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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1971)
Seventh Birthday Is Celebrated on Friday Oernonia Eagle Couples Enjoy Movie, Dinner monies held Wednesday at the Marine Reserve Center in Port 10 THURSDAY, APRIL 29. 1971 land. Sgt. Hays received his medal for superior performance in Viet B1RKE.NFELD—Mr. and Mrs. nam. His citation reads; RIVERVIEW—Carson S t r o n g Francis Larson spent last Friday “While serving with Service NATAL - PITTSBURG—Mr and evening at the Herbert Rodger’s Company, Headquarters Battalion. was released from the Forest home, going there to help Douglas Mrs. Larry Oblack accompanied First Marine Division in Connec Grove hospital Saturday after celebrate his 7th birthday. Also Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bolts of Mist tion with combat operations spending the week there for tests there were Mr. and Mrs. Ben to Longview Saturday evening against the enemy in the Repubic and treatment. Melody Strong was released Thursday after being Gronnel and Victor Jarrett. They enjoyed the show “Airport” of Vietnam from 20 May to 22 there W E. Carroll, vice-president - four days. and afterwards had dinner. Mr. and Mrs. George Richard March. 1970, Sergeant Hays per operations, and Roger P. Vallo, son and Joe attended church at Jake Van Zee spent three days Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack called formed his duties in an exemplary vice-president - operations staff, Clatskanie Sunday. They then at the George Salmi home Thurs manner. As Administrative Chief, last week at the Forest Grove hos have jointly announced a major re drove to Scappoose before return day afternoon where they visited he displayed outstanding initiative pital, returning home Saturday. organization of the comnany’s op ing home. Mrs. Ann Salmi, Mr. and Mrs. and perseverance despite the ex Sunday visitors at their home were erating departments. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonnquist, Jack Dowd, and Mrs. Marie Ben- tremely adverse conditions and dif Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop of For- Seven executives are involved in and Mrs. Arby Mills attended Son, all of Myrtle Creek; and Mrs. ficulties associated with a combat eet Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Roger the change which according to church in Clatskanie Sunday. They Bishop and baby of Riverview, Marion Dicky of Santa Barbara, environment. Carroll and Vallo is designed to drove to Westport and had dinner California. “By his consistently high level of and John Kindle of Hillsboro. provide improved customer ser after the services. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and efficiency, he materially enhanced vice on a continued basis. The Phil Layman family, and the operational effectiveness of his family spent the weekend at the Chief Engineer Joseph Coffman the Ed Berg children spent Sun family were in Portland Saturday. unit and gained the respect and home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap ac has accented a position in New day at the Vick Berg home. They admiration of all who associated Clifford Fowler. A special event York with the firm’s parent cor put a boat in the river and had companied Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and was the birthday of Clifford Fow with him. Mrs. Laura Carmichael to Clats poration and will leave for that boat rides. Working tirelessly, he skillfully ler Sunday. post immediately. Mrs. Vick Berg was a Vernonia kanie Thursday for the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nice and Mrs. Ida Curry. trained his men and molded them Jay Sherar, longtime Everett re caller last Wednesday. into a cohesive and proficient family spent the weekend at the sident, will return to Everett in Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson of clerical team fully capable of pre home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the newly created executive posi Warren called at the Noble Dunlap paring all reports and correspon Roscoe Nice