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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1971)
'♦ » » » » i « * » » » » » » : VERNONIA For Sale—General SERVICES LEGAL NOTICE TO GIVE AWAY: 5-mo. old Bor der Collie puppy. Call 429-8621 af- ter 5 p i n __________________ 17t 1 c FOR SALE: Sawdust. Contact Francis Wright, or call 429-7913. ____________________________ 12t6 LOFTY pile, free from soil is the carpet cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Bruns- man Hardware._____________17tlc HOME LOCKSMITH SERVICE For lock repairs, combination changes, key duplicates, or any other lock problems see Dave Za marripa at 1091 First Ave. Ph. 429-7474. Utl4c THE R E G U L A R semi-annual meeting of the Mist Cemetery As sociation will be held at the home of Shalmon Libel of Mist, Oregon on May 3, 1971 at 8 p.m. Members welcome. 17tlc FOR SALE: Treadle “Singer” sewing machine in cabinet. Call 129 6611._____________________ 17tl FOR SALE: Ornamental Pine trees $2 and uo. Call Bud Gibson. 429-7545._____________________ 1713 CONSOLE SPINET PIANO. Med iterranean walnut Like new, a s sume low mo. pyts. Phone Adjus tor, 363-5707, Salem Oregon. 17t2c FOR SALE: Camper Trailer, 16 ft., sleeps 4, $300 cash. Frank Wolf, 6th & Nehalem. Call 429-5252. ____________________________ 15L3 BUNDLES of old newspapers for starting fires, 10 cents. Vernonia Eagle, 721 Madison Ave. tie CUT FLOWERS, weddings, funeral designs, plants. Also flowers by wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLOWER SHOP Phone 420-5733. 13tfc Reeher Really lOtlO TV REPAIR: Black & white or color. Jack Lindsley, 429-6411. 49tfe Dump Trucking Excavating Septic Tank Systems DANIEL E. KOCH, INC. Phone 429-6092 Star Route Vernonia Scappoose 36tfc Sewing Machine Repair CAIJ, SEW SIMPLE SHOP 429-7441 Company Phone 429-6203 HORN, BKR., Vernonia Br. SALESMEN Harkson, evenings, 429-"974 Sharon Gaston New 2 bedroom home, electric heat, on 2 acres, very nice loca tion. $13,000. Terms. 39 acres, wooded, cleared, 4 bed room home in beautiful setting, $18,500. 3 Bedroom home completely re modeled, in excellent shape. Car- l>ort, shop, in residential area $10,809. e Want to Sell? - Come See Us! — LISTINGS NEEDED — 17tlc SATELLITE ROCK PRODUCTS “ The Best Rock Anywhere” - Fast, Courteous Service - ) CALL BANKS 324-9681 26tfc BRUCE BERNDT Excavating Service Sewer Systems Installed 429-7262 LLOYD QUINN Real Estate & Insurance Yes, We Really Try— Ph. 429-8211 715 Jefferson VERNONIA HOTEL Rooms - by day or week. Also, trail er or mobile home space. Madison Ave., one block from bank. _______ - Listings Solicited -_______ For Sale—Cars, Trucks FOR SALE: 1969 '.¿¡-ton Dodge pickup. Ph. 429-8585, eves. ___________________________ 17tlc FOR SALE: '66 Chevy II Nova, excellent, good tires, 2 extra wheels with studded tires. Call 429 6245.___________ _________ 16t3 FOR SALE: 1961 Ford 4-dr. sta- tionwagon, V 8, radio-heater, $195. Ph. i- u ;, " n tir Keasey Rt. CUSTOM Vernonia MEAT CUTTING Cooler - Sharp Freezer Locker Wrapped R. J. Ekhoff 429-7802 ltfc SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Licensed - Bundl'd and Insured PHONE 397-3172 If no answer call 397-2281. Columbia County Septic lBtfc Tank Service DEI.EMOS SAND & GRAVEL For Delivery — Call 429-7722 or 129-3944 WANTED 6tfc WANTED: Strawberry Pickers for Virgil Allen. 20 acres Hood berries & 8 acres Marshalls. Bus trans, furnished. Sign up with Mic key Johnson. Tel 429-3801. ___________________________ 161 fc SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and de livery. Open 8:3o a.m. Io 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, I) St., Vernonia. 429-3301. 31tfc WANTED: Ironing, $1.75 doz. Call 429-6195____________________ 15t3c FOR AUTO LOANS contact your Vernonia Federal Credit Union. Horn’s Insurance office, noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday or call 429-7425. 2tfc WANTED: Alder saw logs and stumpage. Phone 648-9363. Vernonia Lumber._____________________ 5tfc FOR GARBAGE 429-6254. WANTED To Buy: Copper, brass, junk batteries. Also wanted: mis. items At Treasures and Trash, across from Laundromat. 30tfc INSTRUCTION GRANDMA needs babies to baby sit. 943 Rose Ave.___________ 15t3c FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED apt Suitable for elderly gentlemen, $70. utilities paid. - Contact 830 Jefferson Ave. - 16t3c FOR RENT Sm. partly furnished house. Mrs. T A. Adams, 108 A St. Ph 429-5573. 16t3c FOR RENT Child OK $75 new deluxe tri piex 1 bedroom apart ments Colored appliances All electric. Carpeted, drapes, washer, drier and storage rooms. No de posit Move in Now Vernonia. Call 429 8211. 