Ocrnonia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1971 SEL-.MOR IN C ., Publishers L A R R Y G A R N E R , Editor M E L V IN SCHWAB, Compositor B. R H O ADES, TTS Malmsten Rites Read April 10 Funeral services were held April 10, 1971, in Portland for Mrs. Doro­ thy Verna Malmsten of Reno, Ne­ vada. TTie 57-year-dltj former Ver OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER nonia resident passed away April Vernonia, Oregon 5 at the Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Entered as second class mail mat­ She was born in Sultan, Washing­ ter August 4, 1922 at the post office ton, March 9, 1914, the daughter in Vernonia, Oregon 97064 under the ot Minnie Walter and the late act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Charles Ratkie. price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Mrs. Malmsten attended schools Valley. Elsewhere $4.00. in Vernonia. She was married to Harvard S. Malms ten. to whom she had been utarnesi ior 37 years O F F IC E HOURS: at the time of her death, and they '' I ! . ' t ' / > Mon., Tues.. Wed., Fri.—8 a.m. to resided in Vejrnonie-ftrtlowinj tiwur marriage. They ■ next moved to 6 p.m. Vancouver, Washington, for six years, then they moved to Anchor­ Thurs. & Sat.—8 a.m. to 12 noon age, Alaska for a 19-year residence tin case of emergency, call 429-5522.) prior to moving to. • Reno three years ago. In addition to her husband, she is survived by: A daughter, Syd­ MEMBER ney Ann Dean of San Jose, Cali­ Oregon fornia; two sisters, Betty Beck of 1 Newspaper Nenana, Alaska and -Bonnie Keck of Florence, Ore goat ' a brother, Publishers Waldon Ratkie of Portland; and Association her mother, Minnie -Ratkie of Ver­ w ■ nonia. VERNONIA-isms By J.L.S. Services were conducted at the Jacobson Family; Mortuary in Portland, with cremation following at Lincoln Memorial. Ross, Burke & Knobel Mortuary was in charge of Reno arrangements ., High water and big crowds are the promise of Saturday as the Jaycees host the annual river run. The river will be the highest it has been in several years. Times ought to be faster than ever. Now if only the weather man will co­ operate with a little sunshine, all will be well. I hope you all plan to watch Members of Columbia County part of the race and better yet, Chapter 499. America» Association enter it and have a good time I of Retired Persons, will ’have an know everyone will be especially opportunity to hear St. Helens friendly Saturday to all of the mayor, Rod Norwood, at their re­ strangers that will be guests in gular meeting in Shrine Hall at our town. 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 20. O~- In addition to outlining the var­ You can round out your Satur­ ious current activities in city go­ day activities by attending the auc­ vernment and giving an idea of tion for the Cancer Society. Here some of the things to come, Mayor is your chance to pick up some Norwood wall snow a movie not great bargains and at the same related to the City of St. Helens, time help a worthy cause. If you but of more than usual interest to have any thing to donate for the all Oregonians. During the business meeting sale be sure to get it in today. which wall follow the mayor’s talk, - O- - President Marion Andress will an­ Tuesday night at the Jaycee nounce the names of ten officers meeting we elected officers for the and committee chairmen who will coming year, but rather than an- attend an AARP area workshop at nouce who the new officers are, the Flamingo Motel in Portland the I would like to say a few words following day, April 21. about this year’s officers and ac­ The purpose of the all day meet­ tivities. ing in Portland is to provide key Jim Eckland, this year’s presi­ persons in the various Oregon dent, has done an outstanding job chapters with information, new on the local level and now aspires ideas and techniques to help them to serve the state of Oregon Jay ­ carry on their jobs most effectively. cees as a vice-president. If elected Among the speakers will be As­ Jim would do a great deal of tra ­ sociate Vice President Floyd Tum- veling around the state. Besides bleson and Regional Representa­ representing the Jaycees he would tive Fred H. Dewey from the na­ also be a representative of Verno­ tional headquarters office in Long nia. The election will be decided Beach, California. A speaker from the ,'ioth ot April at o u r state con­ the State Commission on Aging is vention. I hope that each of you also on the agenda. will encourage Jim in his efforts Tickets for the chapter bus trip because I know that Jim will do a Mt to r Tuesday. April 27. to Kah good job of representing Verno­ nee-ta resort on the Warm Springs nia. Indian Reservation will be avail­ Along this same line I would able at Tuesday’s 1 like to thank the Chamlber of Com mercc who donated some funds for Jim's election campaign. With backing like this, Jim carries a great repsonsibility to the people THURSDAY, APRIL IS of the community. Surplus Foods - County Road - 6 - Shop - 10 a.m .