L ib ra ry U n iv e rs ity o f Oregon Eugene, Oregon 97U O 3 ) Demonia Eagle THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1967 VERNONIA, OREGON 97064 VOLUME 45, NUMBER 40 Loggers Post Loss; Hope to Rout Warriors Forest Lands Opened for H unting Start Saturday The heavy rains during the past also will be closed to vehicular week end and early this week traffic to prevent damage to new have paved the way for the open­ roadbeds. ing of the hunting season t h i s Crown Zellerbach’s major forest Saturday, October 7. Announce­ areas include the Clatsop Tree ment was made early this week Farm in Clatsop county, Tillamook that state land would be open and Tree Farm in Tillamook county, timber companies followed with the E. P. Stamm Tree Farm in similar announcements later i n Columbia county, Clackamas Tree the week, with restrictions still in Farm in Clackamas county, Lin­ force on some areas. coln Tree Farm near Grand Ronde, Crown Zellerbach announced that Tahkenitch Tree Farm south o f their timber lands in Oregon have Florence, and the Mazama Tree been re-opened to public entry un­ Farm near Chemult in south-cen­ der normal regulations. The an­ tral Oregon. nouncement, effective immediate­ Likewise, International Paper ly, ends a fire closure imposed on CZ’s 500,000 acres of timber in the company announced that all their state last week when the fire dan­ woodlands in Oregon will be open ger became critical. for hunting beginning Saturday, All areas of the tree farms will be open except where logging October 7, the start of the delayed crews are working. Such areas deer season. This includes t h e will be restricted to weekend hunt­ Hinman Tree Farm in the south- ing for safety reasons. Some roads central Oregon coast range, and Advance Industrial Gifts to UGN Fund Spark Drive Start ••5 A kick-off luncheon for the Co­ lumbia County Good Neighbors drive was held at the Village Inn at St. Helens Tuesday of this week and drive chairmen and officers heard the report that advance in­ dustrial gifts had met 35 percent of that goal. The industrial gifts are in a separate classification in the drive and do not enter into the community quotas. With this amount in advance gifts, 23 percent of the county’s total quota of $28,000 has been met. Ken Brand is the chairman f o r the industrial portion of the county drive. Health Dept to Conduct Clinic The Columbia county health de­ partment will be conducting free immunization clinics on the third Monday of each month, beginning October 16. Clinic hours will b e 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in t h e health department, Room 2, city hall building, St. Helens. Immunizations available will be for the prevention of diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, smallpox and measles. Booster shots for the basic immunizations and skin test­ ing for tuberculosis are services which will also be available. Parents are urged to utilize this service for their children so that they may have good protection early in their lifes. Parents a r e requested to accompany t h e i r children to the clinic and have available their immunization re­ cords if prior immunizations have been given. For any other information con­ cerning these services, please con­ tact the public health department, phone 397-2262. County Sales Drop Sharply “Sales of United States Treasury- Bonds in this county in August amounted to $29,208, compared to $47,073 for the same month last year,” according to County Sav­ ings Bonds Chairman R. A. Sever­ son. "Total sales for the month in Oregon were $2,545,008, bringing total sales for the year to more than $23,000.000. According to the county chair­ man, the treasury’s popular school savings program for the purchase of United States Savi3ngs Stamps and Bonds is being launched i n many Oregon communities during September and October. It is ex­ pected that the program will con­ tinue to expand both in Oregon and Nationally during the school year now getting under way. Johns S. Phillips, an associate director of the tri-county d r i v e was speaker at the Tuesday lun­ cheon and outlined the needs of the American Red Cross, Arthri­ tis and Rheumatism Foundation, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Columbia Activity Center, Mental Health as­ sociation, Salvation Army, Waver­ ly Baby Home, YWCA and YMCA and other agencies dependent on this fund drive. Dick Beers, chairman for t h e Vernonia drive, attended the Tues­ day luncheon to get information needed in conducting the local campaign. He stated that the Ver­ nonia kick-off was scheduled for today, October 5. Members of the Jaycees and Jaycettes will conduct the house to house drive and con­ tact businesses in the area. A barometer in the form of a tree on the VFW hall will turn green as the local fund grows. Everyone is asked to help Vernonia have a green tree. Service Awards Made at Dinner Crown Zellerbach’s Edward P. Stamm Tree Farm held its annual service pin award dinner on Satur­ day September 16. Eighty seven people attended the dinner which was held at the Village Inn at St. Helens. H. W. Peterson, logging manager of northwest timber