Grand Officers, Present And Past, at Convention Seniors Start Transportation Ocrnonia £ag(c THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 Teenage Saddle Club Enjoys All-Day Outing 3 The Vernonia Senior Citizens The 64th annual Pythian Sister f eedings were turned over to De Convention was held at the Ver puty District Grand Chief Mary have announced that their trans nonia IOOF Hall May 1, with re Brown. Mrs. Davis presented an portation program will swing into effect this week. gistration opening at’ 9 a m. orchid corsage to Mrs. Brown. The tentative schedule for trip« The meeting was onened by MEG The Teenage Saddle Club gather Grand Chief of Oregon Mabie Faye Davis. Following seating of Palmer of Olex, Oregon was un to Portland and the University of ed at Rogers Park Saturday, May the officers, the convention pro- able to attend due to illness, with Oregon Medical School Clinic is: 1, for an all-day outing. The Ridge Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miller, of Grant Senior Naomi Miller of the first Monday, second Tuesday, Woodburn, are the parents of a Springfield, filling the chair for third Wednesday, fourth Thursdav Riders Club were invited to attend girl, Rhonda Kay, born April 29 F>almer- She was crowned and fifth Friday of every month. and the teenagers enjoyed the at the Salem General Hospital. "May Queen" in keeping with the Local trips will be made in be ones that were able to be there. tween the Portland runs. They were honored by some visit Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. May 1 convention date. ors, which are always welcome. The time for leaving Vernonia Gerald Russell of Vernonia. Mrs. Among the many guests attend Following the lunch and short will be determined by the hour of Russell will be with her daughter ing from Temples throughout Ore earliest appointment on each business meeting, those who had for a few days when she is re gon were a number of Past Grand the horses were lead bv Mrs. Cleve particular day. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge was Chiefs: Margaret Phillips, Port leased from the hospital. honored by the visitation of Leona land: Estella Johnson, Portland: Fares have been set at: (To Loyd on a trail ride. A third daughter, who has been Hallet. Warden of the Rebekah Frances Guv. Portland: Myrtle Portland» three, four or fivo pas named Kelley Errin, was added to Assembly of Oregon, at their April Caldwell. Portland; Bettv Murchi sengers. $2 each: two passengers, MISS DEBORAH BANTA The FBI processes 26,000 finger the family of Mr. and Mrs. Mer 22 meeting. The occasion for the son. Portland; Elma Friday, For $2.50 each; and a single passen print cards a day. visit was the reception for Irene ger, $3.50. Town charges will be ritt Tuttle of Eugene. May 3. est Grove; Emma Gene Emerson, 50 cents per shopping trip. Boasting of the 8 pound. 13 Minger who is Inside Guardian of Forest Grove; Georgia Shearer the Rebekah Assembly. Chair To be eligible to participate in ounce arrival are proud grandpar Cornelius; Margaret Hall, Cornel ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tod Bower- man for the event was Reatha ius; Louise Hinz. Seaside; and Les the program. Senior Citizens must man of Vernonia, and Mr. and Horn. ta Garner, Vernonia. A Past Grand be members of the transportation V o c a l solos b y Mrs. W.O. Secretary, Katherine Helzer, also group. Mrs. Edward Tuttle of Bend. Although several drivers have Kretschmer, musical numbers by was in attendance. Miss Deborah Lvnne B a n t a , been signed for duty, additional V e l m a Haverland a n d Mickey Current Grand officers attending daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Roady, and a reading honoring included: Iona Yoder, Senior, Can drivers may be needed, the Seniors Banta has recently been designat Anyone interested in volun Irene given by Gertnide Schalock by; Mary Mcllvaine, Mgr., Yam report. ed a member of the Grand Cross teering time to this project is re were enjoyed. Your Standard man, hill; Fay Bringle. Treas., Hills- quested to contact Mrs' Pat Ro of Color by the SuDreme Assem Mrs. Grace Currie presented loro: Helen McKibben. Protector, bertson at the Community Center bly of the International Order of JOE MAGOFF Mrs. Minger with her 25-year Dallas; Marilyn Lenfesty, Trustee, 429-3912. Rainbow for Girls. MIST - Home Extension mem jewel. Mrs. Minger introduced her Eugene; can solve your problem. Stella Strahl, musician. This high honor is given t o bers of the Mist - Birkenfeld unit Further information on joining He’s in Vernonia. 