16tfc NOTICE When ninnmng a classified mi "till further notice" means that ad will run until you call us and actually cancelled call 26tfc OPPORTUNITY! Industrial and Commercial Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration APARTMENT FOR RENT: $90 per mo. Utilities paid. Partly fur nished. Fine for older couple. No stairs. Close to downtown area. isk to h a v e it SERVICE l'lns is up Io you. It is not our responsibility to cancel an ad that was to run "un til further notice." The Vernonia Eagle _________________________________tfc LOST AND FOUND MIST Une yellow sweater in the vicinity of the null Mad. Phene 42»5541 evenings or 429 6121 davs 17tlc THIS LAND It your Land KEEP IT CLEAN G.I. Approved for Veterans West Coast Training Service Write this paper Box WC Give name, age. address, phone 15t7c Heavy Equipment OPERATORS Train on Raekhoe, grader, loader, dozer, scraper in Portland area G.I. Approved for Veterans WEST COAST TRAINING SERVICE Write this paper Box WC Give name, age, address, phone CARD OF THANKS OUR HEARTFELT THANKS to all who extended comforting sym pa thy and help in our recent sor row For the beautiful service, flo ral offerings, and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful A special thank you to tin* Lat ter Day Saints Church, the Class of '45, the V F. W. and Pat Good man. The Family of Jack Nance ________________________________ 17tl WE WOULD LIKE to thank every one who gave Betty Cracker cou pons for the kidney machine. We were able to turn in 6,784 coupons thanks to all the donations. It makes us very proud of our com munity for their great response Again, thank you all. Nehalem No. 18 Order of Rainbow for Girls GOLF CLUB NEWS » » » » » » » » » » » » COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZA TION Notice is hereby given that on Monday, May 10, 1971, the Board of Equalization of the County of Columbia, Oregon, will meet at the Columbia County Courthouse in St. Helens, Oregon, to publicly ex amine the assessment rolls of said County of Columbia, for the year 1971, and to correct all errors in valuation, description, or qualities of land, lots or other property as sessed by the assesspr. The ratio determined by the as sessor pursuant to ORS 309.028 is 100 percent of true cash value. Petitions for the adjustment of assessments must be filed with the Columbia County Clerk for the Equalization Board on or before May 17, 1971 on forms provided by the County Assessor. Frank H. LeMont Columbia County Assessor 16t3c OFFICIAL NOTICE OF HEARING ON A PUBLIC BUILDING Notice is hereby given that it has been reported to the City Council of Vernonia that a dan gerous building is located on Lot 7, Block 9, Central Division of Ver nonia. Oregon. Tho Council has fixed May 3. 1971. at 7:45 P.M., in the City Council chambers in Vernonia as the time and place for a public hearing to determine whether said building is a dangerous building within the provisions of Ordinance No. 335 of said City. At such hearing the council shall have the power to order a building declared to be dangerous, remov ed and abated if, in its judgement, such removal or abatement is necessary in order to remove such dangerous condition, or the Coun cil shall have the power to order said building made safe and to prescribe what acts or things must be done to render the same safe. Dated this 19th dav of April. 1971 Wm. E. Nelson City Recorder Publ. 4-22-71, 4-29-71 ___________________________ 16t2c Last Saturday we set out 25 pine trees on the course. Kit Carmi- necke dug them at the Binger Tree Farm, and Dave Gambe and Ken Nanson dug the holes and planted them. Aisa from the tree farm, we got four large pines to obscure the garage and utility building from the highway. It is our intention to have natural shrubs, such as Ore gon grape, dogwood, etc., along with the pines to enhance the na tural setting of our club. The four large trees were a very difficult and strenuous job but were expertly handled by Bud Gibson and son, Don. . really the whole Gibson family joined in with all of us from the Golf Club, making it a "fun project.” Kit and Sandy Carminecke are now spending weekends at the club, living in the small house. They will be permanent residents assisting me beginning the second week in May. Sandy will be a fourth grade teacher in Vernonia this coming year, and Kit will be enrolled in the School of Ootometry at Paci fic University. I feel very fortu nate to have them as the balance to our personnel at the club. Saturday. May 1, from 9-11 a.m. the Beaverton Hi Dad’s Club will have a nine-hole tournament. About 60 fathers and sons will participate. One of my enjovments since I have been here is the Vernonia High School Golf Team. Maybe I am a little partial to them, but they are a wonderful bunch of boys and I think we can keep them together this summer with tour naments. The Vernonia Men’s Club will also assist them with their sum mer schedule. The last, but most important to me, is the wonderful care Ben Fields has given the course dur ing this transient period. The fun Ben and I have had working to gether is worth the change I have made. Helen CLASSIFIED RATES Foresters Plan NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. MINIMUM charge 75 cents for 25 words or less. Words over mini mum 4 cents each. Three insertions for the price of two. