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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1971)
Taco Feed Is Said 'Success* THE TIMBERLINE The VHS chapter of Future Teachers of America held a taco feed in the Home Ec room last Tuesday night, April 27, from 5 to 7 p.m. before the spring concert Vernonia’s FTA Chanter had or ganized groups which ;ad various jobs. The two main iieads of the ticket committee were Stephen Landers and Sue Garner. In addi tion, any member of the group could sell tickets. Debbie Banta was in charge of the advertising committee. This committee put signs up in various stores in town. Her assistants were Patti and Eileen Anderson, Candy Brunsman, Sharon Longley, Nancy Reynolds, Marsha Jensen and Penny Hamilton. The chairman for the food com mittee was Marilyn Henderson. Other members for the committee were Ben Fields, Marsha Jensen, Sandra Temper, and Chris Boyle, FTA advisor. They were responsi ble for getting the food. Laurie Banta was in charge of getting the food set uo in the Home Ec room. Her assistants were Mike Clason, Craig E llis, Marilyn Henderson, Joy Hein, Charlene Anderson, and Jeri Run- dle. Benefits from the nroject will help to sponsor FTA functions. Loggers Win One, Lose One In League Golf Play Here The Logger team won the con The Vernonia high school golf team won two meets and lost four test on match piav but came out last week out of two league m at behind cn total strokes. Ben Fidds and Ron Meyer shar ches and four non-league encoun ed medalist honors, each shooting ters. Vernonia suffered an upset loss a 39 and each winning his match to Tillamook Catholic by a match by four strokes. John Hicks also score of seven to four in a non won his varsity match. Jim Proehl and Gary Huff won league match Monday, April 19, their contests. on the Vernonia course. Varsity medalist for the match was Ben Fields who shot a 42 to (The following is a news release aid rrogram s offer money in the win his match. Jim Proehl was from the office of High School Re form of outright grants, loans and also a varsity winner. lations, Oregon State Svs’em cf work-study employment to stu All the Vernonia junior varsity Higher Education. Eugene, Ore dents who can disc'av a need fir players, Dick Brunsman, Randy gon. It has been sent to all high surh assistance. A need is display Roberts, Keith Gardner, and Gary schools to be out in all of the ed by filling out some application Huff, won their matches. Keith school oaners. ) forms, which are available in the was JayVee medalist with a 49. College tuition is high, and this counseling office, and then by sub April 20, Vernonia took on the can be a problem to the low in mitting them to the school to Scappoose golf team on the Ver come families that have children which a student hopes to attend nonia course and won by a total who want to attend a college to Many people believe financial aid stroke score of 177 to 180. Ron further their education. It is pos and scholarships to be one in the Meyer was medalist for that sible to obtain financial aid or to same, thinking, therefore, that it match, shooting a 41 and winning be given a scholarship although takes outstanding high school by eight stokes. time is of essence. “radf s to oualifv for anv k'nd of Ben Fields tied his match 42 to It has become almost an every assistance But, that is not the 42, and Ole Bergerson shot a 43 day occurrence to hear some me case In fact, scholarships are but to win his match. bemoaning the fact that it costs one type of financial aid. They do While the varsity was taking on more to live nowadays th in it di-l of course, require high grades, but the Scappoose team, the junior var in the oast Inflation, of course, the other financial aid programs— GENE GRANT BASRA sity was playing a team from has leveled itself on every facet and there are more cf them avail Clatskanie in a non-league match of the American economy and has able than there are scholarships— also on the Vernonia course. Ver been a chief contributer to rising require only that a student gen nonia’s JayVees beat the Tiger costs. Couple that with the “ dry uinely r c - l money to pursue a varsity by a stroke total of 206 to ing uo” of some monies previously post-high school education and that 227. available, and it