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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1971)
Ocruonia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 29 1971 O A TES Tc R em em ber EDITORIAL Singing Group Slates Benefit T O P IC S OF T H E T O W N THURSDAY. P R I L 29 70 "L. ~ THURSDAY, A APRIL Boy Scouts City Park Cabin SEL-MOR INC., Publishers Getting 'ready to observe her eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 7 p.m. 101st birthday is long-time Verno Donald Wantland of Cosmoplis, LARRY GARNER, Editor A “ Yes” vote on the proposed SATURDAY, MAY 1 nia resident Mrs. Olive Powell. who lived here for many years MELVIN SCHWAB, Compositor road oiling levy is urged by Co Vernonia Grange - Card Party ■ The popular womens singing Mrs. Powell was honored on her Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown at B. RHOADES, TTS lumbia County officials at the up 8 p.m. group, the Mary Lee Singers, has 100th anniversary date last year, tended the Missionary Conference coming May 10 special election. announced that they will hold their including coverage by a Portland at Hazeldale Bible Church Wednes SUNDAY, MAY 2 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER second annual evening of family TV station. For friends wishing to day through Sunday. Glenn John County electors will be asked to Men’s Golf Assoc, at Seaside Vernonia, Oregon musical entertainment for the be send her cards for the May 13 son of Spokane, one of the speak approve a levy—to raise an esti MONDAY, MAY 3 Entered as second class mail mat mated $250,000 in each of its three SCHOOL ELECTION / Polls Open nefit of the Kidney .Association of event, her current address, at the ers, a missionary to Viet Nam, is Oregon Friday and Saturday, May home of a niece, is: Mrs. Olive 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ter August 4, 1922 at the post office year’s duration—that would not ex 14 and 15 at eight o’clock in the Powell, 800 SE King Road. Milwau well known here. in Vernonia, Oregon 97064 under the ceed a rate of $1 per thousand City Council - City Hall - 8 p m BEDDING PLANTS • flowers Sunset High School auditorium in kie, OR 97222. Lions Club - Vernonia Golf Club - Beaverton. act of March 3, 1879. Subscription dollars of true cash valuation. and vegtables. Chalet Flower Shop. 6:30 p.m. Of this approximately $250,000 price $3.«) yearly in the Nehalem RUMMAGE SALE - Evangelical 17Mc Proceeds of the show will be do Circle, Fire Hell, May 6, 7 & 8. yearly, over $50,000 would be re Valley Else where $4.00. TUESDAY. MAY 4 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graves of turned to the cities in which the Ridge Riders Saddle Club - Fire nated to the Kidney Association of 17t2c Cornelius spent Sunday with his Oregon to be used to save the lives levies were made, for use in their Hall - 8 o.m. Mr, and Mrs. Gene Weller and grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Graves. of Oregonians suffering from kid s t r e e t maintenance operations. OFFICE HOURS: Oddfellows Lodge IOOF Hall - Visitors Sunday at the home of ney failure by providing treatment two sons, and Mr and Mrs. Larry Voters—by a slim 4193 to 3318 8 o.m Bernardi and family spent the Mr. and Mrs. Thurman DeHart Mon., Tues.. Wed., Fri.—8 a.m. to margin—turned down the road oil WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 training. artificial kidney ma weekend camping at Fort Steven's were Mrs. Cora Lange, Mr. and 6 p.m. ing levy the past spring, after it Supplemental Food Clinic - West chines and medical supplies. Park. Mrs. Richard L. Hunteman, Mrs. The Marv Lee Singers have cho had been in operation since 1958. Ore. Elec Bldg. - 2:30-3:30 p m Mrs. D. L. Daughtry came home Thurs. & Sat.—8 a.m. to 12 noon sen the Kidney Association of Ore Saturday after eight days in the Percy Eckegren from Long Beach. The loss of these funds required Gem & Fossil Club - West Ore gon to benefit from the show, Forest Grove hospital for tests an California, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elec. Bldg. - 7:30 o.m tin case of emergency, call 429-5522.) curtailment of the road depart Welty of Newberg. Mrs. Welty is since most families with members treatment. ment’s maintenance program, and THURSDAY, MAY 6 the former Mrs Walter Wagner, the lay-off of ten department em Study Club - home of Mrs Owen stricken with kidney failure can Rev. david Hazen, pastor of the not afford the extremely high costs Blue Ridge Bible Church in Kan who operated the Pal Shop here MEMBER ployees also was attributed to the East - 8 p.m. involved in providing the treatment sas City, Missouri, visited at the during the World War II years. revenue loss. Boy Scouts - City Park Cabin - Oregon Guests at the home of Mr. and and equipment necessary to sus home of his mother. Mrs. Everett With two damaging winters just 7 o.m. tain their lives. William Rhoades were his Newspaper passed, county roads are in a sail Surplus Foods County Road Hazen over the weekend. He stop Mrs. The function of the Kidney As ped enroute to Seattle to attend a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Publishers state—and funds are needed to Shoo - 10 a.m .