Eagle Files Provide (Continued from page 1.) tires After 23 years Service,” as report of Lee Rogers’ retire­ ment as Timber route mail carrier was given, accompani­ ed by photo of Rogers sorting mail. Robert Holdridge was named to replace Eleanor Ross as ex­ ecutive director of county CAT in “Holdridge Given Nod b y Council.” July 10 - The 1969 Friendship Jamboree princesses were pre­ sented, in photos, on page one. They were: Kathy Bergerson, Connie Clauson, and Gwen Per­ syn. “Columbia County Fair Sch­ eduled July 23 at New Building Location” gave view of upcom­ ing event for late summer. A federal g r a n t o f $7,812 prompted story headed “B i g Eddy Park Grant Received.” July 17 - “First Perfect Game Pitched by Veteran Player, Bob West.” Accompanied by photo of West competing, article told of veteran player’s p e r f e c t game, pitched in first annual Nehalem Valley horse s h o e tourney July 12. Other headlines pointed o u t that: “County Budget Changes Minor” and “Fair Opening Sch­ eduled at New Site with Dedi­ cation,” as 54th annual event prepared for July 23 opener. July 24 - “13th Friendship Jamboree Set to Roll,” w i t h photo of court and story telling of plans underway for the week end—starting with Sriday coro­ nation, featuring the Saturday parade, and winding up Sunday with the logging show. Earl Ray was presented his service revolver by city coun­ cil action following his resigna­ tion of police chief job, as told in "Former Chief Rewarded.” “Lake Pump Arrives” herald­ ed actual start of Lake Vernon­ ia. Installation was begun July 22 by game commission person- nell. July 31 - “Queen Gwen Reigns Over 13th Annual Jamboree” Gwen Persyn was named as 1969 Jamboree queen, with a photo of her coronation accom­ panying the text. Also included on page one was a photo o f Cliff’s Super Market sweep- stakes parade entry ( o t h e r Jamboree photos were carried elsewhere in this issue). Two heads pointed up to ar­ rival of Vernonia high’s 1969- 70 school year guest: “ Foreign Exchange Sudent from Austra­ lia Due Aug. 7,” and “Robert McCutcheon Named AFS Stu­ dent.” The stories were accom­ panied with the student’s photo. Aug. 7 - “ Pumping for Lake Project Terminated" recorded the end, for current year, o f L a k e Vernonia filling. L o w water flow and high river tem­ peratures were cited by t h e game commission as reasons for stoppage. The resignation, effective Sep­ tember 1, of Columbia County District Attorney Lew Williams was announced: “County DA Will Resign in September.” Ro­ bert A. Iaicas was named his successor. “ Motel Sold to R. Tankers­ ley” story was headed as units built by George Biddle changed hands. August 14 - “Service Improve inents Speed Deliveries f r o m Vernonia Post Office” stated Vernonia Postmaster T.F. Tom­ lin in news release. Tomlin told of combining Timber and Mist mail routes, and other efficien­ cies resulting in $1,000 si ving in operational costs. Headlines pointed up events: "Vernonia Society Picnic Set at Demonia Eagle 8 THURSDAY, JAN. 1. 1970 “Where Your Mo»ey Buys .More” ► B R U N S M A N • Anderson Park This Sunday,” and “Schools Open in Vernonia September 2,” marking t h e near-at-hand end of summer. Aug. 21 - Surely “bad news” for youngsters was the article, “School Registration Set f o r Next Week.” Also pointing to the coming of fall was item: “1969 Football Season Opens at HS Monday.” Along with photos of Sears- Andrus wreck south of town, and of oldest persons attending Vernonia Society picnic—Mrs. A. L. Parker and Jack Evans—a news account told that “Coun­ cil Finds Water Plant Improve­ ment Bids Too High.” Aug. 28 - “Schools to Open Tuesday,” a sure sign that sum­ mer has ended. September 2 marked start of classes. A problem confronting county officials-and causing them much distress was outlined in “Yank­ ton Farm Bullfrog Park Festi­ val Site.” “Partner Sells Oil Interest” marked the change of partners in Union Oil distributorship as Larry Bernardi bought out Carl Holsey, and joined Gene Weller as firm co-owner. The Girl Scouts made front page news as the Cadettes put on a week-long day camp for 16 Brownies. The event w a s recorded with text and photos. Sept. 4 - The Eagle’s front page carried a photo of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine, n e w curators at Columbia County Historical Society museum. Headlines for the week includ­ ed: “FFA Chapter Takes Hon­ ors” (for state fair participa­ tion), “School Figures D o w n Slightly” (with enrollment a t end of first week 743), a n d “Police Service Call Procedure Set by Council,” as proper call procedure for use of police de­ partment recorder was given. Sept. 11 - Bill Pringle w a s pictured as he surveyed vanda­ lism to tombstones at Pioneer cemetery. Another photo show­ ed local Izaak Walton members at work clearing log jam on Rock Creek. “Lions Set Cleanup D a t e ” stated headline as Lions sought community support in litter campaign September 28. Sept. 18 - Robert McCutcheon made headlines when “AFS Student Presents Gift Stein to Council Monday.” The AFS ex­ change student presented a n inscribed silver tankard to the council, a gift from his h o m e shire council in Timbrebongie. New South Wales, Australia. “Accident T a k e s Driver’s Life” , story accompanied b y photos, gave account of acci­ dent south of town which claim­ ed 18-year-old Portlander Gary H. Keller. The Keller youth, on his way to work on Fishhawk water system project, collided head-on with a C-Z logging tmek September 16. “ Western Auto Has N e w Owners” announced the change of hands at that store. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tolonen of Astoria purchased the business f r o m Mrs. Mary Smith. Sept. 25 - “HS Journalism Class Begins New Venture” noted the first school publica­ tion from VHS in “ a long time.” The “Timberline” page w a s added to the Eagle, and runs each week during the school year, giving students and par­ ents a chance to keep up o n "what’s going on at VHS.” Fred Nicoll was assigned by International Paper as resident forestor at the company’s Tim­ ber office: “ IP Transfers For­ ester to Local Area." “ PTA Introduces Staffs Mon day” recorded a 100 percent turnout of teachers for “get- acquainted" night—but residents recorded a near zero attend- KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 R M O 6 O M O W O O O O M B B 0 o o n o e o K » 3 M a n o M a o H O o w w K M O O M (H O Q O o w a 0 K o x « x < e < x « :< K « x *> > x < « *:4 M :6 o x « w < :« Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery SHOP BY PHONE—YOU RING, WE BRING — From your home-owned, independent grocery— HARDWARE and ELECTRIC F IN E - WE NEW LOW PRICES ON F U R N IT U R E D E L IV E R - FIBERGLASS PIPE WRAP 1 Roll covers 17-feet W ’ pipe Roll $1.00 SIMMONS Slumber King Inne: Spring Mattress anc Box Springs $P 'A 9f Price, each '59s Beauty Rest Inner Spring Mattress and Box $FJQ95 Springs, Each 1 «/ □ □ Big 52 Galloi Silver Seal Electric WATER HEATER _____ T „’cngoieum vin yl Fore fore ast floor covering. ng. 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