Ocrncnia Eagle -*■ Junior Fire M arshal- 2 0 Years Young I I 4 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1967 ! Natal Grangers At Pomona HEC NATAL PITTSBURG — Mrs. Myrtle Mathews, Mrs. Lena Mat hews, Mrs. Laura Carmichael and Mrs. Silvia Wolff attended the Po mona Grange HEC meeting at Fern Hill Grange Tuesday of last week at which the Coates and Clark needlework contest was jud ged. Mrs. Carmichael entered an afghan on which she won a blue ribbon. Mrs. Wolff was elected sec retary for the Pomona HEC. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and San dra enjoyed supper with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlao Monday even ing. Richard Peterson was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dun lap Sunday evening. Other callers at the Dunlaps during the week in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Mrs. Eldon Shetler and Mr. and Mrs. McAllister of Grand Ronda. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff drove to Portland Tuesday and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tur ner. They spent the nig,it there and Wednesday evening they were sup per guests of Mr .and Mrs. Leo nard Graven . Mist Circle Lays Plans for Program MIST — Mrs. Bill Wolff enter tained the Mist Helping Circle at her home Thursday with 14 pre sent. Plans were laid for the an nual fall program in November. Mrs. Elmer McCrone won the hostess box. The October meeting will be at the home of Alma and Mary Garlock. The Raymond Schlehubers of Aloha were Saturday visitors at the Bud Hemeon home. The Shal- mon Libels and Hemeons were in Portland Sunday for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford called on the John Crawfords F ri day. Vickie Serby returned to school Wednesday but will enter the hos pital again October 11 for minor surgery the following morning for removal of wires from her jaws and teeth. NATIONWIDE ♦ DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING ♦ ! ♦ 8 1 8 Red Skelton, CBS-TV star, shown here as “ San Fernando R ed”, helps celebrate 20 years o f Junior Fire M arshals. K athleen Flatley, representing millions o f boys and girls in the United States and C anada who participate in the JF M fire prevention and safety program each year, joins Red in the typical birthday gesture. • Call 324-3484 K IN G ’S Grocery-M arket Riverview At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery — F ro m y o u r hom e-ow ned, in d e p e n d e n t g ro c e ry __ SHOP BY PHONE—YOU RING. WE BRING g • 8 ♦ I ♦♦ $ g : I W H A T IS D IR E C T D IS T A N C E HOW D O E S IT I 1 D IA L IN G ? I • I I The United States and Canada are divided into many dialing areas, as shown in the front of your directory. Each area has been assigned a different three-numeral “Area Code” which is dialed as a prefix to all telephone numbers within the area on incoming long distance calls. 3 3 S ! • I F Y O U DO N O T K N O W Y O U W IS H T O C A L L — THE O U T -O F -T O W N I I • Ï I V H O W TO U S E Y O U R T E L E P H O N E F O R D IR E C T D IS T A N C E D IA L IN G — To Call Outside Your Home Area: a) Dial the number 1” (to connect your call to the DDD equipment), b) Dial the proper area code (415, for instance, for San Francisco),’ c) Dial the complete number you wish to reach (421-1234 or HA 1-1234). To Call Inside Your Home Area (503-the State of Oregon): a) Dial the number “1” (to connect your call to the DDD equipment), b) Dial the complete number you wish to reach (267-1234 or AM 7-1234)’. I 1 When you have completed dialing—unless you have a one-party line—you will hear “beep-beep” tone. As soon as you hear this signal, please give the number of the telephone you are using, NOT the number you wish to reach. If you have a one-party line, just wait for the called phone to ring. You do not need to give your telephone number because our ANI equipment will automatically record the call. 1 • W HAT IS A N I? Automatic Number Identification. ANI is the process by which your number (the calling number) is automatically identified and recorded by the DDD equip ment. Only one-party users will have this feature first. ANI will be extended to two-party users at a later date. $ g; • IF YOU R EA C H A W RONG N U M B E R — If you can. find out from the person who answers what city and telephone number you have reached. Then dial Operator <0—zero) immediately and tell her you reached a wrong number. You will not have to pay for the call. • ! e Í ï i I V I I I I ! I V V I I ï ï« I î I ♦ ♦ I 8 $ V 1 B U SY N U M B E R S — If the number you dial is busy—or doesn't answer—please hang up and try again later. No charge