Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 16, 1967, Page 3, Image 3

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    Vernonia Student
Is Sorority Pledge
Nancy Hamnet of Vernonia, is
among 173 students at Linfield
College who have pledged one of
the 10 Greek letter social frater­
nities and sororities on campus
following annual rush week. Miss
Hamnet pledged Phi Beta Mu sor­
ority. Sixty-nine students pledged
fraternities and 104 pledged sorori­
Each of the fraternities has its
own house near the campus. Three
of them are chapters of national
groups. The sororities are locals
and have meeting rooms in Miller
Eight members were present at
the meeting of the American Le­
gion Auxiliary Tuesday afternoon
of last week at the home of the
president, Mrs. Beaulah Hall.
Marie Atkins, community service
chairman, reported that the din­
ner served for the West Oregon
Electric Cooperative at their an­
nual meeting had been successful.
From some of the funds derived
from it, Christmas gifts were vot­
ed as follows: $15 to the Portland
Veterans hospital, $5 to the Rose­
burg Veterans hospital and $5 to
the Camp White veterans home.
The Past Presidents club reported
that they, also, had voted a gift
of ?10 to the Portland hospital.
The auxiliary is again sponsor­
ing the magazine subscription
Vernonia Grange met Saturday drive in this area. From these
at their hall with Master O r e n drives, various items of hospital
Weed in the chair and 20 members equipment have been earned and
present. The charter was draped these are available for use in the
in memory of the late Oscar Weed. community wherever there is a
Officers were elected for 1968 need. This year, they hope to add
as follows: Master, Oren Weed: a wheeled walker with canvas seat.
overseer. Leona Turner; secreta­ The auxiliary expressed apprecia­
ry, Alice Weed; treasurer, Nor­ tion for the support of people in
man Davis; steward, Wm. Har­ the community to these drives and
ders; assistant steward, Vernon ask their continued help so that
Lindsley; lady assistant steward, more equipment may be obtained
Alice Lindsley, gatekeeper, Dud­ since tiie demand is greater than
ley Spofford; lecturer, Betty Gar­ the supply.
The auxiliary also asks any one
dner; chaplain, Mabel Graves;
Pomona, Vivian Counts; Ceres, who orders magazines and does
Edith Markham; Flora, Marie not receive them within a reason­
Christensen; executive committee able time to report to them so
that they can check on it. Any
Nelle Davis.
Installation of the new officers such circumstance is an uninten­
will be a joint affair with Natal tional error and they desire to
Grange, some time in December, have all corrected.
Announcement was made that
the date to be announced later.
At Pomona Grange, a member­ the gift shop at the Veterans
ship drive award of $50 was won hospital in Portland will open De­
by Vernonia Grange. This was cember 3 at 1:30 p.m. Auxiliary
awarded for percentage-wise gain. members have been making gifts
It was voted to start a series of to send in and ask that any others
card parties, the first to be next who wish to help contact them. It­
ems such as pillow cases, aprons,
Saturday November 18.
toys and other gift items are wel­
come. These are made available to
Soon as you wake next Saturday,
please put your Good Turn bag, veterans who are hosnitalized to
full of usable clothing for Goodwill that they can have gifts for mem­
Industries, on your front porch. bers of their families. No charge
Boy Scouts and their little Cub is made for the gifts. Auxiliary
brothers will be out early to com­
plete their Good Turn for Good­ members donate paper and rib­
bons and go to the hospital to help
will. Do your Good Turn, too!
veterans select and wrap gifts.
At last Tuesday’s meeting, plans
If you save a little money every
month you will be wealthy.
were completed for the Veterans
Day dinner which drew a good
crowd. The reports from girls state
given by Jeanette Aultman, San­
Lindsley and Claracy Hartzell
Call 429-5863 Anytime
were very interesting and helped
those present to have a better un­
derstanding of the Girls State pro­
Laundromat & Dry Cleaners
The next auxiliary meeting will
Open Every Day 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
be the afternoon of November 21
at the home of Mrs. Hall.
