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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1971)
Board of Commissioners EMERGENCY SERVICE PHONES J VERNONIA AMBULANCE I ) VERNONIA FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Alarms Only - Phone 429-3131 A (Unapproved Minutes) < Dial 429-6611 (If no answer, 429-50611 VERNONIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Dial 429-5141 (If no answer, 429-7981. 429-5321 or 429-5912.) > £ The Columbia Countv Board of COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF Commissioners met in regular ses Phone: St. Helens 397-2511 sion April 21 with Chairman N W. Barmeier presiding, Commission OREGON STATE POLICE ers Jack Minkoff and A. J. Ahi 8 a.m. to 3 a.m. - West Slope office - Dial Portland 292-6661 born, and secretary Gloria Salvev present. 3 a.m. to 8 a.m . - Dial “0 ”, ask for Oak Grove 654-6555 Jay R Wilson, of Hurdman and St. Helens office - Phone: 397-3131 Cranstoun. Penney & Co., met with the board to discuss a nro posal for annual countv audit.’ A check in the amount of $50 in Negro population and a 78 per was received from Bennett, Vagt cent gain for “other races" com and Olsen, as representatives of pared to a 17 percent increase for whites since 196«. Clarence Quick, on purchase of easement. A check in the amount of .«88 A crate of fresh sweet corn con was received from Standard Oil SEVENTH AND EIGHTH grade chorus from Wash Everyone has been taling about sists of five dozen ears. program April 21. The annual event was hosted this Company, revenue on airport gas ington Grade School entertained the ladies attending the changes in Oregon’s popula oline sold. year by the V'erncnia area Homemakers. Don Jackson. tion, but now figures from the 1970 the Columbia County Homemakers Achievement Day District Attorney Robert Lucas census show just how the state’s WGS vocal music instructor, directed the choral group. O c o t o n i a E a < j(c met with the board to oresent a people have changed, reports Ro proposed agreement between Co bert Coppedge, Oregon State Uni THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1971 9 lumbia County and airport man versity extension economist. ager. After discussion, it was Coopedge urges businessmen, leg agreed to call a meeting of the N ew D o s t a e e iç.ÇllÉ»C Virili ____.» . . . _ __ ___ _ » New postage issues will b be n Btn ap appropriate denomination. airport commission and the board islators and others in decision D. C. 20013. pearing at a raoid rate the first of commissioners to discuss sever- making positions to use the data 8-CENT M ISSO U RI pert of May, according to Postal 11-CENT A IR M A IL al matters relating to the airport on population characteristics in their planning. Service informational releases just <OMMÍ<*O«*riVÍ KJSTAGí STA*O operation and management. out. The issues will bear the pro Generally, Oregon followed the After discussion, it was agreed posed new rates. that salvageable material from the national trends during the 1960-70 Weigh In order of appearance, the is Wilkerson Lodge construction site decade and now counts more sues are: be sold to Friesen Lumber Com young, more women and more Your pany, to be removed by them, es Negroes in its population. Nation 8-CENT EAGLE timated value of salvage estimated ally, the median age declined to Insurance 27.8 years, but this is expected to to be less than $500. Notice of acceptance of appoint rise by 1980 thanks largely to de Decisions ment as a road viewer was re clining birth rates. ceived from Robert Mathews. In fact, the smaller birth rates M i s s o u r i IS21-197I 1 m ie d M a t, s With A letter was received from El- of recent years is already having Sus P. Frank submitting an esti an effect in census data, Coppedge Care Missouri Statehood, the 150th an mate for painting of the museum points out, as the under five age group was the only general age niversary, will be honored in a at Vernonia. An agreement was signed in fa grouping showing a reduction in May 8 first-day issue in the 8- There’s a lot to consider when cent denomination. The stamn will vor of Donald Nelson for remov numbers. Oregon shows an 11.5 buying insurance. Because you al of sand from county-owned pro percent decline for this age group first be placed on sale at Inde and your future are involved, perty located in Section 26. T7N. from 1960 while nationally a de pendence, Missouri, May 8. the protection of your family, The orange and black issue may R2W, WM., for the neriod April cline of 15.5 percent was reported. home, car, business are. per All other age groups in Oregon be ordered by first dav collectors 1, 1971. for not more than 90 days A letter was received from Mrs. increased during the oast decade, sonal decisions. We think per First sale of the 11-cent airmail by writing to: Postmaster, Inde Lois Oliver recommending com- t— wu«.