L ib r a r y U n i v e r s i t y o f Cfregon E u g en e , Oregon 97I4.03 stakes honors in Saturday’s parade. It featured all phases of the Jamboree in its decor and was designed and built under the direc- MISS FAWNDA Goodman, daughter of M r. and Mrs. Richard L. Good­ man, received royal crown Friday evening from Miss Marsha Krieger, 1966 queen. Ocroonia Jam boree Echoes R e fle c t Success O f 1 9 6 7 V enture Fire District VOLUME 45, NUMBER 31 The eleventh Vernonia Friend­ ship Jamboree has passed into his­ tory but the memory lingers on. On the whole, the memories are pleasant ones in spite of the fact that everyone who participated has felt the need to recuperate this week. Henry Anderegg, general chairman, is to be congratulated for the smoothness with which ev­ erything progressed. This was his second year to head the Jamboree and his comment this week is that he has had it and it is time for someone else to shoulder the colos­ sal job! Kick-off for the event came Fri­ day evening with the Journal Ju­ nior show and the coronation of the queen. The six candidates appear­ ed in forma's and each was escort­ ed to the platform to give a brief talk about why she wished to be Jamboree queen. Diana Connely was escorted to the platform by City Councilman The Jamboree committee will meet Wednesday evening, August 16 to hear reports, pay bills and complete business for the 1967 event. All organiza­ tions or individuals who had concessions or sold food or merchandise especially as a part of the Jamboree week end are asked to be sure their five percent commission is turned in to the Jamboree treasurer W il­ bur Wilson on or before that date. Likewise, all persons or businesses having bills to sub­ mit to the Jamboree committee should make sure they are in for action at that tim e. L. E. Atkins and she spoke espe­ cially of her pride in Vernonia as her home town. Fawnda Goodman, escorted by Crown Ze 11 e r b a c h Stamm Tree Farm Superintendent Robert M. King gave some of the historical background of Vernonia and voiced her pride in the herit­ age afforded residents today. Linda Sawyer, escorted by May­ or Sherman S. Fisher, expressed her thanks to the Jamboree com­ mittee and the community for af­ fording her the opportunity to be a candidate for queen She espe­ cially thanked their official chap­ erone, Mrs B. J. Horn, for her work with them. Sandra Lindsley, escorted by West Oregon Electric Cooperative Manager Guy I. Thomas spoke of her pride in the United States, in Oregon, and in Vernonia and es­ pecially stressed citizenship. Rose­ marie Siedelman. escorted by Councilman Deri Roberts outlined some cf the things offered by this community, its schools, stores and recreation facilities, and empha­ sized her pride in telling others about her town. Lina Wright, escorted by Bill J. Hom. local businessman, stated that being last to speak she could but echo the sentiments of all the others, and stated that since she couldn't help but desire to go all the way an i . p n. Another new event is a tractor die Tree Farm Tour Prizes Awarded A new fe.it.irc i f this year’s Jam ­ boree was the tree farm tour ofic ' ed by Marrin Meyer at his West- wood Tree Farm on highway 47. Quite a number of neoole took the tour and found th • variety of trees shown and the information con­ cerning culture of trees most inter esting. Meyer had offered trees as door prizes to those who registered for the tour and first prize, choice of a live tree or a flocked Christmas tree of $15 value, went to Randy Ilolce. Other prizes were as fol­ lows: Jean Schwab, choice of tree of $5 value; Steve Drake of Tilla­ mook, $3 value and Carol Lyda, $2 value. ving contest Friday at 11:30 a.m. Model plane racing, Saturday at 4 p.m. has also been added to this year’s entertainment. Pop Connor’s animated puppet show has been scheduled (or per formances during the fair run. He comes from Knott’s Berry Farm in California to entertain young and old locally. Events for the remainder of the week, both judging, demonstra tions, and entertainment follow: Kids Invited For Recreation The recreation program at the Washington school is still in pro­ gress and will continue through August 18, according to Mrs. Idris Welch, director. Children who have not yet participated are invited to join the group for the remainder of the time. The first two age groups have been comb in. d and grades kinder garten through third grade may at tend from 9 a m. to 12 noon. There are nres ntly from 30 to 40 report­ ing each day and the overall en rudiment has been about 60 but the personnel of the group changes from day to day as people go on or return from vacations. This grouo participates in super vised games, craftwork and paint ing and some very interesting work is being done. There is a small alien lance in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade group and more are urged to turn out in this age group. In addition to games, including ping-pong, cro­ quet etc . this group is doing weav­ ing, art work and burlao work. Mrs. Welch is being assisted by the Vista workers, Diana Duggan and Susan Hemelright, and by her daughter, Darlene. Fund Drive Headed M IKE SLYH. Dallas, is pictured in process of winning title in light weight powersaw bucking event in Sunday's logging show.