CLASSIFIED AD< FOR SALE-General LEGAL NOTICE CARPETS and life too can be beau­ tiful if you use Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Brunsman Hardware. MOBILE HOME, 51'xlO’, two-bed room with expansion room, a l l electric, storm windows and awn­ ing, exc. cond. New S9000, asking $4500. Art Johnston nhone 429-6507. 42L3 MOBILE HOME, 51’xlO’, two-bed room with expansion room, a 11 electric, storm windows and awn­ ing, exc. cond. New $9000, asking $4500.________________________410 ELEC. ORGAN BUY. Beautiful famous make walnut organ with built-in Leslie Speaker. Want res­ ponsible party to assume no. pyts, or will sell for cash. Phone 423- 8630 or write Adjustor, Tallman’s Pianos-Organs, 1221 Commerce, Longview, Washington. 41t2c FOR SALE: Grey wool rug and pad, 9x14, $40; chest of drawers, $5; formica table & vinyl-covered benches, seats 8 to 10, $30; all in good condition. Must see to ap­ preciate. Call 429-3643 or see at 191 North St.________________ 40t3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the e s t a t e of Ida Mae Van Blaricom. deceased, bv the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and has qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre­ sent the same to me at Vernonia, Oregon with vouchers and duly verified within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication, Septem her 21, 1967. Date of final publication Octob­ er 19, 1967. Fred A. Van Blaricom Adminisrator Van Natta & Petersen St. Helens, Oregon, 97051 Attorneys. 39t5c NOTICE 2:00 P.M. in the County Court­ room, Courthouse, St. Helens, Ore­ gon, a hearing will be held f o r the purpose of hearing any objec­ tions to the proposed exchange of certain county-owned timber lands for state-owned tim ber lands, all CAMPER homemade 8-footer. Has situated in Columbia County, Ore­ table-bunk combination, cupboards gon. stove. Call 4 29-3874. 38tfc The following is a description of Columbia County owned timber lands which are proposed to be ex­ changed for certain hereinafter described timber lands, to-wit: Modern Edge rolled roofing, Strips of land for railroad right- Roll $ 2.98 of-way o v e r and across the North half of the SW quar­ Mineral Split roofing, roll 2.00 ter (N Vi SW Vi), Section 17; WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE West half of the Northeast qu­ OF CABINET HARDWARE arter (W '/2 NE Vi), North half of Southeast quarter (N Vi SE 15c 1 x 12 Pine, per ft. V4), Section 19; West half of 2.00 Doors, from Southwest quarter (W Vi SW 1.65 Cement, per sack Vi), Section 20; West half of 90c Roof Coatings, per gal. Northwest quarter (W Vi NW Vi), Northwest quarter of South ( In 5 gal. lots and up. ) west quarter (NW Vi SW Vi), COMPLETE LINE OF ALL Section 29; South half of North INSULATION east quarter (S Vi NE Vi), Southeast quarter of NW Vi Aluminum Windows, all sizes. (SE Vi NW Vi), Northeast quar Example - 3030 14.63 ter of Southwest quarter (NE Vi SW Vi), North half of South FREE CUP OF COFFEE east quarter (N Vi SE Vi), Sec ANYTIME tion 30, described in right of way and agreement, including the term s and provisions there of, from Blodget Company, Li Comer Bridge St. & Jefferson Ave. mited, to Columbia & Nehalem River Railroad, recorded Au gust 21, 1913, in Book 19, page HAY FOR SALE, $18 per ton 212, Deed Records of Co­ Cheaper in 3-ton or over amounts lumbia County, Oregon. Also, Agreement altering same, ex­ Bruce Berndt, phone 429-5892. ecuted by the same parties 28tfc and recorded March 30, 1916 in Book 23, page 98, Deed Records PRES-TO-LOGS. Keasey Saw Shop of Columbia County, Oregon, 49tfc all being in Township 7 North, Range 5 West, Willamette Mer­ USED chain saws for sale. Keasey idian, Columbia County, Ore­ Saw Shop. 49tfc gon. The following is a description of BUNDLES of old papers for starting the State owned Timber lands fires. 10-pound bundle, 10 cents. Ver­ which are proposed to be exchang­ nonia Eagle. 48tf ed to Columbia County for the aforementioned timber lands own­ FRESH FLOWERS for any occasion ed by Columbia County, Oregon; Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth to-wit: Lot 4, (SW Vt SW V4) of Sec­ Steers, 429-5384. 