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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1967)
PR O D U C E S P E C IA L S i BUDGET Lettuce S 2/25c Danish Squash 3/25c PRICED DEL MONTE SWEETHEART KLEENEX JUMBO SIZE VAN LAMP'S WESTERN FAMILY FRUIT 300 Cans Ammonia 28- ok . Bottle 4 29* IRESIDE -F R O Z E N l ’/z-Lb. Pkg. _ FO O DS— FLAV-R-PAC CUT Green Beans Pkt?. 6 /$ l >------- BACON SJ49 COCKTAIL No. 303 $ | go Pork & Beans 6 / 1 PARSONS CLEAR MEATS SWANSON’S BONED Chicken “ MILL MARKET You re as close to Mill M arket and Lockers as your Telephone— 429-3492 Free Deliveries Twice Daily— 10 A.M., 3 P.M. < Cans A JIF CREAMY OR CRUNCH rv . « . . 18-oz Pnut Butter STRAWBERRY 2 / 7 9 * Jam “ CHIFFON LIQUID WESTERN FAMILY DETERGENT SHORTENING 3-Lb. 2 2 -o z. Rotile Can 73* Monday to Friday of last week was spent in the Wallowa moun tains of Eastern Oregon by Hor ace Hertel, Dr. T. M. Hobart, O. THURSDAY, September 21 T. Bateman, Dave Knowlton and Vernonia Study Club - Home of Mrs. Owen East - 8 p.m. Jim Davies. They left their cars near Wallowa lake at the site of Friday, September 22 Mrs. Mark Forrest of Capital son, Mrs. Lona Weidman and Mrs. the Eagle Camp nack service that Vernonia Gem and Fossil Club - Hill had as recent guests her bro Nora Mitchell. West Oregon Bldg. - 8 p.m. they employed. They made the 20 ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jam Miss Kathy Jensen left this to 25 mile trip into the moun Saturday, September 23 es H. Miller of Garrison, Montana week for Newberg to begin her tains on horses, accompanied by Football, Loggers at Concordia - and Mrs. Miller’s mother, Mrs. year at George Fox college. six pack animals, a horse and 1:30 p.m. Reno of Hardin, Montana. The first Her sister Linda returned there for five mules, to carry supplies, and Rainbow Installation - Masonic group made a trio to Astoria her junior year. Temple - 2 p.m. a guide and cook. They went over where Mrs. Forrest saw the bridge Monday, September 25 Mr. and Mrs. Buddy B. Jones 8200 foot Tenderfoot pass, Bonners for the first time. They also went Assembly Rainbow Girls- blackberry picking and Mrs. Reno, of St. Helens welcomed a son, pass which is over 8,000 feet, Nehalem Masonic Temple - 7:30 p.m. who is 83 years old, was one of Ronny Neal September 2 at Co Hawkins pass, 8,400 feet and Gla PTA, Teachers Reception - high lumbia district hospital. He weigh cier pass which was 8,500 feet el the best pickers. school gym - 8 p.m. ed 9 pounds, 13'/2 ounces and joins evation. The area was dotted with News was received this week brothers, Randy, Ricky and lakes which were very beautiful Tuesday, September 26 of the safe arrival of Mr. and three Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Weaver in their setting of mountain green Chapter BS, PEO - Home of Mrs. Mrs. John Hager at Midland, Mi Wesley Bolmeier - 8 p.m. of St. Helens are maternal ery and snow. Glacier lake was chigan. Hager resigned as pastor Sr. grandparents. Paternal grandpar found to possess outstanding beau Vernonia Action Group - Comun- of the Vernonia Bible church as of ents ity Center (VFW Bldg.) - 7:30 are Mr. and Mrs. Homer ty. The first day out they were August 1. They left here August p.m. of Ontario. His great grand in a blizzard. After that the weath 29 with their household goods in Jones Mrs. Exie Weaver of er was beautiful but nights were Wednesday, September 27 a trailer and arrived there Sep mother is Vernonia Temple Pythian Sisters- and great - grandfather cold. tember 2. Within a week he had Seaside IOOF hall - 8 p.m. Clyde Reynolds of Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. George Cole Jr. Natal Grange - Natal hall - 8 p.m. secured employment. Laurie Banta modeled at a teen Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruff Jr. fashion show at the Discount Fab visited here last week with her Thursday, September 28 visited prayer meeting at the Ver ric House in Portland last week. folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rundle Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge - IOOF nonia Bible church Wednesday ev Styles modeled were brought from and family. They were enroute hall - 8 D.m. ening. They were married Sep. 2 New York for a trunk showing from Los Angeles where Mr. Cole had received his release from the at the Mt. i’ieasant Baptist church of Simplicity pattern styles which in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa by his girls can make for themselves for Navy to attend graduate school at father. Rev. Ed Ruff of El under ten dollars. Laurie was in University of Montana at Missoula. Mrs. Dorothy Carter and Mrs. lensburg, Washington. The young vited to act as a model some couple is visiting his brother and time nreviously when she was Marie Atkins were in Forest Grove family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ruff shopping for materials. She reports Sunday afternoon to call on Mrs. of Portland for a few days. Ed it was a delightful experience and Virginia Hogberg who has been The Vernonia Lions club held win is to work at the Alderwood she received several gifts for par hospitalized for treatment of a heart condition for the past two their first meeting of the year Manor Community church near Se ticipating. weeks. Also there were Mr. Hog Monday evening with the wives attle as Christian education direc Mrs. Harry Eckland has news _____ as guests at a 7 p.m. dinner serv- tor. from Mrs. Vera Willard that she berg and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lentz. Mrs. Hogberg was feeling ed at the Masonic Temple, RUMMAGE SALE, Sept. 14, 15, is now at the home of her daugh There was an enthusiastic group 16 fire hall. EUB Circle. 