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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1967)
Ludwig Anniversary Marked By Reception September 17 A reception at the IOOF hall Sunday honored Mr. and Mrs. Mi chael Ludwig on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. Their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gerritse of For est Grove were host and hostess for the event. The hall was beautifully decor ated with bouquets of dahlias and other fall flowers. The highlight of the occasion was the refreshment Pythians Begin Temple Sessions MR. and MRS. GARY CHAMPLAIN — Photo by The Photo Graphic Pink and White Theme Used At Champlain-Krieger Rites In an impressive ceremony at fc’.oyed at Tektronix. Mr. Cham the Kern Park Christian church in plain is a graduate of Illinois Portland the evening of Septem Valley high school and is now mat ber 9, Miss Carolyn Dale Krieger, erial stores cocrator at Tektronix. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Their first home will be at 23705 Krieger of Vernonia, became the S. Tualatin Valley Highway, Hills- bride of Gary Lee Champlain of bero. Beaverton, son of Mrs. Mary i,McCammon of Selma. The church was attractively dec orated in a pink and white theme with baskets of pink gladioli and carnations- placed at the altar and tall white- tapers in wrought-iron candelabra. The news along the bridal aisle were marked with pink spider chrysanthemums and pale pink ribbon bows. The double ring ceremony was read at 8 p.m. fcv Dr. Kenneth Johnston, pastor of the church, wedding music and marches were played by the church organist, Mrs. Barbara Cawphem. who also play ed the accompaniments for the solos, “Because" and “The Lord’s Prayer.” The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown of white taffeta made with long sleeves and scooped neck which was elaborately outlined with lace and sequins. Sequins a 1 - so trimmed the waist and train. Her bouffant veil was held LINDA ARMSTRONG by an arrangement of crystal and pearl flowers. She carried a for mal bouquet of white roses centered with a corsage of roses in two shades of pink. Maid of honor was Miss Janel Mr. and Mrs. Irvin M. Arm Sue Krieger, sister of the bride, whose dress was made empire strong announce the engagement style with rose-pink brocade bodice of their daughter, Linda to Ken and train and lighter pink satin neth Bateman, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman. skirt, floor-length. Linda is a 1967 graduate of Ver Bridesmaids were Miss Deanna Ritz of Vernonia and Miss Mary nonia high school and is now em Collins of Beaverton whose dresses ployed at Alpenrose Dairy in Port were made the same empire style land. Kenny is also a graduate of but with satin bodices and trains and Vernonia and is attending Oregon State University. brccade skirts. A wedding data has not been All three wore brief veils of Mal set. tese lace held in place by pink velvet bows and their slioper were of the same color. Each carried a bouquet of spi der crysanthemums in two shades of pink Flower girl was Rona Lea Stev enson, cousin of the bride from Salem. Her dress was like that of the maid of-honor and she scatt ered Detals of pink carnations along the bridal path. Ringbearer was David Olson of Beaverton who carr ied the rings on a heart shaped satin pillow trimmed with lace which had been made by the moth er of the groom. Best man was LeRoy Davis of Lake Oswego and ushers were Loren R. Champlain, brother of the groom, from Salem and Dan L. Pate of Forest Grove. The ushers also lighted the candles. At the reception which followed KRISTEN LANDERS in the church social room, the same pink and white theme was used in the decorations. The four-tiered cake topped with satin bell orna ment and decorated with pink roses and white festoons, was wreathed with pink spider mums. An open installation of the of It was cut and served by Mrs. W.V. ficers of Nehalem Assembly No. Stevenson, aunt of the bride, and IP. Order Rainbow for Girls, Mrs. A O. Davis. Other aunts p ar will be held of this Septem ticipating were Mrs. James Finner. ber 24 at 2 p.m. Sunday, at the Masonic ty cf Portland who poured coffee Temple. and Mrs. Earl Spoffard who Landers will be instal served punch. Miss Ellen Spoffard, led Kristen as worthy advisor with the cousin of the bride, cared for the Seaside DeMolay chapter perform guest book and Mrs. Gary Davis ing the crowning ceremony. and Eve Davis were in charge of All friends are welcome to at the gifts When the couple left on their tend. honevmoon trio to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Darks, the NEHALEM VALLEY bride was wearing a suit of green laundromat A Dry Cleaner» and navy blue checked material and white accessories and the pink Open Every Day 7 a m to 10 p.m. rosebud corsage from her bridal — Personal Assistance — bouquet. p.m. J Mon.