25tfc tion 30, Township 7 N o r t h , Range 5 West, Willamette Mer­ FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Finest idian, Columbia County, Ore­ in flowers for all occasions. Plants, gon. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or this 20th day of September, 1967. ROY A. NELSON wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, County Clerk 429-6611. ltfc Fannie Rhine Deputy Dates of Publication: Septem­ ber 28, 1967, October 5, 1967, Octo- her 12, 1967, October 19, 1967. BUILDING SUPPLIES L & L LUMBER CO. FOR SALE-Real Estate FOR SALE: $6000, easy contract, nice 2-bdrm home, elec, heat, 50 x 100 fenced, corner First Ave. and N e h a le m St. Call 429 6272. 40t3c Reeher Really 33tlc I.I.OYI) QUINN BROKER & Ins. P h on e 429-5211 866 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon RENTALS YOUR LISTINGS SOLICITED FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE: 1953 Oldsmobile. excel­ lent condition $100 429-6563 42t 1 FOR SALE: 1953 Chev panel, good running condition, $150. 941 First Ave . Vernonia. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Dog—describe and pay for ad Jim Fields. 429-6903 4211 CLASSIFIED RATES Company BILL HORN, BKR. Vernonia Br. Salesman - George Laws Phone 429-6203 Evenings 429-5603 LISTINGS WANTED RENTALS AVAILABLE Real Estate BOWLING MINIMUM charge 75c for 25 words or less. Words over minimum. 4c each. Three insertions for the priee of two. BLIND ADS with answers to be han­ dled by The Eagle: Minimum charge $1.00. No Information given relative to such ads. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 for up to 12 lines. Additional lines, 8c each. TIIE EAGLE assume* no financial responsibility for errors that may appear ,n ads published in its col­ umn*', but in eases where this pa­ per Is nt fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. POETRY accepted only as paid matter: Rate: 10c per type line, NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AF­ TER TUESDAY NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. 40t3c CARD OF THANKS MY SINCERE THANKS is extend ed Io neighbors and friends in Ver nonia for their words of encoura­ gement and prayers during in y stay in the hospital. Earl It Trombley_______42tl FOR RENT FDR RENT One-bdrm house in town, freshly painted, partly furn , including appliances, oil heat Call 429 5023.____________________42t3c NO Information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mail­ ed. Make up your mind you can't and you're always right SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE I 4-H Clubbers to Be Recognized Four H members from the Scap­ poose and Warren areas will re­ ceive recognition for the 4-H club work they have done during the past year at a meeting in the Scappoose high school activity room October 26 at 7:30 p.m. A representative of the First National Bank of Oregon will be on hand to present achievement pins and cards to the 4 II members who have earned them Additional special awards and ribbons from the state fair will also be present­ ed to club members. The program will consist of re ports from club members on 4-H club summer school activities. 4-H eamp, tours, and other entertain­ ment. WOMEN'S LEAGUE Thursday Afternoon League W L The Chicks 16 4 Fabrics 'n Fashion 11 9 Cliff’s Superettes 11 9 Chevy V8’s 16 4 High team game, Fabrics 'n F a ­ shion & The Chicks tied, 823. High team series, The Chicks, 2383. 