429-6606. those who render distinguished will meet at the home of M rs. family who were present. T h e y Forest Grove. the transportation program also service to the Order of Rainbow Fred Busch May 11 at 10:30 a.m. were Mrs. Dessie May, Mr. and An invitation to hold the 1972 may be obtained from the center. M rs. Steve Minger, Mrs. J i m lor Girls. Debbie will have t h e District 1 convention in Portland Standard Oil Company The lesson will be “Keeping Up- degree conferred upon her a t To Date With New Foods. Mrs. Eckland, and Mrs. Ben Westbrook was extended by Ivanette Temple. of California K E E P O R E G O N Grand Assembly which will be held Wanda Adams will give the les and children. The invitation was accepted by G R EE N AND CLEAN! Mrs. Minger will attend t h e at Corvallis in June. Mrs. Brown. son. There will be a potluck lunch Rebekah Assembly of Ore Evelyn Frack was recommend eon at noon and everyone is wel annual gon to be held in Pendleton May ed as District Deputy Grand Chief. come. 17-20 in her official capacity as A noon luncheon was served the Mrs. Charles Hansen left l a s t Inside Guardian. Sisters attending the convention by Monday to spend two weeks with Also attending the reception and the ladies of the Evangelical her daughter, Olive (Mrs. Tom Ford' lodge meeting were members of Church. in Portland. the St. Helens and Hillsboro Rebe Mrs. Lloyd Garlock and Mrs. kah Lodges. Selma Webb, a long Mrs. William Heath was hostess Fred Busch accompanied M rs. time member of the local lodge, to members of the P.E.O Sister Don Munro to a lecture following was warmly greeted by everyone. hood April 27 when Miss L i n d a the business meeting of the D.A.R., She now makes her home w i t h Mosier presented the program. of which Mrs. Munro is a mem her daughter. Myrtle Simpson of She vividly described a summer ber. Mr. Timmons of Port of Port Harrington, Wash. She was a guest she spent in Spain, showing slides land gave a talk entitled “ River of Sally Brown while in Vernonia. of various cities and other points Boats” and accompanied it with of interest and telling of the peo slides and photographs. A f t e r Mrs H L. Russell met with the ple and customs, all of w h i c h tea was served, the ladies toured district missionary council of the added up to a most enjoyable the Historic Caples House in Co Nazarene Church held in Eugene evening. Saturday. lumbia City, which includes the Mrs. Robert Curl, representing original house which has b e e n In the late afternoon, Rev. Rus the American Cancer Society, gave restored by the members, a n d sell met his wife in Lebanon informative facts regarding some also a country store and other where they spent Saturday night late developments in cancer r e- buildings. with some former church mem The Veterans of World War I. search and urged everyone t o bers of Coos Bay. Barracks 2525, and Auxiliarv met have regular physical check-ups. morning they attended April 26 at the IOOF Hall, starting t h Sunday The next meeting will be Tues e Lebanon Church. On their off the evening with a roast beef day. May 11, at the home of Mrs. way home they stopped at Wood dinner. William Nelson at which t i m e burn hoping to see their n e w Installation of officers was con members are each asked to pre ducted by both groups, with a great-granddaughter. sent a Happiness is—” item of her Because of complications Karen own to the program' ‘Potpourri”. Route 2. Box 1 BIRKENFELD - Mr. and Mrs. change in by-laws prompting the (Mrs. Ron Miller) was not per action. The slates which had been The ritual will also be exemplified. Francis Larson enjoyed the d a y mitted to come home from t h e previously installed in November A social hour concluded t h e Saturday at Cullaby Lake, along hospital for a few davs. Reports SCAPPOOSE. OREGON meeting and delicious refresh with the Bud Larson family, the were returned to their offices for were Sunday that she was show the 1971-72 year. ments were served by the hostess. Gene Larsons, and the Marvin ing improvement. Ray Cameron heads the men’s Larson