CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE-General SOUP’S on the rug that is. so clean the snot with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shamnooer SI. Brunsman Hardware.___________ ___________ CHINESE coffee table, old wall clock, chests of drawers, roll top desk, gate-leg table, sat dishes, Chinese chest. Essie Nance, 848 Weed Ave. 50tl FOR SALE: 1966 Honda 90, lo w mi. Inquire bv calling 429-3385. 50t3 GOOD cooking apples, SI per box. Gerald Sharar, 429-6543. 50tl SMALL Croslev Shelvadore refri­ gerator, S25. OA Hill house 22 50t3c FOR SALE: Small spinet-type pi- ano, $100. Call 429-7412. 48t3c HAYR1DE EVERY DAY. C u t your own Christmas Tree. 15,000 bushed to go. Also, ride Hannibal the ram and Trigger the pony. Clint’s Tree Farm . Closed Satur days.__________ __ __________48t3. FOR SALE: Boy’s Schwinn 5-speed bike, good condition; also, B-flat cornet, ex. cond. Call 429-7385, ONE-WHEEL trailer, hitch, lights, cover; Kenmore elec, range. 30” , see-through door; Crawford 9’ over­ head garage door and frame. Call 4 2 9 - 5 3 ? 2 , _________________48t3 FOR SALE: Horse collars, a l l new, various sizes; heavy logging single-trees, heavy peevees, steel logging blocks. Frank Rinck, Hud­ son Corner, Rainier Rt. 1. Phone 556-5102._____________________49t3 FOR SALE: 12 laying hens, young and nine pullets, all Buff Sex-link. Call evenings 429-5941._________ ___ FOR SALE: Box springs, foam rubber mattress, twin bed size, excel, cond., $40. Also reg. twin mattress, $15. Wilson, 429-5413 49t3. CHRISTMAS TREES, U-cut, balled or live, use for Christmas, t h e n plant, Noble, spnices, pines, fir, flocked trees or bring tree y o u have for flocking. Westwood Tree Farm, 3-miles south Vernonia on highway 47. Phone 429-7572. 49t3c. $ 2.98 2.00 WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF CABINET HARDWARE 15c 1 x 12 I’ine, per ft. 2.00 Doors, from 1.65 Cement, per sack 90c Roof Coatings, per gal. (In 5 gal*lots and up.) COMPLETE LINE OF ALL INSULATION Aluminum Windows, all sizes. Example - 3030 14.63 FREE CUP OF COFFEE ANYTIME L & L LUMBER CO. Corner Bridge St. & Jefferson Ave. HAY FOR SALE, $18 per ton Cheaper in 3-ton or over amounts Bruce Berndt, phone 429 5892. 26tfc PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop 49tfc USED chain saws for sale. Keasey Saw Shop. ___________ 49tfc BUNDLES of old papers for starting (ires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver- nonia Eagle._________________ 48tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers. 429-5384,______________ 25tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired any where. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, 429-6611.__________________Hie FOR SALE Real Estate LLOYD QUINN BROKER Real Estate & Ins. Phone 429-5211 866 Bridge Street Vernonia. Oregon RENTALS YOUR LISTINGS SOLICITED 46tlc. MENS LEAGUE W L Vernonia Milk 27 25 Nehalem I.anes 23 “2 251 ■ Crown Ze’L-rbach 28 Mill Market 24 Va 27M j High team series, Nehalem Lan­ FOR SALE: 1962 Mercury Comet es, 2697. High individual series, 2-dr. One owner, good condition. T Bodenhamer, 544. High indivi­ Bargain at S525. Also two 6.70x15 dual game T M Hobart, 210. snow tires, mounted, 429-3082 . 49t3 Splits picked up: T Hobart, 3-10; E Slowik, 4-5-7; B Fowler, 3-10: T Bodenhamer, 3-10 twice and 3- 9-10; G Dinger, 3-10. FOR AUTO LOANS contact your WOMEN’S BOWLING Vernonia Federal Credit Union Thursday Afternoon League Horn’s Insurance office, 2 to 6 L W p.m. Tue., Thur., Fri. or call 429- 19 33 7425. 20tfc The Chicks 21 31 Cliff’s Superettes 25 BRUCE BERNDT 27 Fabrics 'n Fashions 39 13 Chevy V8's High team game and series. The Chicks, 858 and 2489. High indivi­ dual game and series. Tat Larson, 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia 187 and 477. _______33tfc Splits picked up: Diane Roberts, SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv­ 3-10 and 3-9-10; Sally Berg, 2-7; ery. Open 8:30 a m. to 5:30 p.m. Isabel Anderegg, 5-6. Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver­ MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc L W 40Ms 15’ 2 CUSTOM MEAT .CUTTING Quinn’s Ins 26 to 29*2 Cooler - Sharp Freeze West Oregon 32 24 Locker , ^rapped Vernonia Drug It. J. Ekhoff. .p ' 429-7802 Nehalem Lanes 35 21 23tfc High team series, Quinn’s Ins, 2380. High team game, Nehalem CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes­ Lanes, 852. High individual series, sional civil engineer, county survey­ Joyce Borst, 477. High individual or, Court House, St. F.'V"s. Private surveying estimates, plan.,, etc. Call game, Jan Bernardi, 176. Splits picked up: Flo Huff, 3-30. S. Helens 397-0698. 20tfc 4-5-7, 3-10; Nell Thomas, 3-10, 4-5- SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping 7; Nancy Devine, 3-10, 5-8-10; Bet­ and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia ty Fuquay, 5-6; Joyce Borst, 2-6- City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens 7-10; Marlea Leffler, 5-8-10; Bever­ 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after ly Holmes, 2-7. 5:00 p.m. 46tfc High three league averages: Joyce Borst, 146; Nancy Devine, 142; Marlea Leffler 137; Beverly Holmes, 137; Florenz Huff 137. PROCESSING PLANT WOMENS BOWLING State Inspected Tuesday Night League CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING W L Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday 18 38 Ilogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Bill Horn Ins 29 27 Sandard Oil Cutting and Wrapping 26 30 The Pills Sharp Freezing 37 19 Cut and Curl Smoking and Curing High individual game and sa ries, Free use of Stock Trailer Nancy Devine, 190 and 502. Shop Res. High team series, The Pills, 2333. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Splits picked up: Nancy Devine, Rt. 2, Bx., 141. Forest Grove, Ore. 5-10- and 3-10; Sharon Krieger, 2-7; On Fern II11I Road ltfc Eunice Tovey, 3-10; Laura Buck­ ner, 5-6; Judy Blanford, 4-5. High averages, 11-12-37, Trudy Magoff, 142. Apt. over beauty shop. Living Rra, dinette, kitchen, bdrm, private bath. Year lease at $50; monthly, $60. No utilities Eurn. Essie Nance, Vernonia. 50tl DONALD BERGERSON 429-7694. 1949 GMC Pick-up, half-ton over­ load springs, $200. Or above pick­ up with cover, $225. 49t3c. SERVICES Excavating Service Sewer Systems Installed Habermans Meat BUILDING SUPPLIES FOR RENT Modern Edge rolled roofing, Roll Mineral Split roofing, roll Grade School Jamboree Held At Vernonia DON JACKSON, Vernonia, presents Sportsmanship trophy to St. Helens head cheer leader and team cap­ tain, for receiving judges nod for award. The west’s SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES — USE THEM action. Portland State Bills Theatre Supplementing other lively the ater offerings in Portland, first- rate nrofessional entertainment, with three plays scheduled for the pilot season, will be offered when the American theater company gets under way on Friday. Janu­ ary 19. Thomas Hill, actor-produc­ er, is the artistic director of the company. The American plays b> American Dlaywrights will be per­ formed in Old Main auditorium of Portland State College. Purchase of season tickets for the three plays not only insures good seats but a saving on single admission tickets. Each of t h e plays will run for three weeks. The program includes Thornton Wilder's The Skin of Our Teeth, which will open the season o n January IS; Elm er Rice’s T h e Adding Machine and Eugene O’­ Neill’s Long Day’s Journey Into Night. Season ticket price for the three plays, on Thursday nights, is $8; for Fridav and Saturdays, $10. For students, fit for the three plays on Thursday nights (no season tic­ kets on Fridav and Saturday). Dates for The Skin of Our Teeth are January 19, 20. 25, 26, 27, and February 1. 2, and 3. For The Add­ ing Machine. February 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24. For Long Day’s Journey Into Night, March 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, and 16. Hill has auditioned nrofessional actors in Portland and in Los Ang­ eles and will shortly announce the cast. Eight actors will be hired to perform in each of the three plays. While one olay is being performed the actors will be rehearsing for the next. ERNONIA grade school cheer leaders were in action at the Jamboree st Friday evening. SMALL house for rent, suitable for two, partly furnished, 124 A street, or call 429-5573. 