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: Minimum charge $2.86. No information given relative to such ads. CARD of Thanks and Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8 cents each. DISPLAY classifieds are 80 cents per column inch. POETRY accepted only as paid mat ter: Rate: 10 cents per type line. THE EAGI.fc assumes no financial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads published in its columns, but in cases where this paper it at fault will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typographical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER NOON TUESDAY EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. Columbia County to Gel Road Fund Share The Oregon State Highway Com mission has announced distribution of $5,304.395.05 in highway-user tax funds to the 36 counties of the state. The allocation is based on the statutory 20 percent for the per iod January 1 to March 31, 1971. The funds come from the follow ing sources: motor vehicle regis tration and operators’ license fees, gasoline tax, use fuel tax. motor carrier fees, and fines and penal ties collected for violations of the size and weight statutes where complaints are made by the High way Division ueichm asters. The allocation to each county is based on the number of vehicles registered in it. The allocation for Columbia County, based upon 22.- IXW registered vehicles, is $74,746 - 04. Recreation Vehicle License Fees Totaled The Oregon Motor Vehicles Di vision states that in 1970 it licens ed 85,483 campers, motor homes and travel trailers Only 2,600 of them were classified as moiur homes The agency says the 1970 figura means that there is one re creational vehicle for approximate ly even- 15 passenger cars licensed in 'he sta'e Fees collected on these units are designated for acquisition and maintenance of state parks. In 1970. this amounted to $90.447 from motor homes; $356.185 from camp ers, and $1.135.848 from travel trailers; for a total of $1.582.480 Mobile home registration fees also go to this fund and. in 1970, this amounted to $244,068 GET A GOOD THING GOING Place a Clm ifiad Ad Today) Field Trip Demo A two day field trio Is being pre sented bv the Society of Ameri can Foresters as a tool to inform educators, students, public offi cials, special interest groups and the public gbout the activities of professional foresters. Foresters of the Capitol Chapter, Columbia River Section of the So ciety of American Foresters will demonstrate forestry practices at Black Rock on June 4 and 5. Seven demonstration areas are planned which will focus on the activities of: Forest fire control, thinning of crowded trees, forest recreation, forest fertilization, re forestation, experimental forests, and clearcut operations. This two-dav event is being held for the second year and will be held at the Black Rock demonstra tion area near Falls City. Oregon. Last vear’s highly successful event hosted some 1,500 guests. The for esters plan to host 3.000 visitors to this year's event, which along with the continually operating ex hibits, will offer all the conven iences required hy the public at such gatherings. This includes bus transportation throughout the de monstration areas. AU is provided at no cost to visitors. Work Smarter Not Harder By Bernice Strawn Oregon State University Extension Specialist WHAT’S THE BEST BUY IN A SEWING MACHINE? The answer is one that meets your needs at a price you can afford, advises Elaine Carlson. Oregon State Uni versity extension clothing specia list. If you’ll never use the decora tive stitches a particular model makes, then it wouldn't be a good buy for you. No use paying for something you won't use. For regular sewing and mend ing. you’re probably better off to consider a machine that sews a zigzag stitch without the decora tive stitching. BOWLING LEAGUE 35 29 The Pills 38 ?8 Bill Horn 36 28 Cut & Curl High team series and game, 1919 and 681, Standard Oil; high individual game and series, Freda Tederson, 187, 450. Splits picked up: Carol Parker, 5-7; Mary Ann Ceballos, 5-6. WOMENS LEAGUE Monday Night League W L April 26 20 44 Bob’s Timbernsok 27 37 West Oregon 38' 2 25Me Quinn’s Ins. 4244 21 Va Vernonia Drug High team game and series, Bob’s Timbernook. 895. 2472; high individual game and series. Nancy Devine, 179 and 488. Splits picked up: Dorris Krieger. 3-10; Margot Sutherlin, 5-6; Nan cy Devine, 5-6-10; Jean Ann Bor ders, Carol Bodenhamer, 2-7. MEN’S LEAGUE L W April £2 2244 3344 Vernonia Drug 26 30 Vernonia Milk 27 29 Funsters 3642 1944 Timber nook High team three-game series, Funsters. 