at Goshen. Mr. Nice tion of service director for the five home Thursday. dence accurately and expeditiously enjoyed fishing at Marcola. state operation. Sherar is current Sunday visitors at the home of thereby providing his command ly general manager of the com Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ekhoff in with outstanding administrative pany’s Eastern Area with head The citation bears the signature cluded Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cook support. quarters in Coeur d ’Alene, Idaho. of William K. Jones, Lieutenant and family of Forest Grove, Mr. Monty Ix-avitt, presently the Peggy Fleming has achieved and Mrs. Eugene Panza and fami “In addition to his demanding General, U. S. Marine Corps, Con- company’s safety director, will re “the impossible dream.” administrative duties, he partici manding General, Fleet Marine ly of Portland, and Richard Cook place Sherar as general manager She is the only ice skating star and two children of Vancouver, pated in several security patrols Force, Pacific. in the Eastern Area. of all time to make the successful Washington. and ambushes and repeatedly dis Gerald is a 1965 graduate of Itay Rathbun, who is now the transition from amateur status— tinguished himself by his courage Vernonia High School. His parents Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanap Northern Area plant manager, will she won the onlv Gold Medal for and composure under fire. are Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Hays move to the safety director post. the U. S. at the last Olympic and family of Centralia spent the “ Particularly noteworthy were of Knappa. weekend at the home of her mo Erank Mallory, the company’s Games—to star in her own net his actions on 12 August 1969 when ther, Mrs. Ike Dass. Mrs. Tom traffic director, will take over the work television specials. SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES his Company’s perimeter came un Young and Linda of Banks visit new position of engineering and And all at the same time, she ed at the Dass home Sunday. USE THEM! der a vicious ground attack sup construction director which com has been appearing as the special ported by mortar fire. Completely bines functions previously per guest star with the Ice Follies. disregarding his own safety, Ser formed in several departments. WM. HALL JR., U.S.N. She returns to Portland when the geant Hays distributed ammunition Robert M. Myres, plant director, show opens a six-day engagement Wm. Ray Hall Jr. has recently and assisted in moving casualties will head an expanded Supply De at the Memorial Coliseum. May 11 been assigned to duty at Pearl to a sheltered area. partment for the company's opera through May 16. S e r g e a n t Hays’ outstanding Harbor, following completion of tions. A new Supply Center is un Headlining the show, which is a a cook’s school at the San Diego professional ability, untiring deter der construction at the company’s salute to Americans this season, is Naval Training Center. He is ser mination, and steadfast devotion property on Casino Road. Richard Dwyer, in his 21st year M O TO R F R E IG H T , IN C . Henry Conoly, marketing and as “The Debonaire.” RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. Ed ving a four-year hitch with the to duty in this instance as well as thrnuehout his tour in the Republic sales director, will continue in that Snoopy, Charles Schultz’ life Buckner spent Sunday in Portland. navy. of Vietnam, reflect great credit up capacity with increased respon like character is the surprise at They were taken out to dinner bv Before going overseas, he visit on himself, the Marine Corps, and sibilities. Mrs. Ora George, Everett Rundell ed at the home of his mother in traction-cavorting around the ice The post of planning director will m aii attempt to achieve skating and Palmer Moore in honor of Madras; and his father, Bill Hall, the United States Naval Service.” be filled later. All operations-plan stardom. and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Buckner’s birthday. ning functions, according