-3 p.m. (N-Z) 1 would like to commend the city Library Tea - City -Library - council for wh.it I think is a wise 2-5 p.m. decision, that of going ahead on the Boy Scouts - City Park Cabin - East Vernonia Sewer District. 7 p.m. It becnm i-s increasingly difficult Ike Waltons - West Orc. Elee. to get the Itanitarian’s permission Bldg. - 7:30 p.m. for any sort of dwelling or construc­ Cub Seoul Park Meeting - 7 p.m. tion without the sewer. FRIDAY, APRIL 16 In sneaking with several realtors Senior Citizens - Community in the past weeks I have learned Center - 12:30 potluck (social) that Vernonia has lost several SATURDAY, APRIL 17 houses in the 1R- to 25 thousand ACS Auction - VHS y y m - 7 p.m. dollar area for the simple reason Nehalem River Race - start at of no sewer. These are the kind Anderson Park - 9 a.m. of homes and people who build these Scout Capades - Wash. Co. F air­ kind of homes that Vernonia needs, grounds, Hillsboro to continue a steady and stable Teenage Saddle Club - home Mrs. growth. Sharon Sharbonda « 1 p.m. I again state that I realize that Vernonia Grange • Card Party - som e o f the neople will have a 8 pm difficult time in paving for their SUNDAY, APRIL 18 share of the sewer and I sym­ Men’s Golf Assoc - Vernonia pathize with them but I too feel Golf • Team Plav Starts that there is sufficient means MONDAY, APRIL 1» available for you to finance the City Council - CRy Hall - 8 p.m. cost through your property Lions Club - VerTtmrtil Golf - Let us move ahead together! 6:30 p.m. OES - V is ita tio n to Tipple Chapter - AARP to Hear Mayor April 20 A P P L IC A T IO N FO R F A IR & R O D EO Q U E E N Name ............................................................. Magruder Reports Address Age 1) b Phone S tate Representative Return to: Mrs. Otis Smith Route 1, Box 212 Warren, Oregon 97053 T O P IC S OF TH E TO W N Lester Blount of Hillsboro visited his mother, Airs. Varner Blount, Saturday, Sunday guests a t her home were: Mr. and ‘Mrs. Ed Landsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vil­ legas, Betty Chambers and Cal Roach, all of Portland; and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Chambers and baby of Beaverton. Mrs. Blount al­ so received phone calls on E aster from Bill Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Chadwick and Wanda Chadwick Morris, all of Louisiana. M rs . M y r tle F alc o n b u ry of C a li­ fornia, who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Art Kittleson, called on Mrs. Trilla Anderson Saturday. M rs . Christina Lahm eyer was taken to the Forest Grove Com­ munity hospital Wednesday suffer­ ing with shingles. Her condition is improving. Her brother, Chriss Da Vatz of Cherryville, Kansas and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Adams of Riverside, California, arrived Monday to stay a while with her when she is re ­ leased. ST. M A R Y 'S T h r ift Shop open firs t and th ird F rid a y of e v e ry m onth. 5tfc E aster visitors a t the hom e of Mrs. Mabel Graves were Mr. and Mrs. Hale Graves, children Ruth. Sarah and David of Portland; and Miss Ieleen Graves of Clatskanie. Am ong guests fo r E a s te r S undry dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Higginbotham were four students from Pacific Univer­ sity, their daughter, Heather and three friends. One was Mike Jo­ hanson from Ketchikan, Alaska, and the other two were Thuy Trinh and Kheim Tranh, both from Sai­ gon, Vietnam. M rs. Albert Tandy returned to her home Thursday from a stay in St. Vincents Hospital. She was hospitalized for approximately a month following surgery. Her hus­ band reports that she is able to have friends visit. Four generations were represen­ By Dick M agruder ted by those gathering at the M.B. Steers’ home Easter Sunday. They included: Mrs! Laura Carmichael; her son, William, of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Schamp and family of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cota and family, Vernonia. Also present were two friends of the Schamp children. Mrs. Smith’s birthday also was ob­ served at the gathering. W m . C la rk Randt fro m the M il- house Boys’ Ranch in California stayed at the Vernonia Hotel re ­ cently to visit his mother, Mrs. V Eddy. Sunday d in ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edison Aid- rich were: Mrs. Ella Olinger, Hills­ boro; L. D. Belleville, Vernonia Baptist Church pastor, and family; and Mrs. Irm a Chance. JCs Spring Trapshool Set Sunday, April 18 The Scappoose Jaycees extend a welcome to anyone who wishes to participate in their Spring Trap- shoot. It will be held Sunday, April 18, at Norm Brown’s Kennels on Dike Road. Roads will be marked with signs to make it easier to find. Practice time will begin at 8 a.m. and actual shoots will be held from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Ba­ con and canned hams will be the prizes. Ammunition will be available and the Scappoose Jaycettes will have food available. A research company reports that women are exposed to 305 adver­ tising messages daily, men are ex­ posed to 285. California is the “prune” capi­ tal of the world. About 85 percent of all prunes in the world are grown in California. sponsibility of approving sites for nuclear power plants and for 24- hour monitoring of such plants. I expect favorable action on the hill soon. We were happy to havg a dele­ gation of students from “Vernonia High School visit Salem last week, and it was my pleasure to show them around the state capital. According to a special report is­ sued last week by the Governor's Office, 18 percent of the people receiving Aid to Dependent Chil­ dren funds are either receiving over $25 per month too much, or sfiould not be receiving welfare at all. This report is the result of a study conducted by the private ac­ counting firm of Touche Ross, and verifies the findings of our Special Welfare Task Force. The report further states that there are overpayments of over $330,- 000 a month in the ADC program, and that 60 percent of this could FO R EST G RO VE be saved by more effective ad­ COMMUNIT Y ministration. As a member of the Task Force on Welfare, I am impressed by Admitting List: the amount of waste in the welfare program. This waste not only April 5 - Thelma Horgan, Birken- feld costs the taxpayers a large amount of money each year, but also pre­ April 8 - Lois V. Anderson, Isabell M. Bond vents persons who really need fi­ nancial assistance from receiving it. The Touche Ross report made numerous suggestions for reform and we will combine these with April 16-17 our Task Force findings in formu­ Fri., Sat. lating legislation. The House broke precedent last week and voted for a mandatory Plus five cent deposit on all beverage containers and a ban of flip-top cans. All beverages would have to be sold in returnable containers if this measure passes the Senate. This was a controversial measure, however the final vote showed a 54-6 majority in favor. Although I generally disapprove of government interference with private enterprise, beverage com­ panies did not respond to a “se­ cond chance” which the legisla­ ture gave them two years ago, and this seems to be the only way Your Standard m an, that we can protect the Oregon JOE MAGOFF environment from bottles, cans anti similar trash. can solve your problem. House Bill 1996 which I introduc­ He’s in Vernonia. 429-6606. ed this session went before the House Environment Committee Chevron last Thursday and was well re­ Standard Oil Company ceived. The measure exoands the of California Environmental Quality Commis­ sion and charges it with the re­ HOSPITAL JO Y THEATER ARISTOCATS Run Appaloosa Run smoking diesels? >x<»x»x»xox<<»x«x*x»x»x»x«x»x»x<»x»x»x»x«x»x«x»x»>x<»x<*:c»x»x*x»x*x»x»x»x»x*x»x»x*x»x»:*x»x»x«x*x*x* DATES To Remember T H IS L A N D Is Y o ur Land K E E P IT C L E A N Trouble with poor fuel mileage? Your Standard man. JOE MAGOFF can solve your problem. He's in Vernonia. 429-66U6 Standard Oil Company ot California RM s M* TUESDAY, APRIL 2# Hunter Safety Council .F i r e Hall - 7 n m. WFONECDAY, APRIL 21 OES - Masonic Ten,ole 8 pm THURSDAY, A P R IL 2 2 ,,.. I Rebekahs - lOOF Ha1 NAKBA - West Ore I 8 p m. Boy Scouts - City Par p. in. Mg - Cabin Rainbow Girls Gel Invitation to OES" NehalAni Chapter, S., wall hold its regular mth^ pril 21. 8 p m , at which tuua Rainbow Girls will be bonore __ A visitation to Maple (Tvapter at Seaside, will be made hy several of the members Aoril 19 WE BUY POLES AND PILING— TOP PRICES P aym ent weekly, D elivery to N orth Por tian n d or Scappoose, For price list or purchase er contact: CROWN ZELLERBACH CORP. , P.O. Box 65 No. Portland 97043 or Phone i \ Scappoose—543-6381 Portland—286-5001 Featuring Professional Auctioneer VAUGHN BAKER SATURDAY, APRIl 17 7:00 P.M. VERNONIA HIGH SCHOOL FREE BABY SITTING BENEFIT American Cancer Society GYM OPENS AT 6:15 P.M. FOR INSPECTION OF SALE ITEMS R EFRESH M ENTS ★ HOTDOGS ★ POPCORN ★ homemade CAND1 ★ x»x»x*x*x»x»x*x*x»x*x*x»x*x»x«x»x*xoxox«x»-»-»-.-.-.-*-^... POP '— ------ --------- ~