will be made for the uncompleted call. • i♦ NUM BER To obtain telephone numbers outside the State of Oregon, dial “1”, then the area code for the place you wish to call, then 555-1212, and ask for Information in the city you wish to reach. Be sure to include the area code when you write down the number you receive from the distant Information operator. There is no charge for Information service. s g V ► î •î î W H A T K IN D O F C A L L S C A N Y O U D IA L ? You may dial direct to Information operators in your home area simply by dialing the digit 1 , then 555-1212, and asking for Information in the city you wish to reach. I « ÿ ï dialing equipment what section of the country on all calls you make outside your home area. your home area, you do not need to dial the It includes the entire State of Oregon. ♦ g I V All other out-of-town calls such as . . . Person to Person . . . Credit Card Calls from Coin Telephones . . . Collect Calls . . . Conference Calls . . . Calls to cities not yet on the direct distance dialing network . . . will continue to be placed through the Operator (dial “O” ). I TIMBER ROUTE Mr and Mrs. Frank Schmidlm, John Schmidlin and Mrs Francis Keagbine attend ed the funeral of Frank’s niece, Mrs. Leona Putney at Albany at Aasum Funeral Home Monday. Mrs Putney spent her girlhood in the Kist district. Mrs. Nell Thacker. Mrs. George Smith. Susan and Ron were i n Forest Grove Wednesday. Miss Ila McKibben of Forest Grove was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidlin Satur day. Susie Smith spent Tuesday with h e r grandmother, M rs . H. A. Thacker Hazel Hascall of Buxton called $ on Mr and Mrs Frank Schmidlin V Sunday evening. V V The automatic switching equipment which makes DDD possible is similar to that in your local dial office—but enlarged and given a highly sophisticated “college education” so it can operate on a national level. Station-to-station long distance calls, on which you will talk to anyone who answers at the called number, can be dialed direct to any other telephone in the DDD network. These calls must be charged to the telephone you are using. !î: I 8 ♦ V V V I Be sure to include your area code (503) when giving your own telephone number to out-of-state friends or relatives. Tell them your number is “503-xxx-xxxx.” 8 I I ä W ORK? Since Area Codes tell the automatic you are calling, they must be dialed If you are calling a number within area code. Your area code is 503. I Labeling Laws Go Into Effect Success will never come to the man who tries to make both week ends meet ! More than 80 per cent of the nation’s phones are accessible through DDD network, and more are being added every month. DDD is fast, easy and convenient. The average time to complete a coast-to-coast call by direct dialing is eleven seconds. 'And it costs only a dollar after 8 p.m. or on Sunday for a three-minute DDD call anywhere in the United States, except Alaska and Hawaii.) ♦ 8 ♦ too cold. Know what to do if some one gets a heart attack and if you have heart condition, make certain your companions know that place where the medication is kept. A hunter who follows his doc tor’s orders and common sense advice has an extra argument on his side when the nip is in the air and his wife gets ’ that hurt look of “temporary widowhood” in her eye. He can give her some assurances it won’t be permanent. Group Attends Rites lor Niece I DDD is the natural companion and extension of exchange dialing in the modem nationwide telephone system we are helping to build. Our horizons have broadened to include awarness of the nation and the world, as well as our own home towns. Why shouldn’t we be able to dial a friend’s telephone in Texas or Maine or Ohio as easily as we dial our neighbor’s telephone across the street? Physical Examination Urged By OHA Before Going Afield ! WELL DRILLING :: 5 Customer dialing of nationwide station-to-station long distance calls . . . . M ore than four million youngsters take part yearly in this public service program o f The H artford Insurance G roup. When packaged parts of fryers are purchased by the housewife after October 15 they must con tain those parts that the label in dicates are included. This means that breasts having parts of ribs attached will have to have a label statement “ breasts with ribs” or thighs with portions of other oarts will have to say these other parts are included. The regulation change being made in the Oregon department of Agri.’s meat inspection regula tions that requires this information on the label follows a number of consumer complaints and a hearing on the proposed regulation chan