to Vallo. Eddie, the younger son of Mr. Bernard Killenberg, who reside in All-American sets and music are are to lx* centralized under one featured in this 25th Ice Follies and Mrs. Max Buckner accompan Vernonia. executive to avoid duplication of season. ied his uncle, John Brewer, fish The sailor's address is listed as: effort. Tickets, priced at $5-$4.50-$4-- ing on the Columbia Saturday and CSSA Wm. Rav Hall Jr., USN The changes, to be made on a $3.50 are available at the Coliseum Sunday. He caught three salmon. D-814236 progressive basis, will be complet Box Office, Stevens & Sons, Lloyd Max Buckner entered the Good c/o USS ABNAKI (ATF 96) ed bv June 1 of this year. Center and Salem. Meier & Frank Samaritan hospital in Portland FPO SF 96601 in downtown Portland and at Lin Tuesday for surgery on his arm AT THE MILE BRIDGE coln Savings & Loan in Beaverton. which was injured more than a Airman David A. Jones, son of year ago. For group sales, phone 235-8771 Mr. and Mrs. Holder Jones, formerly Mrs. Myrtie Cline of Forest of 1004 Rose Ave., has graduat Grove spent Sunday through Wed ed Sheppard AFB, Texas, from nesday at the Merle Cline home the at technical training course for last week. Others there were Mr. U. S. Air Force pavements main TIMBER ROUTE—Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Roma Howell and daugh tenance specialist. Fred Barajas are the proud par ter, Mrs. Lois Horton of Grants Airman Jones, who learned to ents of a son, born Aoril 20. The Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cline and maternal grandmother is Mrs. Preliminary qualifying examina family of Tacoma, and Mr. and maintain aircraft runways, roads, streets, sidewalks, parking areas, Margaret McGinnes. tions for young men interested in Mrs. Gordon Cline of Seaside. Guests at the home of Mrs. Carl attending one of the military aca Mrs. Merle Cline visited at the and railroad tracks, is being as Wienecke last week were Mrs. demies will be conducted by the home of her sisters, Mrs. Billie signed to Okinawa for duty with a George Smith anil Susie, Mrs. Zola U. S. Civil Service Commission Gravon, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank unit of the Pacific Air Forces. Christensen, Mrs. Nell Thacker, July 6, Rep. Wendell Wyatt. It- White in Portland Friday through The airman is a 1970 graduate Mr. and Mrs. Casper Serby from Ore. announced. of Vernonia High School. Sunday. Mist, and Shirley lluss. Monday, Wyatt said applicants interested Mrs Don Lousignont from Birken in appointments should write his Former Marine Sergeant Gerald HELP KEEP OREGON LIVEABLE—CHECK feld visited Mrs. Wienecke. Many oolitical cures are being Hays of Vernonia received the office no later than June 1, 1971, OUR DETERGENT POLLUTION CHART promised these days, but few will Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder expressing their desire to partici Navy Achievement Medal with and family from Hillsboro visited pate in the examination. The ad be delivered. “Combat V” and citation at cere- >X*X»X*X*X»X»X»X»X»X*X*X»X»X»X»X*X»X»X»X*X»X»X*X*5 his mother and her husband, Mr. dress is 114 House Office Building. ♦.♦.♦.♦x».».».»-*xox<*x»x»x»x»x»x»x»x»x*x»x»x»xox»x»x»x»:ox»x»x»x*x»x*x*x»x»x»x»x»x*x<»x»x»x»x»x*x*x»x*x«x»: and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin. Sun Washington. D. C. 20515 day. All candidates must be actual Mr. and Mrs. Ervin l’ierson of residents of the First Congression Vancouver, Washington visited his al District of Oregon, which includ BUY N O W . . . GET AN EDGE sister and family, Mr and Mrs. es Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Rudy Seders, and Marlene. Columbia. Lincoln, Polk, Tilla Mrs. la's Galloway from Clats mook. Washington and Yamhill ON T H IS S U M M E R 'S L A W N ! kanie spent the weekend with her counties and Multnomah County mother, Mrs Nell Thacker Satur west of the Stadium Freeway. day, they called on Mr. and Mrs Candidates for admission to the George Smith anil family, and U. S. Naval Academy must be not Sunday they visited Mr. and Mrs. less than 17 or more than 22 years Win. Falconer. of age on July 1. 