— Personal Assistance —
Grange Charter
Draped at Meet
For Flowers
Mon.-Sat. — 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Souvenir Books
$ 400
(Peanuts and His Friends)
(Others at $1.25)
20 Sheets, 20 notes,
20 Lined Envelopes
$ 350
Lodge Plans for
District Meeting
Auxiliary Aids
Vets Hospitals
Excerpts of Mark Twain Writings
Selected Writings of Beauty of Motherhood
New Comic Limericks by Ogden Nash & Others
John F. Kennedy Words to Remember
HA 9 6 2 5 4
Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge met
Thursday evening of last week and
one of the principal orders of
business was the election of of­
ficers for the 1968 term. Those
chosen are as follows: Noble grand
Lesta Garner; vice grand, Arlie
Emmons; recording secretary, Ir­
ma Chance; financial secretary,
Faye Davis and treasurer, Ger­
trude Schalock.
The appointive officers will be
named at a later date and instal­
lation will take place early in Jan­
Plans were made for attendance
at the annual district meeting that
is to be held in Clatskanie next
Monday, November 20. LaFranee
Lodge will be host for the meet
which includes, also, Rainier and
St, Helens.
Jackie Atkins, noble grand for
Mt. Heart Lodge, will fill the
chair of inside guardian at the dis­
trict meet and Zoe Salomonsen
will act as outside guardian. In
the afternoon session, a tribute to
the Bible will be presented by Mt.
Heart Lodge and Isabel Anderegg
has been appointed to arrnage for
In the evening session, the in­
itiatory work will be exemplified
with the various lodges in the dis­
trict participating.Mt . Heart has
been asked for the vice-grands
charge and that was practised last
Thursday evening. In addition to
Ihe speaking part of the vice-grand
Their daughters and husbands, 14 other members participate in
A reception at the First Chris­
tian Church November 5 honored Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holsey, Hills­ tableaus which portray the charg­
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robertson boro: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Crows- es given.
Since the next meeting falls on
on the occassion of their silver wed­ ton and Kerry, Albany and son,
Allen of Vernonia were hosts and Thanksgiving day, the lodge voted
ding anniversary.
'rstesses. The ether son, Donald to ask for a dispensation to change
and his wife Margaret are in Mil- the meeting to the following Thurs­
denhall, England, where he is a day, November 30. Reports from
the district meeting will be heard
sergeant in the Air Force.
The hall was decorated w i t h at that time. Also, a new mem­
blue and silver streamers. Three ber is to be received by card. In
large silver bells hung from the ritualistic work, balloting will be
In lieu of a meeting here last center of the room under which exemplified. All members are urg­
Wednesday evening, November 8, the couple exchanged anniversary ed to be present.
two carloads of members from gifts. Blue and white flowers were
Following last week’s meeting,
Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters placed about the room. The gift members adjourned to the dining
went to Forest Grove to attend table drew special attention with room where tables were decorated
Friendship Night at Delphi Tem­ the attractive money tree on which with flags and red, white and blue
ple. In the group were Martha had been olaced silver wrapped to streamers to commemorate Vet­
Brady of Warren, Irma Chance, appear as blue flowers.
erans Day. Fruit jellos and as­
Lucille Hickman, Marie Atkins
The two-tiered cake was accent­ sorted crackers were served by
Cora Lange, Murel Folken, Jackie
with touches of blue and silver Marie Atkins, Marie Elliott and
Atkins, Faye Davis, Mary Brown,
topoed with silver doves and Lesta Garner.
Dorothy Walker and Lesta Garner.
ornament centered with
They were joined at the meeting
by Gladys Sozoff of Forest Grove the numeral 25.
Paul Clark, minister of the First
who holds membership here, mak­
ing an even dozen Vernonia mem­ Christian church gave a brief talk
bers in attendance. Several mem­ about a Christian home and made
bers were detained from going be­ a few statements about the Robert­
cause of the long flight of stairs sons. A prayer was given by the
minister after which the cake was
leading to Delphi’s hall.
Officers from invited Temples cut and served by Mrs. Virgie Pugh,
were asked to be courtesy officers Lake Grove and Mrs. Gordon
and Martha Brady acted as past Crowston of Vernonia. Mrs. Jack
chief. The courtesy officers con­ Holsey poured coffee and Mrs.
ducted the ritualistic opening and Cleve Robertson presided at the
each was presented with a gift by punch bowd. Mrs. Marvin Crows­
the corresponding officer of Del­ ton assisted about the room.
The guest book was on a table
Emma Gene Emerson, member where pictures of the Robertsons
of Delphi Temple who has just were displayed. Allen was in
completed five years as grand sec­ charge of the guest book. T h e
retary for the Grand Temple of ladies of CWF helped with serving
Oregon was honored in a clever and cleaning up.