is easy to visua he is admissible to the institution Winning against the Clatskanie lize whv many companies, agen to which he is applying for aid. varsity were Ed Becker, Don Gib VICKI RAMSEY cies and families are not as well While the deadline for scholar son, and Dewey Conroy. Mark off as they used to be. ship application has long sine: Busch tied his match. And that sam ■ situation holds passed, there is still time to ap Winning against the Clatskanie » » » » » » » » » » » » I true for post high school education ply for other financial aid, and JayVees were Gary Huff, Keith al institutions as inflation and the there still should he lots of money Patti Thompson visited the high Gardner, and Randy Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baska were school Thursday to mak gradua “drying uo” of federal, state and available for next vear. Vernonia lost to the League local monies has forced their costs Champion Seaside Seagulls by a But, time is of the essence. If blessed with a babv boy on No tion arrangements. up, thereby, forcing the cost to application is made and soon, vember 6, 1952. This'new baby boy total stroke margin of 157 to 183. the student uo. Eive years ago, for aid assistance cun be r ceived in they then gave the name Gene Frank David, an aide for Ken Ron Meyer held low score honors example, it was not uncommon for meeting the ever increasing costs Grant Baska. Gene was born in neth Roberts’ general math class, with a score of 42. a student in one of Oregon’:» pub Vernonia’s only wins were at the of oast-high school education. Eor Kenmare. North Dakota, and mov taught the students about the stock market Thursday and Friday. lie colleges or universities to be further, more specific information, ed to Vernonia when he was a JayVee level. John Hicks won his year old. able to go to school for $1,500 a see a counselor. match by a score of 45 to 47, “Has growing uo in Birkenfeld year. Now, it is difficult for a Driver Education starts today at and Dick Brunsman scored a 44 stunted Vicki Ramsey’s social de As Gene grew up, he became student to go for anything less known as an active member of the VHS under the direction of Gordon to 48 win over his opponent. velopment?” Apparently not, as than $2,000. OA Bill Gang. They were known Crowston, VHS counselor. After driving to the Forest Hills Vicki found out when the girls as a “little group of monsters that That rise in cost undoubtedly course near Cornelius, the Verno from Birkenfeld were the only Worthy of note was the large a t nia squad discovered that the Hills ones to wear nylons to school intimidated the residents of OA leaves many graduating seniors Hill.” tendance at the Senior Banquet. boro team had gone to Vernonia when thev moved to Washington and their parents wondering how they can possibly afford a college so they returned to Vernonia and Grade School in the seventh grade When Gene finally reached high Diversified Occupations will visit played the non-league match. education. With the rising costs school age. he was known to be a The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of day by-dav living, ra re n 's like member os such activities as FFA the Portland Post Office May 5. Charles Ramsey, Vicki was born ly can’t make up the difference. and lettered as football manager in Kalispell, Montana. She has a Gordon Crowston’s diversified And. with the job market so tight, his junior year. brother, Paul, in the junior class, occupations class went to the students can’t count on high pay and a married sister. Ann Berg. Gene now works at Crown Zel- Washington Grade Shool last ing summer jobs. The Ramseys moved to the Mist- lerbach’s shoo after school. In his Tuesday and listened to two stu Birkenfeld area while Vicki was That dilemma—how to nay f ir spare time he can be found either dents from Pacific University. The in the fourth grade. Immediately a post-high school eduation when working on his ’64 Chevy, bending students gave a talk to the eighth April 29 after she began attending the two- the resources to nav for it just over a table shooting pool, or grade and high students on opto room school at Mist she fell in Junior Class Pre-Registration aren't there—is probably a princi standing around talking to his girl metry. with a mob that included