Over 200 Attend Open House at Claude's Saw RIVERVIEW - Two hundred peo ple visited the grand opening of Claude’sS aw and Service station last week. It was a gala affair and every one received two gifts besides be ing served punch and cookies by Mrs. Roy Wilkin, as they toured through the establishment and signed up for the door prize Prize winners during the three days were: Donald Willard, Mary Pelster, Emma Magoff and Mary Pringle—the prizes were Paul Rep- pelo’s book entitled, “Wav of the Logger.” Mr. and Mrs. Claude Veal took over the Nehalem Service station in March and added the Stihl line of chain saws and complete line of supplies for fallers. Assisting Veals during the three- day grand opening were Mrs. Wil- Lindsey, representative of Stihl saws, and Mr. and Mrs Jam es Terry of Gresham. Special Election (Continued from page |. ) Whether the position would be part or full-time has not yet been de cided. In either case, much o t the engineer’s time would be devoted to planning, general supervison and the preparation of specifica tions for materials. The polls, throughout the county will be open from 8 a m to 8 p.m. the day of the special election, Monday, May 10. Electors in Vernonia Precincts 1, 2, 3 and 4 all will vote at the West Oregon Electric building; and at Mist, the polling place is the Grade School gymnasium. Pilots Fly to. From Birkenield Washington. D.C. Resident Visits TIMBER ROUTE - Floyd Sny der from Washington, D.C. spent from Thursday till Saturday visit ing his mother and husband, Mr and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin. H e also visited his wife’s parents at Forest Grove. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidlin and Floyd were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Reynolds and family, honoring Cathy Reynolds on her birthday. After dinner, Mrs. Reynolds a n d Mrs. Wm. Falconer took Cathy to Forest Grove where she is a stu dent at Pacific University. Mrs. Fred Barajas and b a b y , and Debbie McGinnes called o n Mae Wienecke Wednesday even ing. Dinner g u e s t s of Mrs. Nell Thacker Monday evening w e r e Mrs. Vivian Counts, Mrs. Frank Schmidlin and Mrs. Mae Wienecke Guests of Mr. and Mrs Rudy Soders and Marlene overnight F ri day were her sister and brother- in-law from Klamath Falls. Satur day they drove to Portland to see another sister who just recently had major surgery. Park Fee Set (Continued fro m pogo 1.) no funds would be made available from FHA unless the grant was awarded prior to start of construc tion. Keasey reported that several ar chitectural firms had been contact ed regarding remodeling of city buildings. Tne council agreed to defer action until an overall plan for the best course of action was developed. A daily charge of $2 was set for trailers using the Anderson Park facilities, with the maximum stay set at seven consecutive days. Condemnation proceedings were started on two more buildings— located on Lot 6, Block 4 of Park Addition; and Lots 1 and 29, Block 5, Riverview Addition. Other actions included an order by the council that all city depart ment heads attend all regular council meetings; that a reserve police training program be sta rt ed under the direction of Police Chief Ray Garcia; and a discus sion of enforcement of public safe ty regulations at Lake Vernonia. Coming meetings for city of ficials include a budget meeting at the City HaU, 8 p.m., Monday, May 10; and the next regular coun cil session, May 17. BIRKENFELD - Mr. Staniard of Seaside flew his plane to Bir- kenfeld Sunday and landed on the Bellingham airstrip. Flying w i t h him were Gene Larson, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Larson. T h e y visited at the F'rancis Larson home before returning to Seaside. Art Bellingham and E.T. Johns A sign-up for Adult Basic Edu ton flew their planes to Scappoose cation classes by the Portland Sunday. Johnston left his plane Some men go broke before they Community College Mobile Van is there and came back with Art. break their bad habits. being conducted in Vernonia to Jepson L. Lonnquist of Eugene day, Thursday. The hours for the stopped in to see his grandparents, van, which will be located at the the Joe Lonnquists, on his way to Community Center, are 10 to 11 Fort Rilea near