3High indiv. game, Joyce Borst, 165. High indiv. series, Sharon Mc­ Kee, 472. Splits picked up: Helen Norwood, 5-6-10; Betty Fuquay, 9-10; Freda Petersen, 5-6. Monday Night League Team Standings, October 16 W L Quinn’s Insurance 18 6 West Oregon Elec. 12 12 Nehalem Lanes 9 15 Vernonia Drug 9 15 High team series, 2297, Vernon­ ia Drug. High team game, Quinn’s Insurance, 799. High individual series and game, Margaret Thompson, 446, 169. Splits picked up: Nancy Devine, 3-10; Nell Thomas, 5-6-10; Mar­ garet Thompson, 3-10; Myra Bas- ka, 2-7; Sally Berg, 3-10; Sharon Gibson, 5-7; Jean Myer, 3-10. High three averages: Florenz Huff, 145; Nancy Devine, 142; Nor- ma McLeod, 138. THE HIGH sehocl choral group directed by Don Jack- sen provided numbers during the afterncan program at West Oregon Electric annual meeting, MRS. LEE SKEEN, owner of The Rag Doll shop, was one of the displayers at the annual meeting Saturday. Her originally designed handmade dolls and accessor­ ies attracted much attention. W L Bill Horn Ins. 16 8 Standard Oil 14 10 Cut and Curl 11 13 The PiUs 5 19 Splits picked up: Sharon Krie- ger, 4-5-7; Rosie Siedelman, 3-10; Judy Blanford, 5-7 and Carolyn Keasey, 3-7-9. High individual game and series, Trudy Magoff 117 and 515. High team series, Standard Oil, 2401. High 3 averages for week of 10- 17-67: Trudy Magoff, 135; Sharon Kreiger, 132; Judy Blanford, 130. MEN'S LEAGUE W L Mill Market 15 9 Nehalem Lanes 14 10 Vernonia Milk 11 13 Crown Z 8 16 High team series, Vernonia Milk, 2744. High ind. game, Ben Fowler, 194. High ind. series, Ben Fowler and Ted Bodenhamer tied, 502. Splits picked up: H. Andregg, 3-10 and 5-9-7; Ben Fowler, 4-10 and 6-7-10; Joe Magoff, 5-7; H. Ful­ ler, 3-10; Ted Bodenhamer, 4-9; T. Hanson, 5-7 and 3-6-7-10; F. Johnson, 4-5-7. Judge Helps on Housing Survey In information given by Judge Earl Seawright concerning a meet­ ing held by the steering committee for low-cost senior citizen housing in the Scappoose area recently, he Well laid plans for the future as­ stated that discussion with Louis Baxter, Farm Home Administra­ sures no regrets for the past. tion, it was concluded that a com­ plete review with aU the organiza­ tions and groups in the Scappoose SEAT BELTS SAVE area should be concerned with the LIVES — USE THEM ! needs of the senior citizen housing problem, and that this is a rural housing, and is not designed to fill the needs from the urban area, such as Portland, or any area over FOR AUTO LOANS contact your 5,300 population. Vernonia Federal Credit Union. Therefore he continued, o n l y Horn’s Insurance office, 2 to 6 those neonle living in the rural p.m. Tue., Thur., Fri. or call 429- areas, such as Scappoose, could 7425._______________________ 20tfc qualify for this housing and t h e rules and by-laws of a permanent CONSTRUCTION WORK, by con­ organization would spell this out, tract or hour. B & B Wood Prod­ as well as define the period of time ucts, Vernonia, Oregon, 429-5831. a person should live in the com­ 20tfc munity or the area before he would be considered for housing. Based on the cost of each unit, BRUCE BERNDT for which rent would have to am or­ tize the cost of the facility, includ­ ing caretaking and maintenance, and excluding the cost of electri­ city, the rental fee would be some­ 429-5892 Keasey Rt. Vernonia where in the neighborhood of $60 33tfc or $65 per month, he stated. At the present time, the steering SHOE REPAIRS, pick-up and deliv­ committee is considering o n l y ery. Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. housing for senior citizens, a n d Tandy Shoe Repair, D street, Ver­ the definition in this case, of a citizen” , is that they must nonia. 429-3301. 31tfc "senior have reached 62 years of age, with the exception that the wife could CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING be younger, if it is a married cou­ Cooler - Sharp Freeze ple. Locker Wrapped It is imoortant to note, he stat­ R J. Ekhoff 429-3842 ed, that the total income of indivi­ duals asking for this type of low­ 23tfc cost housing cannot be more than CLARENCE R. WAGNER, profes­ $6,000 per year. This does not elim­ inate people who have property sional civil engineer, county survey­ or assets beyond $6.000. The cri­ or, Court House, St. I '- 1"is. Private teria would be limited to a fam ­ surveying estimates, pla,id, etc. Call ily's income only. S. Helens 397-0698.____________20tfc The steering committee is in the process of making a survey of how SEPTIC TANK service. Pumping many, and who, would be interest­ and repair. G. A. Russell, Columbia ed in this low cost housing, if it is City, Oregon. Phone St. Helens feasible after the evaluation stage. 