Ä ____ _____________ _ - - -- - SU PER MARKET I VERNONIA’S COMPLETE ONE-STOP SHOPPING AND SAVING CENTER OPEN EVERY DAY 8:30 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. | Cliff's Features Quality Fresh Meats. We fully guarantee complete | satisfaction or money refunded. I SWEET RASHER ( SLICED BACON 1-Lb. Package.................. i OREGON TURKEY I HINDQUARTERS V GARY DAVIS, Logger defensive end, puts the skids to this Columbian ball carrier in Friday night game Ridge Riders Slate Sunday Trail Ride The Vernonia Ridge Riders have planned a trail ride for this com ing Sunday, September 17, which will start at 10:30 a.m. at Ander son nark. The riders will return to the nark at noon and be joined by their families for a potluck din ner. The afternoon program will be games for young children. Young people and others inter ested in participating are invited to attend. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! H U N T E R 'S S P E C IA L S Come over the hill & see Bill BILL OLINGER MERCURY and JEEP 9350. S.W. Canyon Rd., Portland, Oregon All models of new Jeeps, Wagoneers and Jeepsters USED 4-WHEEL DRIVES 1963 Wagoneer, air, winch, hubs, ex. condition, low mileage ............... $1388 1960 Panel Jeep, winch, ex. condition ........... ..$1088 1959 Jeep PU, sharp. Plate No. GBM713..... $1088 1955 Jeep PU with camper. Must see to appreciate. Plate #DAS452. .$888 1955 Dodge camper, clean, Plate # ZA1954....$488 1954 GMC new motor, clean. Plate #ABB552....$488 Get in on the clearance and ask for Bob Price 292-6691 $ I j SUGAR First 10-Lb. Bag. 5 Complete Pkgs...................... CAT FOOD Your Choice---- HOMOGENIZED MILK Full Gallon............................... 3:99« 8-99« 89« NESTLES s QUIK 1-Lb. Tins............ SCHOOL LUNCH SPECIALS HONEY Wanstroms Attend Ashland Festival HOMELITEB GREAT NEW XL-104 Ï . WITH SOLID STATE IGNITION I •5 ♦ WHITE SATIN I PIZZA MIX Many Visit with Local Families V V V $ V » 5 V V 1 OREGON’S OWN !... More than 3,200 entering fresh men and about 900 transfer stu MIST — Mrs. James Stagg, Mrs. dents from other colleges and uni Bern Bliss and Mrs. Clayton Bliss versities will arrive on the Oregon and children of Tillamook spent State University campus Septem several days visiting at the Ray ber 18 for special orientation pro Garlock home. Mrs. Stagg return grams. ed to Tillamook with the Clayton Registration for both new and re Bliss family for a longer visit. Mrs. turning students will be Septem Bern Bliss left Saturday morning ber 21 and 22. Classes will start SUGAR for Seattle to visit Mr. and Mrs. Monday, September 25, with a rec James Lodahl (Bobbie Dee Bliss) ord enrollment of more than 13,- and Charles Ray Bliss. She left 000 expected. Monday morning for her home at Major emphasis during new stu Ketchikan, Alaska after bidding dent week falls on individual stu the Lodahls farewell on their de dent conferences with their faculty $ APPIAN WAY CHEESE OR PLAIN parture for Germany where he is advisors. stationed with the Medical Corps. Charles Ray will be returning for further schooling at the Auburn Academy at Auburn, Washington. Alma and Mary Garlock and Mrs. Bliss were at Silverton Tuesday to visit a sister of Alma’s, Mrs. Mil dred O’Neal. Enroute home they stopped at Woodburn to visit the TIMBER RT. — Mr. and Mrs. James Garlock and Archie Sam (7 New Flavors) PUSS ’N BOOTS Frank Schmidlin visited Mr. and uels families. Mrs. George Snyder and family in Labor Dav nicnickers at Jones Hillsboro Sunday evening. Beach near Clatskanie were Mr. Visitors the oast week at the and Mrs. John Crawford. home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mrs. George Peterson of St. Hel Thacker were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ens and Mrs. Lawton Waddell vis Falconer of Riverview and Mr. and ited the Shalmon Libels Friday. Mrs. Bill Klum of Banks on Sun Lyle Sparks of Seattle was a din day afternoon, and Mr. and Mrs. ner guest of the Larry Ganocks Gilbert Beal of Molalla on Tuesday. Fridav evening. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Beal was to undergo major MAYFLOWER 2% Mrs. Ken Simmons and Lyle were surgery September 12. