Rebekahs Give To Radio Fund West Point Seen By Counselors Cadet William Mohr of Portland, a fourth classman (freshman) at the U.S. Military Academy, ex plains the Tarbucket (cadet cere monial lull dress hat) to a group of visiting Oregon high school gui dance counselors. They are, from left to right. Andrew Knudsen of St. Helens high school, Ronald J. Puzey of Clatskanie high school, and Elden Blanford of Vernonia high school. The guidance counselors visited the academy at West Point. New York at the invitation cf the aca demy’s admissions office to view, on a first-hand basis, the educa tion and training of a cadet. The program is designed to aid coun selors in their guidance of students who are interested in the military academy and a service career. Dates Arranged By Art Society Tlie Society of Arts and Crafts will hold its October meeting Mon day e.vening, October 9 at 8:00 p.m. in the art room of Washing ton grade school. The meeting is open to all interested persons. The Society announces that the art exhibit in the art center of the clinic building will be opened to the public Sunday, October 8 from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. T h i s special showing is in response to many requests from those unable to see the exhibit during th? Jam boree, and unaware that the exhibit has been open every Sun day during the hours the VSP and SS excursion train has been in town. After this special showing, the exhibit will be closed for the season. When you are offered something free, look for the strings. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! NEHALEM VALLEY Laundromat & Dry Cleaners Open Every Day 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. i — Personal Assistance — Mon.-Sat. — 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Timber Route Unit Announces Project Timber Route Extension Unit will meet Tuesday, October 10 at the West Oregon Electric building. Project leaders Mrs. Don Berger- sin and Mrs. Ralph Bergerson "dll rive the lesson on linings and interfacings. Tie meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. with a potluck luncheon at noon. All interested ladies are in vited to attend. Bulletin Tells Of Meat Care Hunters lucky enough to bring back a deer this season will get the most out of their foray into the wild by boning out the meat. Andy Landferce, Oregon State University extension wildlife spec ialist, maintains that nearly any body can bone out a deer. All it takes is a flat surface, a knife, saw or hatchet and th”' courage to try it. The process is described, step by step, in an illustrated bulletin just published by tfie OSV cooper ative extension sdrvicp. Entitled, “Boning Out Your ne'er,” bulletin 819 uses 35 pictures to tell t h e story and also features tips o n using venison. It is free to Oregon residents and may be obtained from county extension offices or by writing to Bulletin Clerk, Ore- con State Universitv, Corvallis, 97331. A second bulletin, “Treats With Venison,” is also available a n d contains numerous venison recipes and tips for preparation. Landforce says boning out a deer has a number of advantages. The good meat is separated from tough connective tissue, tendon, off grained meat, excess fat, bone marrow and dust from the saw. He recommends that meat select ed for steak be wrapped a n d frozen whole and sliced into steaks when partially thawed. This pre serves moisture and flavor. Landforce presented a program on the subject at St. Helens Sep tember 26 to approximately 100 interested hunters and their wiv- IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! Is Your Car Running Fine? Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge which began the fall season September 14 with an excellent turn-out o f members, suffered an attendance slump at the last meeting, Septem ber 28, due to some members be ing ill., others out of town and still others working at the cannery. The lodge was pleased to find Mt. Heart Lodge listed in t h e Pacific Odd Fellow as the highest point earner in the lodges w ith from 100 to 150 members in t h e community service reports. Jean Conners, cohununjty service chair man, was comDlimented on h e r very excellent wdi'k compiling the reports and sehding them to the state chairman. Community ser vice work includes all things done by members of the lodge for com munity orojects or for other per sons who are neither Odd Fellows nor Rebekahs. An invitation was received to at tend the annual state meeting at Corvallis October 28 at which the Grand Assembly officers will ex emplify the initiatory work and a school of instruction will be held The evening will be devoted t o social activities. The ways and means committee reported a successful luncheon for members of the Delta Kappa Gam ma education honorary which met here September 16. From the pro ceeds of the event, $25 was voted as a contribution to the ambulance radio fund. The next meeting of the M t. Heart Social committee is to b e held at the home of Mrs. Jean Conners on Rock Creek October 10 at 1:30 p.m. Plans for future events will be made. The Novem ber meeting of the committee will be at the home of Mrs. Paul Moore. Following the meeting last Thur sday, delicious apple cobbler was served with choice of ice cream or whipped cream toppings b y Jean Conners and Noma Callis- ter. Cora Lange, third member of the committee, provided her part of the refreshments but was un able to attend due to conflicting events. The next lodge meeting will be Thursday evening of next week, October 12, and first nomination of officers for the 1968 term will be made. Second nomination will be October 26 and election, No vember 9. Pythians Plan November Sale Vernonia Temple l’ythian Sis ters had an interesting meeting Wednesday