Astoria where a.m. his National Guard is training In addition, the van will be lo Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham cated at Mist in the afternoon. and her mother, Mrs. Elsa Rich May 6, between the hours of l ardson, visited at the August Bir and 2 p.m. for sign-up of Mist- kenfeld home at Hood River a Birkenfeld area residents. week ago last Sunday. AT THE MILE BRIDGE A regularly scheduled visit of Several people from the Birken the van will be made to the Ver feld area attended the funeral of nonia area—if enough persons re Mrs. Cecil (Mildred) Elliott last gister for courses. Offerings in the Friday. basic education field are open at Mr. and Mrs. George Richard any grade level. son were in Astoria last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach were in Portland last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Vick Berg were in Clatskanie last Friday. The HECCA Club (Home Exten Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cahill and sion County Committee AJumni) will boys of Portland visited at t h e meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Avis John Cahill home Sunday. Other 1800 Second Street, Columbia City’ recent callers were A1 Berg and May 17 at 11 a.m. All members and Mrs. Vick Berg. all past county committee members The F. Wm. Birkenfelds, w h o HELP KEEP OREGON LIVEABLE—CHECK are invited to attend. There will have been living on their farm be a plant exchange in the after below the John Cahill place, have OUR DETERGENT POLLUTION CHART noon. moved to Portland. Adult Basic Ed Classes on Tap KING'S Grocery - Market Phone 429-6015 SOMETIME this I summer, these poles and others like them will become im .I cs “whicht |« ° iL hr at thp o u n iy ’s (a m p Wilkerson. The $ < Mm W r . :,,n; ' ,ss,oner A J Ahlborn says are worth some $2,000, wen donated to the county by Longview F ib re Co. Right now hey re in Scappoose, where 4-11 Club members and leaders are hand- im h id 8 th'-,n ' 7 eXt *t0p— the B,,is'-< ’aseade Corp, dry kiln, another do- K a rm e ie 7 ,C' ' In,,peCting the “ mbers is County Commissioner N. W. Task Force to Hold Hearings I lie I ask Force on Social Securi ty anti Welfare plans an ooen hear ing on the fourth Monday of each month beginning May 24. To insure that all citizens have an equal op portunity Io attend the hearings, they will lx‘ held once each in the five major communities of the county. I he purpose of the Hearings will be to present their problems around Social Security and Welfare, tinti most importantly, to secure recom mendations for the solution of those problems. The Task Force sincerely hopes it can receive many gixxl recommen dations. Too often all that is dis cussed is the problems, and without solutions, the problems might just as well go unrecorded. So (lie Task horce is especially asking people to bring solutions as well as the prob lems. The schedule of hearings is as fol lows. May 24, Vernonia; .June 28, (latskanie; .July 26, Rainier; August ¿3, Scappoose; and September 27 bt Helens. Mrs. Phil Shafer Home From Slay in Hospilal TIMBER ROUTE - Mrs. Philip Shafer was able to return to her home at Hillsboro from St. Vin cents hospital. She is in a b o d y cast from her arm nits to h e r heels. Mrs. Lester Shafer spent last week at Hillsboro caring for her daughter - in - law. This week a friend is helping care for her and next week Mrs. Lester Shafer will go back to help. Mrs. Rilla Snyder from Portland visited Mrs. Mae Wienecke Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin visited his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keagbine and children, Sunday. They also called on Mr and Mrs. Bert Ward Mrs. Schmidlin’s sister. I £ ♦ I Í I I i Shop hy Phone-Call Your Order for Delivery HECCA Club to Meet at Columbia City May 17 »a SALE RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Glenn of (Mis were recent overnight visitors at the home of tier sister and family, Mr. and Mrs Hank Hudson liis sister and family, Mr. and Mr. Erank Lara of Portland visited them Sunday afternoon. Columbia County 4 II chib mem Mt' and Mrs. Jim Coulter and bers with livestock projects will lx- children spent the weekend at Stay- participating in a tour Saturday ton where they attended their 10th May 8. •" year