Viki Civics Field trio to St. Helens pal concern of many students and friend, Terri Heath. Hemeon and Don Larson that ter parents right now While certainly If in looking through VHS lock The senior class will be going Golf - Clatskanie at VHS rorized the school. a problem, there is a solution if ers, one finds a lunch which con to St. Helens to hear a court case AFS Potluck Dinner action is taken now. Vicki enjoys the outdoor activi tains either a ketchup and mayon in the county courthouse on April April 30 Sophomore Class Pre-Registration ties in the Birkenfeld area. She That action requires the appli naise, or peanut butter and pickle 29. AFS Day rides horses and likes to explore cation for financial aid—money sandwich, they’ll know they have Track - Warrenton, Rainier at VHS the logging roads in her area by made available specifically to as found the high school domain ol May 3 sist a student to attend college jeep. She enjoys watching basket Gene Baska: that is, if thev get Budget Election - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ball and according to the bovs in who might not otherwise he able there before lunch, because those May 4 the area is a good touch football to do so of prohibitive are his favorite sandwiches. plaver. Golf - VHS at Seaside costs. Subscribed to by almost After graduation Gene plans to every two and four-year, public Track - VHS at Yamhill-Carlton Discovering that the success was go into the Air Fores to be a May 5 and private, college and university not limited to Mist, she began at mechanic. He nlans on making in the state of Oregon, financial D. O. field trip to Portland Post tending school in Vernonia during NEAL STEINHAUER, Olympic shot this his career. The Senior Class Banquet was Office her seventh grade year and even putter appeared at VHS the past held Saturday night, April 24. at Tea for Jamboree Court at VHS tually was elected varsity football the IOOF Hail. week with group representing the library - 7:30 o.m. cherleader. The banquet was put on for the May 7 Campus Life Club at llniversity of Vicki and several other girls seniors by the American Legion GAA District Track at Astoria Oregon. Steinhauer demonstrated his from the Mist-Birkenfeld area have Auxiliary with financial help from Cancer Program at Grade Shool been picking up bottles to finance athletic prowess and spoke to the local fraternal and social organi gym - 8 p.m. a trio thev plan to take to Can group on his work with youth in the zations. This was the 41st year of May 8 ada after graduation. At last Eugene area. The club's visit was sponsoring the Senior Banquet. St. Helens Relays - 6 p.m. count, they had 54 cases of bot The District Shoo Skills contest arranged by VHS grad Scott Davies. Mrs. Earl Atkins began the Cowapa League Golf at Seaside - tles. attended by students from 12 evening by welcoming everyone to 1 p.m. schools was held Aoril 13, at Til After that trio, she plans to work The Student Council Meeting was the banquet. Sandi Hansen, class Cancer Program at Grade School in Portland until she is old enough lamook High School. called to ord°r by President Ray president, gave a response to the gym - 8 p.m. Don Kahler, EEA advisor, and to attend airline school in Kansas Grimsbo April 21. we'come. 23 boys from his A” cl’ sses p ar City wdiere she will train to be a *' ' min'Oi's of the previous Dinner was served by sisters of stewardess. ticipated in the contest which was meeting were read and approved. the graduating class members. divided into Beginning and Ad due petition was read: Language There were twelve, but unfortu Tickets Sold to Play vanced classes. Club petitioned to have a play nately, onlv six could be of as The Beginning class brought Another exciting day was enjoy night Saturday. May 15, from 7- sistance. The girls serving were At Civic's Blue Room home a second place which was Kathy and Jackie Odam, Kathi achieved by the total points of «1 by Vernonia’s GAÁ track team 9 p.m. The petition passed. The eheerleading program was Medges. Debbie Banta, Martha VHS students are having the Irvin Normand, with a sixth in Thursday, April 22, at Knappa’s chance to attend a Blue Room Pro th’'n discussed. It was reported Borgluni, and Patti Anderson. arc welding; Dun Gibson, ninth in two-way meet, After