evening of last week and were happy to welcome sever al members who had not been in attendance for some time. However, several others w e r e unable to attend due to illness. Botli Murel Folken and Verner Blount had suffered attacks of flu. Virginia Hogberg was reported home from the hospital but not feeling too well. Plans were discussed for t h e rummage sale to be held at th e fire hall November 2, 3 and 4. The group voted to donate part of the receipts to the ambulance radio fund. Other community projects for which the fund is used during the year include the Christmas treat fund, the United Fund, Can cer and Heart funds and the sen ior banquet. Persons with good rummage items, especially good clothing or dishes, who have no outlet for it in organizations to which they be long are invited to donate items for this sale and thus share i n supporting the various community projects it serves. Mrs. Marie At are a smoker, or if there kins is chairman for the event. are If you in your house, heed The G r a n d Temple sessions this smokers warning of the American In which start in Portland this com surance association. ing Sunday were discussed a n d Never smoke in bed. instructions given the grand re Too many persons loose t h e i r presentative, Mrs. Cora Lange, on lives when they doze off while the temple views on several things smoking the bedding catches expected to require action at the fire, says and the association. session. Several members plan to Elderly persons who are forget attend the tea honoring the grand ful should be reminded periodical chief and grand chancellor and the ly of the danger of smoking in bed. joint onening and memorial ser A fire started in bed could take vice for *he Pvthian Sisters and the lives of other members of the Knights of Pythias Sunday after family, as well as their own - as noon. These will be followed b y well as damage or destroy t h e banquets f o r several different home. groups. Following the meeting, a silent auction was held which provided SEAT BELTS SAVE much merriment and was v e r y LIVES — USE THEM successful from a financial stand point. This raised funds for t h e expenses of the grand representa tive. At the next meeting, October 11, Smokey Says: the reports from Grand Temple will be heard. Further plans for IT the November sale will also b e made. N an H ospitalized For Appendectom y R IV ER V IE W - Jerry Dinger un derwent an appendectomy at the Forest Grove Community hospital Saturday. His appendix had rup tured and he contracted a light case of pneumonia, but is now on the way to recovery. He hopes to be able to come home this week end. Week end visitors at the Carson Strong and Grace Peachey homes were Elmer Anglesey of Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tillery and family of St Helens. Mr. and Mrs Harry Mant o f Tacpma visited at the rrome o f Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baska over the ’ week end. • t ------ j---------* Im provised Grills Can Be Dangerous Backyard barbecuers take note. Don't use an old refrigerator shelf for a barbecue grill. The shelves are perfectly safe in the refrig erator, but intense heat above hot coals will melt cadmium coating, which can stick to the meat. As a result you could get cadmium poisoning. Many household metal products are coated with cadmium. Grill only on equipment intended for this purpose, is the advise of the Columbia county extension office. Ucrnonia Eagle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1967 3 Rodeo Court Royally Feted Columbia County Rodeo Queen Shirley Dudley, and her princesses, Vickie Buck and Sue Yarbor were given royal treatment when they took part in Pacific International Livestock Exposition events Fri day. As guests of the Forflfgttotoi company, they, alottg with. S i Other rodeo courts from throughout the Northwest, were treated to a din- ^ner at the Portland airport’s Zo diac Room. They were transported in the comnany’s new compacts and met a Ford executive at the airport. The girls rode in the Friday pa rade preceding opening of the PI, and that exening had special box seats for the rodeo performance. The girls were accomoanied h y their chaperone, Kathy Nelson. Cauliflower Each t Illl:Oil ABC FIG BARS -Lb. Pkg. 69c COCA COLA Full Pint Cans 6/75c FREESTONE PEACHES Halves No. 2'/i Cans 3/S1 TASTE-SEAL GREEN BEANS 8/$1.00 in the FOREST! SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE! PERTUSSIN AUTO SERVICE Fill up with is all about. UNION GASOLINE for Better Performance and “ Get that extra bit of s e r v i c e for pleasant driving— We’re proud to offer the finest bumper to bumper service you can get. Come in and sample our brand of Car Care. R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Phone 429-6691 The Chevron ABOVE ALL means service BOB'S Phone 429-3731 1-Lb. Pkgs. I 2 be- top running condition. That’s what Chevron Car Care CRACKERS 59c --- ★ --- COOKIES Always put matches or lighters away, out of the reach of children, urges the American Insurance as sociation. Too many fires are caused b y children playing with matches. One-fifth of all fire fatalities are those of children under five years of age. Good. Come in now. For now’s the time to keep it in Call 429-5863 Anytime SUNSHINE HYDROX M atches, Lighters to Be Kept from Kids Helpful Friendly ° Efficient Minute Man For Flowers NABISCO SNO-WHITE Dangers of Sm oking in Bed A re Told by A ssoc. The grizzly bear weighs tween 600 and 1500 oounds. READ ADVERTISING—IT PAYS! U N IO N SERVICE Vernonia, Ore. i COUGH SYRUP $ |0 9 8-Hour Formula ASSORTED JEWELRY Each REGULAR $2.95 69‘ $ h 1 * 9 5 i SPORT SHIRTS Each 1ST QUALITY 2-CELL NYLONS 3 Pair $1.00 FLASHLIGHT Auto. Flasher Floats ....... $1.49 Sam's Food Store FREE DELIVERY VERNONIA, ORE n