family. A picnic lunch was enjoyed, and Bud had his b o a t group as commander; and his wife, there and all had rides and some Esther, is acting as president for did some water skiing. Capt. Mar the auxiliary. Visitors for the evening’s acti vin Larson arrived home f r o m Viet Nam last week after having vities included the installing Election of officers is the to p spent 11 months there. He a n d teams: Barracks - Ed Johnson, AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY BENEFIT item on the agenda for members his family are leaving Thursday Deputy Judge Advocate, Harvey of the Vernonia Cooperative Pri for California where he will be Wick, District 1 Quartermaster, and Herbert Calfee, Past Depart maries, Inc. when they next meet stationed at Travis Air Base Last Friday Mrs. Lloyd Beach ment Chaplain; Auxiliary - the for this Thursday, May 6. The session will open at 1:45 p.m. at the Chris and Mrs. Robert Mathews m e t mer’s wives acted as installing of tian Church social room. their sister, Mrs. Don Hall a t ficers. All are from Portland Mrs. Rose Ana Scott of Portland A speaker is planned for t h e Rainier. From there they went to day, also. Mrs. Robert Curl will St. Helens to visit relatives. Mrs. also visited. Delegates to the June 7-10 con speak to the mothers and others Hall came here with Mrs. Beach present on the subject of cancer for a visit, and Don Hall came vention in Salem were named by in children. Sunday. They returned to their the auxiliary: Jessie Miller, dele Baby sitting will be provided for home at Morton, Washington Mon gate; Francis Russell, alternate. The next meeting of the WW I mothers attending with s m a l l day. children. Mrs. Lloyd Beach and M rs . Vets organizations will be May 24 Robert Mathews were in St. Hel at the IOOF Hall, to be preceded by a 6:30 p.m. potluck. Pages at the New York Stock ens a week ago Monday. Exchange earn about $99 a week. NEW ARRIVALS . . . Rebekah Warden Here April 22 Grand Honors Awarded Girl Trouble with floor protection? Home Extension Meet Set at Fred Busch Home Spain Trip, ACS Facts Reported * Ready Mixed Concrete ★ Concrete Aggregate * Crushed Rock * Road Gravel SCAPPOOSE SAND & GRAVEL CO. Mrs. Russell at Mission Council WW I Officers Re-Installed Larson Families Picnic At Cullaby Lake Sat. PHONE 543-2336 Primaries Sets Ballot On Offcers on May 6 Washington Grade School Pauper's Playhouse Presents Trouble with fuel deliveries at odd hours? Your Standard man, JOE MAGOFF can solve your problem. He's in Vernonia. 429-6606 Standard Oil Company of California Owvron Timber Route Unit to Close Year's Program Band Parents Meeting Held; Hot Dog Sale Set Ths Timber Route Extension brings their year to a close with the May 11 meeting at the West Oregon Electric building. T h e meeting w i l l begin promptly at 10:30 a.m. Project leaders will present the lesson, “Keeping Up To Date With New Foods.” A potluck luncheon will be serv ed at noon. “Come and b r i n g a friend,” the extension ladies in vite. Band parents held their meeting preceding the spring concert Tues day, April 27. Several projects were discussed and acted upon. One of the pro jects is to helD finance two music scholarships this summer. For the first fund raising event, the parents plan a hot dog sale for the near future. The meeting was adjourned with the next session to be held in the be able to join the parents’ group at that time. MffiFBSKW AN OLD FASHIONED MELODRAMA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY-M AY 7 & 8 DOORS Reserved Seats General Admission OPEN AT 7:30 P.M. $2.00 $1.50 High School Students Grade School and Under $1.00 50c IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! F-3IO in Chevron gasolines turns dirty exhaust into good clean mileage. *F-31Q Trademark Fot Polybutene Amine Gasoline Additive RALPH'S CHEVRON Phone 429-6691 Chevron I C S 5** Better Quality For Less Here DUNDEE TOMATO JUICE 46-oz. Cans $ 3/“l FIRESIDE SALTINE CRACKERS — 32-oz. Package 53 35 4/85' CAULIFLOWER- Sno-While Heads Each HERSHEY'S INST. Real Choc. Flavor 32 oz. Size LUNCHEON LOAF Biltmore— 12-oz. Can TOMATOES— Red Ripe Salad WINDEX GLASS CLEANER— 15-ox. Aerosol Can FRUIT COCKTAIL Dole Brand— 8%-oz. Can BANANAS— Golden Ripe Pound 79* 49* SAM'S FOOD STORE Sam Hearing Jr. (Buck) Lb. 19 25 10 Telephone 429-5501