-Sat. — 7 a.m. to » 7 7 p.m. The bride is a graduate of Ver nonia high school and is now em- Parents Reveal News Of Daughter's Troth Invitation Issued To Rainbow Ceremony Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters resumed meetings Wednesday ev ening of last week at the IOOF hall and began making plans for a busy fall and winter season. The charter of the Temple was draped in loving membery of May Schoenbeckler and Olive Pierson who had passed away during the summer recess. Mrs. Schoenbeck ler had for some time prior to her death been a resident at the Pythian Home at Vancouver. Mrs. Pierson resided at Aloha. Also in cluded in the memorial service was Sadie Hall of Pendleton, past grand Drotector of the Grand Tem ple of Oregon. In lieu of flowers, a memorial donation was made by the temple to the Pythian Home in memory of Mrs. Schoenbeckler and Mrs. Pierson. Personal gifts of mem bers added to the amount set aside by the Temple made a nice memorial to each of them. Their names will be inscribed in the gold book at the home. Reports from members included news that Carroll Buckley, hus band of a member. Alice Buckley of Battle Ground, Washington had suffered several strokes and is in not too good condition at the pres ent time. Another member. Vir ginia Hogberg, is at Forest Grove hospital for treatment. Communications included infor mation about the Grand Temple sessions to be held in Portland October 8, 9 and 10 with head quarters at the Park Haviland ho tel and meetings held at the Pyth ian building. All social events will be at the hotel, including the tea honoring the grand chief and the grand chancellor Sunday after noon. This is open to all members and friends of the order. Mrs. Cora Lange will act as the grand representative for Vernonia Temple, Martha Brady will be a grand page and Mrs. Irma Chance will be chairman for the Monday luncheon for district deputies, and MECs and pages. Lesta Garner, who is a past grand chief, will assist with the installation Tues day evening of the grand temple officers for the 1967-68 term. Following the meeting, the mem bers gathered in the dining room for refreshments of cantaloime and watermelon Around the table, the members told of highlights of their summer vacations. At the next meeting, September 27 a silent auction will be held w, Lucille Hickman in charge. Marie Atkins, ways and means chairman, reminds members that the first week end in November is rummage sale date and clothing, dishes, ceramics, novelties and us eable household items are want ed. table with its centerpiece of gol den roses, a gift from friends, and the three-tiered anniversary cake made and decorated by their neighbor, Mrs. Florence Messing, who also assisted with decoration of the room. The cake was accent ed with touches of gold and top ped with a bell-wreath ornament centered with the gold numeral 50. The cake was cut and served by Mrs. Harry Sandon and Mrs. Virgil Powell. Mrs. C. L. Black burn poured coffee and Miss Do- loris Gerritse. granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig, presided at the punch bowl Their other grand daughters, Miss Susan Gerritse and .Miss Ruth Gerritse, assisted about the rooms a s’did Mrs. Har ry Culbertson, Mrs. Joe Dennis and Mrs. Messing. Among the guests were Mr. Lud wig’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. August Gruber; an aunt, Mrs. Ethel Linenkamn and uncles, Earl and Mike Striegel, all from Iowa. Many other relatives and friends came from the surround ing area, a number of whom had resided here previously and had been neighbors of the Ludwigs in the days of the operation of the mill. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig were mar ried September 19, 1917 at the home of his parents in South Da kota. They lived in South Dakota for a time, then moved to Mon tana and in 1924 came to Oregon and lived at Silverton for two years prior to coming to Vemonia in 1926. Mr. Ludwig worked for the mill company for 18 years. They had been away from Vernon ia for some time, then returned here almost three years a g o . While away from here they were again at Silverton, spent one year at Cannon Beach, then came to the Forest Grove-Hillsboro area in 1950 and lived there until return ing here. Mrs. Ludwig worked for the Birdseye cannery for 11 years. A special significance is placed on the September 19 date since their daughter chose their thir tieth wedding anniversary on which to be married. Mrs. Ger ritse had been so busy arranging the reception for her folks that she gave little thought to her own twentieth anniversary and was surprised by Mrs. Messing with a lovely horseshoe shaped anniver sary cake to honor her and her husband. Timber Route Unit Plans for Workshop MR. and MRS. MICHAEL LL’DWIG For F low ers Call 429-5863 Anytime Respect highway safety rules you have any respect for life. THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1967 ¡ Is Your Car Running Fine? Good. Timber Route Extension Unit held its first meeting of the new year last Tuesday, September 12. There were 10 members present and one guest, Mrs. R. Higginboth am. The program for the year was chosen. In January there will be a workshop on refinishing wood furniture which will he of interest to many women. The exact date will be announced later. The next meeting will be Oc tober 10. The project Will be lin ings and interfacings. Demonia Eagle Come in now. For now’s the time to keep it in top running condition. is all about. T h at’s w hat Chevron Car Care We’re proud to offer the finest bumper to bum per service you can get. Come in and sample our brand of Car Care. R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Phone 429-6691 The Chevron ABOVE ALL means service IT PAYS TO R EA D TH E ADSI tor BETTER EATING Betty Crocker 1st 3 Pkgs. CAKE MIXES JUICE DRINK DISH DETERGENT ZEE PAPER NAPKINS TOILET TISSUE MODESS NABISCO COOKIES SUNSHINE CRACKERS DIET PEPSI COLA CHEESE SPREAD S t ” 1 h 3-MINUTE POPCORN 3/98c 3/89c 35c 59c 39c 3/$1.00 3/51.00 59c 6/59c 69c 3/99c Hudson I|ouse— Asstd. Flavors— 16-oz. Cans Dove — 12-oz. Bottle 500 In Dispenser Waldorf — t-I’ak R eg.12s Chip Alloys ll'/z-oz. I’kg 2-Lb. I’kg. ELBERTA rca ilflLJ 2; 25* NO. 2 rv u ItlUU 20 69* SNOW WHITE (AULII V M U L E I :LOWER 5.11 L V VV 29* SAM’S FOOD STORE 2-Lb. I’kg. FREE DELIVERY SAM HEARING JR. (Buck) Ea. i PHONE 429-5501