49t3c. FOR RENT: Small furnished house. $45 per month. Call 429-5733. 49t3c FOR RENT: Small apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Recent­ ly redecorated. Call 429-3051. 48t3c $55, three-bdrm partly furn., near schools, newly repainted. 123 North St. Call 429-5603.___________ 48t3c WANTED WANTED: Cocktail waitress Fri day and Saturday nights. G o o d pay to right party. Apply in per son after 4:30 p.m. Bob’s Timber nook. 50tfc VERNONIA GUARD lets loose with a long one in segment of action. The competition was divided into six time slots with each seventh and eighth grade team playing one quarter. CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum. 4r each. Three insertions for the price of two. BLIND ADS with answers to be han­ dled by The Eagle: Minimum charge $1.00. No information given relative In such ads. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8c each. THE EAGLE assumes no financial responsibility for errors that may appear ,n ads published in its col- iininr. but in cases where this pa­ per Is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. In which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. POETRY accepted only as paid matter: Rate: 10c per type line. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AF­ TER TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. NO Information on classifieds will be given out until after paper Is mail­ ed. Reeher Realty Company BILL HORN, BKR. Varnonia Br. Salesman • George Laws Phone 479 4203 Evening» 429-5403 LISTINGS WANTED RENTALS AVAILABLE combined team downed the eastern squad in the court "Maybe they'll drop ms a card on their trip” AT TOP: Paul Nelson goes up for a shot: renter: Gary Davis stretches upward with Steve Hanson in the right corner, below: Steve Hanson after a shot. Shots of game taken by Dan Hearing at Banks Saturday. Escape Plan To Save Lives Deputy Added To Department Does your family have an escape plan in " the event your home cat­ ches fire? It should: Their lives could depend on it. Before fire strikes - and it stri­ kes frequently - the American In­ surance association urges t h a t you sit down with your lamily an . "eride on the safest and quickest way to leave your house, should a fire break out. In preparing an escape plan, the association advises: 1. Draw up a floor plan, indicat­ ing all doors, windows, stairways and porches. 2. Determine alternate ways to reach the ground from each room, especially upstairs bedrooms, i n the event any one escape route is blocked. 3. Hold fire, drills at night a s well as the day, so that each mem ber of the family learns how to leave the premises in a hurry. Have the children lie down o n their beds, than have someone yell “ F ire!’’ The children should b e able to get out of the house in less than a minute 4. If there are elderly persons or young ones who need special care, someone should be assigned to aid them. 5. Agree on a place outside the house where everyone must as­ semble after leaving the premises. Just how serious fires have be­ come in our country is illustrated by these facts: Every dav. more than 1,000 homes" a t t "hit by fires: every 44 minutes fire claims a life, a n d last vear fires claimed the lives of more than 12,000 persons Loran E. Atkins of Vernonia has filled the remaining vacancy on the staff cf Columbia County Sheriff Roy Wilburn. Deputy At­ kins wili serve tw i days per week as rb ief id le r and the remainder of his duties will include checking trailer licenses. Atkins will work in all areas of the county checking trailer licen­ ses. Wilburn stated that license fees provide the only revenue to the state from the trailers. Most of the receipts are pro-rated t o the counties in which the trailers arc located. READ ADVERTISING—IT PAYS! Demonia Eagle 6 THURSDAY. DEC. 14. 1967 .MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2. Box 379. Forest Grove, Ore. EL 7-7281 Slaughtering. Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon­ day until noon; Hogs received Tues­ day and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, take Tilla­ mook road I S mi., take first