alumni banquet. This lour is an annual activity Recent house guests a t t h e that gives I II members an opixir- tumty to visit livestock operations home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Veal in various parts of the county, were his three sisters, all former they have an opportunity to get Vemomaites: Mr. anil Mrs. Roy instruction and practice in judging Stearns (Beatrice) of Hood River livestock and to learn something Mrs. Velma Clary of McMinnville,' and Mrs. Alberta McGeorge of alxmt livestock management. I his year the tour will start at Myrtle Point. the Francis Wright Dairy Farm Also visiting the Veals recently on Knott Street in Vernonia, then w-ere Mr. and Mrs Jam es Terry Í X H Z H X H I I •‘'ey will go to the Lenoaixl Seh of (.resham and her parents, Mr. midhn Farm to see Angus cattle. and Mrs. John Wiggins of Pendle At Uirkenfeld the dub members ton. w ill see sheet) at the Robert Du Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snook and I nis (■.11111 and liereford cattle at family of Portland s'xmt Sunday the E T. Johnston Farm afternoon at the home of his par 'I’hose attending will need to ents. Mr. and Mrs Virgil Snook. take their lunch Each club will Mr and Mrs Ed Buckner at lx- responsible for their own trans tended a birthday dinner for her portation. brother, Everett Rundelt, at the home of Elizabeth Sanders in Port land Sunday. Max Buckner underwent surgery Goulds balanced on his arm Tuesday at the Good THURSDAY, MAY 6. 1971 Samaritan hospital in Portland, lie flow no, tank, no came home Thursday and will go hack Wednesday for further a t tention. extras shallow Mrs Bill Eckland and children and Mrs N ellie Uoyd six>nt the well system. weekend at the homes of Mr. ami a * i 4 ° Vd' and Mr and 'Its Neil Lloyd at Auburn, Wash ington. M O T O R F R E IG H T . IN C . Mrs Maude Wells and Mrs Ka hryii Salvon of Knappn attended H Z H Z H Z N Z I'elta Kappa Gamma meeting at Bnf lnn near Tualatin ». . Friday through Suixlav. $6 27 Oc m o n i a Ea<jfc $124.00 Phone 429 3462 Í SUMMER SCHEDULE Vernon,« Residen,,—Fo, Oui,id. A ppointa«,,. —Call Above Numbers 8 Galvanized steel tank and pump, funnel top, adjust able cone spray nozzle, pis tol grip discharge handle, carrying strap. 3-gal. 12“ pump. (LR1013-8J 3 HP, 20 " Super Cutter Lawnmower with 4 cycle Briggs & Stratton engine. Easy spin recoil starter, throttle controls loc ated at hand grips. Chrome " T " style handle, 5 position height adjustment on each wheel. 7 " front wheels, 8 " rear wheels waffle design. Pineapple metallic color. Weighs just 04 ib f Happy Mother's Day Siuiiwatn $8.97 See us for a Large Assortment of Gifts for Mom! 4x8 Plywood In Slock Asstd. Thicknesses ¿rSyBig 52 Golloi . ¡^ - ¿ x M lv a r Saal □ S67.95 SUNBEAM PERCOLATOR Sunbeam electric 12-cup percolator. Gleaming polished aluminum body with stay cool handle, knob and base. Convenient pop-up basket (WS0413-6I 15-Inch Med. Insulation Foil Face Per Roll $6.25 99c IT WATER HEATER WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PIPE FITTINGS We Thread Pipe! HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E TANK SPRAYER 100% acrylic exterior paint dries bug and dust free in one hour. Over 1000 custom color* at slightly higher prices. (GA0560E) BRUNSMAN 8 î V $64.95 . I IxMte >1« WMCaunRimm in n .........l i m n I W W a iM M M R g g g g g g g g g g g g J ï 3 3 BUY N O W . . . GET AN EDGE ON T H IS S U M M E R 'S LAW N! Cat's»« (*eaa Ikaed « « 4 « i. Ha« weraa »esteafFy, 1 1 yeea Mon., Wed., Thurs.—9.30 a.m. to 12 Noon V V GAL. WHITE LATEX HOUSE PAINT Livestock Tour Planned by 4-H VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE ow pc Ä « " ”Z.7 90 n I » I ? «ÍWí STARTS TODAY □ BUY QUALITY STANDARD ICE CREAM & DAIRY PRODUCTS HERE V V HOUSE PAINT Sister, Family Stay Overnight nehalem valley Riverview Í I » Í •5 V 3 $ 3 V F U R N IT U R E WE DELIVER __ COLOR IN A CAN MOLDED WOOD SEAT Comes in pink, green, tan, blue, yellow, white; polyethylene bum pers (PE0112 5 thru PEO12O-5) Coast to Coast fast-drying spray paint it tha quick way to paint all wood and metal surfaces. 16-oz. can. 42 beautiful colors to choose from. (GPO2O1-5 thru GP0255-0I VISIT OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT LOCATED UPSTAIRS IN OUR STORE! 1