Page 7a Page 6a Your Choice ¡8 EXTERIOR LATEX or PflINTS FENCE & RUST,C PAINT *i e SPECIAL BUY: BASKETBALL BASKETBALL NET AND BACK BOARD SET Z IP P ID I-D O ALL PURPOSE DISC CUTTING — SANDING Cuts e v e ry th in g and sands and shapes. 7 " disc with 'A " adapter. (4 4 9 ) $3.00 VALUE gentry $108 a . Sentry 7'/»' circular saw $3199 Up to 2 V i " cutting depth a t 9 0 ° and calibrated bevel adjustments gives versatility to this power tool. (4 4 3 ) POWER EXTENSION CO RD S by Carol $40.9» REGULAR B. S e n t r y F U L L T O R Q U E — V A R IA B L E SPEED 3 conductor cord for use with lawn mowers, trim m ers, p o w e r tools plus many other electrical uses. $3499 SABRE SAW Set the speed needed and full power will always be there. Starts its own hole. W ill cut fine finished patterns. (4 4 4 ) $41.9» REGULAR $2499 c. Sentry dual motion sander The finishing tool for a do-it-yourselfer. Puts a professional finish to surfaces. Straight or orbital sanding with a flip of the switch. (4 4 5 ) gentry PRO PAN E WISS " N O D IS T O R T IO N ” TO R CH KIT All purpose kit includes highest quality torch plus accessories for doing the jobs. 13 PIECE H IG H SPEED STEEL $3 1.91 REGULAR itR’’ LU FK IN SO FT. L O N G TAPE I S K W hite faced steel b lade with easy to read figures, easy action rewind in a sturdy handsome case. (4 5 3 ) M ETAL SNIPS Unique cutting and backing action leaves m aterial flat and smooth. No metal bending or w ave during cutting. $ 5 .9 » REGULAR $444 DRILL SET Finest quality jobber length sizes '/w" to '/< " in handy case. drills, (447) SABER SA W ^ORBITAL ^SANDER $1295 Reg. 4 >19» 4 26 QUALITY $ # > 8 8 HANDSAW zZ 20-PIECE %"&*/• Sentry DRIVE SOCKET WRENCH SET TOOL BOX 19" Mechanics with Tot« tray. Right size and right quality. $ 2 1.50 Value S*TW«B g e n t r y ELECTRIC MOWER $7495 For us* with most standard cart ridges. Feeds smoothly. (4 6 4 ) • U .L . L IS T E D • 18" T W IN BLADE • A L U M IN U M /M A G N E S IU M DECK • S IN G L E C H U TE S A F E T Y Makes mowing quiet and easy Quality «nd safety combined into one mower 1 ip # Value ELECTRIC L DRILL 3 /8 ” VARIABLE and REVERSIBLE 3 /8 ” VARIABLE SPEED ELECTRIC DRILL ELECTRIC DRILL $19« $13« *1766 Precision sockets and ratchet in a unique and versatile box. Reg. $6.95 CAULKING GUN Reg H 55 ELECTRIC HEDGE SHEAR W ORKHO RSE 3 /8 " 13" hardened steel blade cuts cleanly and quickly Custom balanced housing for ease in trimming ! 77” SENTRY Power Mower . < Spark Plug V* NAIL HAMMER By TRUE TEM PER The householder’s hammer »16-Oz. forged head. . . . .