operations, presented service awards to t h e following recipients: R. M. King and LaRoy Helper, 25 years ser­ vice; Earl King, 15 years service; W. I. Gortler, Norman Hamnett, Edward Cassel, Carson Strong and Stanley Chandler, 10 years ser­ vice. Merle Mosar, assistant logging manager, presented awards f o r five years of service to Donald Cameron. Howard Carter, Edwin Justice, Richard Jensen, John An­ derson, Jack Bergerson, J a m e s Justice. Thomas Hall, LeRoy John­ son, Archie Lapping, James Cox and Albert Krieger. Retired associates attending were Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Cass Bergerson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde May of Vernonia; Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCoy and Mr. a n d Mrs. Harris Lyle of St. Helens. C. W. Richen, vice president of northwest timber operations gave a short talk after congratulating the recipients. Guests from t h e Portland office included Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Richen, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Peterson, Mr. and M r s. Merle Mosar, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sher- rell, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. McCarter, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Opdahl, Mr. and Mrs. George Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gaudina, and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Cowell. Former Vernonia residents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert May of Molalla, also attended the dinner. Hobart Assumes Mayor Position Vernonia’s Logger eleven took it on the chin last Friday evening Dr. T. M. Hobart took the oath when they entertained the North office Monday evening at t h e Catholic Royals on the local turf of meeting of the city council which and were defeated bv that team was opened by Council President 28-0. E. Miller, and was officially North Cathoiic scored their first C. in as mayor for Vernonia counter in the beginning minutes sworn fill out the unexpired term o f of the first quarter when t h e y to Sherman Fisher, resigned. Hobart the Vernonia and Grand Ronde broke through the local’s left side relinquished the office in January and went 50 yards to tally. The Tree Farms in northwestern Ore­ Fisher’s election at the rest of the first half action w a s following gon. November election. practically all Vernonia, as they The Oxbow Burn area in t h e Mayor opened the evening with Hinman Tree Farm, previously managed to accumulate 11 first the hearing which had been called closed by the state, remains closed downs compared to only four for on the matter of alleged danger to all public entry. As in the past, the visitors, but couldn't keen their ous buildings in lot 1. block 2, Park areas of active logging operations drives going. First half end saw addition. No one appeared to speak will be closed to hunting on week­ the Loggers on the visitor’s 15. opposition to the proposal and The start of second half action in days to help assure safety for both a resolution is to be considered at hunters and loggers. Also, some broke the local’s hack as t h e y a later meeting setting forth the dirt roads softened by recent heavy kicked off to North Catholic anil council's decision in the condem­ rains will be closed to hunter tra­ had the ball returned all the way nation proceedings. from the 23 to their end zone, send­ vel. In regular business of the even­ Hunters may check these limited ing the score up to 14-0. ing. a petition was introduced from restrictions with the local I-P wood­ North Catholic tallied their final the floor by a representative of lands office, where sportsman’s two TDs in the fourth period. The the Vernonia Action Group which maps are available. first one was from 10 yards o u t I-P expressed appreciation to after a pass and run nlav from the states: “There has been a question the public for the excellent cooper­ Royals 28. North Catholic’s last ation during late summer, when TD resulted in the final second of raised about the inaccesibility of it became necessary to close the play as they intercented a Logger the city dump, only being opened woods to recreationists due to con­ heave and carried it into the end for dumping on Saturday’s from tinued extremely dangerous fire zone for the score. Final reading 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The below signed would appreciate the Coun­ weather. was 28-0. cil's efforts in looking into this Vernonia’s interior line play was situation and correcting if if pos­ terrific in this, their fourth encoun­ sible.” ter of the season. North Catholic CHECK F IR E HAZARDS! The representative of the VAG managed to get only eight downs stated that the proposal had been F IR E P R E V E N T IO N compared to the local’s 14, b u t irttroduced because of the lack of speed of the Royal’s backs proved time to accommodate the number W EEK too much for the local’s to c o p e of persons who desired to t a k e with. Once again Larry Elton was advantage of the allowed f r e e OCTOBER 8 thru 14 the most outstanding player o n dump time. The material involved the field as he