-3 o.m. (A-M) Rhoades of Keyes, California. bring them back to “passable” AF&AM - Masonic Temole - 8 p m . sociation is to raise the money pastor’s seminar. Association necessary from public contribution condition. The county maintains FRIDAY. MAY 7 ST. MARY'S Thrift Shop open over 530 miles of road, of 'Which ACS Melodrama - Washington Gr. Costs for each new patient for the first and third Friday of every People are divided into two clas first six months is about $10,000 nearlv half are unsurfaced. Sch. Gvm - 8 p.m. month. 5tfC ses—those who accomplish things and approximatelv $4,000 for each Inefficient operations and ill- Senior Citizens - Community Word was received of the recent and their critics. year thereafter. conceived priorities for equipment By J.L.S. Center 12:30 ootluck (b u st) marriage of Miss Donna Wantland purchase and road building have SATURDAY, MAY 8 A dime is a dollar with all the and Charles Schreek at Cosmopo If anyone had any doubts as to made for “ poor value received” Read the Ads—It Pays! Melodrama - Washington Gt lis, Washington. The bride is the taxes taken out. the value of their work in getting for road department dollars spent ACS Sch. Gym - 8 p.m. Lake Vernonia ready, all they had in the past. However, plans are Vernonia Grange - 8 o m to do w as w a tc h t h e afoot by the Board of Commis SUNDAY, MAY 9 faces of the fishermen the first sioners to alleviate this drain on - MOTHER’S DAY couple of days the season was open, taxpayers’ dollars. Many youngsters were seen proud To be included in the 1971-72 ly displaying the 12- to 16-inch county budget will be funds for trout they had caught. the hiring of a qualified road en My own four-year-old son caught gineer to head the road depart his first fish in the Lake Sunday ment—possibly even on a full-time of this past week. Boy, was he basis. proud! His mother says he will Baby James Winfield Tewksbury, Citizen advisory committees are make a true fisherman some day being formed, and a long-range Scappoose, who passed away April as he was telling her that one plan of road requirements to keep 16, 1971, at the age of three months weighed 13 pounds and one apace with the growing population was born December 28. 1970 in weighed forty pounds. What is is underway. Portland. there left when four-year-olds Survivors include: Ilis parents Coupling all of the above “plus start telling fish stories. es" together paints a brighter pic Mr anil Mrs. Graham Tewksbury, —-O—- ture for (he future of Columbia Scappoose; and grandparents, Mr. It’s off to Jaycee state conven County’s road system. and Mrs. Graham W. Tewksbury tion for this editor this coming To keep Columbia County’s roads of Hawaii, and Mrs. Jam es Land weekend The convention is in growing along with Ihe county, a ye. Portland. Medford I am really looking for “ Yes” vote is urged at the May Funeral services were held Mon ward to the trip and seeing another 10 special election. day, April 19. at Lincoln Memorial part of Oregon. I passed another Cemetery, with Pastor Alfred Grif milestone on the way to reaching fiths officiating. that sad old age of 30 this past week and my wife and kids pre sented me with a pair of binocu lars which will help me to enjoy — PR IV A TE DIN IN G ROOM — the magnificence of Oregon all the more. — 0 —. John P. Miller, 49 vear-old for- FOREST GROVE You should all make plans now to really have a fun evening at iner meat cutter at Cliff’s Market COMMUNITY in Vernonia anil who had been a the melodrama that is being "pre seated on behalf of the Cancer resident here of Stoney Point Road for th e ‘ past eight years, died Society. The play will lx> at the April Admitting List: 19. Washington Grade School on May Funeral services for Mr Miller April 19 - Melotlv C. Strong, Car- 7 and 8. Much fun to be had and son E. Strong I II bet it will bring back a few were held at the Willamette Na memories to some of the old-time tional Cemetery in Portland Mon April 21 - Jake Van Zee theatre-goers. Vernonia Variety day, April 26, at 11:30 a m. The April 24 - Julius C. Enevoldsen Itev. Fred A. David, chaplain from has tickets for sale now. the Veteran's Hospital in Portland —-O—- As I make my daily trip up and conducted the services with a r rangements entrusted to the Fui- down OA Hill I notice the little ten Mortuary. U'aguers