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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1971)
V ernonia... Its M a n y Fi F i l l RE TEACHERS Club members at 1 home ec room for patrcns prior to Tuesday was frem 5-7 p.m. ° a °F u Earth " eek dlsPlu>s throughout the halls Grade School the past week was this one at front entr pictured pleas for preserving the ecology. KEN LEPPICH (right), special agent for The Hartford presented Bill and Reatha Horn with plaque for 25 yea the insuring firm. The Horns have continuously open nsiu-ance Agency since April ,948. Leppich made th the Hern s Bridge Street cffice Tuesday of this week il'omJL TLABLAa d'gnitarieS inc,uded officers of the Columbia County XT“ ’ P\V s H HS D> ny u Or il 3‘ ' ‘’ e' 21 session: Blackburm Mrs‘ Hatson- vice-chairman; Mrs. Mrs' Doris Bliel Thornton sec- Thnro treaSl£ er: alrS' Rlchard I,un‘cman. safety chairman; Mrs Wm J h a Z ; „ y° C3reerS Chairn,an: W s - Claud McCormick, health veek as church members and employees of a Hillsboro glass J colored panes into casings along both sides of sanctuary, on culminated a two-year church project in which members necessary funds for the purchase. Goodwill Week To Be Observed PAINTERS demonstrated their talents at ing on oils during the evening. Drawing i and other art form demonstrations were Ci sion, and both preceding and following the NEARLY 130 ladies were in attendance at IOOF hall in Vernonia for Extension Homemakers Achievement Day pregram April 21. Special guests included: Louise I amneit of Sew Simple shop, who demonstrated stretch fabrics sewing; Jaon Jacer, District 1 director; and Sonya Lee, Talon Zipper Co. home economist ladies provided the flowers and cor- nber Route unit handled registration; were the Mist-Birkenfeld ladies. Mrs. Columbia County’s Home Economics luncheon was served by the ladies of Observance of National Goodwill Week in Portland from May 2 to May 8 is part of a nation-wide event sponsored by Goodwill Indus tries in 145 cities in the United States. The theme for 1971 is, “The Goodwill Way for the USA"’ The Goodwill program provides vocational rehabilitation services and job training to thousands of handicapped men and women an nually throughout the country. Each Goodwill Industries is an autonomous, non-profit and com munity directed agency, organized locally. All Goodwills work toge ther through membership in a na tional o r g a n i z a t i o n called Goodwill Industries of America, Inc., with headquarters in Washing ton, D. C. The 145 Goodwills in the United Slates comprise the largest net work in the nation of vocational rehabilitation workshops serving all types of handicapped people. Generally known as work training centers, they provide about half of all services provided by all reha bilitation workshops in the U. S. The Goodwill program seeks to test, counsel, train, employ and place people with all types of men tal and physical handicaps. The major part of its operation is a work program through which han dicapped people can learn job skills, receive work conditioning or find steady employment if they cannot get jobs in competitive business and industry. Goodwill Industries operates in a manner that gives the handi capped a chance to help them selves. Wages paid to the disabled kfcep many of them on I he pay- roll and off welfare rolls, allowing them to become taxpayers instead of tax burdens. Goodwill Week is sponsored by all of the Goodwill Industries throughout the nation to encour- gave those attending concert and art show a close pottery is made," one of several demonstrations pro- is art program at VHS is covering. County PTA to Install May 3 A V ARIETY of musical selectioiu. to fit every taste, provided by Vernonia High School band (topi and chorus (bottom> at Annual Spring Concert and art Show Tuesday evening. The third annual event was under the direcetlon of Ward Nelson. V HS music instructor Mrs. Susan Lloyd, district art instructor, ar ranged the art displays and demonstrations set up for patrons and parents. Paintings, wire sculpture. wm TRIPLE TRIO (minus one performed one selection at Spri and Art Show at Vernonia High Tuesday evening. The girls of a program which featured the VHS hand, chorus in song, i department with demonstrations and displays. silk screening, and other art forms were on view. Seventh and eighth grade students provided hand- colored slides for a showing during the hand concert, and Misa Linda Mosier’s fourth grade provided the macrame hangers on display. The VHS camera club advised by John Henderson, also displayed a number of their photographs. The Columbia County Council ■’TA will hold their next meeting May 3, at the Rainier Elementary School from 10 a m. until noon. The County Council Executive Board will be hostesses for this meo*i"<» Workshop for this time will be “PTA and Why We Enjoy It,” con ducted by Mrs. Edward Borlin. Tbk will be an open discussion, and the board encourages each PTA Unit to come and share their ideas so they can work together for a better I’TA There will be installation of new officers conducted at this meeting, and free babysitting will be avail able Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1971 7