demmanded respect was said to be trash that accumu­ from the opponents offensively and lates in addition to garbage regu­ IN CASE OF FIRE defensively. larly collected from cans. Councilman Miller was asked to At home- Coach Crowston's charges took Quickly get everybody out of the the field t h i s week in earnest discuss with the garbage collection preparation for their game t h i s contractor the petition for im­ house. Call the fire department immed­ Friday night at Warrenton. Spirit provement in trash collection and runs high in the Logger camp free dump time. iately. (Be sure everyone in your fam­ with the main idea being they’re Police renort showed the follow­ ily knows how to call the fire de­ going to beat the Warriors. War­ ing: six traffic citations; seven renton has yet to win a game this parking tickets; seven traffic warn­ partment. ) season, but they have come close, ings, equipment and license defi­ At Public gatherings- Walk, do not run, to the nearest with the breaks going against ciencies, one disorderly conduct exit. Call the fire department im­ them. The Warriors field a pass­ arrest; and eight investigations, ing game so the Loggers h a v e including one breaking and enter­ mediately. Keep calm. American Insurance Association been hitting the pass defense hard ing, dwelling, two accidents, one and heavy along with fundamen­ of which was “hit and run”, three tals. assists to sheriff’s office for break ing and entering dwellings in this area and one assist to sheriff for larceny of cedar. One investiga­ tion of a family disturbance and 31 miscellaneous activities were reported, and eight dog complaints were handled through the d o g The Vernonia Lions club m e t control officer. Monday evening at the Timber- Committee reports included in­ Tony Alby of Grants Pass and nook for a dinner meeting and to Joseph W. Hauxhurst of Portland formation that an entire new sec­ hear Horace Hertel, Jim Davies were sentenced to spend 30 days tion of the Memorial cemetery and Dr. T. M. Hobart tell about in the Columbia county jail f o r has been worked and seeded t o their fishing and camping trip in failing to support their minor grass. Two bids were received for the Wallowa mountains of East­ children. work on the sexton’s house, one ern Oregon. Pictures were shown in the amount of $800 and t h e Hauxhurst is to serve the jail in connection w i t h their talks. other for labor at Si.75 per hour. sentence on Thursdays, his day These three, accompanied by O. T. off from work, from 8:00 a.m. These bids were referred to the Bateman and Dave Knowlton, had morning to 8:00 a.m. cemetery committee. taken the week long trip on which Thursday In complaince with information Friday morning. they packed in some 25 miles into Alby and Hauxhurst appeare 1 received concerning corrections to the mountains last month. before Judge J. A. Bohannon on the city hall heating system. A report was heard from t h e September 25 and received t h i s Councilman L. E. Atkins w a s zone 2 meeting held at the Tim- sentence according to information authorized to see the repairs were bernook September 28 at which released by Donald L. Kalberer. Ralph Keasey, president, Gerald district attorney. Russell, secretary, and Bill Horn represented the Vernonia club. Zone 2 includes the clubs in Co­ lumbia county at Clatskanie, Rain­ ier and St. Helens. Proposals were discussed for trying to charter a club at Scappoose this year. Phil Schneider, state game di­ rector, advised hunters last Satur­ Announcement was made of the that regardless of changes in fall roundtable conference for the A meeting of the Columbia Cou­ day weather pattern, the buck deer northwest area district which will nty Farm Bureau will be h e l d the be held at Tillamook this Saturday, next Tuesday evening, October 10 season will not onen until October October 7 with registration start­ at 8 p.m. in the 4-H dining room 7. The director said that the wea­ ing at 8 a.m. and the evening ban­ at the county fair grounds at Deer quet climaxing a day of informa­ Island. Speaker will be Leonard ther picture certainly looks en­ tion workshops. Kunzman, e x e c u t i v e secre­ couraging and is welcomed to al­ leviate the critical fire conditions. from Salem. Principal activity of the Vernon­ tary Persons who have questions or However, he stated there will be ia club at the present time is pre­ problems are asked to bring them no sudden or mid-week lifting of paration for the annual hotcake to the meeting. Refreshments will the emergency delay in the sea­ feed at which the club raises funds be served after the son. meeting. for various philanthropic projects. October 7 has been set as a firm Members are also remin led t > The event is slated for Saturday, plan attend the state Farm opening date, he said, which i s October 14 and the committee in Bureau to convention also a traditional weekend open at the Shera charge of arrangements is B i l l ton Motor Inn in Portland ing and in the best interest of all Novem Horn, chairman; Gerald Russell, ber 5 to 8. concerned. Tracy Hanson and Darrold Proehl. They have arranged a work sch­ edule which will utilize all