are hard at it almost John Phillip Miller was born at every night. Stop by and watch t their eagerness to learn and play, Soda Springs, Idaho on January 19 1 1922, the son of John and Ma ary then when you are asked to help I support the program financially, Bows Miller. He spent much of his early life in the Eugene area you will know that your money is I and served in the U. S. Navy dur being well spent. I ing World War II anil also during —0— I Please take note of the special the Korean War. He hail followed I I editorial that is running elsewhere the meat cutting trade most of his £ * T \ 'A. I on this page. It was written and life and came to Vernonia eight compiled by Larry Garner and re w a rs ago to work at Cliff’s Mar I flects the stand of this newspaper ket. lie hail been in failing health on the road levy tax. One must for some time. I Surviving is his wife. Mrs. Rosa I only drive the rural mads to see the need and we must tnist the line May, to whom he was united county officials to do the proper m marriage at Payefin, •« Idaho I on July 6, 1964. She resides at the job of administration. family home in Vernonia • Alsu. su,r yivine is ¡1 M i and daughter Linda and David Miller • ol Glasgow. Montana; two grand I I children and three step-children, I Allan May of Junction City, Ore I gon. Carol Ann Mav of Portland I and lim May of Vernonia Also surviving is his father and John D Holland of 2051 Milton I I way, St Helens, who was born s ' ’P'"¡>lher. Mr. anil Mrs ' Frank > Miller of Eugene: two brothers, February 9. 1921 near Vernonia, I [Kissed a u a \ April 15, 1971 in St ''" « a rd Miller. Eugene and Robert • Helens. •Miller, Thompson Falls, Montana I Mi' Holland was a member of and a sister. Mrs. Herb (Evelyn) I I Ihe Catholic Church and had lived Baxendale, Eugene. I m St. Helens for 25 years Surviving arc His'wife, Maxim« i i m ' son. Jack Daniel I Holland, St Helens; and a daugh I • ter, Nina Cullen of Kelso Washing • toil. I Three brothers, Don. Ted anil Lo • ren Watson, all of Pendleton, and I ’¡‘ o' a „s'c:’ back in,° time and Dave Watson ,,f Camas, Washing • 'isit the Pioneer Villa-e. iJw • View I Ion. and a sister. Fern Narragon est attraction during the Newport of Pendleton, also survive. • Apri'l’» ° ;IV l esli' al g in n in g Services were conducted Mon day. April 19. 1971, 2 pin. at I Festivities for the fourdav Il''l'‘l>,l,‘rn s Catholic Church in «eekend will liegin on Thursday St Helens, with Father Martin with the arrival of the USS B,i«f Senko the officiating priest gette, a naval destroyer, and the Interment followed at Columbia to ast Guard cutter Modoc. • Memorial Gardens. Scappoose I I he weekend will move into high I Saturday morning with the Most of our mistakes in life com gear lath annual Loyalty Da\ parade through lack of learning or lack ini'Vi" ".'g ,n.a rf hlnK band«, color- of common sense. ful floats and the new Miss Loyalty and her court. I t'cab pot pulling races, probably ♦ gî^i,Wf 8 e' en‘ ,he Vnited • States^ will be Mid both Saturday I and Sundas afternoons on the I Fri., Sat. A pril 30— May 1 kaquina Ba> • • fish filleting, crab shaking {the I I term for picking meat I from the shell) ami use of com I mereial fishing gear will all I be Ju lie A ndrew s I demonstrated on May 1 and 2. I A day long kid’s fishing contest Rated G I I for both Saturtflv • an«l Sunday with first place tro l<hies awanled to the bov or girl I a' ch"’S ,h«' largest fish, Tues.-Wed. May 4-5 smallest V’ ; fish, I • most fish and the I most unusual fish • H ■■ S V E R N O N IA -ism s S e r v ic e s R ead for Infant cn A p ril 16 Extended Steak Special N o w for 3 d a y s F ri., S a t., Sun. Get T h is D eliciou s M eal! D in in g Room Opens at 3 P.M . S u nd ay TOP SIRLOIN F ries - S a la d - Coffee. Graveside Rite For John Miller HOSPITAL BOB'S TIMBERNOOK Please Cal! 429-8621 for Reservations BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES AND LEE'S CARPETS » » » i ii in conjunction with I iI 1 i i Home Furnishings John D. Holland Services Held I OF SC A PP O O SE Present to the People of Vernonia Their New Attraction At Loyalty Day I RURAL CARPET PROGRAM JO Y Thursday and Friday, May 13-14 Noon to 8 P.M ., Vernonia Fire H all THEATER D A R L IN G L IL I GETTING ST R A IG H T JEhe «m I ¡lined « t Eaictuie.niGi eflon iWUlIlFutaqa u n, rtj lows tuen thev Jfe». pay the prie li (“liii.l A uj ? _ want) mvn _ , 'attuoM ''‘"■'•’Mortfh' mN* 'mV b u f W 'b tN F ' •"'Wii’T'Itoml HWaso W su<*“ir"«lin<t ■■ as hush monevji'>*<* ■Ul jirwni I i ♦ Information on Carpet Selection for your home or business --Carpet Care and cleaning tips plus hundreds of samples for you to see! /S Jiitbiimi V „ WFH piunm rwKWr» sniftii 1 ’ V r irv > m.: umno-i «e mt j M .rgj M •