«..» the u,v io-^o oracKi so n al decisions re q u ire a particularly 15-25 bracket stamp will be at Spokane, Wash pendence, Missouri 64051. bination of the building inspector which includes the “war babv personal touch. We run our An 8-cent Eagle embossed ington May 7, in conjunction with 8-CENT FLAG □ nd sanitation rlpnarimontc nnni T b n 15-25 group in Oregon and departments. After h boom. The business with this thought al stamped envelops will go on sale PIPEX, the Northwestern Federa consideration. Commissioner Ahl- grew 61.5 percent in ten years to ways in mind. If you want a at Williamsburg, Pennsylvania tion of Stamp Clubs. ní>lti m«vc<( and Commissioner total 480,000 people, or 23 percent balanced protection program May 6, 1971. The stamp’s back A white plane, on red back Almkoff seconded a resolution be of the state’s 1970 population of ground is blue. with a personal touch, keep us ground, is the motif of this issue. signed combining the sanitation 2,091,385. in mind. The stamp will be issued in panes 11-CENT A IR M A IL and building inspection depart Everyone “knows” that women of 100 stamps, and booklets of two ments, with Robert Jackman as outlive men and the 1970 census panes of four 11-centers, and one supervisor. Motion, carried. proved it, Coppedge notes. In pane of six 2-centers. Commissioner Minkoff moved I960, Oregon counted 99 men for and Commissioner Ahlborn se every 100 women. In 1970, it had Collectors washing first dav can conded an order be signed making declined to just less than 96 men cellations may order them by send budgetary transfers within the for every 100 women. In fact, 51 ing a self-addressed envelope to: road department. Motion carried. percent of the state’s population VERNONIA INSURANCE Postmaster, Spokane, Washington A letter was received from the is female. The same picture was £9210. Oregon State Board of Health re true nationally, where men drop EXCHANGE 1Í-C E N T E R N IE P Y L E garding a training course to be ped from 97 per 100 females in A IR M A IL held in Eugene on May 20 and 21 1960 to just under 95 per hundred Phone 429-6203 relative to solid waste disposal. women in 1970. A copy of a letter from the While the Negro population na Shrte Hiehway Division to Burling tionally increased to 11.2 Dercent 953 Bridge Street ton Northern was received regard of the total population, Oregon con Another embossed envelope, an ing signals to he installed at High tinued to lag in number with 1.3 Vernonia, Oregon 11-cent airmail also will go on sale way 30 and Gable Road. percent of all Oregonians being May 6 at Williamsburg. Featuring An attractive issue produced on Commissioner Ahlborn moved black. Oregon’s 1970 population red, white and blue circles, the the nine-color press onerated by and Commissioner Minkoff se was I » » percent white. 1.3 Negro R e presen ting stamp bears a picture of an air the Postal Service, will be issued conded Commissioner Barmeier be and 97.2 1.6 “other races.” r a Hartfccd Accident and plane, and the wording “U.S.” and at Washington, D. C. May 10. The authorized to sign renewal accep Indemnity Company Although the growth in non-white “11 .” red, white and blue stamp bears tance of land use permit for Mist- population Member The Hartford in Oregon was small in The above issues may be order a replica of the American flag Pittshurgh Section, Nehalem High absolute n u m b e r s , Coppedge Insurance Group ed by first day collectors from flying over the White House. way. Motion carried. Hartford 15, Conn. points out, it outpaced the nation Williamsburg, the home of U. S. First day cancellations may be Notice of acceptance of appoint Envelope Co., printers of the ordered from. Postmaster, Wash ment to the budget committee was al average in percentage gain. The census shows a 45 percent gain stamped enveloDes. ington, D. C. 20013. received from M. B. Morton. Orders should be addressed to: ÜSA Commissioner Minkoff moved 8-C ENT EIS E N H O W E R Postmaster, Williamsburg, Penn and Commissioner Ahlborn se sylvania 16693. The 8-cent issue conded the Sentinel-Mist Chronicle will cost 10 cents, and 13 cents be named as newsoaper of gen will be required to cover cost of eral circulation for publishing of the 11-cent airmail. Only size 6- personal property tax warrants 3/4 size envelopes will be servic