c lu b members as cooks, waiters and dishwashers or clean-up crew dur­ ing the day. The event will be held at the fire hall. Also announced Monday was a golf tournament at Gearhart Octo ber 15 in which local members are invited to narticinate. A lun cheon at noon is open to wives of Lions, also. Lions Planning Hotcake Project Fathers Jailed For Pay Lapse Farm Bureau to Meet Tuesday October 7 Game Opening Slated made. By vote, the council set a yearly salary of $4,800 for the public works assistant. They also voted to hire Bernard Rice as cemetery sexton. He will replace F r a n k Slemmons who has moved from the city. Supplies for the fire department in a total amount of $122 was ap­ proved. This included $100 for a power saw and $22 for miscellan­ eous supplies. Various other matters included the report that a section of North street on OA hill between Louisi­ ana and Oregon avenues had been rocked but not yet inspected; the instruction to Councilman Miller that chuck-holes in the street near Cliff's Market be repaired and that a damaged electrical connection box at the Rock Creek bridge be covered. The council voted to get from the League of Oregon Cities an es­ timate of the cost of codifying the city ordiances and also about pos­ sible charter revision. The next meeting of the council will be October 16 at 8 p.m. at the city hall. West Oregon Slates M eet On October 14 Henry H. Alderman, editor and publisher of the Northwest Rural- ite magazine, will be the g u e s t speaker for the West Oregon El­ ectric Cooperative annual meeting scheduled for Saturday of n e x t w’eek, October 14. He is widely acclaimed as an interesting a n d interesting and informative speak­ er and cooperative members and guests are invited to hear h i s message. The meeting will be held in the company's headquarters building here and registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Noble Dunlap, president of t h e board of directors. Officers, directors, and manage­ ment will renort on the events, both good and bad, of the p a s t year. There arc three directors to lie 016011x1 this year. One from each of the following districts: District No. 1 consisting of Hamlet, Olney, Jewell and Elsie; district No. 4, Vernonia, and district No. 6, North Washington county, Buxton a n d Manning areas. At the open forum meetings the following members were nominat- id for their respective districts; District No. 1, Lee Wooden; dis­ trict No. 4, O. T. Bateman, and district No. 3, Lewis Kelly. Others may be nominated from the floor at the meeting. The cake contest this year will be judged by Mrs. Betty Ashbaugh, Washington county home econom­ ist agent from Hillsboro. Again there will be a junior and a senior division. The junior division will include girls and boys up to an:1 including seniors in high school. All over that will lx1 classed as seniors. This contest is open to all members and their immediate families. Name and address on a lable must be attached to the bottom of e a c h cake plate and entries must be in 10:00 a.m. Mrs Ashbaugh will start judging shortly thereafter. At noon a free lunch for mem bers and guests will be served courtesy of the cooperative pre­ pared by the ladies of tl. nonia American Legion auxilli Door prizes will be awarded at intervals during the day. VSP&SSR Will Make Fall Run Court Signs Contract for Construction of A nnex At the September 25 Columbia county court session, an agreement was signed by Judge Seawright, and Commissioners Glosenger and Violette, naming Ragnar C. Qvale as architect for construction of the courthouse annex and remodeling of the existing courthouse. Negotiations are presently un­ derway for the property encomp- passed in the “Dillard” site, as proposed in Qvale's presentation at the recent public meeting. The contract calls for Qvale to receive seven percent of the cost of the annex and eight percent of the The Vernonia South Park and Sunset Steam Railroad ended its fourth season September 24 with 422 passengers on two runs. Harold Mehlig. manager, report­ ed a very successful summer. remodeling job cost. This could had been no trouble dur­ place his fee in the neighborhood ing There the summer, crewmen report­ of $70-80,000 Total cost of the pro­ ed. the way into Banks on its ject is estimated at around Il- final On run, the crew said a “h o t million. or bearing developed. Oil County department heads are journal” currently helping compile informa­ and grease fixed it. On October 15 a fall foliage color tion for space allocations and in assisting the architectural firm in special is scheduled. The train will determining both present and fu­ leave Banks at 10 a.m. and will re­ ture needs for the governmental turn at 2:15 p.m. Reservations must be m a d e building. Preliminary study fig­ ures cited at the public meeting since only 400 passengers can be indicated a 15-year growth study- accommodated In past years this had been used in preliminary sur­ has always been one of the most popular runs of the season. veys. PHOTO above shows pass being completed from Elton to Chris Smith in the second quarter of Last Friday night's game against North Catholic,