 p.m. tee Chairmen were the greatest. T never had to worry about »hem Vernonia Hunter Safety Council - Fire Hall - 7 p.m. doing their specific jobs. These were done with never a complaint. W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 19 I would be remiss if I didn’t in Goodwill Truck to Call Here clude in my thank you’s a word OES - Masonic Tcmole - 8 p.m. for the patient husbands and wives TH U R S D A Y , M A Y 20' and children It’s all over ™w and Izaak Walton - West Ore. Elec. Bldg. - 7:30 p.m. you will be first again. Thank you for sborinfT thnip vr’*v’ Boy Scouts - City Park Cabin - 7 p.m. And if I may add a peisonal thank you to my family I wasn’t around much these pas* week«: but thev helped me around the house and didn’t complain when the laundry w asn’t done or I wasn’t there when they came home from FOREST GROVE school. To Dory a very, very special C O M M U N IT Y thank you! She helped pick me up when I was feeling low and kept me langhin" ^he was always there Admitting List: May 3 - Esther L. Cameron when I needed her. So Mr Scelcv if you can find May 5 - Michael W. Shipley the words to express my grati May 7 - Julius C. Enevoldsen tude and appreciation to all these May 8 - Timothy S. Hills; Leon G. Crawford, Mist; Kathy Ann Belk people, perhaps they will all know what T feel in my heart. Perhaps they will understand that besides a job well done and the monev M M W TM YOK raised thev have given me some of the nicest memories and friend ships I’ll ever have. I am filled with love everytime I think of them—all of them Again, on behalf of the Vernonia American Cancer Society, thank you so very much! Betty Curl DATES Tc Remember HOSPITAL It may be true the way of the transgressor is hard, hut he can find better going if he turns to the right. hzhzhzhzhzhzzhzhzhzhzhzhzhz THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MAY 13-14 Burlington Industries & Lee's Carpets RURAL CARPET PROGRAM WHITE'S HOME FURNISHINGS oí Scappoose w ill demonstrate carpet care and cleaning plus hundreds of samples on hand next Thursday and Friday in the Vernonia Fire Hall. burn eternally, states Brock. T O P IC S OF T H E T O W N Albert Tandy w ill b? in Pendle ton the weak of May 17-22 to at tend the convention of the Grand Oddfellows Lodge of Oregon as the delegate from Vernonia. He will attend sessions of all three branch es of the order. C H R IS T IA N CHURCH - CWF White Eleohant & Cooked Fo-id Sale, M ay 29, F ire H all, 9:30-4:30. 19t3c Heather Higginbotham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tham of Timber for the summer her first year of fic University at Ralph Higginbo Route, is home after completing studies at Paci Forest Grove. A grem lin crept into the type in a recent “Town Topics” item, which was just called to the Eag le’s attention this Monday. The ad dress listed for Mrs. Olive Powell should have read: Mrs. Olive Po well. 8C00 SE King Rd., Milwaukie, OR 97222. She celebrated her 101st birthday at the home of her niece May 13. Mrs. Nell Thacker, M r. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker of Vernonia; Leo nard Gouge of Salem, Mrs. Roxie Gouge and son, Donald, cf Carl ton; and Mrs. Hazel Meyers and three sons, Steven, Roger and Craig, of Forest Grove, all spent Sunday, Mother’s Day. at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ray Thacker and son, Ken, at Forest Grove. ST. M A R Y 'S T hrift Shop open first and third Friday of every month. 5tfc M rs. Everett Hazen was in Rose burg over the past week to visit relatives and friends. She return ed to her hums in Vernonia Tues day. M r. and Mrs. Henry Hunteman of Forest Grove joined Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hunteman. Mr. and Mrs. T . L. DeHart, and Mrs. Cora Lange for dinner Sunday at the Top of the Cosmo in Port land. Mother's Day visitors H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z N Z N at BED D IN G PLANTS - «lowers and vegetables. Chalet Flower Shcp. 17tfc Laura Thackar, Sybil Falconer, and Isabel Culbertson attended a Manning-Buxton School reunion and potluck at the Banks Legion Hall May 6. Myrtle Klum was hos tess with 30 in attendance, of which one lady was 91 and had gone to school in Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adams of Sweet Home were in Vernonia Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. Pearle Adams on Mother’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. Adams called at the home of Mrs. Cora Lange Sunday evening. CHRISTIAN CHURCH - CWF White Eleohant & Cooked Food Sale, M ay 29 Fire Hall, 9:30-4:30. 19t3c Mrs. H arrv (A rtie) Emmons is away from her job at Kate’s Cafe this week due to an injury re ceived early Monday morning as she prepared to leave her home for work. She lost her balance on the steps at her residence, and fell, severely spraining an ankle. Fred Van Blaricom, who taken to Barnes Hospital couver the past week, is to be in good spirits, speech and balance are fected by the stroke he Tuesday visitors report. P ay m en t weekly. D elivery to N orth P ortland or Scappoose. For price list or purchase order contact: CROWN ZELLERBACH CORP. P.O. Box 65 No. Portland 97043 or Phone Scappoose—543-6381 Portland—286-5001 $9 O f Fries - Salad - Coffee....................... Friday and Saturday. May 14-15 r---------- SUNDAY SPECIAL--------- CRAB LOUIE....... ?17« Guaranteed to Please Dining Room Opens at 3:00 P.M. Sunday — PRIVATE DINING ROOM — BOB'S TIMBERNOOK Please Call 429-8621 for Reservations was in Van reported but his still af suffered. WE BUY POLES AND PILING— TOP PRICES TOP SIRLOIN the home of Mrs. Verner Blount were: Her son, Albert, and family of Til lamook; daughters. Mrs. Kenneth Anderson and three children of Beaverton, and Mrs. Betty Cham bers of Portland; a grandson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Chambers and baby of Hillsboro; and Cal Roach of Portland. Need A Lift? Try Eating Out!! Let litte r bug you. ï I DON’T FORGET GOVERNOR TOM McCall, left, and Western Candle Limited owner-op erator Darrel Broek prepare to light torch which, in turn, was used to light 50-foot tall Peace Candle at Scappoose. The Governor presided over the Sunday dedication ceremonies, which were attended hv a crowd es timated in excess of 5,000. The candle, located alongside Highway 30, will