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell of Buxton called dinner guests of the Garlocks. Melvin Kyser arrived home Mon Monday and Lester Teeling of day after being discharged from Portland came Thursday. Mrs. the army at Fort Ord, California. Thacker is recovering nicely from He, Raymond and Warren Kyser their car accident. Sunday evening spent Sunday evening with Melvin Nellie Schmidlin and Mae Wienec- and Raymond’s sister, Mrs. Bill ke called on the Thackers. Mrs. Nell Thacker spent the Robbins and family at Port Or week end in Clatskanie at the Les chard, Washington. Miss Beverly Santoni left for her Galloway home. Mr. and Mrs. Mabry Cox receiv heme in Fresno, California after spending the last ten days visiting ed word that their son-in-law. Da at the Wayne Kyser home. Warren vid Child is quite ill and under a was home over the week end from soecialist’s care. The Child family the Bremerton Naval hospital and lives in White Salmon, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stearns atten has hopes of having a walking cast put on his left ankle sometime this ded a funeral in Portland Monday. Mrs. Nellie Schmidlin and Mrs. week. Mrs. Wright Sykes of San Diego, California was a Saturday Mae Wienecke visited Mrs. Gertha $ Chocolate & Strawberry visitor with the Kyser family. They Thomas Wednesday afternoon. Michael Shipley spent the week met her at the bus depot in Long view. The Harold Sparks of Delena end with his wife and baby and his visited here Wednesday and Thurs father. Mike has been ill with the day enroute to and from McMinn flu. Mrs. Marian Tallman of Port ville. land has been visiting her brother, Anyone who is plugged into cur Edgar Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Peffly of rent affairs is bound to be shock GOLD CREST Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. ed. Frank Schmidlin Monday. I I Ask About Freezer Beet. Cliff's features the People Pleasing Kind. OSU Enrollment to Hit All-Time High Figure Visitor Leaves For Ketchikan I 3 I I 3 | Fresh Frozen....................................................... Lb. which was won by Rainier 26-6. Come in and try its Easy-Pull starter. See how easy it pulls, how fast it starts. Notice its big fuel tank, its narrow new bar. Watch it cut through a 15” hardwood log in 15 seconds. Check its automatic chain oiler with manual override. Only 11W lbs, less bar and chain. See it now at KEASEY SAW SHOP PHONE 429-5555 I ♦ •5 •5 V First 5-Lb. Pail. BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs 3. P. Wanstrom spent three days ast week with their daughter and grandson Mrs. Ione Downs and steve at Ashland. They attended the Shakespearian festival and Jrove to Crater Lake and other points of interest. Steve has now entered college at Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larson spent Sunday at Tillamook with the Buddy Larson family. Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Stuve were his cousin, Phyllis Stuve of Minneap olis, and a friend of hers, Ellen Raether of Portland. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Art Bell ingham and Mrs. Bob DuPuis at tended a cattle sale at Estacada, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuve called on the Vick Bergs Saturday eve ning and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom and the Ralph Berg family visited them Mr and Mrs. Darrell Baker were in The Dalles Sunday to see her mother who is in the hospital. They found her much improved and in real good spirits. length of her hospitalization is indefinite. Mr. and Mrs E. T. Johnston Alan, Jan and Steve and Mr and Mrs. Art Bellingham spent one day ctofn fa ir üernonia Eagle THURSDAY, SEPT 14, 1967 5 GOLD NUGGET PEANUT BUTTER 40-oz. Jar........................ CABLE CAR FREESTONE CANNED PEACHES No. W i Tins...................... 4:99« Cliff's Super Market Features Quality Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Selected to Please You . . . Displayed for Ease of Shopping — CRISP SOLID HEAD LETTUCE Large Head