397-0650 daytime; 397-0074 after There are many questions both the steering committee and the public 5:00 p.m. 46tfc would like to delve into, and a s soon as special meetings are ar­ ranged with the various groups, they can explore all the possibili­ PROCESSING PLANT ties. based on federal requiremen­ ts and local needs. Seawright stat­ State Inspected SERVICES Excavating Service Sewer Systems Installed Haberman's Meat CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday. Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freeiing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7 3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx,. 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern HUI Road l if e Hunter Struck By Rifle Shot Sunday Night Jim Thompson, 52nd and Mult­ nomah, Portland, was wounded severely in both legs as he hunted with hiS brother-in-law, and their sons, near Oak Ranch creek near Vemenia Sunday at dusk. Thompson’s brother-in-law, Ed ward Hegedus of Oregon City re­ lated that the party of four had just downed a doe in a field adja cent to Highway 47 and Oak Ranch creek when a shot fired by an un­ known party struck Thompson in the legs. First aid was administered and a passing motorist flagged down to transport the injured man to the hospital at St. Helens. Thompson was given emergency treatm ent at St. Helens, then transferred to a Portland hospital. Hegedus stat­ ed the bullet broke one leg, a n d tore a large piece of muscle from the other limb. Hunter Injured In Accident A Portland hunter, Buford A. Smith, was injured early Wednes­ day morning, October 11, w h e n the pickup he was driving left the Scappoose-Vernonia road near Bon­ nie Falls. The accident occure:! at approximately 1:30 a m. Smith was taken to Columbia District hospital by the Scappoose first aid car for emergency treat­ ment, and then transferred t o Emanuel hospital in Portland for further care. City Patrolman Milo Chamber- len was called to the scene, a n d was joined there by John Alder and Deputy Roediger of the Col­ umbia county sheriff's office. Two Drown on Sauvies Island The Coast Guard, state police and Multnomah and Columbia county sheriff’s office personnel joined over the week end in search and dragging operations for two persons missing and presumed to be drowned in separate accidents on Sauvies Island. The first incident involved a 10- year-old Portland boy who disap­ peared when he stepped into a hole while wading in the Columbia with friends Saturday. The youth, John­ ny Edward Scarboro, 1554 SE Ta­ coma St., slipped in to the water while wading at Hutchinson’s Beach on the island. A 22-year-old Portland duck hun­ ter slipped while trying to recov­ er a decoy from the Columbia river on Sauvies Island Sunday. He was swept away by the cur­ rent ar.d presumed drowned. The man was listed by authorities as Timothy White of 308 SW Vista Av­ enue, Portland. SHOP LOCALLY FIRST! 6 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 Oernonia Eagle MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove Ore. EL 7-7281 Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Mon­ day until noon; Hogs received Tues­ day and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, take Tilla­ mook road l ’*i ml., take first lefthand road. ltfc KING’S Grocery-Market Phone 429-6015 ■‘Where Your Money Buys More” Riverview At the Mile Bridge ed. He also asked those interested in low-cost public housing of this tvpe and nature to contact a n y member of the steering committee Those on the committee are W. L. "Wes” Brown, June Simmons, H. A Sandberg, and Max Weillert of Scappoose, and Earl N. Seawright, county judge. Any group or organization inter­ ested in the exploring this need for the senior citizen of the Scappoose area should contact Mrs. June Simmons for a meeting date, ac­ cording to Seawright. ALWAYS - Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery — From your home-owned, independent grocery— SHOP BY PHONE—YOU RING, WE BRING