ges. Several other regulation changes are also being made. One of the major ones is a requirement that at least 50 per cent of any visible product surface of cured, cured and smoked or curl'd anil cooked sausage products and sliced luncheon meat be free of any markings so the consumer may see what is included in the package. The new regulations further pro vide that: Only natural spices and sugars may be used in meat products when "farm style” or "country style” are used on the label. Information on the label that the smoke flavoring or artificial smoke flavoring has been added when an approved smoke flavoring is used in a meat food product. Require that all parts of the pork muscle tissue heated to destroy trichina reach at least 137 degrees Fahrenheit and the method used insure inner most portions of all parts are so treated. Also covered in the amendments are additives that may be used in various meat food products, the amounts that may be used and labeling requirements when add itives are used. < I WILL BE IN EFFECT OCT. 10,1967 ♦ Phone 429-3462 “Where Your Money Buy» More” I 1 ♦ I Every male who has been in service, and almost everyone who has seen a war movie, remembers the drill sergeant,s barking out: “Take care of your gun and it will take care of you.” However, with fall hunting not too far distant, the Oregon Heart Association advises you hunters to: “Take care of yourself before you take care of your gun,” The Your blood pressure varies from gun can sit on the shelf for a minute to minute and from day to year and come off it in good con dition. A few minutes of lubrica day. tion may be all it needs. Not so the hunter who is out of s h a p e . E & B L A U N D R Y an d Sudden or unusual exercise m a y prove dangerous. DRY C LEA N ER S Even if he isn’t completely rusty, Lusby Bldg. — 712 Bridge St. the man planning a hunting trip — Also, Shoe Repairing — may need more than a quick ap Two-day Service plication of body oil in his joints. CASH & CARRY The best judge of his condition and what he needs is his doctor, the association says. Getting into condition for the abnormal demands of the hunt is imperative if the hunter himself doesn.t want to wind up among the by now too-familiar seasonal, statistics that report more hunters dying of heart attacks t h a n of N EHALEM VALLEY gunshot accidents. The thrill of the hunt need not M O TO R F R E IG H T be linked with heart attacks for either the normally healthy man I or even one who has a heart con dition. Both can go and enjoy the outdoors if simple precautions are taken beforehand. The first move should be to consult the family doctor. The hunter is advised to go to i IR A T R U S S E L L his doctor weeks before he plans the trio. If he is out of shape, his conditioning must be done gradually and follow a routine. The recovered heart victim should or tell his doctor exactly where he plans to go and under what con ditions he will hunt. C o n ta c t a t G in g e r’s C afe The doctor probably will specify M a n n in g , O regon just how far he can go, taking into consideration the terrain, the on S u n s e t H ig h w a y altitude, duration of the hunt and the patient’s attitude, there will be one condition that the man with a heart condition does not hunt alone. Any hunter who gets winded should never hesitate to call a time out, even if his companions rib him as a softy. If they insist on going ahead he should let them go. Taking a load off his feet may take an overload off his heart. The advice for a hunter is quite simple: Take warm clothes, but n o t weighty ones that add to the bur den of rifle, ammunition and pack. Eat moderately and, if he must drink, do it sparingly. Discretion, however, indicates passing up al cohol entirely when a rifle is being carried. If the hunting area is at a higher altitude than usual, the hunter should get there a f e w- days early so that his body can adjust before it is called on to take the stress and strain of the hunt. Avoid getting overheated or Phone 429 6015 A t Y o u r S e r v ic e I ! HOW CA LLS A RE CH A R G ED — Your calls are recorded and timed by extremely accurate automatic equipment. This equipment records the number you dialed, the number you called from, how long you talked, and the date. It cannot record conversation. REM EM BER! N o C h a rg e W ill Be M ade When you call the Operator — when you call Information — when the line you are calling is busy — when no one answers. If you experience any difficulty on a DDD call, the Operator will be glad to help you. GENERAL © TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST, INC. 1 ! 1 I V 8 8 V ■ V 8 8