dinner a few members of duction in the Portland Civic Thea l eading off was the 100 yard that the majority of interested girls sheet metal soldering; Jim Mich ener. first in tan and die, Ole hurdles in which Carol Evans plac wantix! a screening committee and the class read their “ assignments” ter May 1. Four-H club members from Co Students will see the commedia Bergersnn ami Chris Robbins, third ed second with 18.8 and Marilyn one-half plus one of the girls that that they had been working on for lumbia County will be attending a in woodworking; Tim Schmidlin. Henderson third with 193. In the try-out should be elected. Any dis some time. Vicki Hemeon and dell’arte or”duc*im “n w camo counselor training workshop first in tool identification; and Dan 440 relay which followed, Knappa cussion or further action was tab S'ephen Landers read their version cian in Spite of Himself,” which xiPr‘,i 3°' 1 and 2 at Camp of the Class History; Helen Hig is based on Moliere’s text. This McLeaen, third in tool identifica came in first with 57.6 and Ver led until the next meeting. It was decided that nominations ginbotham also helped to put it presentation will enable the group Meadowood located north east of nonia second with 59.4. tion. to get a taste of “theatre in the Pendleton near Tolgate. They will The Advanced class acquired a Next on the agenda, Jackie Eide for student body officers will be together. Patti Hahmeyer read the round.” be accompanied bv Marlene Gift made at next week’s meeting. Class Will which Linda Borst, seventh place with points from place 1 serón I in the 880 run with a Scappoose 4-H club leader, and The meeting was thn adjournd. The English department, under Sandi Hansen and Debbie Smith Craig Bergerson, first in oxygen a time of 3:10.4. Sprinting through Extension Agent Robert H. Steve- the supervision of Mrs. Alvilda Respectfully submitted, assisted in writing Laurie Banta cutting; George Shaw, fiftii in the 100 vard dash Sandra Tupper Marsha Jensen, secretary presented a very humorous ver Hearing and Chris Bovle. VHS small engine parts indentification; came in first with a 12.4 With a Those attending will be Sheila sion of the Class Proohecv which English teachers, is sponsoring the Ray Grimsbo, seventh and Jim time of 1:16.7 Sharon Longley ran was compiled by Jim Proehl, Glor field trip. Fifty tickets were pur i??n~ an' ^ heUy Salzman, Doro Koch, eighth in electricity; Larry across the finish line second in ia Ashford, and Mary’ Anne Odam. chased. which reduced the indivi thy Tetz. Mary Lou Ragland. Sam D e"'i't. ei”hth in differential su r the 440 yard dash. Machine Practice Set The evening was ended when dual cost from $2.50 to $1.45. Bus Salzman and Mark WiUemse, all veying; Eric Hepler, an eight in Coming in with another first was Arthur Parrow, VHS principal, bid trans oortation is free dut to the of Scappoose; Peggy Tarbell and surveying; and Chuck Westphall, Sandra Tupper in the 220 yard Presented to Class fact that it is considered an Eng Juanita Logan of St. Helens; and the Class of ’71 farexvell. eighth and Don Larson. ninth in dash Her time was 30. Knappa lish field trip by the school district. Tern Johnson, Will Binns and Attendance this year reached rafter cutting. came in first in the 880 relax with The Office Practice class sta rt 103; this included senior class “The Physician in Suite of Him Barry Bergman of Clatskanie. a time of 2:18.6; Vernonia trailed ed working on a machine prac members, faculty, and school self” will run until Sunday. May 9 The group will get special train in second place with a time of tice set last Monday ing in camp counseling to prepare board members. 