2693; high individual game and series, Gary Dinger, 232 and 530. Splits nicked up: Harry Murray, Ted Bodenhamer, 5-10; T. M. Ho bart, Bob Pitt, 3-10; Ron Boden hamer, 3-9-10 and 3-10. Thursday Afternoon League L W April 22 22 38 The Chicks 27 33 Vernonia Eagles 34 26 Chevy V-8’s 37 Bob's Union 23 High team series and game, Chevy V-8's, 2508 and 875; high individual game and series, 138 and 455. Darlene Wilcoxen. Splits picked up: LuciUe Tomlin, 2-7; EUen Tobin, 4-5-7. Tuesday Night League April 27 W L Standard Oil 43 21 Klamath Falls Meeting Locale The Oregon Game Commission will meet with the California De partment of Game and the Inter state Deer Herd Advisory Commit tee in Klamath Falls Saturday, May 1, to discuss the status of the Oregon-California migratory deer herd. Biologists of the two commis sions will present a full report on the herd and the commissions and advisory committee will discuss interstate management programs and potential hunting regulations. The commission will return to Portland on May 1 to receive a wildlife status report, review the 1971 big game hunting recommen dations, and discuss other matters relating to management of Ore gon’s wildlife resources. John McKean, state game direc tor, advised outdoorsmen that staff recommendations for the 1971 big game hunting seasons will be pub lished by May 7. He urged all per sons interested to review the staff proposals carefully and develop re commendations for the commis sion’s consideration by May 22. May 22 at 10 a.m. at its Port land headquarters the commission will hold a public hearing, at which time it will consider avail able information on the status of the big game resources and public hunting preferences. Big game hunting regulations for the 1971 season will be adooted by the com mission at the May 22 hearing. Ike Walton Says . . . Columbia River salmon fisher men, and Vernonia haa its share, have been fighting high w at°r most of this salmon season. Over-ave rage moisture in the river basin, plus water release from the many dams, has created the problem. The Corps of Army Engineers has been trying, and we hone not in vain, to cut down on the “nitro gen" problem in the big river by earlier than usual draw-down on reservoirs within the system. This “n i t r o g e n saturation” caused by spilling of water over high spillways, has proven deadly to anadromous fishes in the river— both adults and fingerlings. In all fairness to the Corps, whom it seems has been over ea ger to build dams anywhere, it must be acknowledged that no one cculd forsee the nitrogen danger. Unless the problem can be met, and at least partially solved, the prospect for continued upriver sal mon and steelhead runs is bleak, indeed. Low counts at Bonneville Dam so far makes opening of the net season as usual highly improb able. It is reported that renegade Indians have already started net ting of the sparse run at Bonne ville, however. Two of our junior members, Mike Johnson and Brad Garner, took third place in raft eomoeti- tion at the river race Saturday. Must have shown up some of their elders in this endurance contest. Ike Cclumbia Closed to Salmon Sport Fishing The Oregon Game Commission, following a public hearing Mon day evening, closed the entire Columbia River to salmon sport fishing from the Astoria Bridge upstream to the Washington boun dary because of unusually low numbers of soring chinook passing over Bonneville Dam. The closure became effective at midnight Tuesday, April 27, and will remain in force until further notice. John McKean, state game direc tor, advised sport fishermen that the closure is for salmon and jack salmon and does not include steel head, sturgeon, or other game fish. The man who never makes a mistake must get mighty tired of doing nothing. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADSI TARGET EVERY T/M E Ocrnonia Eagle 6 THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1971 MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. 357-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle received Sunday and Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. - Call for Appointment - Come through Banks, take Tilla mook road 144 mi., take first left- hand road. ltfc F-3IO in Chevron gasolines turns dirty exhaust into good clean mileage. WATCH OUT FOR LINT SHED DFRS when you do the laundry. Terry towels, flannel pajamas and sweat shirts are in this category. The white lint ends up on dark garments. Don't sort clothes on the floor. They are likely to pick up uniden tifiable stains that you don : no tice until after laundering. They may never come out. F-310 Trademark For Polybutene Amine Gasoline Additive NEHALEM VALLEY laundromat A Dry Cleaners Open Daily 7 a.m. to 10 p m . Phone 429-3791 — Personal Assistance — Mon -Sat.—7 a.m. to 7 pan. RALPH'S CHEVRON Phone 429-6691 Chevron