1972. Candidates for the U. S Military Academy at West Point, the Air Force Aca demy and the Merchant Marine 3 HP, 2 0 " Super Cutter Lawnmower w ith 4 cycle Briggs & Academy are eligible for admis Stratton engine. Easy spin recoil starter, th ro ttle controls loc sion from the day they are 17 until age 22. Candidates for all acade ated at hand grips. Chrome " T " style handle, 5 position height mies must never have been mar adjustment on each wheel. 7 " fro n t wheels, 8 " rear wheels, The Teenage Saddle Club lo in ried. waffle design. Pineapple metallic color. Weighs just 64 lbs ed the Ridge Riders at Ander (HE0451-2) son Park Aoril 24 for a potluck dinner and clean up day. Reorganization Reported by GTC Riverview Residents End Hospital Stays THOSE WHO SERVE Peggy Fleming Stars in Show nehalem Woman Honored On Birthday Phone 429-3462 KING'S Grocery - Market Phone 429-6015 April 20 Birth Noted for Son Shop by Phone-Call Your Order for Delivery Academy Exams Dated July 6 BUY QUALITY STANDARD ICE CREAM & DAIRY PRODUCTS HERE $64.95 Wiener Roast Plan for Club The teens have in vited the Ridge R iders and th«' -I II Horse Club to jo in them fo r a ootluck and w iener roast at linge rs Park S aturday, Mav I Plans are to gather there at to a m. I hose needing trans|x>rtation to the ou tin g are reouested to be at the C o m m unity Center bv 9:30 a m A ll attending are rem inded to b r ill" th e ir horses, a h a lte r and tie up rope Judging Due May 6 For Grange Contest 1XH ZH ZH ZI ï I H is to r y P harm ac) by Ken Sut lieriin tU lu r iin th h n l i h.iructcrs of inferesl from (he early days of the medical profession are: H.vgeia the goddess of health, daughter of Aesculapius I ’.in a e e ., .mother daughter who represented medicine. Morpheus—god »1 dreams, origin of the word "m orphine" S om iius god „( sleep, origin of “ som nifacient". a medicin« Per Roll Goulds balanced flow no. lank, no ex tras shallow $124.00 Group 1 DA 136 So easy to choose a GIFT for her, or for him, from fhe FULL LINE available al VER NONIA DRUG, 929 Bridge St., lei. 429-6254. A lso HALLM ARK cards, a complete sla- lionery supply, and of course carefully-com pounded PRESCRIPTIONS. $15,95 12-VOLT Group 24 DA 24C36 Group 22 F DA 22F36 a Putir laaalatad PlWflaol 44 co $17.95 $19.95 HZHZHZHZ WE CARRY !□ A COM PLETE LIN E OF PIPE FITTIN G S 2 — COLOR IN A CAN 4x8 Plyw ood In coasTTOCoasic $5.27 S to c k A s s ld . T h ic k n e s s e s GAL. ^RAY PAI«' L A T E X IN T E R IO R *-» «è uswd _ ■ M» •... rr a»a W! khj ' i,.m .icp o » i.5 th ,u oro2SMi VISIT OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT LOCATED UPSTAIRS IN OUR STORE! F L A T W A L L P A IN T Drier in 1 hour. Long wearing, washabla, no paint odor; soap and water clean up. 15 colors and white. Custom colors available at slightly higher prices. \^s**«** Coast to Coast fast-drying spray pa in t is the q u ic k way to p a in t all w ood and met«l surfaces. 16-oz. can. 4 2 he a u tifu l colors to choose Cui tom flo a t llnod ■•dal. Hal n t w Instantly. 10 y « r warrwnty. «UU^sÄtsSUU- •* »«•>♦ «H».-«. - 99c • ln«*Ha<«h.a TtwwaaM • I iMarato« I lamautui We Thread Pipe! LATEX FLAT WALL PAINT the originator o i the art of pharmacy. U" ' ' " " l ’1'" ' <•< «"■>rl> Greece where the art of healing was h e a t.ti* ' n i ' * hw*p,tob‘ and * " * " s,wl,.v P to rr* of great □ $67.95 $6.25 6-VOLT induces s le e p . ( htron 5 2 G a lla i ------------ Silvar Saal Electric WATER HEATER Foil Face well system. ¡n 15-Inch Med. Insulation Judging for the Grange Sewing Contest will lie held at Beaver Homes Grange Thursday. May 6 Dresses to be judged must be in place for judging by 10:30 am . A potluck lunch will lie served at noon and will be followed bv a White Elephant Sale. All Grange women are invited to attend H i- L it e s » « R iverview (GC2600 Series) B R U N SM A N HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E F U R N IT U R E TO WE DELIVER .•xaxax»x»xaxaxax*x»x»x«xaxax»x*x»x*x«x»xaxax»xaxaxaxaxaxaa»x»x*xax»xaxaxax*x»x*xaxax»x»xax»xaxaxax*x»x»