DATES To Remember Ocrnonia E agle 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1971 Magruder Reports By Dick Magruder State Representative OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Vernonia, Oregon OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.—8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. & Sat.—8 a.m. to 12 noon (In case of emergency, call 429-5522.) » » I « : * » » » » » » » » » MEMBER Oregon Newspaper Publishers lâiSl Association 5 VERNONIA-isms By J.L.S. We had a first in our roll as parents this past week. One even­ ing last week when my four-year- old was here in the shon with me, I gave him some money, put a note in his pocket and sent him off to the store. I can remember going to the store for mom with a note and some money. Roy, that was really a big thing! Then that first time she sent me to the store without the note and I fouled up whatever it was I was supposed to get or lost th" money, then there was some explaining to do The point being that I knew full well that when I sent Chris off to the store that he would come back with the proper merchandise, be­ came that is th" kind of clerks we have in Vernonia, and that he, have the proper change. There was no need to worry about him crossing bustling intersections, or the proverbial big kids bother­ ing him. These are the kinds of things that make Vernonia such a great place to live. --O - - Alone those sam e linos we hear some enninlaints about not having (lie bi" faney ball racks for the Little I.eai'ue or (he heated swim­ ming pool or a lot of Ihe other recreational facilities that some of the la re e r towns have. Bo* if vnur town gets to be that “ citv-fied” can veu send vnur fonr-vear-old kid to the store bv himself? —-O— City councils have a tremendous work load and from time Io time they create a commission to do part of (be research for them Our own cilv council did that some nine months ago. The mayor ask ed the planning commission to study the trailer ordinance for them and make recommendations as lo what should l>e done. Ttie planning commission did their job in great detail. They six'll! six months gathering the in­ formation. holding public hearings, and in cheeking the policies of other (owns, comparable to Ver­ nonia. At long last, the commission made their recommendations to the city. There was only one reoommend