35t3c ter, Mrs. Richard Bonney at Nor better than when she entered the hospital but will be undergoing in attendance to hear the guest Dinner guests at the home of folk, Virginia and is enjoying that treatment for some time. speaker, Dr. Dorothy Burns, di part of the country. She left Port Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wuest were her Another patient at the Forest rector of the Astoria Job Corps. brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. land by plane Labor Day week a very informative talk, Robert Gallagher of Portland. In end on a midnight flight. She had Grove hospital is Gene Shipman She gave a question and answer period the afternoon, Mrs. Wuest held op a two hour layover in Chicago and who entered Tuesday of last week with Mrs. at the end. en house wo that friends could was met at the airnort in Norfolk for tests and observât1 October is membership month greet the couple whose marriage h>'. her daugher. They have been Lola Nance of Portland w t among and present Lions club members was an event of August 22 in doing some sight-seeing and there those who called on him Sunday. hope to welcome all men interest Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers, South Dakota. Mr. Gallagher for are many interesting and historic ed in joining their service organi merly lived here with the Wuests places to visit in that area. Mrs. Mrs. Laura Carmichael and Mr. zation. and graduated from Vernonia high Willard expects to return here by and Mrs. Bill Cota and two chil Memorial day next May. dren spent last Saturday night and school in 1959. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas were Sunday at Creswell at the home W. R. May returned home Sat urday from a Portland hospital af dinner guests Saturday at the of the Steers’ daughter and hus ter spending seven weeks there for home of their son and wife, Mr. band, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smih and Mrs. Wayne Thomas at Beav and family. Mrs. Steers birthday treatment. He is still under doc erton in observance of Mr. Thom was observed. Enroute home, Mr. tor’s care but is making good pro Funeral services were held in as's birthday. Following dinner. Steers and Mr. Cota left ahead gress. Yuma, Arizona Thursday of last September 7, a group of mem the men attended the Oregon State of the women and had a dry trip. week for Mrs. Edith Dial, wife of bers of the American Legion aux football game in Portland. The The women, only a short’ time Robert Dial, a former Vernonia iliary Past Presidents club went to Thomases spent the night and Sun later, encountered a heavy rain resident. She passed away the pre Portland to be luncheon guests at day with their son and family, al storm at Eugene and drove in it vious Monday, September 11 at to Salem where they came out of the home of one of their mem so. Guests at the home of Mr. and it. Yuma. She was 46 year of age. bers. Mrs. Alice Ade. Those mak In addition to her husband, sur RUMMAGE SALE, Sept. 14, 15, ing the trip were Mrs. Albert Scha- Mrs. Mike Ludwig are his broth vivors include three brothers, and er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. August 16 fire hall. EUB Circle. 35t3c loek. Mrs. Marie Atkins, Mrs. Gruber, his aunt, Mrs. Ethel Lin- Last Thursday evening, Septem five sisters. Freda Biggs, Mrs. Harry Culbert Mrs. Earl King, sister of Mrs. enkamp, and two uncles, Earl and ber 14, Mrs. Ginger Johns, teach- Mike Striegel, all from Iowa who er at the Washington school, was Dial, flew to Yuma for the ser- ____ ___i - i i . . _ aa ___ i 4 i. _ __ i a _ al - a i_ i_ _ zx . • v ip p « a n i l r returned p tn m n d h om o X in n d o v vices and home Monday came especially to attend the gol initiated into the Alpha Omicron den anniversary reception for the chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, evening. Mrs. Dial had met a Ludwigs Sunday. They made the honorary sorority for women in the number of local residents when 2 THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1967 trip west in a travel bus which field of education, at St. Helens. she and Mr. Dial had visited here they very much enjoyed. Monday. Miss Lois Nelson, daughter of with relatives. Mr. Ludwig took them to the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson, has coast, making the trip down over enrolled at Pacific University in the Wilson river highway, up the Forest Grove for the fall term coast to Astoria and home by the and residence mere. there. iu is now in resilience 1 > P a P a on Max Levecke, who recently sold A t l/61116r o6Dt. ¿0 Fri., Sat. Sept. 22-23 highway through Jewell and up h n n ip on n n Corey Prvnov hill, h i ll h n o moved * the Nehalem river. They were en his c home has Another reminder is given that thusiastic about the scenery. Mrs. to Turlock. California to be near adult