Available May 8 at the local post as provided in ORS 311.615. Mo ed. Outside envelopes to the post office will be a 16-cent issue ho tion carried. master should be plainly marked noring W'V II war correspondent Commissioner Barmeier report “First Day Covers,” and bear the Ernie Pyle. The stamp will first ed on an inquiry received from HILLSBORO FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH go on sale at Washington, D. C., Fred Marracci relative to county 177 East Lincoln St. (Across from Wash. Co. Courthouse) May 16, at ceremonies sponsored acceptance of the road in Five by the National Press Club. BATTERIES Peaks Estates subdivision. After FEATURING: JOHNNY 8r MR. HARGROVE The stamp printed in brown, will discussion, it was agreed to refer 6 Volt from $12.95 Exch. bear the words “journalist” and BIBLE CLUB QUIZ — SPECIAL MUSIC the matter to the road viewers 12 Volt from $16.95 Exch. “Ernie Pyle,” along with the de committee for recommendation. — Sponsored by The Child for Christ Crusade — WESTERN AUTO DEALER nomination. Futher consideration was given First day covers may be order Vernonia, Oregon regarding an offer to purchase tax- ed from: Postmaster, Washington, foreclosed lands submitted by Mr and Mrs. C. C. Fugate of Ver nenia. It was agreed they would EISEN H O W E R 'U S A be advised they could redeem the WE BUY POLES AND PILING—TOP PRICES proparty for payment of the back taxes and interest, should thev so Payment weekly. Delivery to North Portland May 10 is the date for the first dav desire. sales of the 8-cent Dwight D. Ei or Scappoose. For price list or purchase order senhower issue. The stamp, issued contact: in bath coil and sheet form, ho nors the former U. S. President. The stamo will be issued in both multi-color and single-color form, also. P.O. Box 65 No. Portland 97043 Average hourly earnings of Ore or Phone Further information regarding gon’s manufacturing production ordering of first day cancellations, workers remained the same in Scappoose—543-6381 Portland—286-5001 or purchase of booklet nanes, plate March as in February’, at «'(.99 blocks, etc. may be obtained at per hour, the Employment Divi Edison Aldrich Nehalem Service Sta. the local post office. sion’s Research and Statistics Sec Special attention is provider! by tion has reported. The average Brunsman's Hardware Roediger Plumbing the Postal Service for stamp col workweek, however, fell from 39.0 lectors. The purchase of postage is hours per week in February to Cliff's Super Market Sam's Food Store sues by collectors is both finan 38.7 hours per week in March. The ciallv gainful to the Postal Ser shorter workweek was thought Cut and Curl Room S.P.8tS. Railway vice, and generally a “good invest mostly due to shorter hours in the m o r t u a r y c h a p e ls ment’’ by collectors. food products industry and to bad Crown Zellerbach Corp. Sew Simple Shop weather during the month which Capable advice regarding insurance, social security, veterans. Common smse thought for the hampered the logging industry, the Orin Davis 9th and Baseline day—never count your victories un division said. Standard Oil Co. Cedar and P acific til they are won. Average weekly earnings for H illsboro—648-2161 Forest Grove—357-2161 Fuiten Mortuary Oregon's production workers were U.S. National Bank 4855 S.W. Watson 741 Madison Street reported at $154.41 in March, $155 - PONT HAVE <S A f E TY 61 in February, compared with General Telephone Beaverton—644-1119 Vernonia—429-6611 Vernonia Clinic $143.98 a year earlier in March. KHINP/ The workweek in Logging and Evelyn Heath Vernonia Drug Sawmills averaged 38 5 hours in March, 39 5 hours in February and W. E. Holce Vernonia Eagle 37 9 hours per week in March, 1970. In the veneer and plywood cate Lew's Place Vernonia Ins. Exchange gory, production picked up and the workweek averaged 42 3 hours in A. G. Ostrander Vernonia Milk Farms March, 41.7 hours in February FREIGHT SERVICE IN THE TIME OF NEED compared with 41.4 hours per week Darrold Proehl in March, 1970. Vernonia Variety ♦ ♦ I I Census Reveals Oregon Changes U.S. Postage Issues to Be Released in M ay BILL J. HORN E r n ie P y le a 2 r o HAPPY HOUR BIBLE CLUB SAT., MAY 1 — 10:30 to 11:45 A.M. RALLY THESE PEOPLE ARE MEMBERS OF THE CROWN ZELLERBACH CORP. Workweek, Ave. Earnings Down CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THEY WORK FOR A BETTER VERNONIA—WON’T YOU JOIN THEM? miten CASON TRANSFER Vernonia Portland Clatskanie Read the Ads— It Pays! i., 30¡I Nehalem Valley Freight * Motor ’«**«« X reigm ,«-<»• Sunnyside Service at & Grocery Grocery .ÎMftkTTOâ^flq bsbnu