Music was provided by M rs.
addendum. This was followed by
several entertainment numbers, in­ Louise Thomas who accompanied
cluding old time music by Rollie Mrs. Silvia Gilliland as she sang,
Walker, violinist who is past 80 “You’ll Never Walk Alone, a n d
years of age, Marvin Emerson on “Wedding Prayer’’ and other se­
the harmonica and Stella Strahl lections during the afternoon.
at the piano. One of the guests
Mr. and Mrs. Robertson were
remarked that she had danced to married November 5, 1942 at a
Rollie Walker’s music 59 years ago minister's home in Louisville, Miss­
and he hadn’t slowed down a bit. issippi. The next three years were
but she had. Faye Davis stated spent in Mississippi, North Carol­
his music held memories for her, ina. and Georgia until Ray was
also, for she had danced to it discharged from the army in Oc­
when she was a girl.
tober of 1945. The family moved
November 2, 3 and 4 Vernonia to Vernonia in November of 1945
Temple held a very successful to 1107 Rose avenue, where they
rummage sale, and according to now reside. Ray is employed by
previous vote, a cheek for $25 from Crown Zellerback Corn, and Her-
rummage sale receipts has been lene is cashier for West Oregon
turned over to the ambulance ra­ Electric Coop.
Out of town guest were Mr. and
dio fund. The temple appreciated
all heln given them to make this Mrs. Art Gardner, Woodburn;
possible. Parts of the fund will Mary Robertson, Beaverton; Mrs.
be used in other community pro­ Vergie Pugh Lake Grove; Mr.
and Mrs. Larry McMahon, Long-
jects during the year.
Since the next regular meeting view, Washington and Freeman
date is the night before Thanksgiv­ Thrasher and U m ar of Medford.
ing, permission has been obtained
to re-schedule it to November 29
Several important matters are to
ccme before the group at that time,
including first nomination of officers.
Last Sunday, four members of
Social Security, Veterans and
Vernonia Temple were in Portland
Insurance Assistance
to attend a reception for the re­
cently elected grand secretary,
4'/i% Trust Account
Helen Sullivan. The event was held
in the St. Johns area and was
sponsored by Rose Temple. Those
attending were Irma Chance Cora
Lange. Faye Davis and Lesta Gar
ner. Mr. Lange and Mr. Gamer
accompanied the ladies.
Ray Robertsons Are Honored
At Anniversary Reception
Pythians Visit
Other Temples
Mortuary Chapels
The greatest task in any man's
future is to put his good intentions
into action .
It pay* to read the adtl
741 Madison Avenue
Phone 429-6611
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . --------------------
Oernonia Eagle
THURSDAY, NOV. 16. 1967
Brunsman Receives
Scholarship Award
The American Institute of Arch­
itects has announced that David
F. Brunsman of Vernonia is t h e
recipient of a Desco International
Association scholarship for t h e
1967-68 academic year.
Brunsman, of 27 Arkansas street
received the $400 Desco grant for
study at the University of Oregon.
The Desco International Associa­
tion scholarship is one of four gi­
ven annually by the franchised ap­
plicators of Desco coatings through
The American Institute of Archi­
Brunsman was selected by AlA’s
committee on scholarships, head­
ed by Elliot L. Whitaker, AIA, di­
rector of the school of architec­
ture at Ohio State University. The
committee awarded a total of $28,-
850 in scholarships for 1967-68 for
the advancement of architectural
Co. ARP Meet
To Show Crafts
Demonstrations of craft w o r k
will feature the November session
of the Columbia County Chapter.
American Association of Retired
Persons, according to President
Marion Andress of Warren. The
meeting will be held in Rebekah
hall, 18th and Church streets, St.
Helens, on Tuesday, November 21,
beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Mrs. Marjorie Malone, chapter
treasurer, will demonstrate t i n
craft. She will display samples of
wall plaques, pictures, picture
frames, and Christmas decorations
made from tin cans.
Mrs. Maude Baker, St. Helens,
will show how agate table tops,
pen sets, and other arrieles may
be made with rocks and plastics.
Both women are skilled craftsmen
in their particular hobbies.
During the business meeting pre­
ceding the craft talks, chapter of­
ficers for the coming year will be
nominated. Plans will also be made
for a special Christmas dinner for
members of the Columbia County