2 20.0. In the long jumo Marilyn The set is designed to give stu them to be counselors at the Co Henderson was second, jumping dents practice in the use of sever lumbia County 4-H camo at Wil- 13' 2>v” . Darla Normand placed al common business forms, and w r Th Park„ ° ? July 7’ 8- 9' and thin! in the shot with a throw of contains checks, sales slips, depo 10. They will be part of a group 28' 7” . sit slips, invoices, and time cards of approximately 100 older 4-H The work of the practice set is The final scon* was Knappa. ^ s mberS from 14 coun- Seven foreign students from var broken up into 40 individual jobs. first place, 83* points; am) Ver May 3 - Spanish Rice, com. but ions countries around the world nonia. second place, 29' j points. In the course of completing the 40 I Frazer' Family ter sandwiches, pears. will visit VHS today and tomorrow. jobs, a student is required to per Life Specialist from Oregon State May 4 - Meat loaf, green beans, Paul Bunyan held a meeting Thursdnv and Fridas arc declar form a variety of clerical tasks, I nixersity. and Lois Redman. Ex- Tuesday, April 20. at 10:20 a m. to butter sandwiches, white cake txt AFS Davs at VHS To start off including not only the use of add D pv I? S pec , alist - and Youth May 5 - Corn dogs, ootato chips discuss txw> main points concerning AFS Days, the foreign students ing and calculating machines, but witi. t h r t r a t o i n ^ 1 3SSisting pickles, jello. will arrive sometime this after also such tasks as entering items a cleanup for P'e lake and the possibility of having a boat race May 6 - Mashed potatoes, soinach noon A notluck will be held this on these business forms ami sort The workshop will be operated peanute b u t t e r sandwiches evening at 7 p.m. in the Home ing and resorting the forms ac soonsored by the Paul Bunyan udthmth£ a,-camP as Possible peaches. Club Ec room to welcome the students. cording to date, number, and al here ah 7 '^ e?ab0n of club mem After several minutes of general May 7 - Kosher cheese sandwiches After the potluck, a play night phabetical arrangement bers dixided into camp groups and Miss Jacquilin Maier drove six discussion, the conversation tum- stewed tomatoes, jello salad will be held for all those interested The set is bast'd on a grocery the extension agents acting as of the GAA track girls to a meet chocolate cookies. in meeting the visitors Ml da) business and all the forms intro <xl to the idea of a boat race spon counselors. 6 in Seaside April 20 . — - Friday, the students will sneak in duced here have been drawn from sored by Paul Bunyan the ine,11 * Placing third in the 100-m“ter the files of that «vise of business hers of the chib felt that since the fc ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ■ different classes except for fourth period when they will present a hurdles for Vernonia was Carol Evans Sandra Turner placed first much, no one should object to $ sp,,’'ial assembly in the gvm baling another one The students will eat that night in the IOO-yard dash and second Foreign Fiesta to Be in the 220-yard dash Marilyn Hen The next petal under discussion with th e ir host families To end was cleaning up Lake Vernonia th«- \ i s Days, Jim P roehl will derson place«! third in the long Held at Vernonia H i 1 ake Vernonia was created about host a party at his home at 8 lump and Bonnie Normand placed p m in honor of th e students The fifth in the shot nut A "Foreign Fiesta" wilt be held a year ago, and it is time for a In the relays. Vernonia placed Thursday. April 29. from 8 to 10 cleanup around it, so say club students will go home Saturday Mon., Wed., Thurs.—9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon thin! in the 440 relay and the 880 p m in th«' high schixxl gym members. morning. medley. These points were to be taken This special foreign party is to Out of the four schixils partici honor the foreign students visit to student council to be presented „ SUMMER SCHEDULE pating in the meet Vernonia ing the high school April 29-30 to all concerned placed third Placing first was X Vernonia R esidenle-F or Ouleide Appoinlment, There will be foreign dancing, Seaside, second was Knappa and singing and a piñata This pro 4 THURSDAY. APRIL 29 1971 fourth place went to Warrenton C A N T USE IT» WHY KEEP IT? v —Call Above Numbers gram is offertxl free to the puNic COMPILED BY THE VERNONIA HIGH SCHOOL JOURNALISM CLASS Financial Aid Assistance Is Available to VHS Students Air Mechanics Career Plan of Gene G. Baska Sawdust Vicki Ramsey Enjoys Living At Birkenfeld Loggers' Log Senior Banquet Held April 24 FFÄ Members at Skills Contest Student Council Minutes — GAA Track Team At Knappa Meet Workshop Due 4-H Counselors VHS Plans AFS Days Activities Paul Bunyan to Sponsor Events School Menu Third Taken at GAA Track Meet “ * VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE °ld P cX h» 2 ^.7 IV i nenia E agle SELL IT W ITH A WANT AD.