education classes to pre Linenkamp, who is 84. states she one of his daughters. Mrs. Zoe Salomonsert was hon pare for the high school equival is having a wonderful time and looking forward to all the addi ored Sunday with a birthday din ency certificate tests will meet on tional scenery they will travel ner at the home of her daughter Wednesday, September 27 at 7:30 Peter O’Toole through enroute home. and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Elgus p.m. at the Community Center. Anyone who is interested in reg A very interesting vacation from Frank Other guests were her son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Russell istering for these classes is urged Whitsell and daughter Christine of to attend. Also, those interested in tutoring are desperately need Lincoln City. Oscar Weed will fly fo Los An ed and are asked to contact the geles Friday to accompany his Community Center at 29-3912. It daughter. Miss Mildred Weed, on is hoped that these classes will a vacation trip on which she will become a community project on the teaching, as weil as on the bring him home. — BUILI) ONLY ONE FIRE A SEASON — Miss Cherlyn Floefer, daughter learning level. of Mr and Mrs Walter Floeter. started classes at Pacific School of Beauty in Portland this week. She is living with her sister. Mrs. Will trade for livestock, machinery, or what have you. Laura Larson, whose husband. Terry, is now in service. IRA TRUSSELL FOR INFORMATION CALL 648-6111 Mrs. Lois Thayer returned home Sunday evening from Pendleton where she had met her sister. Wil 503 W. ma Jones of Clarkston for atten Baseline dance at the Round-up events. ,>ne or went to Pendleton by bus Thurs HILLSBORO, OREGON day, they attended the Happy Can Contact at Ginger's Cafe yon pageant Friday evening and Manning, Oregon or Call Eve. Mert Griffin, Timber Rd.— 129-3870 the rodeo. Saturday. She reports that weather was quite hot Both on Sunset Highway she and her sister enjoved the events immensely. TOPICS OF THE TOWN 65 69* DATES to Remember Job Corps Head Speaks to Lions Thick Sliced 2-Lb.— FRESH WHOLE Stewing Hens SUNSHINE VANILLA Wafers ‘AT Lb. 23c 69 nited Brethren church, especial ly in the music and the womens groups. From Vernonia they returned to the Portland area where she was affiliated with Corinthian Chapter OES in which she held various of Word was received here last fices. She also was a charter week of the death of a former lo member and officer of the Aloha cal resident, Mrs. Gwladys Mac White Shrine No 11, Order of pherson of 28980 Exmoor Court, White Shrine of Jerusalem at He Sun City, California who passed met. away last Wednesday evening, Survivors include her husband, September 13 at the Hemet Val ley hospital following an extended Franklin D. Macpherson; sister. illness. Death was attributed to a Miss Zoe Miller: and a sister-in- heart attack, one of several suf law, Mrs. Marion McCormick, all of Sun City; a brother and sister- fered in the past few months. Services were held Tuesday of in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B, this week, September 19, at the Macpherson of Portland; f i v e Evans-Brown Mortuary at Perris, nephews and 19 grand nieces ahd California with Dr. Charles M. nephews. ___________ ('Hi Scheid of the United Church pre siding. Eastern Star rites were un SEAT BELTS SAVE der the allspices of Miriam Chap LIVES — USE TH EM ter of Perris. Burial in Oregon was scheduled at a later date, not an nounced. Mrs. Macpherson was the daugh ter of Elias M. and Mary Miller of Topeka, Kansas where she was M ARVIN KAMHOLZ born December 16, 1897. She at tended schools there, and after the Editor and Publisher death of her parents, came to Portland in 1917 with her sister Official Newspaper, Vernonia, Ore. Zoe. Telephone 429-3372 On December 5, 1919 she mar Entered as second class mail ried Franklin D. Macpherson at Portland and they had lived in matter August 4, 1922 at the post of Oregon until 1963 when they moved fice in Vernonia, Ore. 97064 under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscrip to Sun City. They came to the Vernonia area tion price $3 yearly in the Nehalem with the Connacher Logging com Valley. Elsewhere $4.00. pany and after its closure, they operated the Vernonia Golf course for several years. While here she was active in Nehalem Chapter OES for which she was worthy matron in 1929. She also took an active part in the Evangelical Service Held at Sun City, Calif. Oernonia Eagk Rites Held in Yuma For Mrs. Robert Dial Oernonia Eagle JO Y T H E A T E R Classes to Start NIGHT OF THE GENERALS Ashley Auto. Wood Heaters Price Range from $76.95 to $229.95 HILLSBORO AUCTION OUR TRACKS ARE JUST AS WIDE We re not the world's largest railroad . . . but our tracks are just as wide. We’ve even been told that our services are broader. But they have to be to keep up with and ahead of your shipping needs. We like the challenge you give us. What’s more, we take your cargo anywhere— and treat it just like it's our own. For Information Call: F. J. KIRCHOFF T-ivallng. FrelgM and PasMngr Agtn» American Bank Building P»ntend. Oreggn CA M i l l WELL DRILLING PORTLAND) Call 324-3484 "The Big L ittle RaHroed Thet Takes You Anywhere GENERAL OFFICES: AMERICAN BANK BUILDING, PORTLAND. OREGON